Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saying Yes to Life

You’ve put in your order with the Universe-this is what you’ve decided you desire.  But are you willing to do what it takes to have/be/do what you want?  Are you prepared for the shifts within you, within your world, that will take place in order for this desire to unfold?  Are you prepared to exit your comfort zone in order to grab hold of the prize?  You have dreamed of the life you desire, but have you truly said yes?

Saying Yes means that we trust that we are enough to have, be, do what we want. It means that we have faith that everything we need will be provided along the way.  And it means that we know that The Creator’s got our backs. Saying yes is listening to the inspiration-it’s saying yes to God.  Everything else is interference.  All fears and doubts are simply static.  Stay tuned into your God station, your inner you,  and remain focused.  Don’t tune into the static of fear and get lost in that frequency.  Determine to remain tuned into the higher vibe, to the truth of what’s resonating within you, and let your song play out in harmony.

Saying yes means we’re ready to go to bat for our dreams, that we’re going to defend them and fight for them, even when life shakes us down.  Yes is about being open when it feels all wrong, ‘cause sometimes that’s part of getting alright.  Yes is allowing, action, and unwavering faith all rolled into one.

We may want to reach from the place we are now, not having to move or grow or really exert and effort at all.  We may want to stay put, stay stagnant, and still grab over into the other dimension of where our dream exists, and have it be as simple as that.  But you must see that if it were a match, it would already be. 

Getting in alignment with, or saying yes to life, can mean different things.  Sometimes it means taking action, and doing what you need to do to make it happen overriding any fears along the way.  Sometimes it means releasing the doubts or inhibitions that get in the way of moving forward (not often a comfortable process, but essential).  And sometimes it means just getting out of the way all together.  Enacting faith- believing in what you don’t yet see materializing, and trusting that it will be so, even if a takes a little longer than you like, is harder than you’d perceived it would be, and even when  it stretches you in ways you never would have believed were possible.

When we want to become more, have more, do more-or welcome into our lives more than what is, there will ultimately be shift, because in order to get from one place to the other there has to be movement.  Part of saying yes is expecting this movement and then embracing it as it comes, knowing that it is part of the deal.  It’s part of what is getting us there- to the other side of ourselves-to the place where dreams come true.

Decide not to live your life in ‘maybe’. Say YES and prepare for the expression of the shift by knowing it’s you saying yes, and keep on saying yes as it comes.  Look at every ounce of it as growth and as you stretching into the new paradigm of you yes-ing life.  And don’t forget to celebrate your acceptance along the way.

To your expansion!


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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