Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec.31, 2011~ The Dawn of Creation on The Eve of The New Year

The energy forecast for today…

Ah, so the eve of the new year is upon us (or at least it is in the United States, but the energy applies wherever you are, whatever time or day, as you read, it applies to you now.)  We are presented today with at least seven symbols of wisdom to lead us into the new light that is about to dawn. And in so, the images are about bringing light to the darkness, to the darkness before the dawn.  They are about unlocking that which is left still trapped within us, that which is frozen still inside.  They are about opening to our potential, FULLY, and healing with love so that we may embark on this next portal of time within our lives, within our potential, with the crispness of what is no longer stale but fresh, with the renewed sense of strength, and with the knowing that what we bring forward is what we choose. May we be blessed as we cross through this doorway in to the new. So without further delay, the symbols for today…

We start out with the bang of a supernova or nebula. The image is that of a large star surrounded by gas and matter. The gas symbolizes matter condensing as a star breaks down into a cloud of gas and light. It is the ending of the star, but also the rebirth.  Depending on whether this is the nebula or the supernova, the nebula is matter condensing and a star being born. A supernova is the ending of life and potential of matter reforming to be reborn. I believe it’s all in the same, really, as we are breaking away from our old form, from our old attachments and way of being. We are combusting internally as rebirth occurs simultaneously with the death, or ending, of our old, or lower, selves.  And so much of this is truly happening as an act of nature.  It is beyond us. It doesn’t require our full (or maybe even any) participation. It only requires our presence, our lack of judgment, our unattachment to what it is or what it needs to be. This is the dawn of creation, the Big Bang within us all. Who could judge such a thing, or interpret such a miracle? It’s not our job.  Its’ simply our destiny.

Next, we are guided with large-bulb Christmas tree lights lined up within the cosmos. These are symbolizing the light within the darkness, the hope that is inherent (when we lean on faith) no matter the depth of darkness, or length of the night. Christmas is a reminder of the light of hope and faith and cheer. We are given the gift here of the reminder that those lights still shine, even on the eve before the dawn of this new year. 
It is right to leave behind today that which no longer rings true for you as you open the gift of the new year. And it is not uncommon as you exit the energy of what has been to we weighed a bit (or a ton) by what has been lost, what you are leaving behind, or what has been given away. The string of lights remind you that ‘it’s all good’. Really.  And that even in grief or in goodbye is the shimmering light of the the new, of the balancing factor of joy and hello. Look to the lights as you may find yourself in any dark corners or crevices, knowing that you are in the process of supernova, knowing that there is an act of creation in the works.  It’s not up to you what happens now.  It’s all God.  So, let it be. Be in awe.  And to the best of your ability, bless it, and let the rest..all...fall..away.

And then there is the vision of a pool of magma, radiating its way up to your heart.  This is about self love.  This is about the needs being met rising up through the desire for creation and expression and on through the will and the power- all joining forces to support the melting of whatever within your heart is left frozen, whatever is still hardened or cold. This is profound love, radiating up from your core and magnetizing the power of all of your lower charkas to support the healing and further expansion of your heart-center and of the newly elected center of your Universe.  This, in tow, heals all of the centers below, as they unite for this common cause of breathing life, energy, and love into the now-crowned center of forward movement.  As an act of intelligence (and the chakras so certainly are) they are uniting for the purpose of melting away any left baggage and scars.

And on that note, there is a frozen rose, white solid, and locked in time, shown here for the potential of it’s melting and coming to life. This represents our locking into the frigidness and the frozen-ness, the paralysis of form.  In our allegiance to what we’ve come to believe in in this 3D world, on a deeply unconscious level, we have paid far too much homage to our identity as form, forsaking the wisdom of our beingness in spirit.  And we have felt the effects of this limited version of ourselves time and again, as it allows us only to operate by the rules of that paradigm, in an unconscious manner, and keeps us longing for the truer aspects of self that, on some level, we’ve come to know. 
We can’t remain in this frozen version of ourselves as only form.  (This knowing is perhaps why so many betray their bodies).  We must evolve into the higher aspects of ourselves as spirit if we wish to go further in time, further on our paths, and onward towards our dreams. Then we must reemerge into form to anchor the spirit that on a deeper level we have come to know.
This ties into the solid to gas analogy of the supernova. It is about evolution. Note the growing pains as such. The explosion of a star is spectacular, after all. As is it somewhat messy and violent, and destructive. But from a far away viewing of a supernova unfolding, it is nothing short of breath-taking. Step away, enough away, that you can behold from a bystander point of view and be mesmerized by your own internal evolution. The dawn of creation is upon you.  And what better time than at the eve of the dawn of the new year. 
P.s. The frozen rose is come to life through the serenade of angels and doves.  Hear the music.  Let it touch your heart.  Let you innermost being be moved by the angelic forces. You are beautiful, and they have come to take you Home  (home within the highest aspect of yourself, home within your heart space, home within the breadth of you soul).

