Sunday, October 31, 2010

Free Dominion; Releasing the Armor and Becoming Wide Open

There’s a child who runs the maze in search of the key, as if she must guess correctly to win her freedom.
It is she who expresses the rage, the boredom, the loneliness, the revenge., for she is trapped within the kingdom of no name. The walls too high to climb.  The days look all the same.
She longs to live, to laugh, to sing-to do most anything.  But there she waits, behind the wall, without a reason for it all.
She waits to bare the fruit she brings.  She waits to embrace her wings.

How long have you been in your self-imposed prison? Isn’t it time you set yourself free?

We are not knights in shining armor. Our armor is corrosive and constricting.  It fosters fear and constraint.  IT keeps us bound to the past and bound to the pain. Breaking wide open means absolutely being vulnerable- which is the thing we’ve protected ourselves from for so long.  We will be like a turtle without it’s shell, fragile and sensitive and exposed.  But we must remove the hardened surface in order to grow fully into the boundless wonder of our being.

This protective shell has restricted our growth and there comes a time when it is woo painful to remain in that sheltered state.  The purpose of our walls is to protect us from pain. But when the walls create more pain that they deflect, their purpose has expired.  We must find the strength within us to stand alone in our power, to shed the skin that is concealing the perfection of our souls. 

We must reach a point of opening to the sculpting potential of the Universe that wants to mold us into unconditionally-loving, free-flowing beings.  If you feel like you’re not moving forward it is time to shed your skin.  You cannot move within the confines, for the fear that permeates from our defenses stops us cold, keeps us ‘safely’ locked away from the world, away from our hearts, away form the hearts of others.  We loose in this situation.  We lose big, and have for a long while.  We miss out on all of the experiences we long for.  We dissolve our creative expression, our full beingness as we surrender to our self-imposed limitations and our fear-based fortress of protection.  And all the while, we are slowly dying to ourselves in an effort to defend our precious hearts, not knowing that it’s the walls themselves that are killing us.

Think of your armor.  What does it consist of?  What are your barriers to breaking wide open?  How long have those walls been in place?  How much time have you lost living through that lens? How much energy have you invested in maintaining your defenses?  Imagine where you could flow that energy instead.

We release the constraints when we forgive. Imagine a heart that’s been tied down and the chords being cut free.  When we forgive, when we release, when we relax into a relationship, when we give regardless of receiving, when we dance, sing, create, smile wide-when we love.

We support the walls and build them higher when we nurse our pain (different than embracing and healing); when we enter into the mind-maze of confusion that tells us we must find the key; when we resent, when we close up and close off; when we lock ourselves away for fear of being hurt or rejected.

Oh what a vital life it would be if the opinions of others did not define us.  If we could love without regard for what will be returned.  We don’t have to wait for permission to BE.  It is up to US to decide. It is no one else’s.  How much power do we give away when we are based on the other?  How much peace and joy do we dispel when we remain in the cage?  We are not our pain.  The longer you let it be your master, the longer you remain in chains.

What if it was ok to expand beyond the walls?  What if the greater life force was found on the other side of the confines?  What if we decided today, right now, that we open- just a little bit, or a lot-and let in some air, let ourselves stretch and move within the forbidden.  What if the walls began to crumble?

And in these walls are caged your demons.  They’ve been given dominion.  They’ve been given permission to roam feely within your will while traipsing on your heart.  We feel the need to be right, so we support the barricade of delusion.  Oh yes, there’s reason enough to protect and defend yourself, but only the reason you give.  What if you didn’t?  What if that time, those thoughts, your energy was directed elsewhere?

Let us exchange judgment for inner wisdom. Let us trade in im-presence for showing up and receiving. Let us see that distancing is self-sabotage and fear of failure, success, and happiness. Let us have faith in the abundance that wants to flow directly to our hearts as we break them wide open.  That us remember that numbing is a fear of life, of feelings, of love, and a resistance to healing. Let us embrace our capacity to be open and safe in those open spaces. Let us melt our resentment and replace it with compassion and unconditional love. Let us become empowered and self-reliant in our knowing that there is no need for outer judgment or approval. Let us realize that our insecurities are just the parts of us that are misidentified, confused and unaware of our ability to be in control.  Let us release our armor, and replace it with wisdom, strength, servitude, perseverance, radiance, and confidence.  May you give yourself permission to Live and to Love in complete free-range capacity as you stretch into your truth and let down your guard, knowing you are safe and whole, knowing that as you become boundless, you become a blessing to the world.

Be your being open wide. The love you long for will reach you as you open, release, and reveal the beauty of who you are, and who you have always been. There is nothing more in the way, but the self that seeks to defend. Know that the time has come, now, to step into the open wide and begin your journey of love.

In my heart of love, I see you in your greatness, stepping forward and releasing the chains.

Love and grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tears of a Clown

What’s yours, what’s there’s, and what’s in between? Lifetime of serving and giving away power to loving and giving unconditionally and freely without the worry of becoming empty or being hurt by opening your heart.

