Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Ocean of Consiousness

When we find ourselves swimming through the Ocean of Life, sometimes riding waves, other times going under, we need to become aware of the collectiveness of the energy within the ocean of who we are and how it all contributes.

Many times it’s been said that it’s hard to maintain that connection to the Divine when the waters are turbulent and rough.  We feel a reaction within to the energies flowing through and we feel harder hit when we sense the disconnection from our Source.

We find ourselves being tossed through the waves of consciousness, longing for solid ground and stability, or just the resolution of finally reaching a plateau. And as we reach up to the sky, arms outstretched beyond the wave, crying for rescue and relief, or just even some sense of balance, we forget the forgotten.  We look out rather than within.  And the lifeboat of Truth escapes us.

In order to maintain balance as we sail our ships out in to the sea of consciousness, we must remain aware of our inner alignment and the focus necessary to achieve the levels and plateaus we’re trying to achieve.

Much talk is centered around Christ Consciousness and it’s flow. The possibilities within that realm are endless,  But the key to living in that reality is maintaining balance within the lower realms, within all of our energy centers.  The key is to be in this world but not of it.

Many stretch to be the ‘not of it’ part while forsaking the ‘still in it’ part.  We wonder how we can be so spiritually evolved in one moment and so primaly entrenched in the next.  To dance through the waves of the Ocean, we have to bridge the gaps of the worlds within or else be perpetually tossed by the unpredictability of the sea.

In ascension, as we’re rising in consciousness and connecting with our Divine potential and the Eternal All That Is, we will continually be submerged into lower levels of consciousness until those levels are attended to.

This is to get our attention.  This is to alert us to the need to balance in an area that has become offset,  We tend to think of doubts, fears, insecurities, or anxieties that arise-along with the plethora of triggers- as inconvenient and incompatible to the higher-self-place we are trying to achieve.  But in these times when we’re faced with these disturbances, we need go within to the red-light locations and tend to what needs fixed.  It’s not off your path to be working on your stuff, it’s part of it.

When security issues are on the rise, and our lowest level chakra is out of whack, what can we do to bring comfort? What basic needs need met?  When life has lost its luster, or we want to run away, or satiate those inner hungers in a big way, how can we treat ourselves to more pleasure?  As we notice bursts of rage and irritation disturbing our peace, how can we attend to our core chakra desire for control and inner stability?

Observing that imbalances arising in our lives are indicators of areas within that are off kilter helps us bring awareness back to the inside job that it always truly is.  We need not be tossed randomly about in the waves of consciousness as we strive to BE in a grander way.  We need only bring consciousness to the waves within and Be with them as they call out to us, so that the grand can become more consistent and the way more smooth.

Through balance, you will find your way.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saying Yes to Life

You’ve put in your order with the Universe-this is what you’ve decided you desire.  But are you willing to do what it takes to have/be/do what you want?  Are you prepared for the shifts within you, within your world, that will take place in order for this desire to unfold?  Are you prepared to exit your comfort zone in order to grab hold of the prize?  You have dreamed of the life you desire, but have you truly said yes?

Saying Yes means that we trust that we are enough to have, be, do what we want. It means that we have faith that everything we need will be provided along the way.  And it means that we know that The Creator’s got our backs. Saying yes is listening to the inspiration-it’s saying yes to God.  Everything else is interference.  All fears and doubts are simply static.  Stay tuned into your God station, your inner you,  and remain focused.  Don’t tune into the static of fear and get lost in that frequency.  Determine to remain tuned into the higher vibe, to the truth of what’s resonating within you, and let your song play out in harmony.

Saying yes means we’re ready to go to bat for our dreams, that we’re going to defend them and fight for them, even when life shakes us down.  Yes is about being open when it feels all wrong, ‘cause sometimes that’s part of getting alright.  Yes is allowing, action, and unwavering faith all rolled into one.

We may want to reach from the place we are now, not having to move or grow or really exert and effort at all.  We may want to stay put, stay stagnant, and still grab over into the other dimension of where our dream exists, and have it be as simple as that.  But you must see that if it were a match, it would already be. 

Getting in alignment with, or saying yes to life, can mean different things.  Sometimes it means taking action, and doing what you need to do to make it happen overriding any fears along the way.  Sometimes it means releasing the doubts or inhibitions that get in the way of moving forward (not often a comfortable process, but essential).  And sometimes it means just getting out of the way all together.  Enacting faith- believing in what you don’t yet see materializing, and trusting that it will be so, even if a takes a little longer than you like, is harder than you’d perceived it would be, and even when  it stretches you in ways you never would have believed were possible.

When we want to become more, have more, do more-or welcome into our lives more than what is, there will ultimately be shift, because in order to get from one place to the other there has to be movement.  Part of saying yes is expecting this movement and then embracing it as it comes, knowing that it is part of the deal.  It’s part of what is getting us there- to the other side of ourselves-to the place where dreams come true.

Decide not to live your life in ‘maybe’. Say YES and prepare for the expression of the shift by knowing it’s you saying yes, and keep on saying yes as it comes.  Look at every ounce of it as growth and as you stretching into the new paradigm of you yes-ing life.  And don’t forget to celebrate your acceptance along the way.