There is a calling home in order here, today, for all of the pieces that have been lost along the way.  You have the power to bring back to you that which has been given away, that which has been taken, and that which you have longed for.  You can’t operate for long, or strong, as only a partial being.  It is necessary, and nurturing, to call home to you, all of the pieces of your self and your soul that have gone astray. 
Call them home now to sit around the campfire of your soul. Call them together as counsel, so that you may rely and rejoice in them as your guidance committee that will strengthen you in moving forward. Simply sit with you soul in the quiet and send out a clarion call to all that which has gone missing, all that which needs find its way back, all that keeps you from wholeness- and gather them back into your heart. Give thanks for the reunion and for the completion that prevails, as you summon the courage and the will and the spirit within you to act in honor of yourself at this time and bring your selves (all of them great or small) back into the circle of oneness that is you, bringing them back home, and bringing harmony to your greater state of being.

Support is abundant today.  If you reach into the Mother (the Earth) for her rooted support, you will find that she gathers you in like a grandmother who dismisses any squirming or resistance to her all-encompassing embrace of love. She gathers you in so completely and so fully that you can’t help but feel worthy and unconditionally supported by the everlasting, unquestioning, love that is Mother, that you are utterly filled with the goodness that is inherently You, and so that you are nourished in every way, not hinging on where you are on your path, who you’ve been, or what you’ve failed to do. The Mother sees not your imperfections, but only the utter divinity of your truth.
And as you reach up in connection with Creation, you will be so filled with the surges of unprecedented Flow, of life-force, of that which all of the stars are made of.  As you reach up, you will feel such a profound connection that you can’t help but be flooded and overflowing with grace.
And if you connect inwardly with your center, you will see a look of anticipation on the face of your inner Higher You. So though you may feel that the night is long or that the dawn can’t get here soon enough, or that you may have many miles to treck to get to your destination, or your salvation, or your long-last healing, your higher self says different.  Your Higher You says, “Nah, it’s only a heartbeat away’.

Allow for your supernova transformation. Open to the melting of your heart, the creation of your pure self come into being, through darkness to light, through solid into gas, from spirit to form and back again. Gather to you all of the pieces and all of the love that reaches out to you today, in all forms, to reunite you with your moment of awakening, to stand at the deliverance of your soul.  This is the dawn of your creation. And my wish for you is that you may be witness to the miracle at hand. Don’t get caught up in the energies, heavy or light, just keep looking to the star, to the radiance, to that which is dawning, and that which is upon you. It is beyond you, as is any form of birth.  Behold the miracle.  Be breath-taken.  Become.  And let the rest simply come undone. Such is the course of life.  Such is the course of creation. You are one with life, as you are one with creation. Today, through the couse of a miracle, you become One with You.

Blessings and Light!
Behold the new year(you)!

In grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 30, 2011~A Time to Reflect and a Time to Receive

The energy forecast for today…

Again, today, there are several symbols lining up to guide you into this new year. The first image is that of a palm tree against the backdrop of a sunset sky, aglow in pink, with the waves washing up on the shore. This is your paradise. All expenses paid.  Do you choose it? Do you open to it as the reward and the possibility of what you have in store? 
Too often we make excuses and deliver ourselves from the joy and the fun and the gifts that are always available to us, from the things that we need in order to restore balance and make us whole. We shortchange ourselves because of other commitments, faulty beliefs, and misguided intentions that only lead us back to more of the same (which is too often unfulfilling and less than what we truly desire or deserve).   
We all crave adventure, on some level. We all desire and deserve the respite and the relaxation that this vision entails. Perhaps we have lost our faith, though, as a culture, that our desires will be fulfilled or that what we deserve is served up to us on a plate. We wonder if we’re worthy or even capable of achieving such things and to many, a paradise getaway is more than a fairytale or something of make-believe. 
But what if in this year of miracles to come, we were able to shift those beliefs, reignite our faith, and sail away to that paradise we’ve always dreamed of? What if it didn’t have to be a dream anymore, if it was here for the taking? What if? That’s what this image is coxing you to question, so that it can move you, just a little bit, away from a stuck place of not-believe. Gift yourself with questioning the validity of your beliefs and your stuck-places. Gift yourself with opening up to the ‘impossible’.  Just put it on the wish list and see…

Next up, a plate of chocolate-chip cookies piled high.  (Again with the food symbols!) This is about indulging in the sweetness of life. But the line between indulgence and indigestion can be fine. So how many is too many and how much is enough? If you are lacking sweetness in your life, in its many forms, there’s a chance that when it presents itself you will want to go a little overboard to compensate for what you’ve missed. This symbol indicates that the good stuff is a plenty but warns us not to get swept away by the joys and the sweet stuff to come, to stay grounded, and to be mindful of what our constitution can handle. The good, and the joy, and the sweet is on the way. It’s piled high.  And though the good may have been sparing in the past, or hard to see under the rubble of all that we've dismantled over this past year, it is for you to know that it’s not only on its way, but here to stay.  
So you don’t have to give yourself a belly-ache by overindulging and trying to scrape up that last crumb or drop of joy in fear that it won’t be coming your way again.  Pace yourself.  Allow for the goodness to be ‘the norm’ and know that that faucet flows to the degree that we let it.  Set yours on a comfortable stream of flow that doesn’t overwhelm you at first, but that beckons you to the sweetness of life that matches up to the sugarplum fantasies of goodness that have been dancing in your head.
(*Warning, as many of us are still learning the art of receiving, it is good to keep the temp on this one at lukewarm until we can embrace what’s coming our way, so as to not be flooded with too much at once,  It’s hard to go from hot to cold, from one extreme to another, without at least a little transition. Let’s allow ourselves to acclimate to the miracles on a time-frame that feels good to us., so that we can actually feel the joy of them rather than just more overwhelm.) 
In a nutshell, indulge to your liking.  You’ll find your way with this. The mother-load is upon us, and if you swallow too much at a time, your belly-ache will go away. You deserve this. Recite that often, because what’s unfolding is your escrow. It’s yours for the taking. You have earned it.  You deserve it. Now pull up a chair and taste the sweetness that the taste buds of your soul have been acquiring for you in the eithers now come into the real.