If you’ve mastered the art of people pleasing and making other people smile, often to the expense of yourself, now it is time to learn how to be fully, freely you and still be there for the world.

What part of you is missing from your home that makes it not a home?  What part of you is missing from your marriage that makes it incomplete? What part of you is missing from your friendship that makes it unfulfilling? What part of you is missing from your job that makes it less than what you desire? What part of you is missing from your life that makes it not your life?

Yes, change is in order, is a constant, but what part of you is missing from this moment and this area of focus that can bring peace to this moment?  Where can you be less rigid, less hard, tight, constricted?  What parts of you feel barricaded by this situation or that?  Get to the root of what’s coming up for you.  Go deeper, so you can dig it out and be free of the red-light pain. The pain is a witness for you to do what you need to do to restore balance and relief.  When you lay down the railroad ties in your world, be conscious of where you lay them.  Do the don’ts, can’ts, and won’ts restrict you or give you more movement? I don’t have money/ or I don’t believe in limitation.  I can’t do this anymore/ or I can’t do it from my limited way of thinking or being.  I won’t ever do that again/ or I won’t be so hard on myself next time I do. 

In relationships with yourself and with others, what is your pretext for treatment, love-based or fear-based? Conditional or free-flowing? The way you’ve always done it or the new way you’re opening to?  What IS real in this wonderland world? Plum through long-standing separateness and reach for unity.

In relationships, where there has been fear of abandonment and fear of needs not being met, look to see where in your relationship with you have you been neglected.  This is a terrifying place to be as a child, and your inner child will react strongly in situations that appear to reflect this situation. It’s a knee-jerk response.  But as you become more conscious, you can begin to address your needs directly without the appearance of resentment, bitterness, or hostility.  In short, you don’t have to fight anymore to get what you want of need. You don’t have to fight to be loved.

We are learning not to get turned on our heads by what’s going on with those around us and to become more centered in ourselves by way of awareness.  We are commanding more presence so that we can shine our lights into their darkness while remaining within our boundaries so that we are allowing them their process and their perspective. We no longer need to be threatened by it. We are beginning to better know when to pull back and when to move forward, as we listen more tentatively to our own truth and hoan the ability to drown out what’s not ours.

In this rebirth, as in labor, there will be times when you push and times when you breath through.  If you are not in every moment who you wish to be in your experience, remember the soothing balm of forgiveness.  We must be as gentle with ourselves in this process as we would in nurturing another.

As we are plummeted to the depths and emerging on the crest of the heights, remember self care. Remember to rest, to nourish, to take respite, to smile, to breathe, to comfort your self.  Remember gentle pats on the back and repeating ‘It’s all right. It’s All all right’. And it really is.  It’s all just a game, all just a process.  Win or lose, you’re you through and through.  And your evolution is evolving with or without you. Evolving is cyclical in nature and a process that happens over time.  You grow, and then you are free to be. Be.  Grow.  Free.

Know that many sisters and brothers join you in this process, feel your pain, experience your frustrations, stumble, fall, pick themselves back up again.  Know that each fall is a forward movement as it’s yet another step in the direction of your greatness.  And with each fall, you learn and you realize that you will survive, you will go on, you can get back up again.  It’s the nature of learning anything.  Just as night proceeds day and Winter follows Fall, there is an order to things, even when it appears to be chaos.

Taylor your focus to what is right rather than projecting attention on what is wrong. Let the cycles teach you while you dip your toes in the waters of emotional indicators of what you need to learn, just don’t get swallowed by the wave. If you’re able to witness in autumn the leaves falling from the trees, you will see there is such a grace about it.  There is no tugging or prodding.  No resistance or hanging on.  The old leaves have served their purpose and now they are making room for new growth.  And it is such a beautiful process, really, leaves dancing in the air as the wind supports their journey, as they paint the sky with their rich hues. It is the same for you now, and every time you endeavor to grow. Let yourself be carried by the grace of the wind, and let it all fall away.

Full hearts ahead!

In loving grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Welcome to Wonderland

Neutrality plays out with or without us as we are somewhat removed, somewhat submerged in what is happening all around at this time.  And you may ask yourself ‘is this real?” And you may wonder ‘Is this me?’ And you may feel as if you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole as your reality is converging on the cosmic blend of what you’ve always known to be and what you’ve begun to create with your higher mind. And these are the categories of those times.

As your heart cage begins to break wide open, you witness where and how the hardening had happened and players present to take you there once again and show you the way out of the maze of darkness.  Be careful of the illusions as they present. It is a fine-line walk of feeling deeply what has always felt wrong and neutralizing it as the awareness that it is no longer real or that you just can’t do it that way again becomes more and more apparent.. Much is coming up to play out and be put to rest.  Categorize the themes that are taking front and center.  Write them down.  This will help you to peer into the windows of what’s unfolding and decipher what’s real and, well, what’s not. Siphon out and filter through the lens of your newer perspective.