To your expansion!


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

To Everything There Is a Season

To everything there is a season, and so it is with the evolution of growth.  And as nature is filled with such dichotomy and paradox, so is the university of your soul.

There is a time to allow, but there is also, most absolutely my friends,  a time to demand.  So on the path, while you may be under the curriculum of a crash course in, say detachment, where you are learning to let God open you wide to the possibilities and you are letting go of your grip of what needs to Be in order for your dreams to unfold, you may be simultaneously being offered a lesson in Not Letting-in standing up for the aspect of yourself that takes no command; the self that reacts to what life’s throwing your way rather than setting limits for what you will and won’t accept.

If this is so for you, you will feel outrage and you will reach a point where you are ready to confront this aspect of your self-of your life-of your way of being. This aspect is the Bullshit Factor. It’s the place where you say “this is bullshit, and I’m not gonna take it anymore.’ This is a healthy place to be, although a dichotomy of peace in a sense, it's you becoming clear enough to take the reigns rather than continuing to be rattled by whichever way life will go.

The Bullshit Factor is most recognizable when anger trumps apathy. It’s a point where you decide that you’re not going to allow your circumstances to control you. You decide that YOU determine what’s allowed and not allowed in your paradigm. You set the limits. When you reach this place you say “No!” with a capital N and you say it loud. You’ve reached your limit with letting life roll over you.

And in this moment, you assume power.  In this place you take back the right to decide what happens to you and the right to protect yourself from what is damaging and unwanted.  In this place where your fire rises and you become the Phoenix, you see that you can set boundaries within the context of your world and within those boundaries are what you will condone.

Those boundaries may be with another who you’ve allowed to cross the line.  They may be with the Universe- as you command direction and comfort in the meanwhile of what you’re waiting for.  Or they may be, and ultimately are, with yourself, as you realize that you’ve taken it sitting for too long.

And so you must become clear with this one thing- are you a bi-product of your life? -Are you at the whim of whatever life brings your way? Will you continue to simply react to what comes and goes your way? Or are you the captain of your ship? Are you the one who decides that enough is enough when it’s enough, and will you take the fire that rises in these times as an impetus to stand in your power?

As we plug along in this often times challenging school of life, we seem to have graduated to a new level, and that level includes discernment. In this masters program that we now embark upon, we must choose between the alternating elements of our experience.  We are now being asked to know when to allow and when to resist.  And sometimes that’s paradoxically simultaneous. 

But somehow, at the same time, it becomes easy to know which way to go as we become more solid in our stillness, as we listen to and follow our hearts, and as we trust that we know, even when it doesn’t make any sense.

You know the way. You know your soul. Live in every moment and let it take you where you need to go.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Detachment~Letting It All Go

As you move forward, you’ll find liberation in letting go of the need for things to be one way or another.  Though you may desire a certain outcome, God’s version of what that looks like for you could be completely different and WAY grander than you could have imagined for yourself.  And so, in your limited perspective, by clinging to your idea of what it is you want to transpire, you block the potential possibilities from flowing to you.

An excellent concept to incorporate into your toolbox of Being is asking for ‘This, or something better’. So that when you wish upon a star, or pray, or intend for something to be so, you allow for the fullness, the grandness, the blow-your-mind possibilities to flow. And you open yourself to greatness while at the same time release the need to be right or certain, or in control of what the outcome may be.

When it feels like a curve ball has been thrown your way; when it feels like you’ve been guided to one thing and then it’s yanked out from under you; when you feel like you need to take action, but you can’t get the pause button unstuck- this is detachment being taught. This is the Universe saying ‘Yeah, but’.  This is you being schooled in the potential of opening to greatness and grander possibilities.  And though you feel the drive and desire, the inspiration to do, it’s just the impetus for what is flowing into your world. You need to act from a place of clarity to have right action. When there is no clarity, surrender to silence until the wisdom unfolds. Follow the inner word.  Everything else is interference.

Your higher self desires that you become unlimited and therefore unattached to anything needing to be a certain way.  In order to do this, you have to surrender and know that everything is going to be ok. You have to allow and trust that that there are greater things at play.  And you have to open to this new way of Being- of being unstuck spiritually, contrary to what’s unfolding in your world.

This is a higher level of Knowing.  It’s one where you learn to listen to the wisdom within and override the discomfort of not getting your way now.  And even if you have to throw a fit along the way, that’s ok too, because you’re human, and you’re growing, and it’s tough to let go of what we’re used to and what you want.  Remember that it’s a process.  It’s gradual.  And as with becoming accustomed to anything different of new, you will have to find your way with it.

Understanding and awareness will expand the opening into this new paradigm and will give you a compass with which to explore.  When you know that what’s unfolding is a lesson in detachment you can begin to peek into what that way of being has to offer. Embrace the belief that the Universe loves you enough to teach you how to be greater in your experience by opening to your fullness. All of creation wants you to know that you are more than you could ever imagine, and the Creator wants to give you everything-not just the one thing you have asked for.  You are worth gold-not the bronze you believe yourself to be.  So just let go. Just let, and be ready to be gifted.

