Thursday, January 13, 2011

Free Fall; The Unveiling

It is helpful now, it is imperative, that we release the notion of ‘wrong’ as we know it.  If we are feeling it is wrong to be trapped by what is surging through us, we may feel that we have stumbled into misalignment.  With all the talk of joy and love among us, we feel the heaviness embarking on what is rightfully ours for the taking.  We fight with it, with the disharmony, with the distaste in our moth over what we’re experiencing, but we fail to perceive the enormity of it.  The gigantic measures of what ensues is in this moment beyond what we have privilege to comprehend.  If you are feeling it, you are not ‘wrong’ in any sense.  You are actually far more connected than you perceive.  You are feeling, with your mighty radars, so far beyond you and deeply within you, all that is in position to transpire.  Tensions are mounting as the volcano prepares to explode.  And as we stand with baited breath, wincing at the inevitable, we simultaneously question our place within the midst of what is happening.

We want to go forward, yet something within us and undeniably beyond us, is forcing us to stand still.  We question to the point of not being able to speak, as mere language no longer defines our experience.

We have been plunged into the wading pool of evolution, and as cosmic credence transpires and transmutates everything in sight, incredulous energies roll across the field of time and space, and nothing is pardoned from the parody of the New Dawn.

We expect to greet the new morn with freshness and peace, yet we find ourselves still trapped ever-uncomfortably in the dream of the night before, attempting to unscramble it’s meaning, making futile attempts to shake free of the hold it has over us; trying again and again to shrug it off as it bleeds into our day-time reality.  And as the shadow of the dream hangs upon our weary heads, we search for its meaning, certain of its importance marked by its unshakable nature and our inability to break free.

We wonder, but we are wet and heavy from the hardship that we endure.  We want to lay down the burden, let go of the load and enter the dream of the new day, releasing the nightmarish reality of what’s been.

We are asked to realign with nothingness, contrary to what we’re being told by our tired and over-burdened egos, as they scramble to make meaning of a cosmic mess.  It’s quite the conundrum for our navigational systems to register and then dismiss.  But the teaching radiates a radical new way of being that deviates completely from what we’ve known to be true by the generations that have handed down different lessons, and it propels us into the epitome of free-fall formation; a stance of detachment that strips away from all preconceived notions, further into a state of abyss.  Here, we will recognize the truth fuller, as we step away from what we’ve known, release what we’ve been told, and absorb completely into the All of what Is.

It is time to stop the fight of illusion.  It is now time to end the war.  What we are struggling with is a need for definition, a desire for understanding and completion.  What we are being guided towards is comfort in the unknown; an arms-wide-open to the what-ifs and what-will-be without any sense of reservation, without the coroner of doubt, without the need to know.

We are hanging in the rafters because we continue to clutch the need to define.  But the undefined is sublime.  It is the essence of All that Is.  And so our not-knowingness is not meant to be about disorder, but rather a purging of the chaos that has always ensued our compartmentalization of every and any thing that exists.  Life is meant to be bliss.  Into the Great Wide Open is where your soul seeks to be and it is there that you will be found.

Release the shackles of your mind and open your wings to the free-fall of forward movement.  Allow the energies to propel you further rather than bog you down.  You are not meant to decipher, you are here to divulge in the comfort of remembering that beneath it all, you are carried, underlying it all is great purpose, and within the crux of it, you are blessed.  The details are the detour.  Leave them to the unknown.  The essence is your elixir, it is what will carry you.  Use your feelers not to decipher or decode, but to absorb the truth of the feeling, the heart of the form.

Yes, you are feeling deeply, but you really don’t need to get involved.  Allow the essence to do the heavy lifting while you sit back for a while and float in the mist.  Transformation is upon you.  Yet it need not be created by a fight.  Allow for the unfolding to behold. Its truths will one day be shown to you.  Now is just your lesson of free fall.  Are you prepared to set your self free?  Become humbled by the greatness, as its grace pours through your being.  Rise to meet the truth that greets you as you are reunited with the beauty of your soul, the simple-ness of purity, and the unconditional love that will take you everywhere you could have ever dreamed.

Prepare to soar!

With great love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Care and Feeding of the Soul

In acquiring wholeness, we must call back to us all of our pieces that have been lost, misdirected, rejected, or forgotten.  It is when these pieces come home that we will again be filled with lasting inner power and peace.

