Friday, December 2, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec. 2, 2011 Paddleball and Gumball Machine

Energy forecast for today...though not posted here until this evening, the insights are long-lasting and apply any time. Enjoy!

Upon tapping into the energy of the day, I received...
Two images. The first is a paddle ball. This seems to have to do with balance and the way we keep bouncing around in the same old directions, playing out the same patterns, or directing our energy repeatedly in the same way. It can also have do do with self-abuse, as in how we slap ourselves around with overly-critical judgments about our lives or ourselves, and the negative self-talk/patterns that we fall prey to. The balance aspect is reflected in how the game is played. You have to get just the right groove on to get that ball on the string to bounce off the paddle. Keeping it going is the object, or how long you can keep it paddling before you loose your rhythm. It's a bit of a challenge, but it's fun. The challenge at hand is to attempt to balance that paddle so that the ball is in bounce mode and not falling of to the wayside. How easily we conform to those triggers that rush in as our eyes are barely opening in the morning. There are the worries, and the doubts, and the regrets, and the otherwise downward-spiraling potentials that step right up and call out loud and clear for your attention. Just as dream-time ends and you wake to a new day, you are met by the circus of drama and illusions vying for your attention. You don't have to fall prey though. You can choose another way. Just because the bait is there doesn't mean you have to take a bite. Just because the road is familiar doesn't mean you can't take another route. Happiness is a choice. If you want that, you have to lean toward an intention to create it. As long as you are choosing those unhappy thoughts or the ones that serve to sabotage you or your intentions, you are choosing to loose the game. Groggy as you may be, paddle that ball, don't let it just dangle to the side because it's challenging or takes a little effort. Give it a go and go for what you beleive in.

There's a good point there though, isn't there. What do you beleive in? Perhaps it's time to make some choices there too. Let's take the thirty-day challenge and decide that by the end of the three days we will choose three wishes. And in order for them to come true, all we have to do is beleive. The challenge is that you have to hold the intention and the vibration for those wishes each and every day. So that means no more complaining, negating, diving down low. No more anything that creates the opposite of what you desire. If you desire joy, why do you keep on swimming in pain? If you desire community or love, why do you keep yourself separate? If you desire riches, you do you resist when you could receive. Rather than exploring the what's and the whys, simply become aligned with your wishes. Become mindful of what you're going for, what you want to create, and pay attention to where you are killing it in your day to day. Make the shift. Enact the male within you and take action, create change, just your foot down when it comes to old habits that are distracting and delaying you from grabbing the prize, and take the reigns.

This is a time for discipline. But like a parent struggling to control and unruly child, we may not know just how to get a handle on why we debunk on ourselves and our lives, even though we know better, time and time again. Here's where the second image comes in...

There's a giant gumball machine. It's about the size of a house with you standing as a tiny being just in front of it. The gumballs represent the whoppers, the biggies that we dream of. Some so big, a part of us doesn't even beleive they will ever come true. Yet there is no line or crowd in front of this jackpot. It's deserted, not a soul in site, except for the possibility of you waiting to receive. That saying that we are far more afraid of our potential than our weaknesses is true. How many spend so much of their energy, time, and lives in misery because they don't have the things they desire. Yet they push those things away, and not only by the nature of recreating the energy of lack every time they play into the triggers that tell them what they don't have, but by the fear of what would happen if they really did receive. If old St. Nick were to drop down that chimney what you truly desire more than anything else in the world, right now, what would you do? Would you even know what to do with it? It's much easier to know how to navigate dreams when they are still in dream state. But the knowing that having that thing that you want would create change, would call for action on some level, would require that, that's a little harder to take, isn't it?

Perhaps you don't beleive that you are capable or worthy of handling your heart's true desires. Perhaps the notion of moving out of your comfort zone in order for your dream to take place is more than you can mojo. Perhaps the comfort zone, as uncomfortable as it is, is better in that sense, that the idea of the unknown. It's just a groove that's been worn, though, by traveling this beaten path. It's just a familiar way. You know, or are beginning to see that the road leads nowhere, right? Nowhere but where you've been, time and time again.

So, what is it that stops us from following our heart, or that inner voice, or spirit, when we know we're being called in another direction, towards a new path that's paved with possibility that we can even begin to see before they play out. It would seem that we've forgotten, or maybe we never knew that it's not our business. What we're being called to do that we're struggling to match up to...that's not our business, it's God's. These are HIS plans for us, this is the Divine at play, and our job is simply to take action in how we're being called. That's it. And when we don't, it is saying that we are not trusting God- which is why when we sabotage ourselves or don't speak our truth or follow our heart it is so painful. It is us cutting off from Spirit. It is us denying that Divine Flow to flourish in our lives.

If this were a real job, I'd be fired. I have done such a lousy job taking orders and following through with my responsibilities of acting on the whispers of my heart and following the directives of God, that surely by this point, if it were anyone other than God in charge, I'd be canned. But that's just it. He's much more patient and gentle and forgiving, in that he Allows for us to get to where we're going in our own time, in our own way, in what ever way we need to, because the mission and the journey are just as priceless as the end arrival.

If you remembered that you are a child of God, and realigned yourself in that way, you would be standing front and center in front of that big ol' gimball machine, ready to receive... and not just one giant prize, but as many as you could get to come out of the machine. Because you would realize ( in this remembering that you are divine) that you are boundless and more than capable of wrapping yourself around completely every single dream that has ever quenched your heart with lots and lots of room for more within every single day. You would know this, because you beleive.

In the spirit of the holiday, and in the essence of the child who knows that all things are possible, it is time again to dust off that knowing and beleive. Believe, that all things are possible. Believe, that you can create the life of your dreams. Believe, that you can exist in full-throttle on the new improved road, and that exiting the old worn and weary one is just what you need to do.
Become the holy trinity, enacting the mother who holds the vision, the father who takes action to create the dream, and the child who solely and simply believes.

Believe, my friends, just believe...and all else will follow.

Many blessings,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

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