You may find yourself talking yourself in and out of good and bad as now it’s progressively black and white and simultaneously every shade of grey. New colors are being added to the spectrum daily. Right and wrong are being turned inside out as you refine and readjust to a new way of being almost instantaneously once you decide you want to get there.  If it feels like your salvation is in your hands-it is, at least for now, until you shore up what aligns and what needs to be trimmed.

The pull toward unconditional love becomes harder and harder to ignore.  You just can’t get away with not walking the talk like you used to.  Perhaps it’s because now you ‘Know’ better at such a deep level that it becomes more and more lopsided as you attempt to keep one foot in this reality and one in the other.  And sometimes when it feels like it’s going to be hard or painful and we want mor than ever to close off or reinforce the barriers of our love, we know inside that it is a time to grow our hearts larger- to expand instead of contract.  And we reach a point where the pain of withholding is far greater than the risk of being wide open.

Revisiting the castle of doom that we’ve locked ourselves within as we’ve walked in fear may be on the soul agenda- a sort of submergence in suffering in order to SEE what we’ve allowed to permeate our being for a lifetime.  And it may feel as if you’re plunged into a lifetimes of pain condensed, as a very raw act of refinement and a stern reprimanding of where you know you shouldn’t go.

Beware of the ‘shoulds’ and where they take you.  They are an indication that you are living under someone else’s sovereignty.  Pay close attention to reactions and habitual choices that are underlined and implemented by ‘shoulds’ that have shrouded the You you’re reaching for.

Clarity is unfolding if you are willing to sift through the mix of the rippling emotions, thoughts, and experiences that are presenting in order to bring you to the point of greater presence.  More and more, in every moment, you are being offered the choice of choosing. as life becomes something of a game show and you feel you are gambling away your peace if you should choose incorrectly. But rest assured the moment after and the moment next to that will offer a fresh chance to BE of your essence and become more than the pain that’s driven you.

Resist the urge to be hard on yourself as you fall.  The lessons are coming now at light speed.  Rest assured you will have the chance to pick again if you felt you failed the test this time.  Wield neutrality so that you can maneuver through this maze of illusions.  Listen to the ever-stronger voice that whispers ‘this isn’t real’.  Know that you will KNOW what choices to make in every moment the more you allow yourself to center.

Embrace the ancient pains peeking out for redemption and show them that you now have the courage and the strength to do it different.  Ultimately it’s about you.  So much of what you’re going to be revisiting will appear in the guise of someone else’s.  But if it touches you on such a deep level, it’s yours, and yours alone to heal.

So if it feels like a relationship is dysfunctional or painful and it’s time to move on, maybe so, but what part of that is piercing you?  What part of you needs to be looked at endearingly and full-heartedly and healed in order for you not to play out similar experiences in your future, in order for you not to play out that same experience now.

How much do you love completely?  Have the relationships in your life been free-range?  Are you able to move freely and completely within them, heart wide open? Or are you shutting off in this moment or that because what it brings is too painful to bare?   Love yourself there, in that place, so that you can open.  Perhaps what the relationship needs (and each person in it) is a breath of fresh air-of love exposed to the light and no longer complicated by worn out pain and childhood stories. 

Look for the times you are the wounded child and the times that you are the pure soul.  Your inner child will be paying frequent visits.  Welcome her as she stop by, and love her, but correct the misdeeds or acting out as you reign in on what’s no longer ok and what you’ve outgrown.  She is you and you are her, but it’s time to merge into an updated version of your We, so you can embrace the Oneness of your being and live form that place as you narrow the divide.

The depths will take you deeper.  And the deep may seem more dark.  But you have the Light, you Know the Light and you can, as dark as any moment may seem, excavate what’s keeping you from your freedom, from being whole, from being wide open, from being peace.

Brave wisdom warrior, honor you for continuing on your mission and conquering your fears. By altering your reactions, you are shifting your identity and changing your reality. You are finding your way through, and you are stronger now than you may know. Embrace yourself fully, and you will find your way.

Be Still and Be Love.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Energy of Grace is Upon Us

Take a minute now to connect to the Source within you- the Source of who you are.  Feel the radiance, the shimmering effervescent quality of your being.  Feel the love, the stillness, the wonder, and the joy.  Allow yourself to embrace that Isness and to offer it up to your day.

Remembering who you are is often easy to forget as we get swept away by the parts of us that hold true to separateness.  The part that believes we are unworthy of unwhole (unholy) is persistent and has much to say to sway us in the opposites direction of our Truth.

To this, bring your awareness so that your mindfulness will help you to understand where the battle has been fought. Yes, you have expanded spiritually, and in so many other directions, but pay special attention to whatever may be lingering in your head.

It’s surprising to witness the doubletalk and the downplaying. It’s saddening to know that this is what we succumb to as we’re ever reaching for greatness.

Go now to your vibrant heart and ask it for forgiveness.  Ask to be blessed with a knowing that doesn’t waver, with a strength that withholds from doubt and fear, and with a determination to always be reaching for alignment; to always come from Source.  To be what you are. To be joy.