All of the pieces are not long forgotten memories or deeply hidden aspects of our shadow ( though they may carry traces of both).  Some of them, that we may be calling back to look at now, are energies that we may have focused in directions outside of and beyond ourselves.  When we harbor resentment or hold onto anger; when we begrudge or blame, we are taxing our reservoir of completeness.  We are bleeding out vital nutrients of the soul.  And when we realize that focusing all of that energy that these actions and emotions require is not serving us, is not solving anything, then we can begin to call those pieces home.

These energy leaks create a void within us, create a hole.  And as long as that energy is focused on sustaining bitterness, resentment, anger, or shame, we will continue to feel the deepness of discontent that these missing parts leave.

Become conscious of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that create the void.  Become aware that the concentration of energy that these elements take from us takes away from your energy as a whole.

When you focus on that which is wrong, how you have been wounded, and those who have done you wrong, you are allowing yourself to be siphoned, and none of this supports you.  None of this makes you stronger, makes you feel better, makes you feel right.  It only serves to depletes your wholeness and maintains the self-sabotage that keeps you from being complete.

Take back your power by gathering up your pieces.  Call them home where they can be nestled in the truth of your Light, where you can acquire the genuine resolve that you desire.  The truth of the matter, the heart of any grievance is always about what is lost.  No one can take anything from us. We have given away our peace and our power and now it is time for it to be retrieved.

Ask yourself what has been lost, what vital aspect of you have you given over.  Release the ones you blame.  Release the energy it takes to hold them in your grip.  Own your sorrow for having lost your pieces and then nourish them whole.  The places within you long to be watered with your compassion, long to be owned. And full ownership comes through consciousness and the intent to redirect your energy and become responsible for your peace.

True peace will never be found by proving another wrong.  It is found in the heart of the matter, and the heart of the matter is filled with the love it takes to embrace these pieces and call all of them home. Prepare yourself for wholeness by opening to the place of living in alignment with your soul. It will guide you in and out of all that you need to know to welcome any and all that's been missing and to see with new eyes as you become more authentically you. You are all of your pieces. The time for separation is over. It no longer needs to exist. Beckon to all of you that longs to come home and you will begin to release the barriers that have kept them adrift.

 You can awaken today to a new day, filled with wholeness and peace. Believe in the possibilities of completion and be rekindled by what was long lost and now seeks to light your way.

Ever blessed,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  


There is evermore a bright light of sacred wisdom that shines from within.  Cultivating this wisdom by relying on inner messages, acting on clear guidance and remaining in the present. This is being, based on receiving the ‘word’ of God and living it.

First you will want to create the space. Bring your awareness into your body.  It’s where the wisdom resides. Pay attention to the areas in your body that are holding the energy, the blockages - the ones that are calling for your attention through aches, pain, or discomfort.  Breathe into them, encouraging and supporting their release. It’s ok to let go now.  You’re ready to move forward.  Restore the energy flow.  Restore fluidity, and enable your transformation by witnessing the miracles of internal wisdom in action.  Create the space for this love-filled juncture by nurturing yourself, by witnessing through awareness and presence, as your body and mind collectively purge the residue and debris, the bi-product of your unhealthy thoughts and deeds.

See the blood flowing, the tension releasing, the harmony of all systems within.  Honor the intuitive regulation process of your beautiful body- celebrate it’s wisdom as you connect with it’s knowing and interpret it’s messages as it re-balances and shifts to a higher perspective and way of being.

Breathe into and release any and all resistance within your body and mind.  Comfort yourself in the knowing that evolution is good, it’s organic.  Mirror nature and allow and trust in the process of cleansing and clearing to unfold.  It takes great energy to maintain all that we are being asked now to release.  Surrender to the wisdom of your soul and give it permission to guide you.  The less you are focused on defining what is, the more space you create for the wisdom to be heard.

The messages of your soul are more pure and unfiltered once you’ve moved out of the way of the process, away from the need to know the outcome, and into greater alignment with what Is through a concentrated and intentional state of presence.  Your thoughts then become directives, and from here, balance is borne as you simply ‘Be’ and go with what you’re led to do according to the inner wisdom.

As you create the stillness, you create the space for consciousness to envelope your way of being.  Then all flows from the center.  Every act and deed is based on it.  No more ‘thought’ as we know it, or decision making or contemplation.  It becomes simplified, and simpler really is an easier way to be.

Forfeit the need to ‘think’ and sort out everything in your head.  Allow for the wisdom to lead you by taking a day off and simply observing what your body and soul does for itself.  It really does know best.