Vision three is a door. A door is always a good thing. Especially when it comes to metaphysical visions like these. Doors represent portals, a way through, opportunity, and stepping into the next plane of possibility or potential. This doorway shows up for you today as a window into what the new year holds.  Peek inside and you will get a glimpse of what’s to come. So if you’re interested in receiving a little insight into what’s in store for you to come, take a little time over the next few days, as the year winds down to a close, and sit in meditation with your focus on this door. Go on inside and See what’s a’ commin’.  See what you’ve created for yourself. Preview the gifts and the beauty of what you’ve been building up to with all of your labor and time-intensive efforts over the last several months or years.  See what it’s all been for. You’ll know soon enough, as we leap into the vortex of 2012, but give yourself a little look-see, just for the excitement of it, or, if you’re still in the quick of the releasing, just for the reassurance that it all really has been for your greater good.

And finally, we are given the image of the wreathe. In the shape of the circle, the wreathe represents completion. Here again, we wrap up the year in preparation for the new, and we are shown that everything that has happened, everything we have worked towards, everything we have put our energy into or engaged in now comes full circle.  Sit with the completion.  Allow for whatever you feel has been left undone to simply be. It is time to refocus energies inward, to take a little hiatus from the world, from the outer spaces of our reality and go in. Allow for the angelic realms, or the greater good, or your higher self to wrap up any last details of life as you knew it in 2011. Sit in the circle and receive the gifts of what you have accomplished, of what you’ve become, and of all the ways you have grown and changed. Sit as the circle refines you through its reflection of what you’ve been come into alignment with who you are. Allow the playback of the year to balance out any animosities or uncertainties as you are shown the perfection of it all. 
This segment of time that you are leaving behind has been rich with renovation, rejuvenation, and reinvention. It may be hard to see the results of your labor when you’re standing so close, but you will, over time, over the next days, weeks, and years, see the profit and the potential that you have created, through all of your efforts and all of your evolutionary movement into the truth. 
Let the circle now come to a close, so that you may begin to feel the completion, and so that you may begin to open to the new. You are being asked to set all of that down- all of which has held your attention and your energy, so that you may have enough space in those arms and that heart (and in your world) to hold the riches of the payday and bounty of the soul choices you have made. Sit in quiet.  Give thanks and give praise. Walk free now into this new land that awaits you.  Your journey has only just begun. And it has been a journey so far hard-won.

Believing in you!

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 29~ The Cabbage, The Stew, The Bow, and The Bouquet

The energy forecast for today 12/29/2011…

There are several images that appear today to offer their wisdom and insight.  The first is a stew, upon which we add lots and lots of different ingredients. (Here again is the food symbol which directs our attention to the ingredients that we choose to add in order to make it a meal- symbolizing life and what we put into it). So this is about choice.  This is intentionality.  This is about clarity in our choosing and in our desire to bring to life that which we truly want, that which truly represents us at our fullest, and that which creates a clearer path for moving forward in that it clears the way of the clutter and that which only serves to inhibit our process. This is about choosing specifically and directly and completely on purpose.  This is about big portions being thrown into that stew- so choosing with confidence and not holding back. Make this soup nourishing.  Make if fulfill your soul.  Begin preparations today by aligning with the ingredients you want to throw in. Get clear.  Get conscious.  Get intentional. Then get prepared to create a meal (your life) that will warm you on the inside, fill you up, and radiate out to others the goodness of your being.

Second image for today…the cabbage.  Peeling more layers. Yet unlike the onion’s more transparent and fragile skin, you are peeling thick, pungent, and durable folds of your being (deep, lasting stuff that’s had a strong-hold for some time if not forever). But look at it this way, you’re pulling off the whole band-aid of the issues you’re working on/through (even if inadvertently).  You’re getting it done in one swift kick.  Quicker. Broader. More inclusive. And more effective than the whittling away of the onion work that you’ve done in the past.  You are strong enough for this now.  You’ve got what you need in your spiritual toolbox to break on through. Remember to stay neutral and be the observer of this process.  As a personality, support your being in this evolutionary movement into your higher greatness by stepping aside and letting whatever needs to be removed, ripped out, or expunged just move on through. (*Note also that the cabbage is an extremely healing vegetable, both inside and out, offering cleansing, purifying, and fortifying elements as both a poultice and a food.  So know that this image represents the healing and beneficial aspects of doing this clearing work, and that as you peel you are healed).

