Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Energy Forecast for Dec.31, 2011~ The Dawn of Creation on The Eve of The New Year

The energy forecast for today…

Ah, so the eve of the new year is upon us (or at least it is in the United States, but the energy applies wherever you are, whatever time or day, as you read, it applies to you now.)  We are presented today with at least seven symbols of wisdom to lead us into the new light that is about to dawn. And in so, the images are about bringing light to the darkness, to the darkness before the dawn.  They are about unlocking that which is left still trapped within us, that which is frozen still inside.  They are about opening to our potential, FULLY, and healing with love so that we may embark on this next portal of time within our lives, within our potential, with the crispness of what is no longer stale but fresh, with the renewed sense of strength, and with the knowing that what we bring forward is what we choose. May we be blessed as we cross through this doorway in to the new. So without further delay, the symbols for today…

We start out with the bang of a supernova or nebula. The image is that of a large star surrounded by gas and matter. The gas symbolizes matter condensing as a star breaks down into a cloud of gas and light. It is the ending of the star, but also the rebirth.  Depending on whether this is the nebula or the supernova, the nebula is matter condensing and a star being born. A supernova is the ending of life and potential of matter reforming to be reborn. I believe it’s all in the same, really, as we are breaking away from our old form, from our old attachments and way of being. We are combusting internally as rebirth occurs simultaneously with the death, or ending, of our old, or lower, selves.  And so much of this is truly happening as an act of nature.  It is beyond us. It doesn’t require our full (or maybe even any) participation. It only requires our presence, our lack of judgment, our unattachment to what it is or what it needs to be. This is the dawn of creation, the Big Bang within us all. Who could judge such a thing, or interpret such a miracle? It’s not our job.  Its’ simply our destiny.

Next, we are guided with large-bulb Christmas tree lights lined up within the cosmos. These are symbolizing the light within the darkness, the hope that is inherent (when we lean on faith) no matter the depth of darkness, or length of the night. Christmas is a reminder of the light of hope and faith and cheer. We are given the gift here of the reminder that those lights still shine, even on the eve before the dawn of this new year. 
It is right to leave behind today that which no longer rings true for you as you open the gift of the new year. And it is not uncommon as you exit the energy of what has been to we weighed a bit (or a ton) by what has been lost, what you are leaving behind, or what has been given away. The string of lights remind you that ‘it’s all good’. Really.  And that even in grief or in goodbye is the shimmering light of the the new, of the balancing factor of joy and hello. Look to the lights as you may find yourself in any dark corners or crevices, knowing that you are in the process of supernova, knowing that there is an act of creation in the works.  It’s not up to you what happens now.  It’s all God.  So, let it be. Be in awe.  And to the best of your ability, bless it, and let the rest..all...fall..away.

And then there is the vision of a pool of magma, radiating its way up to your heart.  This is about self love.  This is about the needs being met rising up through the desire for creation and expression and on through the will and the power- all joining forces to support the melting of whatever within your heart is left frozen, whatever is still hardened or cold. This is profound love, radiating up from your core and magnetizing the power of all of your lower charkas to support the healing and further expansion of your heart-center and of the newly elected center of your Universe.  This, in tow, heals all of the centers below, as they unite for this common cause of breathing life, energy, and love into the now-crowned center of forward movement.  As an act of intelligence (and the chakras so certainly are) they are uniting for the purpose of melting away any left baggage and scars.