Let go of the frustrations of not having what you want right now.  Let go of the need for certainty of details.  Let go of limits, and open to the possibilities.  In detachment is everything.  In holding on is great suffering.  Let the Mother, the Universe, your own inner whisperings teach you.  And let your story be told from a higher perspective.

Be your Beauty.
Be your grace.
Be your everything.

Loving you,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Romancing You~Chivalry Never Dies

Loving you-why is that so hard to do? Needing a little nudge in that direction? Here are some tips.

1) Chivalry.  Be your own Knight in shining armor. Push the activate button, the one that stands up for you when you’re inner critic’s being cruel, something like “Don’t you talk to (insert name) like that!” or “STOP!”.  Say to yourself,  “I’ll protect you”, and mean it.  Notice how that wins you over too, how brave, and strong, and bold that you is that’s loving you enough to stand in your defense, the one that’s loving your through respect.

2) Create. Yes, Create.  Creating is an act of love.  When you take the time to be creative, you are gifting yourself.  You are saying “Yes, I deserve to play.”(cuz all creativity’s a form of play, right?). “Yes, I’m worthy of letting this creation flow through me and I’m not going to stand in my way.”  No matter how big or small, just do it. You’ll feel the shift if you act on this one.
And while you’re at it, create the space for a relationship with you, and let your creativity (yes, we all have it) be the vessel.

3) Serenade your soul. Sing, or dance-or why not both. You can’t not feel good when you’re belting it out or shaking your thing.  Even when you sing a sad song, there’s something soothing about it that sets you free. It is said that song and dance are the highest praise to God. Perhaps that’s because in them we’re announcing, and anointing, our essential joyful Self.

4) Write a love letter in celebration of you.  List in it all the reasons you find you irresistible.  Feeling stuck? Write about the things others have shared that they love about you. Still feeling unloveable? Then write about the future you, or the past you (if you can find good stuff to reflect on there-remember this is a positive thing).  It’s all the same-all the same you needing and requiring love.  If it’s easier, pledge to love yourself more in the Letter de Amore, and write out a list of the ways that you will.
Seal the note with a kiss and the care that you would in a love note to someone you truly adored. Place it somewhere to be discovered later, And when you open and read it, feel the love pouring over you.

5) Take yourself on a date. Even if it’s just to the store for some Ben and Jerry’s (yes, chocolate is a love elixir). But, dare yourself-push yourself even, if you have to-to venture out into something that really calls to your heart. If this were your dream date, where would you want to go? Improvise, if you have to, and let that creativity flow in to imagining and making it happen.  You wouldn’t want to chintz you on your first date would you? That’s not setting a very good impression or president. You want to win you over, right, so put in the effort-you’re worth every bit of it.

6) Fantasize.  What would the you truly in love with you do? Channel the energy of when you have felt madly in love, blissed out, and lost in the magic of it all. And how would the you soaking up those self-love rays feel? Silly, I know, to imagine, but just role with me here, and let yourself feel it..  Ahhh, yes, there it is-the fantasy love affair between one soul and itself.  Imagine the passion, the inspiration, the unstoppable mind-frame.  Imagine you on top of the world- your world- number-one-ing it on a daily basis. You’re a match made in heaven. No one knows you like you do, how could anyone else love you as well? Now if you could just get over those little love spats that have been playing out in your head…

7) Take the plunge-make an oath.  For better or for worse.  In sickness and in health.  Through thick and thin.  Till death do you part.  Unconditional, pure love flowing to you, faithful and committed. You there for you for the long haul; through bad hair days, through stubborn resistance, through all the little quirks; through it all, though and through.  Try it for a month, a week, a day, and see where it gets ya.  Remember that all successful relationships are built on trust, so trust yourself to see this through in whatever capacity you’re ready to open up to.

8) Compliments, compliments.  Everybody likes compliments. Take the time throughout the day to notice the good about you. Be generous with your praise,-after all, you’ve got a little making up to do for all those seasons of self-berating. Try something like “Hey, good job only eating three cookies, I know you really wanted four. You’re so mindful of your desire to be more health conscious”. It’s ok to stretch the truth a bit.  Exaggeration’s ok too. -“Wow, you look HOT in that dress. You’re lookin’ hotter than ever”. Go ahead, lay it on thick.  You know you love it, or at least the you soaking it up does anyway.  The you dolling it out may be a little rusty in the self-love schmooze, but you’ll ge the hang of it.

9) Smile.  No one can resist a big bright smile.  And when you do grin it up, something shifts in you –there’s an actual chemical altering.  A smile is a gift.  Give it to you.  Smile at yourself in the mirror.  It may make you laugh, but hey, that’s even better.(Talk about chemicals-you can’t not feel good when you giggle.) Now try smiling on the inside, like this; Picture the Big You, the Higher Self you-that big almighty sunshine in the sky of you-shining down on the you-you ( the one you know pretty well already), There.  How does that feel,- the Higher You shining down on the everyday you with a big ‘ol cheesy grin, in total acceptance, in grace, just loving you-like a mother to a child.  Feel the hug of the smile as the warmth fills your being.  Good stuff, huh?