You will want to grab on to the core knowing of whatever centers you, be it I AM, I am Divine, I am Love, and pair with this to ride the wave above the energy of what is being released.

In allowing, energy blocked becomes part of vibrant life within you.  By remaining neutral, by depersonalizing the pain, and letting- letting it be, letting it go, letting it speak to you, letting yourself become free.

Your life is a sacred journey. Walk in grace and know that the knowing will find you as you open to the stillness of your being and as you allow for what ever was in the way of the whisper to fall away.

To become aligned means to surrender. To be connected to what you desire, to your highest self, your highest aspirations, means to go by the grace of God.  Let Him in and let yourself off the hook from trying to figure it out all the time. The details aren’t up to you. Your job is to Be. Being centered in that connection brings peace.  From peace flows abundance. From abundance flows joy. From joy flows Truth.

Simply feel your way through. As the elements of life filter through, ask in honesty, ‘Will this bring me joy?’ and ‘Is this mine to keep?’ When you can answer yes to the former and no to the latter, you know that you are in alignment. You know that you are living from integrity. This is a place of balance; this is where you can center.  And from there, all that flows will be in accordance with your highest good. From there you can flow with ease.

May you be bestowed with the love of the ages, the knowing of the everything, and the presense of peace.


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely 

Dive into You

You are continually expanding. You ARE expansion.  You are constantly creating new and more through your thoughts and desires. What holds you back from merging with what it is that you have requested is resistance in the form of blockages, or fear. These blockages lie within the vortex of your being. They are the places that have held tight to a belief, a feeling, a thought, and have grown rigid and hardened in defense of a perceived threat. These are the places we must soften if we are to move forward. And in order to move forward now, you must embrace every ounce of who you are. 

Expansion is what we are born into.  It is the Universal way.  What is being asked of you now is that you open to the expansion within your being and within your universe.  Resisting expansion, creates discomfort, creates failure to thrive. When you are out of alignment with this shift, when much of you has expanded and parts of you are still left behind, there is inner conflict until you finish what you’ve started. You must submerge into the unknown and the deeply hidden parts of you and explore what the depths are still telling as their story in order to restore the balance within your mind, within your world, within your heart.  To do this, you must come face to face with the forbidden.

Some aspects of what lies in the shadow may seem elusive, as the depths of the depths are cryptic in nature. Within what needs to be released is the core of our being.  It is the precious golden nectar, the deliciousness of who we are. And so, if you’ve been wondering where your joy has gone, look to the depths. The heart of your soul, the essence of it, is locked within, encrusted by the deepest parts of you.  The most harrowing beliefs, in an effort to keep you safe, have imprisoned the greatness of your being.  The self grabbed on to something someone said or held on tight to a way of knowing that cemented and became a way of being that kept you from the bliss of wholeness, from access to all of your parts, as some have been deemed off-limits. Many of the beliefs center around a need for belonging, safety, love, and the fear of losing them. These beliefs have served as our chains. They have served us by keeping us ‘safe’ but now we must break free and find our way without being bound, without the need for ‘safety’. It is time to move forward with ease.

Have you not known your essence? Have you felt it has always somehow escaped you?  It is not forsaken; it is tucked away within those depths waiting to be discovered.  The final layers are preparing to be peeled as you commence on the most heroic journey within and excavate the essence of your soul. The pieces that have been locked away are the pieces you have always longed for. They are the pieces that were ‘momentarily’ severed in order to keep the peace within your tribes, in order to receive love, in order to survive. But we wish now to go beyond survival mode and to embrace the state of thriving.

Know that what you are preparing to peel now has very much been on purpose. Those ancient walls within the personal temple of your being were constructed to fortress your sacredness and to defend it at any cost.  As you approach this vortex, remember that it is every bit about compassion. Compassion for the you that has been imprisoned by the walls; compassion for the you that has felt the need to defend; compassion for the walls themselves as they’ve sought to nobly ensure your safety.

And you must ask yourself, at this point in the road, are you ready to walk in the word without these constraints. This may seem like an obvious question, but do you feel connected enough with your power and strength to disarm the defenses of a well-worn protective mechanism that has served you for oh so long.  Because until you know for sure, that you can maneuver safely without the armor, you will continually to unconsciously reinforce it.  This is why it must be brought to the light.  This is why it must be examined and known.  We must face our greatest fears, some of which may not even make any sense to us, under the light of illumination, and bring them into the arms of love.

Most of the belief systems that anchor our fears were instilled when we were very young.  Others we’ve carried in from the past.  We have carried the burden of them, how ever useful they have been, by way of our safety. When we get to the point that we know that the burden outweighs the gain, we know we have reached the doorway to our truth and that is has become time to enter.  Call on the grace and the unconditional love of your being to support you in this endeavor.  These are the sacred tools that will fortify you and lead you through the maze of illusions so anciently erected.  And these are the tools that ultimately will lead you to victory and peace.

