Friday, December 24, 2010

Putting The Tools To The Test- The Cleanse

Tune into your inner dash board and notice what is directing you. As the year comes to a close, we are being asked to relinquish what's no longer working and to deconstruct what stands in our way. If we have not found alignment with our peace, the warning light will be alerting us to this indiscretion and the radar of our internal navigational system will be directing us in the way we need to go in order to bring old chapters to a close. Your radar will send you warnings in the form of unease. If you're feeling out of sorts, it's because you have business to attend to, and what's been pushed aside or neglected can no longer be overlooked as your soul leads you further on the path of integration and closer to the highest truth of who and what you are meant to be. Irritation and anger are our guides right now.  Frustration is lending itself and it’s electrical current of unrest to get our attention and focus us in on what’s working and what needs to go.

How to shake it down….come closer.  That argument you’re having with yourself; that script you’re rehearsing; that tight grip of contention you’re holding onto for dear life- none of it gives you power.  You are not strengthening your resolve, or yourself, by splurging or overindulging in defense mentality.

But shutting it down, per se, doesn’t work either.  Just getting out of your head is a bit more complicated than it seems. Only though, until you realize how simple it can be.

Ok, so stay with me as I guide you through the steps.  First, you’re going to set up your awareness radar.  You’re going to notice frustration, irritation, and anger as a radar- an area of focus.  Next, bring consciousness to those areas of sensitivity so that you’re not reacting to the soarce and perpetuating the cycle.  If the fire alarm is going off, you need to investigate the situation. So, awareness-check.  Consciousness injected-check.  Now’s where you’re going to have to bring in a little self-discipline. 

That story you’re telling- the one that doesn’t serve you, the one that’s bringing you pain- put it down.  Step away from the story. Notice your resistance to this  We hold on tight to this inner dialect and drama because we think (key word) that it’s going to show us the way to feel better.  We hold on because we believe that we need to defend ourselves if we’ve been wronged or misunderstood. We think we have to resurrect ourselves, right the wrong, balance the equation.

And some of this is right- to a degree.  We are not totally off the mark.  But our approach needs a little tweaking.  Let me offer you a fresh perspective.  Any pain within your being is alerting you to imbalance ( and yes, this includes discomfort).  This signaling, or alarm system, is alerting you, as king of the castle, to bring order to your realm.  We tend to react to these triggers, to freak out or run away.  Alternately, we’ll zoom in (real hard) on what’s troubling us, but end up spinning our wheels as we never move beyond the surface of the pain.

You have to move away from the source of your pain, distance yourself a bit, in order to go deeper.  Neutrality gives you perspective  in the higher sense), and allows you to be more objective so that you can turn off that damn fire alarm and bring to your kingdom order and peace.  That’s your job.  Become clear on that first.  Setting someone else strait, defending yourself, lashing out, withholding your love- al of the above are just a temporary fix created in defense.  They may serve to disengage the fire alarm temporarily, but they don’t put the core flame to rest.  You have to go to the source of the pain.  And the source of the pain is within you.  No one can trigger a reaction so deep that it sends you spinning unless there’s something within that needs resolve.  The source of your pain is not someone or something else.  The source of your pain is your story- the one you’ve been telling yourself.  The one that’s been bringing you pain.  And the only way to find peace is to put it down.

As angry or irritated as you may be at someone else- this isn’t about them.  They are simply a player.  They are simply pointing you back to what desires to be healed within you- to the warning light that’s blinking. Does knowing this lesson your grip any?

Here’s where integrity comes in.  Time to be honest with yourself.  Time to pull out of the tantrum in your head and look at it more clearly.  You have to let go of your belief in the story and the notion that it’s bringing you power in order to find real strength.  We hold on because we think it is charging us.  We think it is ammo.  And that argument we’re rehearsing in our head or that wrong we’re righting will become more potent the more it’s rehearsed.  Or so it seems. This is an old way of being- one we’re ready to leave behind (hence the discomfort).   How can I be so sure? - because I’m certain you’re ready for peace.

Here’s what you need to know, and this is the key- Retaliation and retribution will not take you where you need to go. Though they will promise to defend your honor and define your truth, they are mistaken.  Your truth is not found there, in defense of yourself.  Your truth is love, peace, and joy.  And your job is to align with that, at all costs. 

The warning light sometimes serves as a distraction as we get lost in the details and fail to get the message.  And the message, if you listen closely, most often is that you’re out of alignment with you truth.  You are spindling into a much lower vibration because you’re ruminating in a story that no longer needs to be told.

So zoom in.  What’s the story?  What’s the theme?  And ask yourself from a heart place if it’s really true, if it’s really serving you.  Loosen the grip.  It may have been part of your identity until now, part of what you’ve played out and pretended to be (and you’ve done it well).  But it’s time to put it down now and become new.  Yes, it is that simple.  Be firm.  Let go.  And when you loosen the grip and watch it fly away, you’ll see beneath the surface.  You’ll see what it’s been showing you about who you’ve been.  You’ll recognize how you’ve played it out forever on the time table of your existence and how you’re ready to wipe that slate clean and really get to the core of your truth.

No more playing out karma.  No more living through the lens of drama (and really, that’s what this all is).  In letting go, you move forward, you fly higher, you realign with your true design.

Try it on for size.  The other way’s not working.  It’s dragging you down.  And maybe, just maybe, the lesson isn’t what you think.  If you haven’t found clarity or peace with a played out story so far, then come to it with a new perspective.  Release the need to hold tight and you will become lighter.  You will become clear.

Your story does not define you.  It confines you, and sentences you to certain death.  It’s a distraction and it keeps you from your peace.  From here on, you define what Is by realigning with your Truth (peace and love) and disengaging from any and all that is not that.

Have compassion with you and let it flow out to the players who brought things into focus.  Release them, release you, and move forward.  There you will find resilience to turn your back on what seems to be, and turn your attention to moving into a higher vibration.  (Actually this will happen for you just by creating the grace of letting it all go.)

The truth is so much bigger than what we could ever imagine and so much greater than what it’s been limited to through our current perspective.  Expansion means opening to that possibility and not needing to have all the answers, all the why’s and what’s, and not needing to seek justice.  Create the space for this expansion within your experience and you will find yourself floating away from your story and into greater ease.  Create a story defined by grace, ease, and peace and let the warning light direct you not distract you.  As you align with your true story, and integrate it into your being, you will cease to attract to your life a reflection of the old story that’s played out and it will quit coming up for review.

Be gentle with your self and open with a new way of being.
Soon you will be free.

Great blessings to all,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Inventory: A Year In Review

It’s been a year of growth and change.  And as we lean towards a new year that promises more of the same, it’s good to take a little inventory of what we’ve learned and the tools we’ve gathered along the way. The insights we’ve gained into ourselves and our world have served as valuable lessons. Nothing has been in vein. Along the way, we’ve gathered strength and we’ve acquired new ways of being that will continue to serve us as we become more of who we are. The new ways of being are tools, and the tools we’ve been harnessing could quite easily be considered virtues.  Virtues are proof of alignment.  They are attributes to our character which will heighten our experience as we move towards a life of greater peace.