10) Shower you in gifts, It can be so simple.  Make a little daisy chain.  Draw a picture (stick figure you, radiating light).  Wrap up your favorite book and give it to you to re-read.  (See how the creativity just keeps creeping into the picture?  It really is a source in itself.)  How about a gift a day for a week.  Special little notes in your lunch box, newly framed pictures of you at your happiest- Put your heart into it and knock your own socks off.  See how much you mean to you? Now prove it.

This all may sound a little corny, but if you think about it, all romance is a little cheesy, or not, depending on how you look at it.  So, what’s in it for you? Well, you reap the rewards of a more satisfied, peaceful, and harmonized you. You can expect less co-dependence, less listless unmotivated energy (as you’re focusing it positively on YOU), and a lot less longing and discontentment.

In the long run, and pretty much in the short run too, romancing you-the gift of you to you-just keeps on giving.

To the art of self-love!!

Be blessed with the gift of YOU.


. Copyright © 2009-12 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surrender into Being

When you find it difficult to surrender, or to know when to surrender and when to take initiative, think of the Serenity Prayer.

~Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.~

Now apply this to your way of being in the way of how you maneuver through your life. Apply this to what you act on, and what you give over. Apply this to your ability to created in tandem with the Universe as you soften into a knowing of when to allow and when to make happen. And as you envelope this into your knowing, you will become more conscious of where you are and where you need to grow. For as you expand, and encompass the cosmic tools, you will become more of who you came to be. And along the way, when you are feeling adrift, know that you are only being gifted with the chance to shift into who you need to be, in the fullest, in order to live the life of your dreams.

You are being groomed in the art of conscious co-creating, which means no longer can you do it all yourself, nor can you Creator do it all for you.  You have to become conscious of what you’re doing, of your method of operation, of the base from which the rest of what you do is streaming.

And in becoming conscious, you need to become responsible for choosing-no longer drifting through life driven by unconscious beliefs and repeating the same lessons only to get nowhere but in circles.  It is time to become pro-active- to live on purpose.  And for that, you must become aware.

The more you do this, the more empowered you become.  The more empowered- the more free, and alive.  This is what you long for.  This is the life of which you dream- a life of freedom and flexibility. And it is you that must push forward to become that, to become free. You do this by choosing higher. You do that by becoming aware.

Awareness, or being a conscious observer, is the place to start.  It all begins and ends with awareness, which is another word for consciousness.  And when this becomes pure, it becomes a more optimal place to create.  From the pure knowing, you can expand into greatness-the grandness of who you are.

In grandness, you align not only with the Power of Creation, but with the ease of it.  It becomes something that you simply are, and that you do, rather than a quest.  At that point, the quest for The Way is over, the seeking has ended, because you have been found and in finding you, you are born again, with all of the attributes of new life; the innocence, the grace, the pure love, the divinity.  In this rebirth, you conceive the ability to live from this place, from a place of conscious co-creating.

Allow for the birth of you to transpire and be blessed on your journey into fullness.

Gracefully yours,

. Copyright © 2010-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Creative Power

Where are you channeling your energy?  When focusing on your passion, on what brings you pleasure and joy then you are paying into that high vibe place.  You are gining it energy.  Everything is energy and if you pay into the positive thoughts, the visions, the dreams, the goals, you give them momentum.

There are times when you may feel like you’re not moving forward in the direction of what you desire.  But if you keep conscious focus on the higher thoughts that are aligned with what you want, you are, in fact, doing something.  You are creating momentum, you are creating space, you are creating alignment. And therefore you are creating exactly what you desire, because without the energy of alignment there is nothing.

You are setting the stage in these moments, making sure everything is in place. You are directing the props and the players and fine-tuning the script.  This doesn’t take a huge amount of focus of energy on your [art.  It’s you simply holding the higher thought and shifting back into that place when your thoughts stray. Simply redirecting until it becomes the norm, until it becomes the natural way-until it becomes what is.

Take a moment outside and notice the sky, notice the trees, notice nature and the beauty of it. Be grateful for the perfection of the moment, for the fact that you are blessed with these gifts, with the scenery that surrounds you. Often we hear that if we count our blessings and are grateful for what is within our life and all around us, we will find peace. Now take it a step further and decide to be at peace, decide on gratitude, for the beauty that is within. Whatever is outside of or all around can easily be considered illusion and it is always only transitory. So decide to be blessed this day because the beauty is in you. Base your reality on Truth, truth being light- then knowing that what IS in any moment is either you agreeing with Truth or you denying it. Thoughts come and go.  Feelings-here and gone. People, places things-all not really deciding factors on your state of being, when you concede to the state of being rooted in Truth.