And on that note, there is a frozen rose, white solid, and locked in time, shown here for the potential of it’s melting and coming to life. This represents our locking into the frigidness and the frozen-ness, the paralysis of form.  In our allegiance to what we’ve come to believe in in this 3D world, on a deeply unconscious level, we have paid far too much homage to our identity as form, forsaking the wisdom of our beingness in spirit.  And we have felt the effects of this limited version of ourselves time and again, as it allows us only to operate by the rules of that paradigm, in an unconscious manner, and keeps us longing for the truer aspects of self that, on some level, we’ve come to know. 
We can’t remain in this frozen version of ourselves as only form.  (This knowing is perhaps why so many betray their bodies).  We must evolve into the higher aspects of ourselves as spirit if we wish to go further in time, further on our paths, and onward towards our dreams. Then we must reemerge into form to anchor the spirit that on a deeper level we have come to know.
This ties into the solid to gas analogy of the supernova. It is about evolution. Note the growing pains as such. The explosion of a star is spectacular, after all. As is it somewhat messy and violent, and destructive. But from a far away viewing of a supernova unfolding, it is nothing short of breath-taking. Step away, enough away, that you can behold from a bystander point of view and be mesmerized by your own internal evolution. The dawn of creation is upon you.  And what better time than at the eve of the dawn of the new year. 
P.s. The frozen rose is come to life through the serenade of angels and doves.  Hear the music.  Let it touch your heart.  Let you innermost being be moved by the angelic forces. You are beautiful, and they have come to take you Home  (home within the highest aspect of yourself, home within your heart space, home within the breadth of you soul).

There is a calling home in order here, today, for all of the pieces that have been lost along the way.  You have the power to bring back to you that which has been given away, that which has been taken, and that which you have longed for.  You can’t operate for long, or strong, as only a partial being.  It is necessary, and nurturing, to call home to you, all of the pieces of your self and your soul that have gone astray. 
Call them home now to sit around the campfire of your soul. Call them together as counsel, so that you may rely and rejoice in them as your guidance committee that will strengthen you in moving forward. Simply sit with you soul in the quiet and send out a clarion call to all that which has gone missing, all that which needs find its way back, all that keeps you from wholeness- and gather them back into your heart. Give thanks for the reunion and for the completion that prevails, as you summon the courage and the will and the spirit within you to act in honor of yourself at this time and bring your selves (all of them great or small) back into the circle of oneness that is you, bringing them back home, and bringing harmony to your greater state of being.

Support is abundant today.  If you reach into the Mother (the Earth) for her rooted support, you will find that she gathers you in like a grandmother who dismisses any squirming or resistance to her all-encompassing embrace of love. She gathers you in so completely and so fully that you can’t help but feel worthy and unconditionally supported by the everlasting, unquestioning, love that is Mother, that you are utterly filled with the goodness that is inherently You, and so that you are nourished in every way, not hinging on where you are on your path, who you’ve been, or what you’ve failed to do. The Mother sees not your imperfections, but only the utter divinity of your truth.
And as you reach up in connection with Creation, you will be so filled with the surges of unprecedented Flow, of life-force, of that which all of the stars are made of.  As you reach up, you will feel such a profound connection that you can’t help but be flooded and overflowing with grace.
And if you connect inwardly with your center, you will see a look of anticipation on the face of your inner Higher You. So though you may feel that the night is long or that the dawn can’t get here soon enough, or that you may have many miles to treck to get to your destination, or your salvation, or your long-last healing, your higher self says different.  Your Higher You says, “Nah, it’s only a heartbeat away’.

Allow for your supernova transformation. Open to the melting of your heart, the creation of your pure self come into being, through darkness to light, through solid into gas, from spirit to form and back again. Gather to you all of the pieces and all of the love that reaches out to you today, in all forms, to reunite you with your moment of awakening, to stand at the deliverance of your soul.  This is the dawn of your creation. And my wish for you is that you may be witness to the miracle at hand. Don’t get caught up in the energies, heavy or light, just keep looking to the star, to the radiance, to that which is dawning, and that which is upon you. It is beyond you, as is any form of birth.  Behold the miracle.  Be breath-taken.  Become.  And let the rest simply come undone. Such is the course of life.  Such is the course of creation. You are one with life, as you are one with creation. Today, through the couse of a miracle, you become One with You.

Blessings and Light!
Behold the new year(you)!

In grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

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