So let’s take a peek at what we’ve gathered. A year in review…

We’ve climbed many mountains and weathered many storms. And through it all, we have delved deeper into what it means to be alive, divine, and on purpose. And though at times, we felt like we were in over our heads, there’s no doubt that at this point we are more.  By staying the course, we are coming into greater alignment and we are well on our way to the other side of the rainbow. As we’ve maneuvered through our journeys, searching for our Way Home, we’ve no doubt acquired, or have at very least begun to touch on the heart-based qualities that are helping us to become more complete.  We’ve discovered perseverance; embraced honesty as a way of life; pulled out unlimited supplies of courage; developed greater compassion; created pathways to faith; renounced obstacles to becoming one and allowed for loyalty.  And none of this could have been so without self-discipline.

Over and again, we have reclaimed our strength and resolve as we’ve tripped and fallen, certain we couldn’t go on, no less overcome the obstacles along our path of growth.  Time and again discovering what we were capable of achieving as we stepped into newness. And through this we’ve acquired perseverance- the ability to continue onward, to pick your self back up again in the face of defeat.

As we’ve become more truth-filled and have embraced more authentic ways of being, reaching ever more for alignment with essence and realizing that in doing so our reward is peace, we’ve come to a place of greater honesty, with ourselves and others. Becoming more clear and real about what works for us and doesn’t and learning to live more whole-heartedly from integrity.

Courage has been no stranger (though we don’t always give ourselves the credit we deserve) as we’ve been facing our shadows, overcoming old ways of being and continuing forward, even when faced with adversity.  For many, the journey has had everything to do with going toe to toe with fears and surmounting them one by one with bold acts of loving our selves forward, forgiveness, and changing the way that we ‘see’. Without courage, we would have given up long ago.

As we’ve opened our hearts that sometimes very much wanted to stay clamped closed, we’ve found new love for ourselves and our brothers and overall, a new way of being.  We’ve become gentler in this nature, less rigid in perspective and all the more open to receive. We’ve touched on the graces of compassion as a way of life and we’ve opened to the knowing that in many ways this aspect of love is undeniably the key.

Faith has been our foreground as we’ve reestablished our footing, overcoming self-doubt and wondering relentlessly in our times of darkness if there really was a reason to continue, if this process was indeed real, and above all, as we’ve bucked the limitations of separation, if we are indeed supported, surrounded, and celebrated by greater forces unseen.  As we’ve learned to allow and surrender, we’ve had to place our faith in a power beyond our own, let go of age-old control-mechanisms in place to keep us safe, and allow something more knowing and powerful to meet our needs.  We’ve also begun to trust in our own abilities to create fulfilling experiences by stepping aside from the outcome and honor a deeper knowing or belief in divine timing and not always knowing (or needing to know) the big picture, as not everything is as it seems.

Self-discipline. Garnering consciousness has meant breaking out of old patterns and unconscious responses and it’s meant holding ourselves responsible for the choices we make rather than continuing to let old programming play out out of habit.  We’ve had to break habitual patterns, become ever more aware of the consequences of our behavior, and hold ourselves responsible for our actions in order to break free of the chains that have bound us and the belief systems that made it hard to be in alignment.
The pay back has been greater integrity, strength, and flexibility as we’ve embraced a more solid approach to life and a more conscious way of being.

We’ve had to remain true to an undying (though at times shaky) resolve to commit to the journey, to our selves, to our greater good, and to the shift of the whole.  We’ve chosen loyalty by knowing what we embarked on mattered, talking ourselves away from the defeat and ever reaching forward as we’ve gained greater awareness into our own truth, stronger allegiance to supporting our integrity, and determined to ‘stay the course despite the cost’ as we’ve shifted our perspective to incorporate Oneness, wholeness, and integration of All That Is and All that can be.

This year wouldn’t be what it was without resilience.  Allowing for the nature of the process as we’ve bounced back from seeming set-backs, ready to face the day new, ready to come to the page with fresh perspective, and determined to push forward in the birthing of our being, despite labor pains or slaying of illusions that kept us locked in worry, doubt or fear.  Time and again, we’ve popped our collective heads back out of the sand and have risen above whatever had seemed to bring us down, gathering up lessons, embarking on new territory, and all the while, becoming a brighter version through our strength and perseverance of what we originally knew ourselves to be.

Through the year and through the loving grace of where we’ve been and where we’re gong, there is overflow of what we’ve become. Virtues are acquired strengths, they are aspects of wisdom, and they are the gifts that you have given yourself by holding fast to the power of truth and love.  It is no small feat to have acquired these virtues or to have incorporated them into your life. Take your toolbox forward into the new season of your being, knowing that your blessings will be magic and that the more aligned you become, the more your success is guaranteed.

Blessed Be.

Lovingly yours,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Walk the Talk~ Implementing the Tools

Are you allowing the moment to guide you in the direction you need to go?

Choose action over reaction. Feeling guilt or regret?_ Do the thing you wish you would have. Now. Do it how you wish you would have.  Write a new page.  Extract the lesson, become responsible, take charge, and implement what you’ve learned.  Here you will find resolve.  Here that inner calling will be heeded. Chock one up on the scoreboard for conscious choices, for reflecting on your heart’s wisdom and following it.

This is what we’re being asked to do in these moments of growth- to walk the talk-to integrate the wisdom and live it.  This requires that we pause in our everyday experience and reflect on what is being requested of us.

As you lend yourself to the moment, you can better moniter your responses and refrain from frustration, anger, irritation, or conditioning,  You can begin to anchor into a new way of being without needing to defend your reactions or later contend with regret.

This means, and this is very important, that we become one with the moment, the present, the situation-whatever that may be.  Neutrality.  So if you’re feeling frustration, notice it. Be with it. Use your faculties to discern the bigger picture ( or wholeness of the situation ) and you will be able to come from an expanded place- which is what you desire anyways.  It’s just going to take some time, some retraining, as with any new way of being.

So incorporate your knowing, the tools you’ve garnered throughout the year. Incorporate awareness, so that you can operate from a broader view.  Factor in allowing, so that you can learn from what you’re feeling, from what’s presenting, and honor it and grow. Remember, resistance to resentment of what is only exacerbates the learning and holds it off for another day.  By avoiding what is, you’re avoiding the lesson and bloscking yourself from moving forward because you haven’t advanced to the next level of solving the clues.  Remember it’s all just a game, so try not to take yourself too seriously.  When contemplation comes to the plate, exercise compassion for yourself and override contempt for your seeming failure to ‘get’ what’s being presented.

Operating from a heart-place will take some adjustment and we will need to be patient and endearing with our souls as they shift out of the ancient embedded grooves and release into a fuller way of being.  Surrender daily, moment-to-moment, or as often as it takes.  Moving forward takes grace.  Afford yourself with the momentum that comes from simply being.  This is a vital aspect of co-creating.  When we allow our selves to step aside and let it be, et God, let go and lend to the unfolding of what Is by stepping out of the way and removing our resistance ( which sometimes comes from pushing too hard) and overextending, over-analyzing, or juicing it ( working it to death).