Image three…two strings tied together in the form of a bow.  This one is rich.  It represents the bridging of our personality and our soul. The merging or marriage of our male and female (within). The tying up of the old or loose ends. And the bringing together of all that we are into the form of something meaningful that’s held at the center and echoes balance and unity.  All representations of this symbol today represent balance and unity, the bringing together of the two to become one.  The bridging of separation.  The altering of division in the purpose of creating wholeness. This is about gathering to your heart all that has been lost or gone astray, all that is ugly or unwanted (within and without), and all that has been kept at bay. This is about wholeness, balance, creating and exuding inner beauty, presenting to the world from a unified place (integrity), and bringing yourself and your issues into completion (tying up the old) in order to get present for the new and coming year. Don’t get tied up with this one as far as interpretation goes.  You KNOW what needs to be brought together, brought into balance, or brought to completion.  Do the work.  Make it so.  And be done with it, already. Now’s the time, and moving forward, looking back, you’ll be glad you did.

Ok, final image (I think, for now anyway), is a bouquet of roses. There were a dozen, but then they became a dozen and a half.  So we are looking at eighteen roses, and as they present, twelve of them are gathered together nicely in a bunch, and six of them are laid out on the table in a row.  This one stumped me a bit at first, but this symbol appears to represent what we have to offer to the world- our inherent gifts and beauty. ( And after all, who can deny the beauty of a rose). The six singled out seem to represent the talents, gifts, aspects of self that we are setting aside or singling out, and choosing to offer to the world at this time (or selecting to focus on over the up and coming year, so what we are preparing to bring forward). Zoom in on the image of the six and see what stands out for you. See what’s wanting to come forward through you at this time, what’s truly wanting to shine and be represented as an aspect of your divinity in the moments of miracles, no holding back, and raw authenticity that the year ahead beckons us to behold. 
The number of roses is significant, 18 distilling to a 9 which represents completion.  Fitting for this two-day count down of a year that’s about to end. So, again, take inventory of your gifts.  Zone in on all of the eighteen flowers and see if you can name them (your gifts).  See if there are some that you no longer wish to represent, or at least not at this time, and allow your focus to fall on the ones that really stand out; on the ones that excite you, on the ones that you feel are truly needed in the world, in your world, in your life, at this time.  
You have the magic to make all things so.  These gifts are your wands, each rose offering a certain set of skills or charm, of talent or brightness that only you have within your plethora of personal presents to present to this Earth at this time.  Only you. That’s truly mind-blowing when you think on it for even a bit.  So don’t let it spoil.  Don’t let it go to waste. It’s not only about you anyway. ( Remember that when you’re desire to stay small or your ego wants to get in the way).  This is about how you can affect and gift others, how you can echo and vibrate into the Universe, how you can honor creation (and Creator), and how you show love. So shake your thing ( or all six, or eight, or twelve, or even eighteen of them).  Make a difference, and let your difference (your own shiny uniqueness) be known. It’s your year to shine.  So steer the ship.  Don’t stow away in the cabin.  And if you must, get it all over with now, over the next two days, so that once 2012 hits, your beauty and greatness can be known (Yes, at last, Amen!)

Blessed be dear ones! Shine on! and Aho!
Loving you,

P.s. If you don't see the post when you check in, please check back, as I don't always get it out there first thing. Loving your support. Make magic today and let the rays of light ushering us into the new year fill you with love. Oh, and if these energy forecast support you, please, pass on the word. :)

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 28, 2011~The Bringers of Peace and the Pizza (from yesterday's forecast)

The energy forecast for today…

A drove of doves is upon you.  They are the bringers of peace.  Within their bosom, they carry the symbol of great love. They present you also with the blessings of joy, courage, and strength. The goodness is bestowed upon you today, as you enter into the newness of the year to come and the newness of your being. The feathered friends encourage you to set down all that which has been heavy, all that which has been burden, all that which has been hard. It is a time to soften now to the heavenly whispers that are guiding you home. Do not turn your back on the progress you have made this year as you find your way through the final moments of what may feel like the sludge and grunge, through the last moments before the fog lifts finally to show the light that leads the way. All of the buildup of this intensely ( and intentionally) momentous, monumental, and transformational year has led you to this point. So if it feels like all of the heaviness and the dross has been piled high before you and all around you, it is just the accumulation of all that you have swept forward into this now to be released, and to be renounced, as you no longer need to carry what you have carried throughout time.  Your time of purity is now. Release the last of the last.  Receive the refreshment and the relief of the angels (appearing today as doves) and know that you are forever guided in the direction of your highest.

