Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You May or May Not Be Feeling...

And so we sift through yet another shift. The energy these days is prolific and profound and simply faster and greater than ever before. Many are waking up now without even knowing it, or in most cases, not understanding 'what the hell's' happening to them. Much is happening to them, to us, to all, and I'd like to give a little break down to shed some understanding on what you may or may not be experiencing during these times.

Where to begin-how about the head aches, since I'm feeling one now. These seem to be more common lately, this pressure at the top, sides or front of the head, and even on down into the sinuses. It's an opening, an expanding, and if you focus in a bit, you will notice that that's actually just what it feels like-sorta like your head's going to explode. Rest assured, you're going to stay intact, look beyond the pain- you're going to new levels of understanding and awareness as your crown and third eye chakras open to the infinite energy and love that is pouring in. You may notice that you are filled with ideas, inspirations, clearer thoughts on subjects that previously befounded you, as the new filters in. If you're anything like me, you'll be downloading so fast that you can barely channel it into the 'real world'. Be grateful for these gifts of insight, understanding, and even impulsivity, as you are being aligned with the Universe and your soul purpose. Many are being redirected and reinstituted in areas that they may have formerly forsaken or forgotten about. Stay aware of what your heart is telling you during these times and you won't go wrong. Your heart song, your inner voice, is guiding you ever so subtly, yet very directedly toward what, who, where, and when you need to BE now. Be prepared to drop everything you thought you were supposed to be doing on the drop of a dime. The mantra of late is "Stop. Drop. And roll with the punches, or the rhythm of your soul". It may be confusing at times or even (most definitely) frustrating, but it's a fine tuning in awareness, trust, and listening to your own inner-guidance-which is vital at this time, as you move forward in your evolution and closer to the Light.

Heart expansion is continuing and constant, as we open to the possibilities of who we are and what we wish to bring into this world. You may feel heart palpatations, heart-burn, indigestion, belly growling (as your 3rd and 4th Chakras work through emotional releasing and cleansing)- all in order to usurp anything and everything that no longer serves you and stands in your way of being true to your heart and living from your core. You may be experiencing a flushing out of toxins, on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, as you clean out the closets of your being and prepare for the purity of Truth. Don't be surprised by surprise visits from issues and upsets you thought you'd left behind, as they resurface in order to clear yet another layer and deepen your understanding of their purpose in your life. Compassion is instilled each time we love ourselves through those times of regret, rejection, and resistance. And compassion is the word of the day, the month, the year even, as we become more heart-centered and less reactive to anything and everything that's not supportive of our divine course. And thus, you must ask yourself daily, whenever confronted with discourse or discomfort by way of another or through the doubts or fears from within-does this serve me in the highest and what will be my choice of action? This is a time of becoming clear about intention and solid in integrity. This is a time to choose higher. Raise your vibration, raise your standards, expect more out of life and from yourself when it comes to living in alignment. Presenting are opportunities to come into your own, and BE now who you've always known yourself to be from a higher perspective.

You may be experiencing intense emotions and dramatic life situations as the culmination of the shift into higher vibrations intensifies. Be mindful and take from the Buddist-like energies of the recent full moon to learn and discern in these situations. Many opportunities for growth and empathy are being presented within and around us. It is your choice to contemplate the lessons unfolding or commiserate with what seems to be an unfortunate set of circumstances. Choose higher.

Be kind to yourself during these times and honor the process that is underway. You are a divine being on a grand journey to enlightenment. Your purpose will soon become known to you with more clarity and your place in the scheme of things is almighty. Remember to ground, ground, ground, often and give thanks for the gifts you are receiving and the opportunity to release the heavier aspects that have been anchored within you for more time than you will probably ever know.

Remember, when experiencing discomfort or discontent, that you are growing your wings, and that you are more than ever a divine being having a human experience. TRUST that you will and are being taken care of along every step of the way. In order to fly, we must trust in the wind.
Know that you are not alone, and in the times that you long for comfort, reach inside with the compassion you seek, knowing that your soul brothers and sisters are but an arms reach away. Know that this is a time of releasing old grief and pain revolving around rejection and guilt and we are no longer in need of the protection those forms of armor seemed to provide. We are strong now, and can come from the fire within our core, rather than the pain within our heart, to defend and protect our beingness. It is time to come from honor and inner power and lay down the need to be right, make good, or out-perform. Our intentions count in every moment and as we align with our truth, we will be able to come from a soul place more consistently.

Surely, you've heard much of this before, but due to the intensity of releasing and receiving, it warrants being heard again. Take from this what you will, whatever applies to you at the point you're at now, at a heart level, or a head level-wherever it needs to reach. This is your greatest test for now, to interpret from the heart what best serves you and to come into the full power as the captain of your own ship. Be strong, dear souls. Be love. Be without worry or pain more if not as much as you are with serenity and joy. And allow for your SELVES to come into balance and accord with ALL That IS.

Blessings of Light and Fulfillment!


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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