Presence.  If you’re here you’re clear.  And the next time the situation, or lesson to be learned, presents itself ( and it will until you learn it, or do it differently) you can be prepared and pro-active.  You can move it to a place of smother operation and facilitation of life experiences rather than feeling like you’re continually caught off guard.

Expect a ripple.  As we shift in our experience, the experience of those within our world will shift as well.  We’ve heard this often, but what we fail to remember or realize is that the impact plays out in certain ways.

So as you dislodge in preparation for experiencing the new, and experience emotional outbursts and physical symptoms- so too will others in your world.  Know that their own individual expression of this is unique, though often a reflection of the shift you’re mastering, it’s important to honor and respect their expression and hold compassion (avoid reaction) as they too find their way through.  This is part of supporting the whole.  And as we usher in awareness of this process and bring consciousness to the ripple of our effect, we will begin to see how our environment is seeking to match the vibration of our awakening, and we can further ease the duration and confusion of what they’re experiencing and absolve ourselves from re-learning lessons we’ve learned but are just needing to put into play.

Much of what we’ve learned simply needs to be integrated and acted on.  A lot of the ‘lessons’ playing out are more about teaching us to reflect on what we know and put it to use in our experience.  We’ve come too far not to be who we are.  And part of what we are is the combined lessons of our experiences.  So reach deeper- into your beingness.  Relearn how to live from consciousness and discover that your progression into a life of joy is only about opening to the tools that you’ve excavated along your way and executing the master status that you’ve tasted from time to time.  It’s about going from temporary to permanent.  From knowing to being.  Wear the new hat with confidence.  Absolve yourself from not being able to achieve.  Bring presence to your moments and integrity to your choices, and great momentum you will see. There’s freedom in finding a happy medium- balance is always the key. Acclimating to what’s becoming new in your life by leaving behind and detaching from what doesn’t serve you.

Shalom, bringer of peace. Invoke love as your compass, and from karmic retribution you will be set free. Be sovereign in your shift, heart-based in your life, and resolute in your conviction to break free of anything and everything that serves to hold you back from fully embracing your greatness. Become a master of your experience by mastering the tools that you have gathered and stepping fully into the moment of your now.

Be the fullness and truth of who you are and bring it to everything that you do.

Many blessings,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Shifting into Presence

And for those who stand on the threshold, wondering if this time those doors to the past will close, and if this time, you will finally find our way home, I tell you now to sink into your heart and love you there.  Love you through this moment in the matrix of your becoming, because that light you’ve been searching for, that joy you’ve been told of, is what waits for you within the bubble of your love.  And it’s the very thing that will save you from yourself.

This time is that of long-winded story telling as the sagas of your identity roll out into clearer view of consciousness.  And it is for you, dear ones, to decide if these are indeed the stories you cherish most.  When you find yourself replaying such messages again and again for review, take heed, for there is a moral to the story.  And that moral, quite simply, is whether or not you want to continue to replay this tale in your life, as your point of view, as your opinion of yourself or of others.  And you have everything within you to walk out on that story right now, if you will open yourself to the obvious and wipe away the unclear.    The only thing left to learn is whether or not you’re ready to put it down and let it go.

It’s interesting to discover just how attached you may have become to a recurring theme or a harsh judgment.  Think of one thing within your realm that you’ve held fast to and ask in this moment if you question it’s validity.  Question from  a heart-based perspective.  And then ask yourself what you need to do to be free of that limiting belief or way of being.

Decide if it couldn’t be as simple as a choice- a choosing to become more, to expand, to outgrow, to leave behind what no longer fits.  And if this is truly your heart’s desire, then you can back it with your integrity.  You can support your forward movement by drawing the line and deciding, making a conscious choice, not to cross it- by declaring that you’ve crossed to the other side- to the side of completion.

Once you make this declaration of peace within yourself, this resolution to resolve rather than regret where you are or where you’ve been, you create the space for all possibility and are no longer disabled by the boundaries of what’s been. You become free to move within the cabin of your creation, no longer harassed by the ghosts of who you’ve been. 

So, as the spirits of your beliefs and experiences arise, rather than fear their presence, know that they are meant to be put to rest.  But first, as with any soul, the soul of all of all of the songs you have sung or were meant to sing, must be released.  For as long as you hold tight to a truth (or a glimmer of a life) within that aspect of you, as long as you resist it’s passage and try to keep it alive, you will struggle with a feeling of being caught between worlds. 

Let go and allow for the release of what remains and needs to go.  Allow yourself to open to the next window of opportunity.  It is all in perfect order and perfectly divine.  Be blessed in your next endeavors.  Be loved by yourself above all.  And be courageous, for this is your time of glory.

You must ask yourself what has held you back and continues to stand in the way of your bliss.  What’s not working? If you’re tending to wallow in reflection of what’s been or swallowed by guilt or despair, it’s time to recognize the opportunity to stop the ride and get off.  It’s only making you dizzy. Swimming in your thoughts and paralyzed by what’s not working doesn’t serve you.  As long as you are submerged in what’s not (working), you fail to see what is.

When we bring this current repetitive lesson  (train of though) to a close, to an end, at whatever cost, at whatever mustering of strength, will, self-love, we will be delivered into the opening and new beginning- the release we so long for ( and God knows, we deserve!)

A particularly difficult lesson that we have been schooled in is to be more conscious in our choices.  And as we have asked to become more conscious, we have been given many circumstances in which we could choose from a higher place.  Many times, we have stumbled and fell and the lessons became painful, as in the aftermath we would be submerged in the review which became a maze (and a madness) of regret, guilt, and frustration with ourselves for not getting it right).  All of which, at times, felt completely consuming, and for many, not reflective of where we felt we should be on our path. We felt we had grown and resented the ‘drop back’ into these ‘lower’ emotions.  We sought to distract ourselves so as not to feel them, and consequently, we failed to get the lesson one more time.  When we embrace the lesson, extract it’s essence, and choose to move into the present with resolve, when we say to ourselves “Ok, I get it, I’ll be more aware. I’ll take the time to be more mindful in my decisions rather that react based on old beliefs that were running my way of being”, we can stop dancing in circles and revisiting the same old pain.

On so many levels, we continue to give away our power in pursuit of approval.  And for many, this is such a long-standing conditioned response. Most often, we fail to have compassion with our selves each time we choose ‘automatically’, in favor of what we ‘should’ be doing rather than following our hearts.  And even though we know the lesson, we continue to react in these moments again and again the same old way.  Each time, becoming more painful.  At some point, we began to realize that we can’t afford to do it that way anymore.  But to shift to ‘Organic Choices’, choices that come from an intentional, conscious, place, we have to bring that awareness into the present, into the moments of growth where we can choose to do it differently.  This means becoming mindful, becoming present, so that when the lessons do present, we can stop, drop (into your heart and allow it to advise you rather than respond via autopilot, a.k.a age-old conditioning), and roll with the situation in a forward movement rather than create another opportunity to learn the same old thing again.