The wisdom symbol of yesterday was a pizza. Pizza is unique in that everyone likes it their own way. Everyone has their own favorite, toppings or no toppings, extra cheese, no cheese, thick crust or thin. How do like your pizza ( symbolizing your life)? Have it your way. Don’t compromise or complain when it isn’t so. Order up.  Have it delivered. Customize your favorite version of what’s just right for you. Take not of what toppings are on you pizza pie now. Are they your favorite?  Are they what someone else has chosen for you?  Are they what you truly desire?  What you want on your pizza now may be different than what tickled your fancy before. Envision your life now, exactly as you would most like it to be. Think about what corners your turning as you enter this new year.  Is it a time for you to scale back and simplify (just cheese) or maybe a time to order the works? Contemplate on this over the next few days as you get ready to place your order for the coming year. The more clear you are about what you truly want for your life, the easier it is for the Universe to deliver. Take stock of who you are now, not so much who you’ve been, and not particularly who you’re building up to be, but the you that is Now.  Connecting with this aspect of yourself ( in the pure and in the raw) will tell you volumes about what you’re rearing up to produce and provide for yourself ( and within your world) in the months to come. Take the last stretch of moments leading to 2012 to be-lieve in you, to honor and congratulate you for all that you’ve done and how far you’ve come, and to dream up your own special forecast for life as you know it in the year you’re leading into. Become clear about your intentions, about who you are (in this now), and about what you truly (on a heart-to heart level) desire.  Only then will you be in the place to march forward with the confidence and the balance you will need to create the life you’ve been waiting for. It’s just a phone call away (metaphysically speaking). Just be sure before you pick up that phone what you’re really craving in life and what you really want to order.  And remember, you really can have it your way. 

Be peace, love, and joy!

Many blessings,

  Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 26, 2011~ The Watermelon and The Poinsettia

The energy forecast for today…

Is a watermelon, focusing in on the seeds.  The seeds are something we pick out or spit out but don’t swallow (the black ones, anyway- the hard ones, the ones there is no point in eating).  And when we enjoy this juicy treat, we don’t focus so much on the seeds as we do the fruit and all of its sweetness.  Today, we are being asked to enjoy the fruit of life and not spend so much time on the seeds. We are being asked to no longer look upon or spend so much effort and energy on the things that it’s due time to spit out, on the things that get in the way of our enjoying the wonder and the gift of the fruit.

I read a piece by Neal Diamond Walsh this morning that spoke about receiving the Christ within, how Christmas time is about the Christ being born in you and that from this glorious birth within, joy is born unto the world. He spoke of the song ‘Joy to the World’ and about receiving this gift of the Christ energy within our hearts and the joy that it would bring. As I stepped into the other room, my son approached me with the same song that he had moments earlier taught himself to play on the piano. Think someone’s sending me a message this morning, and I pass that message now along to you.

Be the fruit, be the blessing, receive the love. Prepare your heart that the ‘Lord’ may come into the deepest recesses of your being and shower you with the Christ-like energy that is simply a reminder of who you truly are. Take pleasure and delight today in the knowing that you are blessed, that you are the joy, that the Christ is born in your heart, and that each moment that you choose to remember that and live from that place, the reverberation of joy can’t help but be emitted out into your life, out into the world, and as witness to this,  Heaven and nature truly do sing.

You are not the seeds that you have arduously picked from the fruit of who you are. Yet you are. You are the seeds and you are the fruit. Too often though we focus in far too much on what is hardened within us, on what is pain, on what needs to go, that we fail the see or experience the juicy wonder of what those seeds have produced. So, as you take care to remove that which is not fruit, that which you do not whish to harvest in your life, be methodical.  Make it a mindless task, rather than a painful undertaking. Spend more time on the sweetness, on the gift, on the joy. Spend less time focusing on that which takes away from that, knowing that the seeds that you have endeavored to removed gave birth to the fruit. Without them, the fruit would not be.  Honor that which has helped to create the totality of who you are. Honor your entire self, rather than resenting and weaving sorrow about what pains you or has restricted you, see it as a building block that you no longer need to climb upon in order to access the entirety of your being and at the same time,  acknowledge the beauty and perfection of it all, the miracle of how it all intertwines magically to become that which we are and that which we need to be. We do not choose our hard times or our lessons (or at least it doesn’t seem like we do when we’re going through them and muddled in the thick of what seems like something nobody would choose. When we’re suffering it never seems to be intentional. But on a soul level, we do choose, and through each of our choices here in this body (conscious or unconscious) we continue to create the reality that evolves for us in our lives. We choose these hardships and lessons so that we may learn, grow, and better ourselves.  We choose so that we may become more, or so that through our pain (if that’s how we choose to learn), we may find our way back to the light. Christmas reminds us to remember our light without the need for so much suffering

Here again, to teach us this wisdom, is the Poinsettia. The five (or so) pointed star reminds us to be resilient, to cast forth the inner light ( as depicted in the bright yellow within the beautiful Christmas flower. The red of the Christmas rose represents our emotional body, the pain we can carry.  While the yellow represents our center, our core, our brightness, and our light. Notice how the red (emotion) surrounds the yellow of the flower (the light), encasing it and bringing it forward.  Without our pain, that has gotten us to this place on our path and to this level of consciousness, we would not be able to recognize or to shine the light that we do today. The beauty of the flower is reflected in the whole flower, not just the yellow center which is so often overshadowed by the red. Be sturdy and strong today as you honor your whole self, your whole process, your shadows and your light.  And know that it is the whole that contributes to your greatness. This flower blooms even in the toughest conditions. As can you.  You are asked today to remember your inner inner greatness and to shine forth like this beautiful star of nature. Think of it as the morning star guiding you out of the darkness of the night.

The time has come, dear one.  The spirit of this time of year reminds us of the birthing of ourselves through the joy of our Christ light. Joy to your world. Prepare the space in your heart to receive, and goodwill prevail in your intentions as you welcome this new day.

