Monday, December 26, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec. 26, 2011~ The Watermelon and The Poinsettia

The energy forecast for today…

Is a watermelon, focusing in on the seeds.  The seeds are something we pick out or spit out but don’t swallow (the black ones, anyway- the hard ones, the ones there is no point in eating).  And when we enjoy this juicy treat, we don’t focus so much on the seeds as we do the fruit and all of its sweetness.  Today, we are being asked to enjoy the fruit of life and not spend so much time on the seeds. We are being asked to no longer look upon or spend so much effort and energy on the things that it’s due time to spit out, on the things that get in the way of our enjoying the wonder and the gift of the fruit.

I read a piece by Neal Diamond Walsh this morning that spoke about receiving the Christ within, how Christmas time is about the Christ being born in you and that from this glorious birth within, joy is born unto the world. He spoke of the song ‘Joy to the World’ and about receiving this gift of the Christ energy within our hearts and the joy that it would bring. As I stepped into the other room, my son approached me with the same song that he had moments earlier taught himself to play on the piano. Think someone’s sending me a message this morning, and I pass that message now along to you.

Be the fruit, be the blessing, receive the love. Prepare your heart that the ‘Lord’ may come into the deepest recesses of your being and shower you with the Christ-like energy that is simply a reminder of who you truly are. Take pleasure and delight today in the knowing that you are blessed, that you are the joy, that the Christ is born in your heart, and that each moment that you choose to remember that and live from that place, the reverberation of joy can’t help but be emitted out into your life, out into the world, and as witness to this,  Heaven and nature truly do sing.

You are not the seeds that you have arduously picked from the fruit of who you are. Yet you are. You are the seeds and you are the fruit. Too often though we focus in far too much on what is hardened within us, on what is pain, on what needs to go, that we fail the see or experience the juicy wonder of what those seeds have produced. So, as you take care to remove that which is not fruit, that which you do not whish to harvest in your life, be methodical.  Make it a mindless task, rather than a painful undertaking. Spend more time on the sweetness, on the gift, on the joy. Spend less time focusing on that which takes away from that, knowing that the seeds that you have endeavored to removed gave birth to the fruit. Without them, the fruit would not be.  Honor that which has helped to create the totality of who you are. Honor your entire self, rather than resenting and weaving sorrow about what pains you or has restricted you, see it as a building block that you no longer need to climb upon in order to access the entirety of your being and at the same time,  acknowledge the beauty and perfection of it all, the miracle of how it all intertwines magically to become that which we are and that which we need to be. We do not choose our hard times or our lessons (or at least it doesn’t seem like we do when we’re going through them and muddled in the thick of what seems like something nobody would choose. When we’re suffering it never seems to be intentional. But on a soul level, we do choose, and through each of our choices here in this body (conscious or unconscious) we continue to create the reality that evolves for us in our lives. We choose these hardships and lessons so that we may learn, grow, and better ourselves.  We choose so that we may become more, or so that through our pain (if that’s how we choose to learn), we may find our way back to the light. Christmas reminds us to remember our light without the need for so much suffering

Here again, to teach us this wisdom, is the Poinsettia. The five (or so) pointed star reminds us to be resilient, to cast forth the inner light ( as depicted in the bright yellow within the beautiful Christmas flower. The red of the Christmas rose represents our emotional body, the pain we can carry.  While the yellow represents our center, our core, our brightness, and our light. Notice how the red (emotion) surrounds the yellow of the flower (the light), encasing it and bringing it forward.  Without our pain, that has gotten us to this place on our path and to this level of consciousness, we would not be able to recognize or to shine the light that we do today. The beauty of the flower is reflected in the whole flower, not just the yellow center which is so often overshadowed by the red. Be sturdy and strong today as you honor your whole self, your whole process, your shadows and your light.  And know that it is the whole that contributes to your greatness. This flower blooms even in the toughest conditions. As can you.  You are asked today to remember your inner inner greatness and to shine forth like this beautiful star of nature. Think of it as the morning star guiding you out of the darkness of the night.

The time has come, dear one.  The spirit of this time of year reminds us of the birthing of ourselves through the joy of our Christ light. Joy to your world. Prepare the space in your heart to receive, and goodwill prevail in your intentions as you welcome this new day.

Blessings of light!

    Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

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