Let yourself be the passenger for a while as spirit takes the lead and informs you of your every next move.  Focus your intent on paying attention to the messages and following through on them.  Your spirit seeks to guide you. Let this be your conscious state, your connection.  Mindfulness is not meant to be secluded to times of solitude and meditation.  It’s meant to be a fluid, moment-to-moment experience in which you live by and through the inner messages that direct you.  And in the silence, in between, alternate with ease as you become acquainted and accustomed to that way of being.

Reexamine your natural state of being, or the one you have become accustomed to.  You may feel that your natural state is that of worry, or need to keep things safe and in perspective by calculating and calibrating and otherwise concentrating on what is necessarily avoided or pursued.  The state of being that has been your way for quite some time is not natural, it is forced.   Though it feels familiar, and at times necessary or important for survival, allow for the possibility that it’s faulty, that it bends the ‘rules’ in a big way in order for certain needs to be met.

Know that it’s possible to meet those needs from a completely different angle and perspective that won’t imprison you in the way of worry or fear and won’t facilitate such a strong need of dependence.  Releasing our need for it to be that way invokes a primal fear of extinction.  But know that it is not your survival that is at stake, but rather your survival mechanisms that support a way of being that has held you back from your potential.  They don’t support you as a being that’s liberated and empowered and free to actualize your highest connection.

These survival mechanisms will tell you that they are vital and necessary but this is all the more reason to connect with your highest truth of your inner wisdom, so that you’ll no longer be misdirected and led astray from your heart based on mentalities of fear.

Open to the possibility that nothing is what it seems and that it’s definitely not what they told you.  Pretend you’re a new-born babe with a fresh perspective, learning for the first time what everything means and that pure consciousness is your teacher.

That innocence is a state of being that clears the slate once you’ve let go of attachment to any one way and you allow for all potentials to unfold, knowing that the Universe accounts for your greatest well being. ( It’s got your back!) It knows better than you do. But only for now, as you too have access to those files.  Your access depends solely on your creation of space to connect with the knowing.  And that space is created by stepping away from and removing your attention from all of the other things you’re focusing on.

Your mind has been like a high-speed super highway and it’s time to bring it back to a slow and simple country road.  Here you can receive the purest thought, and live by that rather than sifting through and mediating so many different directives.

How do you know what the higher self voice is?  You exit the interstate, erase all that’s been, and open to fresh perspective.

How do you quiet the mind?  Do something loving- for yourself or another.  It quiets all the fears an inhibitions and brigs you back to your original state of being.  Notice the space it creates, when you allow it the stillness, the peace.  Cultivate that place by recognizing how effortless it is to operate there.  Let it become your new M.O.  You can, you know.  It is not out of your reach, it just requires a little reorientation.

You are not mistaken in your desire for a life that is less than struggle.  Give up the fight and allow yourself to rest in the arms of pure connection to the Source that seeks to guide you into a simple way of Being.  It all begins with connection to the Source. And it’s followed up with release of any and all things that inhibit it. Refresh your perspective today.  Let yourself become new.  You owe it to you. And then watch how everything becomes different.

Ushering your new year with peace, may you find your light aglow within and bring it forward.

Great love and beautiful blessings,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Monday, January 10, 2011

Watered Down

There lies our greatness, in the midnight of our souls
Waiting for us our truth to behold

Our secrets that are sacred
Have been salvaged in the dawn
~and look how they’ve been mistaken for the ugly
when it’s pure wisdom yet untold

Contain no more the weakness or the wayward as you march forth through the light.
The freedom that you dream of is the greatness that you fight.

Become the whole, the plenty, the abundantly bestowed.
Become the everything you are by cutting loose your hold.

The beauty of your darkness is your daylight to unfold.
Reach beyond the density of your mind and unleash the ever-flow.

Step into the depths of your being where truth lies dormant in wake.
In selective evolution, your greatest potential you forsake.

So much energy goes into being watered down- diluted- and in this we compromise our truth and our peace.

In the Great Wide Open, it feels so good to be free, to not know, and just take some time to Be-  completely real and liberating.

Throw what is against the wall and let the pieces fall wherever they may, not needing to categorize or compartmentalize.  It really allows you to see from a whole different perspective with wider eyes and no expectations- from a vantage place ( if you open to it) of peace.