Blessings of light!

    Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 25, 2011~The Pie in The Sky

The energy forecast for today…

The first vision I received to symbolize the wisdom of today was that of four stars in the shape (formation) of a diamond. They are in that alignment to show that they are configuring in the purpose of depicting what is coming into form for you.  Within each star is a certain aspect of energy. The energy is individual to you, and you may not be consciously aware of what the energy is as of yet, but they each also hold the potential of all of the seeds you have been planting and watering over time (over this past year specifically). Within each star is the potential swirling, the unfolding of what you have aspired to and of which you have dreamed, manifesting into form as we speak. 

All stars are lining up now in formation to make those dreams a reality and to bring aspirations into view. You may not know exactly what this coming year holds for you (as far as dreams come true), but the energy of these stars and the vision that they hold, speaks of manifestation and of the bringing to life of all that has been envisioned to come. They show that everything is lining up, is coming together behind the scenes, and will soon be launched and anchored into your reality (it's already happening, so open up your eyes wide), no matter what you’ve still left undone (as far as clearing and growth are concerned.) You've done enough, in other words, and you're getting paid, you win the prize, you've already created what you desire- and proof of it is on the way.

The other image for today is that of a pie ( a pecan pie, to be exact). The focus zooms in on the center of the pie and into the pie itself.  This is about the ingredients that go into making it.  This is about the ingredients that have gone  into creating your life and into manifesting the life you desire.  This is about the work you have done along the way to become more conscious, to come into alignment, and to intentionally clear the way.  

You may not feel that that work has been fruitful or that it is leading you in the direction of your dreams, but you are being asked to look at the finished product, to SEE what you have created (whether you are aware of it or not), and to know that the end product, or the reward, is not far at bay. 

See what is just beyond the vision you’ve extended toward the work at hand and know that all that you’ve done so far is (without question) paying off. You are about to be rewarded for the long winter nights of the soul with the deliciousness of the life that is ready to unfold. Open up to receive the ‘good stuff’. You’ve earned it. And though the journey never ends, you don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to wait or put your joy on hold. The pie has come out of the oven and is ready and waiting for you. 

The ingredients are all that you are and all that you have added to the pie-in-the-sky of your life and your journey. They are all of your aspects, whether you are fond of them or not, because together they make up the whole of who you are, and that’s what is precious, that’s what is perfect. It’s time to taste the deliciousness of who you are and of the life you’ve been waiting for.  And with a new year ahead and the magic of Christmas in the air, there’s no better time to open to the beauty and the miracles of the life you have created and to the beyond-belief surprises in store for you in some very soon nows.

Merry Christmas to all, and may you open to believing in the abundance of who you are and what you are about to receive.

With blessings and grace,

   Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec. 24, 2011~ The Piano and The Keys

The energy forecast for today…

The symbol for the day is the piano, specifically the keys.  We decide which notes to hit, which keys to play, what kind of music we’re making. We decided if we’re going to dance to the same old tune or create a new one. Are you orchestrating your soul song or are you reciting a played out version of what’s in your head. The choice is in every moment to play the notes that create the beauty, the harmony, and the rhythm of joy. It takes discipline, but so does learning to play an instrument. This is the instrument of your life. Is it time to get that piano of yours tuned? Is it time to look into taking some lessons? Look to the song books in your heart.  Those are the notes you want to hit. This is the symphony of you. Play something beautiful today. Play your heart song.  Avoid the notes that bring ya down or no longer resonate with the music you intend to weave into your life. You can actually see the notes as their playing out in your world, reflecting back to you when you are on or off beat. Pay attention and allow the feedback to be constructive.  Allow them to be instrumental rather than detrimental. Ask yourself, what note am I playing now? Is it the one I want to be playing? Are you playing your heart’s beat?

Create in harmony with the rhythm of your soul. Make it a conscious choice.  Make it intentional. Make it your gift to the world.  Do it for you.

Sweet blessings to you this holiday season! Merry wishes and bright new days!
In love,

  Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Friday, December 23, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec.23, 2011~ The Faucet and The Drain

The vision for today is that of a drain, a drain pipe, a drain at the bottom of the sink, where all that needs released is be directed to flow. Consciousness flows down as Divine light, as if flowing from a faucet in the sky, flowing down directly toward the drain. On either side of the flow of water/light are angels, directing the light, directing the flow, prodding and pocking it when it flitters off in either direction, ensuring that it reaches the drain, that it is released, that it does not pool. (note that this is the third day of correlating energy from above and energy from below working together)

Your job yesterday was to receive.  Today it is to release. Receive though, in tandem the assistance available to you for this clearing as you are moved into grand alignment. No matter what is coming up or going down for you today, to the best of your ability, just Be. Resist the urge to grab onto any thoughts or judgments, resist any desire to remain attached to what needs to go (flow).

When we get in the way of the Conscious stream and the divine flow of light, flowing (very) purposefully and intentionally in the direction of release today, we cause it to puddle and pool. Water equals emotion. Puddles and pools equal blocks and stagnation. You may feel frozen as you witness what is flowing toward the drain, but remain the witness, remain frozen if you must, if that’s what helps you stay out of the way. Let the job be done for you. Feel the peace of the presence of light.  Feel into your heart and stay there as you stay out of your head and out of the way.