Reflections of what needs to go are teaching us, not torture, when we step out of the emotion and into conscious awareness of what’ s being presented.  Everything’s a gift.  These things are not a measure of who we are.  They are a measure of where we are on our path, and of what we want to dislodge, transmute, transform-in order to go further, higher, and obtain peace.

Many blessings to you, dear ones. Ascend in grace!


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  



Friday, December 3, 2010

The High Road

The high road, what does that mean?  Many spiritual warriors find themselves conflicted when confronted with situations that demand a response that either respects our own borders or allows another to get off scott-free.

We think that we must take the 'high road’ and by that I mean avoiding confrontation and bypassing standing in dignity as it may represent that we are disturbing the peace.  We reject the option of saying no, for fear that someone’s feelings will be hurt of that we will cause anger and argument.  But we end up hurting ourselves by complying to out-dated versions of right-ness and then spend precious time angry and arguing with ourselves. 

No is not a bad word.  No is a boundary.  And as expansive as we are, it’s important to honor our own uniqueness and individuality.  Without defining ourselves clearly, we cannot accurately depict our selves out into the world in which we’re received.

We are not defined by everyone else.  Yet we search for ourselves there and often wonder why we find our selves misunderstood.  It’s because we’ve been misinformed about what we should be doing and how to handle our selves in conflict.  The truth has been misconstrued and it’s time to reclaim clearer wisdom so that w can operate from wisdom rather than internal warfare.

Honoring our selves is like an investment.  The more we do it, the more we’re able to think for ourselves and to come from a higher place that fosters discernment  and the ability to determine what’s greatest for the whole.  The whole includes us as well, not just others,  We have to factor ourselves into the equation,  We matter.  How we feel in a situation matters.  If we continue to react from a stance of unconscious conditioning, we will continue to be presented with the same lessons.

Why are the lessons often painful?  Because on a deep level, we really want to get it this time and move forward.  It’s like re-injuring a knee.  The more times you contend with the pain of the injury, the more irritated and resentful you become with this thing that’s ‘gone wrong’ that should be operating ‘more right’.  You want to operate ‘more right’ as a soul, as a being, from a conscious perspective, from a place of peace rather than discouragement or dis-ease.

Going forward in peace.

How to get there? Begin with a step forward rather than back.  Next time you’re confronted with a situation , a lesson ( an opportunity to reclaim consciousness ) say, in the form of a confrontation, determine to stand in your truth.  Now, you will have to discern what your truth is in that moment and you can more often base it on concurring themes of the past.  Is your bridge to the other side, is your step to moving forward, grounded in standing up for your self and being solid in your truth (as it’s playing out at this moment)? Or will you gain greater contentment form standing in a place of peace, disengaging from the situation, and allowing circumstances to just be?

Chances are, if you’ve done it one way one-thousand times and it hasn’t brought joy, it’s time to do it another way.  Take a chance on you.  Trust that you are fully capable in being correct and that your choice will not be detrimental to another.  What’s more detrimental is that , if you haven’t done so already, you now choose to admonish yourself.

You have learned from the lessons past,  You revisit the learning through doubt, regret, and remorse,  If you want to be free of this way of learning then you have to have the courage and the faith to trust in yourself to do it without the worry of revisiting those places, those barricades of the mind, where you get lost instead of found, and where your trepidations runs free.

Transcend self-doubt, release retribution of regret, and override any ounce of remorse that swims in your sea.  Do you really need these elements to keep you in check?  Is your moral ground so faulty that without them you would be reckless and mean?  Know yourself better than that.  Know you are a loving being with a tender nature and a heart that gives completely.  Know that you are becoming solid enough now to tend to your self, your own lessons, desires, and needs, and that you can do that without the burden of feeling like you are neglecting or endangering anyone in the process.

You are deserving of the grace that flows like a fountain when we maintain a sense of order with ourselves, In that order is an arrangement of priorities that facilitates self-supporting nourishment and centered-ness, by way of creating balance and discerning the truth that will set you free. When you strive to honor yourself rather than worry about injuring another, you will begin to strengthen a bond with your spirit that will lead you deeper into peace. Spiritual maturity isn’t about always looking the other way or overlooking what matters to you in favor of what another needs. It’s about aligning with your truth and honoring your essence enough that you can see clearly the forest for the trees.

Loving you always,

Self-Sustanance vs Self-Sabotage

When you're running low and wanting more and you're finding yourself at unrest, it's time to reevaluate where you're coming from and become clear about on whose morality you've based your sense of self.  It's time to redefine your spirituality based on the elements of your own truth. It's time to put the martyr mentality down.  It’s not serving anyone.  And really, has it ever?  We’re told that we have to put others before ourselves.  That it’s wrong to put ourselves first.  We fear, based on years of conditioning, that we’ll be viewed as selfish or self-centered if we put our own needs first.  And so at the cost of our souls, we have given our selves over again and again in order to sustain an element of salvation.

It’s projected and expected that we must give, that we can’t say no, that the pain of another supercedes our own.  Here’s where the dichotomy comes in.  We tend to be a very self-serving society, but not in all the ways that it really counts.  There is profound joy and great treasure in being of service, but serving and doing for others doesn’t mean sacrificing ourselves.  There’s nothing holy in bleeding ourselves dry, in being a doormat, in going against our will.  And yet we’re taught that this is par for the course in order to be accepted, in order to receive love, in order to get your ticket to paradise.
How many are steeped in hellish conflict though because they have no sense of self, because they have given away their power, because they find no joy in giving, as they’re trying to scurry away any last remains for their self.

We fill with people and things because we’ve forgotten how to sustain by nurturing our own soul.  We nurture and support our own being when we honor our truth, when we listen to our inner being, when we follow our hearts music and turn away from the rhythm that’s not in tune with our own song.

Sustainability is about strengthening our resolve, our boundaries, our beingness, through understanding our inner callings and discerning what truly matters most.  When we step away from an old way of being, from self-servitude to self-sustainability and preservation, we become more solid in who we are and we begin to discover other branches of our self.

It’s the air-mask-on-the-plane mentality.  You have to put on your own life-saving device prior to rescuing others.  In this time of great shift, as healers abound and service orientation is of great focus, we must take care to become strong in stance before we be that for everyone else.  When we give from an empty well, we are not giving from our highest self.  We are giving out of obligation and too often, breeding resentment and betraying our own deeper needs.

You cannot love another unless you truly love yourself.  You cannot give what you don’t have.  We love and give and wonder why it’s not enough, and it’s because we’ve overlooked the importance and the necessity of self care.  Too many, when asked how they nurture or support themselves, come up empty.  It’s something on the should  or to-do list.  But is that really reasonable, rational, or coming from a conscious place?  We’re used to pushing our self aside and putting our selves last, but that martyr mentality doesn’t serve us, or anyone else for that matter.  It only creates empty space that continually seeks to be filled.

What if self-love where on the good hygiene list, right up there with brushing your teeth, twice a day or after every meal? How would that feel?  We brush our teeth, we maintain oral hygiene, to avoid decay.  Go deep for a bit and see how you’re feeling at a soul level.  Is your soul crying out for some care?  Is it tired of being put last or neglected? Is it long overdue?