You have to create the space to be free from another’s objective, and even from the one you've held for so long. Re-examine your truth as and question your identity.  Feel what comes up and set if free- and at the same time, a newness comes.  Notice all the hardening and resentment, the closing off, and lots of assumptions that come from being afraid to say what you think, feel, and want.  It separates you from your self and your desires.  When you’re inhibited, it’s easy to make up all kinds of lies about what is.  But when you open up to full acceptance of what Is and really let yourself be who you are, the illusions all clear away and you can see the beauty you knew was there to begin with.  Then the light can shine through you and you can glow in a new way, once you’ve been dusted off.

When we let go of old dynamics and realize they are not who we are then we can open to being real and we are freed- in this life, in relationships, and within .  No more hiding. No more contemplating.  It’s time to face everything head on and walk through. 

Let go of judging your self or others.  Let go of judging experiences. Release the need to label what’s coming up for you.  Then you can become more accepting of who you really are and start to see trueness. Under all the baggage is a beautiful person- is your I AM.

But you have to face the truth of what is.  Become really real about your reality.  If you’re miserable in a relationship, hating your job, wanting something entirely different that what you’ve created- you have to come face to face with that or else you continue to live out a lie.  You have to experience the grief and disappointment about what you’ve created and allow yourself to be fully honest about how you feel.  Only then can you begin to deconstruct what is and what it is based on so you can recreate something that suits you.

Allow yourself the possibility of ending- of allowing whatever’s bringing you misery to die.  Rebirth follows death, so you have to consciously kill- slay your misconceptions of what is ( the foundation or structure that’s faulty and based on lies) in order to live your truth.

Only then can you truly shine your light- once you clear the air, dissolve the denial, and face the truth-in all of it’s entirely.   And, at first, in this, it’s the sun peaking out from behind the clouds.  But you have to SEE, truly see, what’s been blanketing your reality in order to break free.  And as you do, as you become very honest with yourself and say goodbye to the lies that have held your current reality in place, you will feel a sense of loss- for what’s been, for the comfort of the familiar ( as most of these dynamics have been in place for some time).  And there is fear in letting go, in moving beyond where you’ve been.  There’s anger at what’s been sacrificed or lost in order to keep certain structures in place.  But as you come to terms with your truth ( or what you’ve been working so hard at maintaining as truth)  you open the door for what needs and wants to shine through.  There’s great relief that comes in laying down the burden and releasing the energy that’s sustained the untruth.  It takes great effort to maintain a lie.  It takes courage to be honest with your self.  And so, as you open more fully to your truth, there’s an opening that transpires, that brings spring to your step and light to your eyes- a newness.  And as the clouds clear, your new day can dawn- full of potential and possibility- fresh.

When you open to your truth and get real and let go of what’s familiar, what’s on the other side is so much greater than what’s been.  Even if it’s scary to let go, it’s still a powerful place to be.  It’s a place where you can be strong and authentic and free.  So much energy goes in to being watered down.  And when we release that energy to serve us in moving forward in a healthy manner rather than serve our fears of our need for protection, we can feel our truer self resurfacing and we can ( even if on the smallest level) begin to feel the shift.

Our defenses become part of our identity, it takes courage to move beyond, release, and redefine who we truly are. In order to be really free and fulfilled, we have to reconnect with the fire- the one within.  You do so by disabling what’s been dampening it down.

Remember, you have choices.  Allow for the possibility of death and endings and believe in the potential of rebirth and new beginnings.  As you clear and release and reacquaint with the possibilities of your redefined truth, huge waves of energy will wash over you- the energy that's been freed.  And the excitement and revelation of your soul-ness comes forward to create in pure light- darkness set aside- darkness come to terms with- nothing left to hide  Go forward in your greatness.  You have no idea what you’re about to receive.  Say goodbye to the safety belt of what you know to be true and open to the cornucopia of what can be. When we stand in the light of our truth, all things are possible.

Believe in you. I do.

Many Blessings,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Friday, January 7, 2011

Full Naked Glory~ Standing In Our Greatness

Being authentic means being exposed and being able to stand in it - full power.  Naked Glory.  Shaking off fears, phobias, and fantasies of being driven back into our darkness because our raw, naked Truth is too much to behold.

And the ego will fight tooth and nail, sourcing demons of times passed filled with rejection and pain, as we begin to unfold in our wholeness.  Intentions will lead the way as we’ve been pushed to the edge of our cliffs of inhibition.  No more wiggle room to vacillate between the merits of being safely hidden and busting out into full realization of being alive.

The lessons have been absorbed and now they call for action as the beast of your truth becomes mighty and demands that full consciousness be spread throughout the kingdom of your being.