When we contemplate and analyze what is needing to be let go of and released (all that is not in alignment with our truth and our joy), we create the pooling and the puddles that make us stuck. We create suffering and ailments. We create lack of joy. It’s impossible to be present while drowning, or even splashing in the pools. Our presence is required in this process as we are being moved into alignment, and we very literally are today as the angels and guides very actively become involved, ensuring the path of release and purification. Resist the urge to grab onto any thoughts or judgments, resist any desire to remain attached to what needs to go (flow).

There is a large and rather strong guide watching over the operation. He is taking this job, this supervision, very seriously.  He means business. What goes today (down that drain), what is surrendered and released, has been long and coming. You might perhaps feel the release within your body as this cleansing takes place. You may feel discomfort in areas where blockages lie and are coming unhinged.  You may feel it in your charkas as they are being open and cleansed. Breathe into those spots with love and the clarity of intention that you no longer wish to hold onto that which is blocking you from your light. It is time to let go.  And on a deep level you know this.  You know it is time to make so this transition and quit restricting the flow.

Stay open.  Allow for the release.  Feel the comfort and the support, the guidance, of the beloved beings here to assist you. The doorway remains open today. Set your sights on walking through, into the night of the discovery of your soul, into the heart land of recovery, where you can rest in the knowing that all of those miles trekked were never in vein. Allow for the healing, this blessing of light flowing in, that all needs may be met through the cleansing and removal of that which gets in your way of receiving, of being, of connecting to the Flow.

You are blessed.  You are beautiful. You are bountiful. Be in peace today.  And let all that needs to be surrendered simply go.

Blessings and light,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec. 22, 2011~The Solstice and The Star

The Energy forecast for today...

Happy Solstice to you!  And a happy Solstice it will be indeed.  All that is requested of you is that you receive.  As with yesterday, the Earth is welcoming you into her warm embrace.  Allow yourself to anchor into her being and you will be gifted with the nourishment and sustenance that will sustain you through this portal of magnificence.  As your roots pour into her (and that’s what it’s like right now).  It’s not about us leading our roots to her core to anchor, she is folding them in, drawing them closer to her breast so that we may suckle, so that he may feed every ounce of every single one of our cells with her life giving force, with her love. Receive the gift of the Mother, as we are ushered into this new day.

And as above, so below, the vision of the day is a magnificent star shining down upon us, pouring radiant light upon the Earth and into all of its beings.  This is the star of David and it represents the ushering of our humanity into a new light, beckoning us towards our destiny, guiding us to the promised land. At last, we have arrived.  And as we stand rooted and receiving, we will see with new eyes, feel with new depth, and transcend in unprecedented ways. Upon the Earth, hearts open like eyelids, opening to receive.  And as they open, they are filled. Hearts filled with the light of the love of the ages. And in this, we are all made new. The you in me and the me in you.

We are no longer sleeping. Our hearts and minds have been awakened and our purpose restored. Today is an eleven day (numeralogically), a day of promise, an opening, a portal, a day of doing it new. Be filled, be radiant, be the light flowing in to bless you with awakening. The day has dawned, and so have you.

Be love!

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 21, 2011~ Swiss Cheese

The energy forecast for today…

It is very important to ground right now. With all of these powerful energies coming through in the name of transformation through the Solstice and new moon, you want to keep rooted in order to anchor in the light.  Visualize the roots growing down from your base, into the ground, and anchoring deeply into the earth. As you do, you may notice that there is a convolution that occurs. Normally the roots would travel to the core of the earth to be anchored, but today, as your roots reach toward the ground they are enveloped by the earth itself. The earth is reaching up to you today and gathering you in, in order to provide you with the warmth and nurturing that you need. It is like mud, folding in around your roots, pulling you in and anchoring you in the wisdom and the warmth of the Mother, entwining your roots deep down into her core so that you can feel, and experience, and know on a core level, that you are supported, that through Her you are strengthened, and in her you are received, unconditionally and ever more. As mother, She is always there for you, always providing the platform and the foundation for you to stand tall and walk forward into the sunset of your dreams. Today, though, she gathers you in, brings you to her breast and nourishes you with all of the nutrients that you need to grow sturdy and strong and beautiful as you continue to reach up toward your potential under the guidance of the rays of light. Like with a flower, she fills you with everything you need to be sustained and thrive. All you need do is let down your roots and touch the earth through the intention of grounding and She will lovingly gather you in.

And once you are filled with the nurturance and the warmth, and the strength of the Mother, bring back your energy up and out through the top of your head, as you reach for the sky. There is  a fire-hose force of light directed at all that need be washed away.  Allow yourself to be washed clean and bathed in the light.  Allow for the clearing so that you can receive the benefits of the energy coming through to assist you in this transformation of choosing higher and choosing love over fear. And bringing that light and love in and anchoring it into your heart, notice that your heart is now fitted with wings. It is time to fly. Rise above the distraction and the distortion of your mind and follow the star that guides you to the Christ within.  There is a portal in your heart, as it connects with your third eye- it is a window into your potentiality. It is a diamond light, shining the way, and guiding you into a vast new world of possibility. Stay open to the light, to the love, to the wisdom, as it reaches you, as you clear the way, and allow for the way to be cleared, while holding the space for all that is out of resonance to be healed.  Allow for the gaps to be filled and for the radiance to shine in.