It’s really your choosing, in every moment, and some moments are much more difficult than the last. It may feel as if you aren’t being true to you when you’re feeling one thing and attempting to pull out of it to feel another. You have become accustomed to honoring your feelings and following your thoughts, but this is not all there is and there is a Higher You at play that does a much better job of commanding the post  if you only allow your self to receive, from that small whispering voice, the wisdom it has to share.  So see it not as abandoning self or denying what’s bubbling forward within, but rather as an opportunity to rise and become one with the long awaited everything of who you are.  Wholeness is based on the all-inclusive, and the part that’s been left out for most is the part they’ve been in pursuit of all their lives.

I know it's hard to drudge through even one minute longer sometimes. The energies are so intense, in either direction. It seems that it's something of a test too, to smile and intend the best, intend that it is all good, and not get swayed by the fray of what's unraveling, or raveling, or whatever the heck it's doing. Perspective, my friend, hold the high perspective, and things will shift. Now-moment it as best you can. And when all else fails, and in every moment that you can muster, Be You. Just be you, love. In this the way will not be found but the way will find you.

May the light shine all around and within you and may your every moment be inspired by the truth of who you are.

Love to All, 

 . Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rite of Passage~Initiation into Truth

Where you put your attention is where your creativity flows.  If you are focusing on, or following the stream of thoughts that don’t serve you, you are sending you power in that direction.  By giving your power away to lower thoughts, you become servant to them.  You become lost in the train of them.  When you become lost, you are not present.  When you are not present, you are not consciously aware.  And when you are not consciously aware, you are not operating from your highest self.

Here’s how you can flip this.  As the thoughts arise, and you are triggered into reaction, stay present- don’t run away with them.  Prepare yourself for this by knowing that triggers abound right now.  In other words- expect them-and when they show up, do it differently.  Be in the moment with it and let it offer you a teaching.  What is it wanting to show you about this element of you, this belief system you’ve carried as yours for oh too long now? Truth is wanting to shine the light on it in a way that’s never been done before. 

Up till now, it’s been like having a nightmare, where you are rattled by something and left with this uneasy lack of understanding of what you’ve experienced but are haunted by.  Up until now, your triggers, or belief systems, and ways of being that are rooted in something other than your truth have surfaced time and again for the same purpose as now-to be excavated.  But this time there is this undeniable aspect of light shining in on them, exposing them for that they truly are, and loosening their grip over you, so you can, at very long last, move forward.

This is surely cause for celebration as we embark on this grand movement toward conscious freedom.  For as in comparing the dream state to the wake, all things are different in the light of day.

So now is your time to do it another way.  In breaking a habitual way of being, it will take some effort and some awareness.  You will have to become intentional in your response to life, to your triggers, to you self.  You will have to moderate your tendencies.  You will have to become responsible for you.

This, my loved ones, is a rite of passage~ an initiation into Truth. And, as with any rite of passage or great transition, you are needing to undergo a purification in preparation for embarking on the next level of sacredness in your life.

So, as you are purifying and allowing your way to become new, you will be reminded of certain life tools that will come in handy.  As you come to terms with and are en-lightened by old beliefs, you will find that you might need a little assistance in disposing of all the residual build up and debris that’s accumulated over the years as ‘off’ thoughts took up space in your being.  Here, you will come to understand the ‘co’ in conscious co-creating. Know that we weren’t meant to do it alone.  Yes, we need to do our part, but there are things that we can’t do, and aren’t meant to.  And this is a journey WITH the Divine, so we must allow the Divine to do it’s share.

When we realize that we are ready to put down the heavy burden of the baggage we’ve been carrying, we can simply give it over in whichever direction feels right.  You can give it over to Mother Earth, and let your debris become fertilizer as you let her support you, as mothers do, on your forward movement.  You can give it to the angels, and watch them take hold of your worries or tribulations and, on wings, carry it all away.  You can give it directly to God, consecrating your relationship with the Creator of All that Is through the process of surrender, knowing He wants what’s best for you and He will, in any moment, carry what’s become too heavy for you to bare.

It is us that get in the way of the giving. Like a child, we feel so resistant to asking for help. We’re wanting to do it all ourselves.  And you may find that even when you do surrender, you will catch yourself still holding on tight, or grabbing it back a short time later.  It’s our nature to be independent and it’s a re-learning to do it in tandem, But that is the point of the journey- to reunite with Divinity. And the point is not just to know the Divine, but to work intimately in your life WITH the Divine, to create your world with the Divine, and to envelop the Divine as your truth.  And so, this is the lesson at hand.

Happy Initiation!


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life as a Teacher, Guilt as a Guide

In every moment, from the lessons that are presenting themselves, we have the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to become more.  Often we get lost in the translation.  We get caught up in the roles the players are playing or the scenery or the stage, forsaking the wisdom, the pearl, as we focus instead on the shell that encompasses it.

I invite you to open to the lessons that are unfolding before you.  I ask that you speak to the guilt, or the worry, the anger, the pain, that may arise in your day and ask it to tell you its story.

If guilt is replaying itself in your head, understand that it is simply sorrow over should-haves and it is trying to get your attention in order to show you where you have given away your power or as insight into where you are on your soul scale of growth and how much you’ve matched up to your scale of priorities.