Any and all un-alignments will be raked through the bright light of recognition, clarifying what Is and what you’ve told yourself it might be.  Denial is overturned and we no longer have that ground to stand on as we sink into the new soil of awareness.  This change and shift in foundation feels scary and resurfaces primordial wounds and trepidation as we’re asked to forgo the ground and balance our weight on a cloud.

Irritation boils to the surface as we’re faced with the overturning of the bubbling beliefs that have kept our personal worlds in check.  Like a fledgling who has outgrown the nest, we must exit and say goodbye to our comfort zones and test our wings on the promise of joy and great fulfillment that expansion brings.

And as we open, we are blessed with the gift of a greater view.  Each time we take a step in the direction of our truth, we receive another glimpse of the possibilities that await us as we break free of the smoldering blanket of sleep.  We’ve been steeped in vast illusion- in a consciousness based on self-preservation and faulty beliefs. It feels like we’re awakening from a bad dream and we want to shake it, forget it, repress- but the memory and the melodrama of it lingers so that this time we don’t fall back into the slumber; so that this time we remain awake.

Create the space for release as the filament floats to the field of reflection and introspection. Large-standing change has been ordered and the shakedown of everything that’s created inhibition in moving forward has commenced.  The gateway to paradise has been guarded with gargoyles that have enlisted our fears and initiated the creation of a mounting psychological damn (ego interference).  But the levy has broken and now the waters flood forward and pollutants are flushed to the surface in order that we may purify and cleanse.

In cleansing is subtle discomfort.  But as we facilitate the breath to expedite the process and relax more fully into the consciousness we have claimed through our apprenticeship in self-mastery, we can step confidently into the light of our Being-ness and release the need to hide behind cracked masks and inner turmoil.  We can open to our greatness that lies within the cradles hands of potential, standing in our glory as we set aside the critical mass of resistance.

It is time for integration.  Time to walk the talk, to Be who we Are, and to step out onto the ice, even if filled with trepidation that it might crack beneath our feet.  Override doubt and align with the knowing that we do in fact have everything it takes to become completely connected with our highest potential, with our blessed inner-self, which will carry us forward in the direction of pure potentiality and peace.

And as we take flight, we will be showered with magical moments and wonder in turn, as the Universe bridges the gap between our truest heart’s desire and the manifestation of wildest dreams.  As we let go of what we’ve held tight to and step down from the platform of not-our-truth, the space created becomes filled with the unimaginable and the truest meaning of effortless co-creation becomes told.  We hold on out of fear of unknown, but as we release, we are shown that what’s been waiting for us all along and calls to us now to receive is completely within our reach( and that means setting down everything within our grasp -everything within our reality, and encompassing non-attachment and neutrality).  Then we can open our uncluttered arms (recently unburdened) to the everything that was previously unseen.

The seemingly unattainable is just a breath away.  Exhale the stale air and breathe deeply into a new reality that is yours for the taking when you step past the guard and breathe free. Deep breathes, strong inner knowing, and unlimited dreams to behold. This is the promise.  This is the product of the cleanse and the trademark of authenticity. Allow all to unfold as we follow our paths onward, creating evermore consciously in awareness of what strengthens us, mindful of what it means to be free.  

Your evolution speaks. Listen to the calling and reach beyond where you've been so that you can embrace your fullest capacity.  You are greatness. Glory to you on high!

May your most blessed wishes come true!

 In peace and Love

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Greatest Mistake

As the new year has dawned, so has the momentum to move forward. For those that find themselves at the peak of a crossroad, know that the most conscious of choices are those that are made lovingly with your heart’s agenda, rather than the consummation of your head. Know that the wisdom in creating positive choices is always within you, and remember that change creates uncertainty o purpose. It wants us to forget a bit of what we know in order to open up to a grander view.

This is an excerpt from a reading I did recently for a dear soul, and she has so graciously agreed to have it shared, as it offers great insight for many on their paths at this time. Take from it what you will, and know that, by far, the greatest mistake is being afraid to make one in the first place. Much love and happy New Year!!

~ ~ ~ ~
There are many paths laid out before you, and none of them is the ‘right’ one to behold. The energy of the lesson at hand is not about making the right choice, it’s about allowing yourself to make a mistake You would go round and round in a circle a million times, circling a question, rather than making the wrong choice. This is what confines you- your fear of falling (from the graces), your fear of failing, of making a mistake. There’s great rigidity that surrounds your heart as you fail to embrace your humanness. And the course of many lifetimes plays out simultaneously (carrying the great burden of pain and grief) as you search for redemption, for meaning of life with wanted spiritual, yes with pseudo-spirituality, in your pursuit of peace. You are wanting to graduate from this way of being, from this repetitive cycle of search and destroy.