Ask what you can do to nurture your soul today.  Don’t put it off till tomorrow.  You have to fill before you can fulfill this destiny of yours that’ s in high order.  As you begin to strengthen yourself and your reserves are restored, the order of your spirit will fortify your dreams.  You will not be resistant to moving forward, to following your resolve, when you are blanketed in the knowledge that you’re not going to neglect your self.  Your own needs need met.  And it’s not wrong to meet them.. You are not risking another by strengthening yourself.  You are completing another level of consciousness when you open to self-love as your reality and forsake the mentality of loving yourself as sin.

The greatest ‘sin’ is in forsaking our selves.  In not honoring and harboring respect for our own inner wisdom that calls for nurturing and retribution, we distill a truth that was meant to set us free.  To be of service is to be of love.  But we must begin within.  Release old modalities and beliefs that tell you otherwise.  Let the ‘new’ consciousness guide you to a priority that supports the whole. You are part of that whole. Factor your self into the equation.  Give up being a martyr and decide to become a master. Your enrichment will enable you to further give, from a place of strength and compassion, and will enter you into a vastness that is far more compatible with your grandest version of you and ever aligned with your truth.  Question your reality, or the one you’ve been living, and go out on a limb to try something new and improved. Even if it’s only based on a hunch, if it’s coming from your own curiosity of what could be, it’s worth trying on for size. And as you expand, what used to fit no longer applies. Expand into you first, and the world will reap the rewards. 

In peace and joy,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Beginnings and Endings

The energy of the month is about beginnings and endings. It is time to wrap up the remainders of the old that are lingering or peaking around the corner to be reviewed. And it is most definitely time for the writing of that new chapter to begin. Take this into perspective as that which needs viewing pops in.  Allow it to be laid to rest, given over, surrendered, surrounded in peace. Once and for all, allow yourself to move forward and be free.

But how you ask. What is coming to mind, or more likely doing laps through your head, as it’s wanting to be rescued and resuscitated and released is the stuff that needs to go.  It’s the stuff that needs resolve.  Too often we tackle this head on by none other than our head, but this never works, as our heads, in that state of attempting to solve our soul remains doesn’t have the answers. We need to sink down into our hearts in order to be led through the lesson and out into the light. 

Know that whatever memories, insecurities, doubts, are surfacing are doing so because they are still embedded within you and are contributing to your overall well ( or not so well) being. Many times we are surprised by what comes up, or comes back around, thinking it was so long ago, or believing we had found some resolution already. Bit alas they come once again to a head in order to show us that what’s buried may be unconscious, but out of sight isn’t out of mind. When we toss these things aside, or stuff them further, in order to avoid dealing with them or unsure of how to face them, we only end up meeting them again on another day, at another time. This hide and seek doesn’t serve us.  It delays the progress of our growth and keeps us stuck on a treadmill, until we find another way.

We can find strength and resolve through intending that we are not those thoughts that haunt or hinder us.  We can become more balanced and whole by deciding to separate our selves from them in a healthy way and releasing our selves from the energy signature that they hold. We can justify our detachment from that story by deciding it’s time to tell a new one, and by gifting ourselves with a fresh perspective, a clearer outlook based on truth, and a chance to do it differently.

The longer we hold onto stories that undermine our joy, the longer we struggle in a life that doesn’t seem like our own. And it’s not our own, our life, as long as we give our power to a story that depletes us. We have absolute power over what plays out in our lives, as far as how we respond to it and how we determine what’s important and right. When we give away our power and place it in the hands of a mind whose mantra is unholy, we find ourselves in a place of unrest and we long for the peace that we know on some level we deserve.

Isn’t it time now, as this new year approaches, as the old one comes to a close, to start a new chapter filled with exciting endeavors, enticing ideas, irresistible love and abundance? Isn’t it time for the tides to turn and for your story to be one of peace? This doesn’t have to be a fairy-tale-only situation. We have what we need to turn the page and make it new. We have the strength, and the wisdom, and the love that we need to be and do and have everything that we desire.  And when it all comes down to the final cut, the most important, and by far the most precious, of all that we could experience in life are the moments of joy, peace, and love.

As this holiday season rolls in to remind us of the spirit of those elemental truths, be mindful of what you are most appreciative.  Be grateful for the gifts of the lessons that have played out in all of your previous chapters, and the ones that are playing out now, as they bring you the opportunity of finding closure and the chance to know yourself on a deeper level.  As the year comes to a close, remember the tools you have gathered along the way and resolve to bring them forward into your next chapter, into your tomorrows, and into your better days.

Be of the spirit of mindfulness and trust in your ability to do what you came to do.  No other can do it quite like you. Let go of what needs put to rest.  Bury it,  burn it, become your own entity absolved from it. But be careful to bless it before it goes, as it offers insight into what you are ready to leave behind and clues about who you are growing into.  As each day is new, so are you, and fresh is the moment to be rich with a new way of being.  Let your new chapter be filled with love, enrichment, and creativity. Bring to it all that your heart desires. Be certain that you write the page.  And be filled with the knowing that you are loved.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Detour Is a Blessing :There Are No Mistakes and No Wrong Ways

As we grow further along on our paths and the still small voice within becomes larger and louder, there will be times when we follow that inner wisdom and honor our truth. And, as we are still finding our way, there will be times when we override that inner voice, superced the imposed images of the mind, and look the other way.

There is a saying- “Don’t put a question mark where God put a period’.  Converting God into our higher selves or internal wisdom, we can see where we choose to question that solid ‘yes’ or ‘no’ that’s coming from within and opt instead for the quota of the mind that tends (at this point anyway) to see things a different way.  In those times, we are led away from our hearts and further into our heads, where rational and reason appear to save the day.  The mind can be so convincing and with determination and conviction, often has us ‘talked into’ doing something that makes us feel like we’re entirely off track.

We may ask ourselves why we chose the wrong road in those times, why we made bad choices, or why we ignored the wisdom of our hearts yet again.  And as we’ve grown and expanded into so much more than we were, we may feel especially frustrated with our perceived failure to comply with what seemingly serves our highest good.

It is in those moments that we can choose to exercise even more compassion for ourselves as we grow and learn and evolve.   And it is in these moments that we can choose to see our errors as examples of our Truth turned around and as our teachers.  For if we continually choose another road than the one we desire, then there’s a nugget of importance at the heart of the choice that need not be overlooked.

We may ask ourselves ‘What is it that’s still serving me in making a choice that goes against my highest good?  What incentive is causing me to override my instinct in those moments of doubt?  What part of me needs resolve in order to match up with my truth?’

So often this underlying agenda is hidden from view.  And as a seed embedded deeply in our unconscious will continue to affect our choices until it is brought to the light for review and made clear.  We will continue to replay out the same scenario, the same unconsciousness, until at last we fish for the lesson and separate our selves from the cause.  We must ask that the root be brought to our attention in order that we may be set free.  And then we must determine the cost of serving our lower agendas and the detriment to our further evolution into our selves.