If we step away from, without forsaking, the details and the emotion long enough we can catch the glimpse of wisdom that’s broadcasting into awareness. And from this place of renewed perspective, can we become grateful and cleansed by the knowing that we got it-we caught that fly ball- and we can move forward in the game.

 We can have fun in this game if we step back a bit and play decoder of messages with the curiosity and the abandon of a child, rather than the serious contemplation of adulthood that carries us away from our truth, making hearts heavy and minds spinning dizzy.

Play the game.  Don’t work it.  Exude the spirit of inquisitiveness and creative master.  Step away from the grind of what’s speaking to you when it becomes incessant and hear what it has to say.  The feelings are just bleep on your radar-here to get your attention, to alert you to the lesson at hand or gone by.

Retract your anger or resentment of another or a situation and focus full-heartedly at the soul-speak of the wisdom being revealed. Focus within, with love, and know that you are being guided.  When you become conscious of the power of perspective, you can choose to see what’s happening in your world as one of life’s great lessons propelling you forward, or you can remain unconscious and see it as a calamity.

You can change your game in this moment and decide that you are an active participant, playing on purpose, deciding at will, and determined to win.  Your prize is wholeness and peace of mind, and the perspective of those who achieve. 

Are you ready for greatness?  Get your game on, and delete defeat.

In honor of you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

To Be or Not To Be (part five)

What to do when you still just can’t decide what to do?  Here are some tips from the Source…

Take a time out. Take some time with you away from the situation. It’s ok to put it down for a while and come back later.  If you do, you’ll come back fresh and ready to see things from a new perspective. Give your self a break and let God do the heavy lifting for a change.

Be Guided.  Listen. Be still and you’ll receive the guidance about what’s really going on.  It may not be what you think.  We’re all on our own soul journey, so keep in mind that lots of aspects are at play, on your path as well as others.

Be Inspired.  Refresh yourself with something that comforts your sense of what’s important.  This will give you a sense of strength, remind you what really counts, and give you more solid ground to operate on.

Release.  Set it free and see if it comes back to you.  Honor the other for all they’ve been and done for you and bless them in love.  Then let whatever needs to be BE.

Be grounded.  Get solid in your Truth and set some boundaries.  Know that boundary-setting is an act of love of self, and that those who love you will respect the lines you draw.  Let those who don’t fall away, and let the relationship be redefined by who you are now and where you are going, rather than where you have been.  If it’s stretchable, it’s sustainable.  If not, better broken now than later anyway.

Lighten Up.  We don’t realize how much of a weight worry is. When we’re overly concerned with how someone will react to who we are or what we choose, we are placing undue burden on ourselves.  When we release the perimeters we’ve placed around our Truth and come from a place of I AM, we can allow our authenticity to dictate who will stay and who will go.  If it’s not a match-if someone can’t contend with our Truth-then the barometer has been set and the relationship will either wither or grow.

FLY. Haven’t your wings been clipped long enough? Time to exert wiggle room and shake it out.  Making room for you in your life just may mean that the space old relationships used to hold now needs to be used for the larger-version reflection of you. 

In expansion there is constant shift. Relationships are no exception.  Let it roll and be prepared to welcome a more custom-fit array of playmates and companions, which may show up as new friends or may come through in the inspired-by-you-to-expand old.

In Peace,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Nature of Conflict (part four)

The nature of conflict is constriction. Constriction is tightening and resistance.  It is felt by you on all levels when it arises in your life. What you need to discern is the nature of the conflict, and then you can again begin to move freely.

When there appears to be a situation that is undesirable or uncomfortable, something that doesn’t match up with that ‘feel good’ place of your truth, then something in you forms a knot.  The idea of conflict presents the idea of confrontation.  It is in our nature to fix, or alleviate, what is causing us pain.  And so we feel, when we have been wronged, that we must ‘make right’ by correcting another.

For most of us, the idea of confrontation is uneasy.  It represents battle and we would rather lean towards peace.  Our outer conflict becomes ever-more internal then, as our minds rally for justice and our hearts long for subtler pacification.  We want to stand up for our selves when we’ve been wronged and we feel the need to give voice to our indignation.  But the idea of creating more tension within the situation and the possibility of abandon keeps us immobilized and therefore even more split in the context of peace.  It is here that many become lost in their heads and tormented by ghosts of past ill-fated relationship conflicts and paralyzed by the oh-so-real-seeming drama of played out possibilities to come.

It  can be difficult to discern from which the pain is greater.  Is it conflict within the relationship that’s bringing you more pain or is it the division that’s been created within you?

When we find ourselves lost in the ‘solution’, eagerly trying to dampen the unrest, it’s an excellent time to withdraw from the situation, withdraw from our own heads, and find our place of center.  No right outcome will transpire from a place of disconnect.  When you have lost your center, you have become disconnected from Source.  Only from a place of peace can you derive balance and a satisfying outcome.

It’s important to ask yourself if the relationship is reflecting your own polarity. Do your values match up with the way that you allow others to treat you? Are your outer relationships reflecting what’s within? How true are you to you?