As you prepare to face what has served as your demons, know that they are not a reflection of true darkness. What is at the depths has purposely scared you so that it could remain in place.  It was the job of the ‘demon’ to defend your light and, in hindsight; it would be fare to say that it has done a very effective job indeed.
You have remained on the other side of that veil within you.  You have avoided it at all costs.  Fear has kept it in place and has been the artillery of that aspect of you that has fought to defend your safety. 

Do not wince at the notion of diving to your depths, for locked within is the magical child waiting to be set free.  You are older now. You are stronger. You are wiser.  You are worthy of emanating your light in a powerful way and you have arrived at the moment that will most certainly define you.  Go get your goodness.  It is laying in wait, every last drop.  Do not fear what you will encounter on your journey to the depths.  Whatever pain arises is ready to be transformed and set free.  You need not identify with what is disclosed.  Just view and release.  Notice and peel.  Your pain need no longer define you.  It is your preciousness now that awaits you, and it need no longer be elusive.

You are greatly supported on this powerful journey into wholeness and completion.  Although you are the key player and the ultimate hero within the story that is ever unfolding, there is no shame in gathering support for this excavation.  There is no wrong in seeking direction.  There is no weakness in asking for help.

Know that there are many tools available to you at this time to monopolize during the throws of this great adventure, just as there are many souls waiting and worthy to assist you through the depths.  Allow yourself to open to the assistance of both the ethereal and those here within the earth plane, as the greatest importance is that you break free, not that you did it alone. Know that it is with deep honor that one should have the blessing of  supporting you into the threshold of You. And your allowance of such is a true gift.

There is so much joy on the other side of the veil in which you’ve been shrouded from your truth.  Let it be now that you transcend.  Let it be now that you are free.  If you know in your heart that you have arrived at this moment in time, the moment of your awakening, then begin.  Step forward into you now, into your precious renewal and claim the presence of your being.  It is time dear ones, go forth. Your presence is needed here in the now.  Connect with your highest truth and conquer and embrace all that remains in the way of you remembering your glory and the greatest blessing of you.

Be love and be blessed.

In Grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dark Night Anyone?

Is this a dark night of the soul or twilight?

This is more of a dark spell than a dark night.  More like a shadow crossing over us as we transcend.  It doesn’t feel so much like being totally submerged as it does being dunked.  Ya, we’re feeling it, deeply, but we’re remembering quicker to turn on the Light and not let the effects of what we’re experiencing take root.  We’re choosing higher, so we’re falling lighter.  And it doesn’t even feel so much like we’ve fallen (except when it does), but more like we’re no longer directly standing in the sun.

What we’re facing is stifling though, and confusing, as we thought that we were only now reaching upward.  Suddenly everything we’ve carried for so long, and all that we thought we’d reconciled is on the table, once again, and it’s taken us under and to depths we didn’t know still existed. The loneliness, the abandonment, the shame, the grief, the rejection- all of the ancient stuff.  And it’s not only our own, it’s collective. It’s primordial. And it’s all coming up for review so that this time we can finally walk away free, no longer allowing it to anchor in our core and dominate our way of being.

It’s as if we’re getting ready to board a flight to our final destination and we’re running back for one final embrace, one last glance at what we’ve been and at what has owned us.  And as we run into the arms of this old-familiar, we realize that that’s not where we belong and we turn and head the other way.  We turn into a higher being as we turn on the Light and let the thoughts escape us, let the pain erode, and don’t get trapped by what we’ve known, forsaking ourselves once again.

Once we’re able to shed some light on the twilight’s agenda, we are grateful for the chance to reflect, however momentarily painful, as it gave us momentum for lift off and a vivid perspective of what we no longer desire to be.  And somehow we know this is a brief layover.  We know, on some level, this is merely a hiccup. But the turbulence of the last week has rocked us, nonetheless, to the core (and very purposely) so it could loosen up the remains of what needs to go and lighten our load.

It’s more unbearable when you’ve become more connected to the Light to scour the darkness.  It’s more difficult to dive under when you’ve soared to higher highs.  But this diving is part of the integration of heart and mind, soul and will.  And so as we evolve into heart-based beings, we are pulling up the resistance within our cores so that it can be transmuted and so that we can become more fully aligned.

The heart and the core (the chakra of will) need to be aligned in order to keep the peace.  It takes discipline to remain above the throws of the self that seeks to keep us down.  It takes a strong root in your power center to establish the strength of mind, of will, to remain vigilant in your practice of I Am-ness.

And as we are aligning, we’re getting a good taste of what we’ve been up against most directly and what we can choose to continue to partake in when we choose not to rise above.  The dark night is very much about trust, or lack thereof. And so, in this time, issues of the heart abound. We are releasing a millennium of hard-earned love, love lost, love unconditional, love unknown - all in one fell swoop, as we are offered the window of transmuting it in this mini portal of transcendence.

But we must keep in mind that though this feels like a dark night, we are not slipping behind. We are going forward. This is our twilight.  This is our just-before.