If you want to be in your integrity and choose higher and honor yourself, but you have a had time saying ‘no’, more than likely you’re invested in protecting yourself form the rejection or wrath of others and the need to belong and be loved is outweighing the pull for self love and supporting your truth. Remember that you no longer need to live in a state of survival, that you are now ready and desiring to shine and thrive. This takes moving beyond the acceptance and approval of others and paying into what brings you most into alignment with your truth.

Be gentle with yourself as you move forward and become more mindful of the aspects at play.  As you evolve, the divide will grow between the old way and the new, between the higher and the lower, between consciousness and the mind.  And at times when you sense conflict, there will be war within as one aspect becomes stronger and the other vies for strength. The more clear you become on the dynamics of your inner forces, on what drives you on an unconscious level, and begin to dismantle limiting and outdated beliefs, the more into alignment you will become with your higher self. 

So ‘going down the wrong road’, ‘being off track’, or ‘making bad choices’ aren’t necessarily what they seem.  These supposed ‘off’ times are a great window into what’s driving our choices and an opportunity to see more clearly what still stands in your way.  By opening to the lessons of these moments when we seem to be out of the flow, we can find ourselves further along on our paths rather than swimming in remorse or regret or longing to be on track.

We set ourselves free when we allow ourselves to see what’s being presented to us as a gift and a signpost pointing us the right way.  Because even the sign that says ‘Dead End’ gives us direction.  And as we grow and become more aware of every sign along the way and less afraid that we are getting it wrong, the more sure we become that each step takes us where we mean to go one way of another.  Some steps may take us through a roundabout or a loophole, but each step is movement and each step brings awareness when we choose to open to the lessons and divine wisdom it has to offer by looking below the surface of what seems to be so. 

There are no mistakes, only misperceptions.  See it a different way and watch your world become wide open.  As we begin to see the Divine in everything, trust that everything has a purpose, and know that we are fully capable of finding our way- the way becomes known and so much less time is lost on retracing steps and deciphering the way to go.

If you would like help in decoding your inner beliefs and removing the blocks that are in your way, I would be happy to guide you further along on your path. Click here to set up an appointment now.

Wishing you beauty and grace on your journey and the love that lights the way.

In blessing,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Golden Ticket

What’s your Golden Ticket? What ‘hope for’ are you holding onto or out for?  What big ‘want’ that will make it All right are you deeply invested in?  A new job?  A better relationship? Fortune?  Fame?  Inspiration?  What one thing, or two, or three, are you banking on to bring you the dream?  What reigns supreme on your ‘ I believe if I had this I would be happy’ list? 

And what if that one thing was completely illusory?  What if all the holding out and holding onto of what may never be is what is, in fact, poisoning the waters of your well of contentment?  Whatever ‘thing’ we desire is only a state of anticipation and agrandisation of what is, because it is always a wishing, a wanting for it to be a different way than it already is.  And as long as we are desiring what is not, we’re neglecting what is.  We’re turning our backs on the fullness of the now in all of its completeness and spitting out rather than drinking in the juices of thankfulness for the moments that have birthed themselves into being- right in the here and now -for no other reason than our pleasure.

Every want is pointing us in the direction of ourselves.  It says ‘Yes, look at me- I am completely attainable, if you truly believe on every level that you are worthy and that you are One with me, your longing, your need made manifest’. – “ But I am NOT All that you are.  I am simply an aspect’, says the ‘thing’- “I am simply a reflection.”  And we cannot spend all of our time looking in mirrors.  For through them we only see an aspect of what Is, only part of the story.

“It is not through me”, says the want(ed) “that you will access what Is.  It is through You.”   And the coveted status, potential, companion, pleasure, momentum that you desire is only a stand-in for the original working wisdom that you may excavate within.

Your Golden Ticket is not a person, place, or thing.  No thing will bring you to resolution with Self.  Your Golden Ticket is gratitude and the sweet embrace of abundance of what Is, of what is current, what is present, what is perfectly placed before you, within you, at this very exact moment in time.

When you take a moment to fill your cup with the blessings that have already been bestowed upon you and the blessings that are abounding to be released from the bounty of gifts you bestow, you will know with full heart and content mind that anything else is just an extra- one more thing to be grateful for, to allow in, to be blessed with.  Believe it to be not a need or a want to attain any other or thing  in order to be full; in order to meet the mark or bridge the joy.  Believe it to be in perfect order, as it Is.  As it only can be.

Create the space for completeness in this now, and let it be so.  In this, you will know the abundance of not-wanting and of Being in it’s fullest potential.  Create the space of love through embracing the All that is present within your life, including your desires, but taking the pressure, the focus, and the expectation off of them to be what brings you peace.

Those elements, those things (all of them) are a piece of the puzzle of what makes you complete, but in them lies not the peace that you seek.  Create your now bubble and allow those versions of yourself in your mind that require status, or recognition, or monetary gain, to be nurtured by the presence of you in your Truth. And let that be enough, for Now. Let that be your fullness and your flow. In this ease of being, so much more is born than could ever be attained by grasping or longing. In this ease of being, your Golden Ticket is each Now as it’s unfolding. In gratitude, we are abundant and blessed, and what we disire is never out of reach, because all separation ceases to exist and All simply Is.

In gratitude for each of you,

Sweet love and blessings,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blessed Be

When we are too hard on ourselves, or our thoughts seem incessant as we are streaming and screening what needs to go, how do we find our way to peace more efficiently?  How do we end that cycle before it takes us away from our Selves? How do we extract the essence of the lesson without being submerged in the mud?

Bless it. 

That relationship that didn’t work or isn’t working that you can’t take your mind off of or that is revisiting (again and again) from the past -Bless it.  That thing you can’t figure out that just wont seem to leave you alone- Bless it.  That annoying co-worker or neighbor that’s really go your goat- Bless it. That dilemma that seemingly has no solution- Bless it.  Sweet and simple, and leave it at that.  Surround it, whatever ‘it’ currently is, with the best and highest intentions. Surround it with light.  Remove yourself from any bitterness, resentment, doubt, or confusion, and leave it alone.  Step away, my friend, nothing to see here. Just let it be, and let it be blessed.  Works wonders, every time, and puts you back in that place of power, of knowing, of peace.  It’s a heart-based way of being.  And at the same time, it allows you to come from a place of will, instead of being tossed around by the helplessness of not knowing how or what to fix.  You are allowing it to be what it is; allowing for the lesson to be hindsight; allowing yourself to break free of the banter in your head.  You are honoring you, and honoring it, and honoring everyone else involved. It truly is a liberating and incredible way to be.

We are being submerged in order to purge and we are soon discovering where we’ve had resistance to resolve.  We are learning how to shift relentlessness into mindfulness.  We are flushing out what needs to heal.  We are turning to our integrity as an opportunity to be in authority of our lives.  And we are letting go of ways of being that have always been.

So hold on to the glimmer of light in the moments of darkness.  Know that they are but moments indeed.  See that they are showing us just how deeply our pain has run and how very much of it is self-imposed.  When you’re wanting to run, when you’re wanting to scream, you are reaching a breaking point, you are realizing that you just can’t go on with that anymore (and you can’t). That’s not just your head talking, that’s your soul.  That’s the point.  It needs to go.  We can no longer get away with, or get by on, self-sabotage, self-defeat, self-degradation, or negative internal mechanisms that have been our bread and butter for so long.  The more we stretch into authenticity, the less compatible all of those old ways of being are and we’re finding that alas those parts of us are dying, in order that we may be free.  In order that we may reign sovereign over our own dominion, in order that we may Be.