Which brings me to the symbol of guidance for today’s energy forecast. Today’s image is Swiss cheese.  That’s right, the veil is thinning, but now there are holes in it. The light is shining through and we can no longer look at things the same.  We can no longer go to all the same places, even though the veil remains, to some degree, and due to our attachments, we will try. But there is not the same voltage behind our victim-consciousness and our stories that have held us down and kept the light at bay. Let the light in, even if just through the holes for now. Know that it is shining through, that it is there, that it is Truth, that it is the You that you’ve been waiting for, and you will find your way to the other side of the veil. You will find your way sooner than later. And the more you can concentrate on the light, the less the veil will inhibit you.

The other symbol for the day is the pine tree. Evergreen and sturdy, it reminds us that we can be strong during this time of darkness (the season of going within), and you can withstand the cold of winter (as you cocoon into transformation), making way for the rebirth, birthing your gifts and your consciousness, bringing to the light of day the You that’s waited to shine through.

So, in a nut shell, ground, open to the light, see what’s shining through the veil, and find the strength within.

Blessings and light,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Energy Forecast for Dec.19, 2011~The Poinsettia, the Petals, and the Heart-to-Heart

Today's energy report...Dec.19, 2011

There is a floor full of rose petals, a big giant heart, and a poinsettia.

The rose petals scattered about and covering the floor is about romancing the Self. Have a love affair with you and make it memorable. Get to know you, shower you with special, and jump start the most important relationship you will ever have. It's time. Take it.
The big giant heart is about having a little heart to heart with you. Enact the kind, gentle, loving voice within and get to the heart of the matter from a genuine heart place.

The poinsettia is about rebirth and renewal. The poinsettia thrives in the dead of the winter ( birth through death). It is symbolic of our ability ( and opportunity) to thrive during this time of introspection and to truly nurture the gifts within that are ready and waiting to come to life.

All of the symbols today are red, having to do with the root chakra ( grounding), love (most specifically for self), and inner fire (which is vital to to keep burning during this important time of renewal).

Center on love, renewal, and initiating relationship with you.


 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec.17, 2011~The Snow Plow and The Tomato

The snow plow shows up today to confirm ( as if we didn’t already know) that we are surely, and fully, in the process of transformation, but even more so- transmutation.  Yes, we are clearing giant trees from our path as we pave a new way (oh Mama, are we ever!) but take notice and be mindful of the flowers that are in and along the way too. When we dismantle ourselves in order to get to the core and the essence, we are left with a thousand pieces. But these pieces need not all be thrown away.  In fact, some of them are very worthy of keeping.  So, as you go deeper and are excavating and transmutating your Self, pay attention and be aware of the gems that you are mining too.  All of those pieces that are falling to the floor need to be sorted, so that when you put yourself back together again, Humpty Dumpty, you will have the sustainable assets that will keep you from falling down again. You get to choose what to keep and what to throw. 

So, the energy of today asks us to be evermore conscious and mindful as we plow through our defenses, walls, and limitations. It asks us to See the divine in who we are and to gather up the pieces that we want to keep ( the good stuff, and the stuff we may have seen as bad but is more just us not accepting ourselves for who and what we are). We are challenged to take things to a whole new level.  This process of elimination is not just about clearing out, it is about weeding. Be conscious not to weed the flowers (the funky, the fabulous, and the beauty of who you are).  Be mindful that this is a conscious process, that consciousness is necessary here, and that in bringing your presence to the table, or to the path, you will be able to see the good that is there, that has been there, that is in you, and that you can( and by all means, should) bring it forward as you move ahead.

Next up is a rotten tomato. ( I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried! I am forever amused at the images I receive here.  This one puzzled me for a bit, but here’s what I came up with for the translation….)
So, tomatoes, once they rot, are an awful mess- not something you want to contend with. But tomatoes, when used before they go bad, make terrific salads and salsa. They have great potential, if used in a timely manner, and that’s what this symbol represents. Potential is wasted too often, or put on a shelf to be tapped into at a later date. We may not think of potential as having an expiration date, but who here couldn’t say that they’ve felt (or are feeling) the dreadfully painful effects of letting their potential go to waste? The energy for today warns us to be mindful of the clock that is ticking, the potential that can spoil if left unused or neglected, and the messy results of not utilizing the gifts we’ve all been given to share and to celebrate.

The energy of potential that is born within us grows stagnant when it is not put to use.  This energy becomes blockages within our bodies.  It becomes tension, it becomes frustration, it becomes grief. Don’t let that energy spoil within you. Make the salsa, and get the rewards of potential released.

Make the best of your day (truly, in all senses of the way). Be mindful. Follow your intentions. Look for the diamonds. And create the path you dream of, despite what's in your way.  You've got the snow plow to back ya. You've got awareness of the potential for expiration. You've got everything you truly need, right there in your heart ( or your back pocket). So make it happen. Make it great.  And make it truly You-nique!

 Blessings of Grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.