The pervasive question of the dark night is ‘how long?’ ‘How long will this last?’ “How long will I have to continue in this place of being, this place of darkness?’ The inevitable answer is- as long as you let it.  The time is now for you to find balance between creating and allowing.  Ask yourself if you need this experience any longer for your growth or if you’ve fallen for the same old tricks of what’s been.  We have to come from a place of knowing the I Am, which means not allowing ourselves to fall prey to words, thoughts, or situations that tell us differently.

What are the lies that you’ve been telling yourself? Those are the beliefs that need to go in order for you to live from a place of integrity. When you are not living from a place of integrity, you are living a half-truth. You are living in oppression of self and operating from illusion. As you consciously release these blocks, it frees you up to be clear and solid and live from that place instead. It allows you to become more aware.  Self-respect is the fruit of discipline, and a sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to one self.  When we continue to play into the hands of what no longer serves us, we give up our peace of mind and relinquish our freedom.  We are saying to the Universe ‘I have no bearings, I simply react and respond to what is bubbling within me rather than holding tight to my knowing of what IS’.

These are the spiritual and fundamental options we are facing at this time. Align with your truth and your troubles will fade away. Find your lifeline.  Find what brings you back to that place of knowing, that place of peace, and grab on.  And each time you begin to slip into the depths reach for that rope instead.

This is about being solid in our center.  And this is why our center is the current point of focus.  The center, your core, has to do with power and trust.  And power and trust are the main components of the dark night.  If you are feeling like the depths have taken you to a place too unbearable and you feel like you can’t go on, you are right indeed.  You no longer can go on in that way.  It’s like trying to breathe under water, which is why you feel like you’re drowning.  Your truth has been too watered down by the familiars. The triggers are having their way with you and you’re realizing through the pain of the experience that living through that lens is death.

Will this be your last death before you’re reborn?  Will you reach for the light and reclaim your strength?  Will you choose compassion of self over self-berating?  Will you allow your process to unfold and your self to move forward of will you continue to dance around the truth with only momentary glimpses of illumination? The choice is yours.  How do you wish to experience it?  Dare to do it differently and the dark night will become the dawn of You Being. This is your twilight. This is your time to prepare for flight. You don’t have to be perfect to fly, you only need to align with your truth and connect with your Source.  Your spirit will do the rest.

Believe in your greatness.
You are a divine being. Live divinely, and your life will unfold in peace.

Blessing you,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Opting to Unsubscribe

As we move along up the ladder of consciousness, we must continue to shave away the patterns and ways of being that no longer support us so that we can more fully move into the radiance of who we are.

The more consciousness we become, the more access we have to the scope of the greater picture.  The grander view of All things opens up to us and we can, from a whole new point of being, begin to co-create our reality with purpose and pleasure.  And the aspects of our selves long buried will rise,  some to be thrown aside and overturned at long last, others to be savored and fully embraced.  And each step becomes new as each moment is different and uniquely its own.  As we begin to operate from a place of wisdom (the most-fortunate byproduct of self-realization) every experience we have is christened with our own unique signature.

Suddenly we are free in this place, free in places we didn’t even know existed.  And as the old comes peeking to the surface to be viewed, we can look with new eyes and we can know that we can absolutely get along without it.  For we can decide to unsubscribe in any moment.  How did we not know we had that option for so long?  And once we discover that we do, we can buy out, we can say no.  But how do we locate that often elusive unsubscribe button that frees us from receiving messages from a deeply hidden and unconscious part of ourselves?

As with everything, we become still.  We become present. And we trust in our stillness to lead us to the offender of peace so that it can be brought into alignment.  We open to Knowing.  We listen.  And we get out of the way.  If something isn’t working in your life or is bringing you discomfort, take a look at your deeper premise in that arena.  When conflict arises, it is an indication that you are out of balance.  It is your truth (desire for peace, joy, fulfillment) up against not-truth, or a belief that’s distorting your way of being and blocking you from connecting on a deeper level to what you long for.

These beliefs begin to pop up into consciousness back to back.  As quickly as we have cleared one, another appears in broad-view range, requesting our attention (loudly).  As we move along, we begin to encapsulate what it means to be free, what it means to be joy, what it means to truly love, completely.  And as we get a taste for these spiritual delicacies, we desire them as a long-standing way of being.  We also become more empowered as our dance with the Light grows in  intimacy, as we become It and It becomes our way and we know that there is no other.  We come to know that we are NOT our darkness- that we are more than that-and that whatever serves to stand in our way only has power over us as long as we let it.

So, as the molding goes, you are refining your ability to access your knowing and your courage to move forward into greater depths of your being.  And you are honing in on the spirit of strength to face the adversity within your world.  You are coming to a knowing of I Am-ness that allows you to explore the seas of experience on a more profound level and you are stripping away whatever contradicts that fulfilled way of being as you come to remember that there is no obligation to be tied to you restrictions. In the ever-expanding world of consciousness, you come to see that it’s your right to unsubscribe to anyone or thing that derails you.  And as you continue to claim ownership of your moment-to-moment experience, you come to see that it is not only a privilege to choose the bliss of freedom. The more you expand into higher levels of consciousness, the more you come to see that unsubscribing is in fact your responsibility.