Loving ourselves whole is what it has all come down to.  Loving wide-open and unconditional.  Releasing all regret and refrain.  Releasing our selves from the expectation of anything.   And, for once and for all, just letting ourselves be exactly as we are.  Letting all of our experiences be.  And coming from a place of wonder, rather than worry.  Coming from a place of steady rather than stop-and -go.  We are on the main line to living fully.  And we are examining anything and everything that’s in the way of that.  We are figuring out how to decipher lessons and grow, and how to become more and know on a deeper level.  We are taking beck our power and standing in our Truth.  And we are finding that even baby steps are rewarded with boundless grace, as we’re being ushered with great assistance into the full awakening of our being.

Are we speaking our truth? Are we standing in our power? Are we in integrity with ourselves? Are we following our dreams?  We can’t not be that- any of that- as a force beyond us, and within us, seeks to purge and perfect what ever is out of place.  Everything is being put in order for our divine arrival into the now moment of our being.  And everything that doesn’t fit is being ushered out the door, soon forgotten, and bid ado. Now is your Now Moment. Take it by the hand and ride the wave, high to low and back around again. It is all only an aspect of what Is. You are it and it is you, and we are All every ounce of it. So learn to Let it Be. And while you’re at it, bless it on by.

In grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

The Trusted Companion

Self-trust tosses a whole other demension into the reality of what w’re operating under. For me, this is the skeleton key, the one that unlocks everything, the one that makes it all incredible obvious and suddenly completely opaque.

I read an article about this this morning and it hit me at a profound level, and I thought it might hit you there too.  It was a Eureka moment. How could I have missed it?! All this talk of self-love and building a better relationship with self, and there it is-Trust-the key component to any relationship!

So the question I must pose, of course, is ‘Do you trust yourself?’ Are you flexible enough in your I Am relationship with you right now to move beyond all the past mistakes, and their repercussion? All the fear of getting it right and doing it wrong?  All the limitations placed because of your self-perceived errors?

Are you ready to put that down and go forward anyway, opening to trust in you, just one more time, or for the first time ever?

Here’s how to gauge your self-trust level and determine your current status.  Do you trust you to make decisions or are you second-guessing all the time?  Do you trust in you to live out your dreams and really make ‘it’ happen, or do you doubt it will ever come true?  Do you question yourself more than you confirm? Do you cancel out more than you complete? Do you spend lots of time lost in regret or wondering how to do it better, do it over, get it right?  DO you know how to distinguish between the voice in your heart and the one in your head?  Are you I constant judgment of yourself  just to try to ensure that you don’t flub something up?

Do the math.  Where do you stand? Do you dare take the leap and offer up a handshake of trust. And by doing so agree to believe in you, and agree to believe that everything’s going to be ok. And you know that you are one hundred percent capable, when you are.  And when you’re not, that’s ok too.  Because trust is like faith.  It has something of an inherent guarantee, a component of security in the unknown, and a lack of need to know, really.  Because in the end, it’s All Good (God).

So evaluate your trust-ability in you, in God, in the Higher Plan- it’s all the same.  Break it down for yourself a bit though, as you’re factoring your equation.  Where exactly does your lack of trust lie?  Can you name it?  Is it across the board?  Is it serving you?  What would it hurt (in comparison) if you did it differently? Feel, for a moment, how it feel to trust yourself right now, to open to the possibilities within that? Notice any change in you in that trusted place? Notice any difference in your life within that scenerio?

Realize that this leap of faith is going to take some forgiveness, some willingness to let go of any pain caused by the leftover letdowns of the past.  But harboring when is impairing you and your ability to move freely and fully within the horizon of Who You Are.

So take a chance on you.  Trust that you can handle it,. And know that no matter what-it all comes down to one Truth, and that Truth is Love.  What better way to love yourself into reunion with you than to begin trusting in you now? How much better does any relationship operate when trust is explicit? Are you ready for that shift in your inner dynamic? Dive in. Your Self is waiting.

All toward making it easier on ourselves as we move forward into all of our expansiveness and glory!

Be Light!

Love to you,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

House of Mirrors and Diagnostics.

Although everything in life is a reflection, we are, at a much more conscious level, interpreting what is being mirrored as something we either want to maintain and continue, or more likely, something that’s our-dated and past due for inspection and repair.  We are being forced to look at all of our parts.  And by that, I mean our extensions into our world- our relationships, our living situations, our jobs, our ways of being towards ourselves as well as towards others.  And through this integration of the soul, we are learning how to discern what of it is a lesson, and what need be well enough left alone.

We have operated on monkey mind for a millennium, but going forth on monkey mind mentality is proving unattainable.  The volume has been turned up in order to experience on a much deeper level and an in-your-face fashion the order of the day.  We are abruptly feeling the effects of our relationships with ourselves as suddenly, more than ever, it becomes apparent that all things point back to that one center.

And as we grapple for old ways of solving, dated ways of combating the mind, and just plain start running scared, it is the running that’s coming into ever clearer focus.  The running of mental tapes topped high with impurities and poor resolution.  Then somehow we begin to take stock and realize that we need to stop running, that it is the running that needs to end.  Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally- on on levels- we are exausted.  And we are realizing how much of our precious time, energy and resources are being poured into the self-maintenance and continual feeding of a way of being that has gotten us nowhere for a very long time.

By the grace of God, or moments of good fortune, we are grabbing onto conscious bubbles of awareness like ner before, and are catching ourselves mid mental-tantrum and choosing dirrerently.  We are remembering more in the moments of dobt or self-reproach that we are the Light, that we have tools, that we are not our thoughts, and that we can step off that track that has built up  so much momentum.  And as we do, the easier it becomes every time.

Our thoughts and emotions are vigorously reflecting what doesn’t match up with our truth.  And it feels like we’re falling into rabbit holes at times as the strength and intensity of the process ensues.  It’s important to remember that it all really is a dream, and that in your dream, nothing can hurt you, unless you let it.

We give such authority to those voices in our heads that judge and condemn and we feed right into the banter, believing what is said and internalizing the repetitive, sometimes venomous critique forty times over.  Until we find that we simply can’t stomach it and we start pounding on the doors, walls, and windows in search of a way beyond the madness that we have created for ourselves to escape.

It’s a whole other world in our heads. It seems our mind is of it’s own dominion and that we are powerless in overcoming it’s forceful agenda.  It seems off kilter to do the dual on such a fearsome level, knowing we have stepped higher and higher into our spiritual domain.  But the powerful force we feel and the spell we’ve gone under is that of the wounded child within who’s screaming for justice.  We have held that child captive with our high-standard impossibilities and have drowned her in the despair of never being good enough or worthy of our love.  We have withheld our loving embrace as we’eve antagonized her further into becoming our version of what is enough, without ever opening to her, or listening to her, or accepting her totally, simply for who she is.

