Saturday, December 24, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec. 24, 2011~ The Piano and The Keys

The energy forecast for today…

The symbol for the day is the piano, specifically the keys.  We decide which notes to hit, which keys to play, what kind of music we’re making. We decided if we’re going to dance to the same old tune or create a new one. Are you orchestrating your soul song or are you reciting a played out version of what’s in your head. The choice is in every moment to play the notes that create the beauty, the harmony, and the rhythm of joy. It takes discipline, but so does learning to play an instrument. This is the instrument of your life. Is it time to get that piano of yours tuned? Is it time to look into taking some lessons? Look to the song books in your heart.  Those are the notes you want to hit. This is the symphony of you. Play something beautiful today. Play your heart song.  Avoid the notes that bring ya down or no longer resonate with the music you intend to weave into your life. You can actually see the notes as their playing out in your world, reflecting back to you when you are on or off beat. Pay attention and allow the feedback to be constructive.  Allow them to be instrumental rather than detrimental. Ask yourself, what note am I playing now? Is it the one I want to be playing? Are you playing your heart’s beat?

Create in harmony with the rhythm of your soul. Make it a conscious choice.  Make it intentional. Make it your gift to the world.  Do it for you.

Sweet blessings to you this holiday season! Merry wishes and bright new days!
In love,

  Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

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