But the riddle’s gone wrong, in your search to perceive and abandonment runs deep as you chase away despair in your decision making- questioning why you must do it alone and who will catch you if you fall. The pressure is high to succeed. It’s your perspective that needs shifting in order to further your quest. It is not the answer that’s important, but the questions in which you believe. Try to separate yourself from you wounding- generational and several lifetimes worth. Doing it this way- the ‘right’ way with great emphasis you’ve placed. Open to the possibility that there is no ‘right’ way, and that encroaching on the wrong does not mean you will be defeated.

It’s not so much for you about the flight, right now, as it is the fall. Setting all perfectionistic tendencies aside, allow yourself to do the forbidden and color outside the lines. Let yourself make a mistake. Without this option, you cut yourself off from instinct and the ability to choose. It is your humanness, above all, that need be embraced. It is a love for self that must fill your agenda, that must weigh in over self mastery. It is you that must pick your self up off the ground when you have faltered, and your own unconditional love that will be the balm for your wounded knee. You cannot move forward, and have not for many lifetimes, because you cling to the impervious, to the vision of greatness that excludes any chance of mistake.

Mistakes are pivotal rungs on the ladder of life, for they teach us as no other lesson can. And they carry within them a critical component to wholeness- the ability to forgive and accept ourselves wholly, as flawed, as imperfect, as fractured, as frail. We have to bring all of it forward, not just the ‘good’ parts, not just the shiny, but the everything.

And in this, in scooping up our wounded parts, our pieces that we’d rather turn our backs on or hide, we garner tenderness, compassion, and freedom from the need to pretend, to soldier, to hide- from ourselves, from the world. We set down our weapons and forgo the need to fight.

Release the role of drill-sergeant and embrace that of gentle mother- embracing you completely, daring you to look at the dark places- which are not the wrong or the bad, but simply misunderstood or mistaken, and very much desiring love.

Through this you will gain clarity, you will derive peace. And you will be able to touch on your passion, find your presence, and bring forward with power of love (rather than forced resistance) the fruits of your flowering tree.

Do not forsake the forest for the trees, widen the blinders so that you can see a clear picture, a fresh perspective.

There is great sadness derived from an inability to push forward time and again. You find yourself weakened, disparaged, weary, and tired. All of this you carry within your body, within your bones. And there is a strong element that this is life or death-warrior must save the land. But the land you’re defending must be released in order for you to reach your salvation. You must lay down your arms and sit in peace. ( Meditation will help with re-framing your heart and guiding you to fresh perspective and clarity.)

The authority you need bring forward is not in configuring life or something out there or proving that you are right or good- it is in surrendering to the truth of what you’ve been, embracing, and then gathering the will to defeat your won limiting perspective.

If your foundation is not solid, it will crumble. You have to tear down your castle before you can build the kingdom of your dreams. Your fear of failure inhibits your ability to succeed.

There is this Mother Mary aspect presenting for cleansing of judgment of self, of life, of others. Distilling control and the need to know, as well as perfectionism as means of acquiring acceptance and love. You cannot love or embrace another until you can fully love yourself. You cannot love your life until the love within encircles your own self. You no longer need to run or hide. What your highest self wants for you is to stand still and be seen. For you are the star of the ages. The light within shines so brightly for all to see. But will you continue to shelter it in the shadows or will you open to the gift of release?

~ ~ ~ ~

After relaying this channeled information, we worked together on creating a better understanding of how these aspects had played out within the parameters of her life and how the energy blocks that ensued had limited her from the destiny she desired. I also facilitated some energy release work to help her let go of the outdated and painful ways of seeing and being that were inhibiting her from moving forward. So often these blockages are deeply embedded and very unconscious and create much confusion when we don’t realize that we live our lives based on their agenda. We become attached to them, and to a way of being, because it is comfortable or familiar, or because on some level, we feel it is our duty to carry on a certain thought/emotion/behavior in honor of the generations before from who we’ve inherited it. By creating the space for fresh perspective and new awareness, we open not only to more possibilities, but also a way to move freely into the dimensions of what we long for, and a clear path to all that we previously couldn’t see. May you create new space and bring forward long-standing dreams in this new year, and in all the new years to come. If you would like help in discovering greater awareness of your inner motivation- what stands in your way, as well as what desires to move forward- please visit me at and get a fresh start with your dreams.

Many blessings and abundant light,


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.