As you evolve into a higher way of being, a higher way of choosing becomes the way.  You honor your Self.  You honor your experience.  And you begin to filter out what doesn't offer support to the structure of what's right and good. You are reaching these levels and are being challenged to approach life in a new way, in all of your experiences.  You are being offered the opportunity to access the availability of freedom in every moment. You are being equipped with new tools as you direct the flow of your life through the current of what serves you and you are accessing clarity and initiative like never before. Your ability is fully enhanced by the forces that be, as they line up to show their support and unwavering love, in order that you may know that you are on purpose, in order that you may beleive.  The higher way is upon you. Expand, sweet soul, expand into the realm of your dreams.

With pure love flowing to you in every moment, may you know the beauty of your being, and bring your beingness to all that is unfolding within your days.

Love and grace,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

All of Life

Death was my teacher last night.  Our thirteen-year-old retriever passed into the other world, leaving a hole in our hearts that words cannot describe.  And as I continue to grieve and am longing to hold her, a handful of questions continue to rise.  Did I love her completely?  Did I embrace her fully?  Did she ever really know how much she meant to me?  And in all of life, how has this applied?

It’s so easy while grappling with finding the balance to support and maintain our busy lives to feel as if there’s not enough of us to go around.  To feel as if we don’t have time for this or that, or to be only half there in the moment while the other half is spread in all the other directions of what needs to be done.  It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by all of the things we feel call to us for attention and to feel too thinly spread to meet all of life’s demands, and we long for a balance, a better way , a centered way, to operate from.

But is it really about there being too much or is it about not enough?  How fully do we give ourselves to our experiences?  How completely present are we in each moment?  How much do we allow ourselves to expand in all corners of our lives?  And is this feeling of imbalance not so much about not having enough time or enough self to go around or rather about the not of the life that’s being breathed into every moment?

If we gave of ourselves completely in every moment-to every one, every thing- to the fullest of our ability, would we ourselves feel more complete and more balanced?  It’s so easy to get lost in all of the mundane and inconvenient aspects of life and miss the finer points, miss the magic, miss out on an opportunity to explore our greatness in the eyes of another looking up or back at us.  Will all those moments really matter in the end, the ones that we wish would hurry up and be over?  Or is it really all about how we choose to see it when we stop and become fully alive in all of our experiences rather than piecing ourselves out in so many directions?

At the end of the day, or when life presents you with the opportunity to explore these questions, can you really say that you know the souls that mean everything to you feel your love completely?  Do you know in your heart that you gave yourself fully to what really truly matters?  Are you embracing the gifts of your experience or do you find yourself running from being fully you because you don’t feel you have enough to give?

What if we felt stretched thin not because we have too much to tend to, but because we’ve missed that chance to fill up from living the experience completely?  What if the ones and things in our lives call to us not simply to take, but also to give back?  What if we decided it was worth the while to give fully, without hesitation, without resistance, but rather with grace?  Perhaps more balance is right in the middle of the abundance of our lives when we approach it with the simplicity of fullness as a gift and we know ourselves to be fullness rather than half empty.

To the life well lived, completely, and to the fullest capacity. This is the place to stretch, and unfold, and BE. This is your world, creating itself through you.  Let yourself experience every ounce of it. Drink it. Know it.  Breathe it. Be all of you in every moment. It's such a beautiful opportunity to explore your essence on the playground of life. See if you're not finding your world balancing itself inside-out as you give yourself over to it. It's a new way of being.  It's a being full of possiblity.

Honoring you,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Unfolding

Nourishing as the true you blooms through.  And there’s this freshness to the awakening, this feeling of grace, a mix of joy and sorrow, as we release the peeling layers of what’s been hiding and the beauty of what’s peeking through. 

And there’s this remembering and the sighing of late is replaced with a deep breath, an aha, as once again we Know and who we are is embraced.

And you can taste this new way, this new world that revolves around the ‘what is’ of you and What Is is capitol now, for there can be no more walking backward of looking away.  The time of betrayal and distraction is over.

There is a mourning of the newly known death of what’s been lost, of your truth, of that one thing that fills you- is you- that one thing that’s been sacrificed and withheld.  And in the reawakening, as your gift rises form the ashes, there is a sadness that washes over us to remind us that that dream had in fact died for a time- that that part had been laid to rest or forgotten, that it had been forsaken.  And it is almost to engrain that knowing so as not to forget how truly vital and necessary the long lost morsel of our being is to our wholeness, to our capacity for joy,

Tear parade as sadness, the betrayal, the shame, the rejection, the poverty of soul, the depletion, now blends with the promise of color, of strength, of newness in every moment.  Fullness and complete expression of self.  No off valve to the flow.  All systems go.  And beautiful, beautiful you restored to balance,

And we wonder how we got along in this barren time.  And the welcoming home is but a goodbye.  Somehow shrouded was the loss, so that even the scope of what was lost was missing.  And empty we searched far and wide for the missing piece, not fully knowing what we were looking for.  Until now, as it comes back to us, as it comes home, and we say ‘Ah, yes, I remember you now. How could I ever have forgotten?’