Ultimately, it is up to you to show others how to treat you.  If you feel like you’ve been wronged, perhaps it’s a mirror of where you’re not in right relationship with yourself.  That foundation, that cornerstone of you loving you, you honoring Truth, is where all relationships are based.  So ask your self if what you’re seeing in a relationship isn’t lacking because you haven’t laid the ground for it to be so.  If you’re not being respected, where have you allowed those boundaries to become slack, and what do you need to do to strengthen?  If you're not feeling that a relationship is positive, how are you contributing to it's imbalance? Where does your foundation lie, and how are you initiating it in your world?

There is a time for confrontation and exercising our Truth with voice, but when you wish to operate from solid ground you must reflect on the ground you stand.  Is this possibly an opportunity to become stronger in you and allow that strength to ripple out into your world, into your relationships, into your outcomes?

When you become solid in you, you regain clarity and composure and confrontation can be filtered into communication of Truth.  When you become realigned with your Self and pay allegiance, how you choose to handle a situation becomes an act of peace, as your intention is to end the conflict within.

In this state of Being, all outcomes become irrelevant other than the ultimate of being true to you.  And in the end, you are left with exactly what you need, because the other will either choose to align or will easily fall away, leaving you with matches to your truth, rather than uncomfortable fits.

As you stand in integrity and authenticity becomes your guide, you will find the like that attracts like and you will see that compatibility is much more pleasant when it springs from truth.

Honoring you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Flowing with Grace (part three on relationships)

If a thing’s purpose has expired- if an experience or a soul has played its part in our lives and it is time for the relationship to end, how do we let go with grace? 

A relationship, or the container that held the space for a lesson or experience to unfold, has served its purpose, yet we find ourselves grieving at the thought of letting go. It’s important to remember that we are all still ever-connected, so it’s not necessarily a separation from another soul, but rather an honoring, or an allowing, of what is.  The principals of birth and death apply to relationship, and when we can come to terms with the inevitable process of life, and apply it to all things, we can come to a place of reverence that will allow us to see things from the higher perspective of grace.

Grace removes the blocks of flow.  Flow is the course to follow when you wish to live your life with ease.  There is comfort in ease, and meaning.  Ease means you’ve arrived.  And arrival is what you’ve been waiting for.

Now is the perfect time to assume the stance of follower of your heart.  Grace is the place where miracles unfold.  We’ve waited for the time of miracles abound.  We’ve undergone slow and tumultuous changes in order to stand in a place where desire is akin to life experience.  All that has ever stood in the way is you-or your perception of you based on what you’ve been told.

 Be bold.  The time to live by anyone else’s rules has expired.  Have no fear in making decisions in moving forward, for your heart won’t steer you wrong.  It knows good from bad and right from wrong and it’s one-hundred percent aligned with your greatest good.  And goodness is what you’re here to achieve- unscathed by the diplomacy of doubt or guilt and unhindered by the encumbrance of greed for the need to be accepted.  Accept yourself, first and foremost.  It is you that must spread the love to the you that has been seeking.  Seek no more.~ It is within.  Transcend  the inner critic who mirrors the world abroad and embrace the portal of compassion that is ever flowing to you and only waiting for you to receive.  Believe in the you that is waiting~in the you that wants to unfold.  For you are the greatest potential and your story waits to be told.

Be there with you in the moment.  Be true to you each day.  Be kind to yourself when you’d rather be cruel. And be the love that you wish to receive.  It is from this place, this way of being that you will begin to walk in grace and your life will begin to flow. It is from this relationship with your self that your perspective will become higher grounded. 

All relationships offer us gifts and opportunities, lessons and experiences. Not all relationships are meant to last forever. We are humbled into a place of nonattachment when we walk in grace, when we live from our truth, when we allow for the path to unfold and the pieces to crumble so that we can be built anew.   Be grateful for those who have blessed your life and be honest with yourself when it is time to move on.  In the state of allowing that is grace, nothing is lost, but our need to hold on.  As you learn to open your arms to what is and open your hearts to what’s becoming new, you will see that endings are only openings for what’s waiting and a chance to smile at what you’ve been blessed with through the experience now saying goodbye.

You are choosing higher now.  Allow your choices to reflect your greatest desires and honor your truth. When it is time to move on, you will know.  Know that. And know that the act of honoring you is the greatest thing you can do. There is nothing selfish about loving you, it only might feel a little foreign to put yourself first for a change. In allowing an ending to end, you are aligning with the  divine order of all that is moving in the direction of exactly where you need to be.

Listen closely and be still, as your heart shows you the way.
As you find grace, you will find that it is one of the most powerful, and profound, forces in the Universe, and an imaculate tool for living on purpose.

Blessings abound!


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Expansion and You~What are You Outgrowing? (part two in relationship series)

There’s a lot to be learned from what our experiences are teaching us.

Conflict in relationships teaches us about boundaries.  It’s a wonderful time to redefine what’s important to you; ie values-what really matters to you, what you stand for, and if and where those lines are being crossed.  We tend to give away our power and give into situation that may not be serving our greatest when, on some level, our needs are being met.  Conflict in a relationship is a reflection of conflict within you when you are paying membership dues to something or someone you have outgrown.

