Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Be in The Flow

Be aware of the fiery aspect of the energy coming through at this time. The energy is here to assist you in transmuting and transforming anything and everything that is not currently aligned with your highest purpose. The energy is a gift, but it can easily be misconstrued as overwhelming, as anxiety, and especially as anger, due to the fiery nature of what is flowing at this time. It can be knitted into thought processes that send us spinning into downward spirals when we don’t understand what and why it’s all about. The energy is a force and it is a force that you have power to control. That is the fun along this path, as we lighten our grip on the wheel or our destiny and step away form trying to force what is not, and facilitate instead what is being offered to us with a knowing that it is All for our highest good. It is imperative that you become aware of your power and strength and your ability to redirect any energy into a positive force as you step into a knowing that All is energy and energy simply Is. There is no good or bad, there is only interpretation. With this understanding you can begin to become aware of your choice and your ability to transmute and channel what you are experiencing into a higher vibration. You can choose, in any moment, to redirect the energy flowing through you into a higher version of your Self. Direct the flow into a passion, a creative endeavor, or service to others. It is time now to go beyond our sagas and our stories, at least the ones that are holding us back, and take that energy higher, writing a new improved version based on our imagination and our desires manifest. It is time to step into the role of co-creator of our destiny and know that the Universe is always assisting us in more ways than we can begin to comprehend. What is it you’ve been wanting to create? What is it you’ve been wanting to let go of. Choose now as the moment you embark on that intention. Choose now as the beginning of your adventure, as a stepping out and into your fullest potential. We are no longer victims of circumstance. We are conscious beings. We are as powerful as any force of nature. We are Pure energy. We are an inseperable part of the Flow. Take this knowing forward and choose your moment. Do it differently, because you can, in any moment, in any circumstance, make your reality into whatever you dream it to be. Take advantage of the powerful forces flowing within and around you and Create beauty, inspire acts of kindness, impart wisdom, release limitations. You won’t be sorry. Just use your breath, your knowing, and your intention and give it a try. You are your own healer. You are your greatest inspiration and teacher. Turn now into the vastness of power that lies within and become One with your Truth and your calling. It’s time. Know that you are enveloped in love every step of the way, and that you Are love. You cannot go wrong. Embrace this opportunity and let the next step begin.

Loving you along the way and sharing whatever I may find of value to support you on your path…


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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