In the tears are tickles as the pain is mixed with joy.  And in this moment you can’t not be sadness but you can’t not be bliss.  Such is grace, as it washes through the intimate moments of remembrance. A poet to its prose.  An artist to its muse.  A humanitarian to its world.  How could I be anything without you’, we ask. ‘Alas, I have not.  I have been empty.  Empty-full, falling through life without you.  And now here you are, standing before me, tantalizing my truth.  And there’s a new strength of connection.  For now that you are found and I am given a second chance, there can no longer be a separation. Never will there be a me without you.  I pledge to you my allegiance, my everything.  There is nothing I won’t give to you.  For you are what completes me.  You are my ‘me’ that’s been buried and gone.  And I say I would die for you-to live without you has been death.  Me, here, but so very gone as my essence lay behind me, somewhere lost along the way.
An inconvienience or an embarrassment somehow to embrace you completely- to embrace you ‘in public’.  For I carried the shame, I-the walking dead and the longing, not baring my truth, not baring the fruit of my being.

And who am I to deny that blessing?  Who am I to stand in the way of what it has to say?  For I have not been myself.  I have been shadowed and chained.  Unable to break free of the prison that has kept us apart.  And I’ve paid penance to that master. Paid in breath. Paid right out of the bank of my heart.  Broken I’ve been without you, not knowing that I’d ever find my way home .  We’re here now in the cabin of wholeness, I and you, preparing to marry-to commit to one another full-heartedly as it should be- as it’s wanted to be for so long.  There must be this word beyond words that describes this coming back into connection with truth, but it escapes me.

And it’s somewhere beyond intention, on the grander level of conviction now as it can not ever be thrown away. And what does this mean for me and how I will present as all of its aspects run through the veins of my life?

And you are so real, with energy all your own- an entire entity staring back at me in my presence, your energy intermingling with mine as we reacquaint and remember.  The truest twin flame of all, merging in light. Sacred Reunion, a man and his muse.  A soul and its passion.  A woman and her womb of creation.

This is the concept of Oneness they’ve imparted, the bridging of the selves, the prisoner of creation set free and fully present.  The soul removed from bondage, reunited with its essence on a solid and profound level- so as not to be mistaken or taken lightly, so as not to be discounted, so as not to be thrown aside or locked away again.

I know I must become new, for to walk by your side requires grace, requires reverence, requires unwavering strength.  Never again to be forgotten. You and I walking hand in hand now to eternity, being everything that together we are. Being freely from this day on, moving forward into the magic of all creation.


 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Waiting to Exhale

What can you do in this time of wait? Don’t let it be a time to negate all of that hard work you’ve invested.  Let the lull be productive.  Put this in-between to use and let it be an opportunity to become more rounded and grounded.  This is an excellent time to deepen your roots, get your feet on/in the ground, and grow solid.

I know, I know, you don’t wanna ground, you want to fly.  And you probably want to throw a big fit.  Feeling strung along, strung out, even hung out to dry-while simultaneously feeling the outstanding Universal energy plumbing through your veins just screaming to be expressed?

What’s a soul to do?  Here’s the short order list at hand.  Refine your skills- balance, harmonize, prioritize, boundary set, and bliss.  It’s kind of like polishing up your resume before you apply for the job of your dreams. Key words for the meanwhile: tweak, edit, and delete.  Cancel out what’s getting in the way of your peace while you’re stuck in the reception room.

Beware the window for doubt and discouragement to creep in in this oh-so-familiar place of ‘almost’. Disengage from the loop before it sets you in a groove.  This is part of the test at hand-to be solid.  Will you slip and slide back and forth and all over the place every time it’s not all just right, or will you stay solid in Truth? 

The illusion is anything that doesn’t align with your truth.  Knowing that keeps it simple (sort of) in these moments of middle ground.  If it’s bringing you down-disengage, QUICK.  If you want the gold, you have to be golden, not wishy-washy, but in the Know, all the time, everyday.  And that most absolutely is a choice.  Are you going to win the day or are you gonna let the day win you? Pick the blessing not the curse.

When the fears and doubts rise because what’s rolling in is random, remember who you are.  What you’re feeling today probably isn’t what you felt yesterday.  Don’t let the feelings wash you away.  Stick with the I AM (knowing your Divinity)-it purifies the discomfort and doubt.  The I AM has everything it needs, NOW.  The I AM Knows, allows, surrenders, breaths.

So go ahead and exhale.  You don’t have to wait any longer.  Everything really is in divine perfect order.  Align with that place of serenity and then just sit back and watch it all come rolling in.  That ‘everything’ you’ve been waiting for is waiting for you to get in sync.

It's ok just to BE for now.

In love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.