And so when our thoughts start reaming and to  the forefront comes regret, revisions, reproach, also comes the rage an the so-long-stuffed sadness of the child who can no longer hold it in.

And we don’t want it in there anyway.  It’s contaminant, it’s toxic, it’s in every way out of alignment with the truth of who we are and what we’re reaching for.  But to deny that it’s there is becoming impossible, as everything’s rising to the surface for review.  And if we stop long enough to center, we will begin to sense and see that this wounded child is in many ways our lighthouse, showing us the error of our ways so that we can usurp what’s been unattended and find a better way.

Allow your soul to light the way as you travel onward into the night and ever further into the glory of who you are.

Be Love!

Great blessings,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Flip Side of Self-Protection

As we move further into consciousness, we are being asked to no longer blindly, or unconsciously, protect based on fears, old pain, and in support of  walls long-ago erected.  As we grow, we are being nudged into protecting as a responsibility, from an unwounded place, a place of clarity and strength.  Grab on to your Truth and pull from there.  You aren’t your pain, but when it’s really insisting on your attention it’s time to listen, to face the beast and look it strait in the eyes.  When it’s this close and personal there’s no going around it.  You have to go through.  But don’t get caught in the vortex that can take you down into a tailspin.  Look it in the eye, realize you are enough (brave enough, strong enough, smart enough, worthy) to overcome what stands in your way. 

And if it’s blocking your path and making it clear that you’re going to have to reckon with it, understand this is your work right now.  The flow has been interrupted because the energy in the way needs to be removed.  In order to remove the energy, to overcome what stands in your way, you have to get to the heart of it.  You have to comprehend its nature. You have to decipher the code before you can pass into the next chamber of your evolution.  This can’t be done by allowing it to throw you off balance. It can only be done by retrieving your strength, standing in your truth, and loving yourself forward-loving yourself whole.  You are being taken to such a deep level with it so that you can see how much the unconscious stuff is still effecting you. You have to go to the heart of it, deeper than the thoughts, and realized that the theme is something that you need to excavate in order to be unlimited and true and fully in joy. You have to embrace the message in order for it to go. But first you have to take the question into your heart.

So there’s an element of tough love involved here as you disengage from the power struggle within and demand that a) the parts of you that are seeking dominion cease and desist, and b) the part of you that is consciousness, that is sovereign, that is truth, steps up to the plate and confronts that which is reeking havoc. Here’s where the updated armor comes in.  This armor is about protecting your self, in many ways, from yourself.  Up till now, we have projected the ‘enemy’ as being somewhere ‘out there’.  But along the way of this journey, we will come to see that the biggest enemy, the most treacherous and deceitful by far, has been the one within. And as it all comes full circle, we are being redirected to the relationship we have with our own selves.  For in order to move forward in our endeavors, to becomes open in communion with others, to be truly joyful and fulfilled, we have to release ourselves from our self-imposed prisons and break free of the ways of being that have kept us stuck. It is about setting boundaries with the part of you that is acting out and placing limits on what you will allow and wont.  It’s about not allowing yourself to be pulled under by the guilt, doubt, resentment, but instead becoming in tune to what it’s telling you. This is the process of becoming conscious and learning to quiet the unconscious by facing it rather than running, leaning forward rather than holding back, and mastering your emotions, rather than being ruled by them.

In essence, we are protecting our selves from the harsh elements of the unconscious.  We truly have no idea of the scope of deception we are facing, until we enter the castle where no souls have been imposed.  So much of what we say and do to ourselves is completely unconscious. The unconscious governs this aspect of us, the one that deceives, demeans, dichotomizes, and distracts the self through worry, doubt, feelings of resentment and regret, and negative head spins.  None of this is loving.  Yet there is this theme, or undercurrent to the self-reproach, telling us that it is for our highest good, that by climbing into the loop and retracing the groove in our heads, we will learn something, we will understand how ‘not’ to be whatever we are reprimanding ourselves for.  This, sweet ones, is the deception.  For there is no way through that door, in fact there is no door there to begin with. You can’t solve something by operating in the energy that it was created.

It is though clear though that this ‘aspect’ of ourselves wants us to learn something. It’s speaking too loudly for us not to hear.  And if we can extract ourselves from the loop log enough to ask with our hearts (very important not to continue the dialogue in our heads)- but bring it into the heart and then ask ‘what is it I need to know?’ “What is the gift in this?’  There is a valuable gift, a treasure, a jewel, to be had when we determine the rules of the game.  When we are suffering or under duress; when we are at war with ourselves and playing out the vicious cycles in our heads; when we feel we have gone to our depths, we are being given the opportunity to rise higher.

We are being groomed in ways to do it different, to be heart-based, integrity-centered, and power-filled creators in our worlds.  This means that we must learn to navigate the perceived dangers within and without and establish what in fact is a threat and what is only serving as an illusion.  There are thoughts and feelings and life experiences that you can slice through and disable by realizing the truth, by rearranging you perspective to allow for the possibility that these are not serving you.  But there are also those that won’t so easily move aside, or are just down-right gripping, that are here to teach us.  They are here to point the way.  Just remember not to get swallowed by the signpost.  You will begin to learn how to discern when to stay and when to go.  And in this, you will better be able to honor and appreciate your progress.  You will begin to see that you must stop along the river of your path and polish the stones that have hindered your flow.

So, in the face of regret, ask what is it I have lost? What experience has escaped me? What am I missing out on? What am I sacrificing over and again that my ‘regret’ is bringing to my attention? Are you not participating fully in life and missing out on making new memories? In the face of doubt, Are you cowering and not standing in our power too often and have been for too long?  Have you missed the chance to be solid in who you truly are? In the face of guilt, are you ignoring or overriding the inner voice that guides you and missing out on the connection to your higher self, while inadvertently making the path harder than it needs to be? Trace it to the heart of what’s speaking to you.  What’s the big message? What really needs your attention and correction? Zoom in and step over the barrage so that you can see clearly and consciously make a difference rather than continuing to get caught in the trap.  The message will only get louder as the need to extend consciousness throughout your being increases and the drive to become whole ensues.

Aloneness, separateness, and isolation are all core issues that we are releasing. We are feeling them so that we can be aware of their presence in our consciousness/unconsciousness, and so that we can embrace (love the part that needs healing) and release them. Some things can be released. Some things, the really old, deep stuff, seems to need to be held, acknowledged, and loved before it will go. We need to look it in the eye and see it for what it is, on a deep soul level, from a heart place, before it will transcend, before we can transcend, and be released from it.

We're learning how to find our way through and love our selves whole again. And we're doing it by standing in our power and living from our truth. We are finding our way to wholeness and creating the space for the flow. We are becoming stronger every day, even in and especially in the face of adversity. And as we stand in our integrity and face our fears and demons, they become a source of love and power, and we become more. Your sword is your truth, your armor is love, your way forward is integration. Be encouraged, be proud of how far you have come, and be solid in the strength and wisdom of who you truly are.

Upward and onward!
Love to you on your path!


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.