Sunday, December 4, 2011

Energy Forecast for Dec. 4, 2011: A teadybear Streaming Rays of Light and Universal Love

A giant teddy bear, symbolizing unconditional and universal love, symbolizing compassion. There are rays of light emanating from the bear (second day of powerful source-light streaming in). The teddy bear is here to remind you to soften and receive the love, that is within and all around. Somehow that’s not always as easy as it would seem. We tend to become hardened and restricted and pseudo-resilient in that we are focused on our path on what needs done and doing it ourselves.  There is a lot of powerful energy right now supporting action, creating, and bringing to life that which you desire or dream. And within that energy is also a ton of potential for creativity, in the spirit of creating anew.

It is a day of renewal, re-Sourcing, readjustment, and realignment. Let the light shine in.  Feel the Universal love. It is abundant and flowing.  And so are you. Kiss the day with your beautiful spirit and open with child-like wonder to the possibilities that await you as you match your divine expression with the source seed within you that is ready to be born as a beacon of light for the world to see.

And if you feel into it, you can truly experience the big teddy-bear hug of love that beckons you with the grace of embrace. Feel into it, and allow this love to clear away any resistance to the radiance of who you truly are and to your beautiful and undying potential. The rays of light are streaming to you, reaching into your heart, reaching beyond any resistance. All you need do is Be to receive.

Practice surrender in this day when you are feeling stuck, remembering that all you are fighting for ( in the name of resistance) is only an illusion. As you soften, finding compassion for yourself, and your process, the wisdom, strength, and sustainability that you desire to fortify your way will be yours for the taking.

Soften, receive, and Be. You are the Light.  You are the Radiance.  You are the Love.

Blessings dear ones, and remember to kiss the day!

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.   

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