The concept of ‘outgrown’ becomes confusing due to the sense of loyalty to another or a thing. We feel some sense of uneasiness in the notion of growing beyond, or becoming more than what we’ve given ourselves to.  But ‘outgrown’ simply means that something no longer fits.  When we continually grow and expand, we are bound to outsize what previously may have worked in our lives. And though we may find ourselves attached to what’s no longer fitting, it’s essential to our growth to honor that part of us that’s saying ‘But that’s not me anymore’. That part of you that’s resisting ‘what is’ is reaching for ‘what can be’ when you open more fully to the greatness of who you are.

 The nature of expansion is to have room to move freely.  Are you moving freely in your experience of life or do you find yourself constricted by what’s playing out for you at this time? 

The conflict is simply you needing to honor you-so it’s you creating discomfort so that you will pay attention to what you truly desire and what’s not being honored.  With this perspective, reevaluate where in your life you are being asked to be able to move freely, to move authentically, and to take a look at the ways you’re not.

Do you feel that you can exercise your true beliefs and feelings in your relationships?  Do you feel that you are completely free to be you?  And if not, are you sensing the discomfort arising?  Because if you do, that’s your Self’s way of telling you it needs to be true.  And at some point in our development, it becomes too painful to remain in what doesn’t fit.

It’s really a simple process of evolution-take the cocoon example- But somehow in our human minds we take on the obligation to what’s been and find it difficult to stretch into the new.  It’s important at this point to allow yourself to detach from whatever’s causing you angst. Because as long as you remain, you will be impending your inner desire to grow.

And remember that as you expand into a place of honoring your truth and following your heart that the rules in your head no longer apply.  Take back your power.  YOU know what’s best for you (and that part of you is reminding you).  YOU decide which direction you’ll go.  And when you’re confused, you can base it on two things.

1)  What your heart’s telling you to pay attention to (that GPS)
2)  What’s playing out in your experience

This is the ultimate of going with the flow.  Where is the flow directing you?  What is it teaching you and telling you?  Everything in this process really can become so organic when we simply listen and become aware of what’s teaching us and what it has to tell without all the hupla in our heads, but simply as an observer.

(There’s a definite theme of ‘simply’ in this note.  I believe Spirit is really trying to get us to break it down to what’s simple and live from that place.)

So, as an observer, we can notice and we can allow.  And when it seems too tough to allow, we can then surrender.  When you find yourself in conflict in a relationship, simply ask that those that need to remain in your life and are for your greatest good stay, and  those who don’t, be removed.  It really takes the guess-work out of it and allows you to remain in a place of continuing to observe and honor who you are in truth by paying heed to what your heart is telling you.

Here's to moving freely and living wisely.

In love of life,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

Soothing You~Growing Pain Salves (Part one of a five part peice on relationships)

There is comfort in knowing that there is purpose to a thing.  When we choose to believe that people and experiences are in our lives, or are exiting, for a reason, then we can derive meaning from it.  Even if we don’t yet know what that meaning is, the sense of knowing can bring us grace for what it is we behold.   If your experience is less than optimal, you can gather strength in knowing it has meaning.  The same can be true for finding purpose in relationships that may be faltering..

We have a tendency to run from pain.  It’s our nature. But if we face the pain and see what it’s teaching us, we become more effective at navigating through our lives and no longer ruled by what is bringing us discomfort.  When we step away from the emotion of what’s happening, we become objective.  And from here, we can obtain a clearer view of the truth.

We really do want the whole picture anyway.  That’s why we get caught in our heads trying to unscramble what’s happening in our lives.  The trouble is, from that vantage point, we just can’t get the entire view.  We can’t know all of the why’s and what’s and how-come’s of everything.  Such is the mystery of life.  And would we really want to know anyway~ don’t we have enough information crammed up there in that head of ours already?  The why’s and what’s are just details, just aspects of the entire picture being painted.  But the meaning we truly seek is far more expansive.  It involves a knowing on so many more levels.  IT involves a grander scope that doesn’t always unfold in the time frame we try to place on it.

Here is where we can learn to soften to what is attempting to unfold, and what will , in fact unfold, with or without our consent.  But when we become aware of what the experience is whispering to us, we let IT tell us the story, rather that allowing our minds to scamper around trying to figure it out.

Here we become one with our experience, rather than lost in our resistance to or confusion about what is.  When we become unattached to what the meaning must be or to the need to know the meaning instantly, we allow for the experience to breathe, and for ourselves to be fully in it, even when it may seem to be causing us pain.

Pain is a teacher.  And so you must ask, rather than give juristiction to it, what it is your painful experience is teaching you.  This is a soul-level question, and soul-level questions can’t be timed.  They are questions we ask with our hearts, and their answers find their way to us when we are most ready to receive them.

If, in allowing the process you believe, the unfolding of meaning can be a beautiful thing.

Remember to breathe and to soften as your life unfolds around you.  Even when it feels like everything is falling apart or away, or aspects that have mattered deeply to you are now distancing themselves. Know that there is a great plan at hand, and that on a soul level, all is perfectly divine and in order.

All in love,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.