Thursday, October 7, 2010

All of Life

Death was my teacher last night.  Our thirteen-year-old retriever passed into the other world, leaving a hole in our hearts that words cannot describe.  And as I continue to grieve and am longing to hold her, a handful of questions continue to rise.  Did I love her completely?  Did I embrace her fully?  Did she ever really know how much she meant to me?  And in all of life, how has this applied?

It’s so easy while grappling with finding the balance to support and maintain our busy lives to feel as if there’s not enough of us to go around.  To feel as if we don’t have time for this or that, or to be only half there in the moment while the other half is spread in all the other directions of what needs to be done.  It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by all of the things we feel call to us for attention and to feel too thinly spread to meet all of life’s demands, and we long for a balance, a better way , a centered way, to operate from.

But is it really about there being too much or is it about not enough?  How fully do we give ourselves to our experiences?  How completely present are we in each moment?  How much do we allow ourselves to expand in all corners of our lives?  And is this feeling of imbalance not so much about not having enough time or enough self to go around or rather about the not of the life that’s being breathed into every moment?

If we gave of ourselves completely in every moment-to every one, every thing- to the fullest of our ability, would we ourselves feel more complete and more balanced?  It’s so easy to get lost in all of the mundane and inconvenient aspects of life and miss the finer points, miss the magic, miss out on an opportunity to explore our greatness in the eyes of another looking up or back at us.  Will all those moments really matter in the end, the ones that we wish would hurry up and be over?  Or is it really all about how we choose to see it when we stop and become fully alive in all of our experiences rather than piecing ourselves out in so many directions?

At the end of the day, or when life presents you with the opportunity to explore these questions, can you really say that you know the souls that mean everything to you feel your love completely?  Do you know in your heart that you gave yourself fully to what really truly matters?  Are you embracing the gifts of your experience or do you find yourself running from being fully you because you don’t feel you have enough to give?

What if we felt stretched thin not because we have too much to tend to, but because we’ve missed that chance to fill up from living the experience completely?  What if the ones and things in our lives call to us not simply to take, but also to give back?  What if we decided it was worth the while to give fully, without hesitation, without resistance, but rather with grace?  Perhaps more balance is right in the middle of the abundance of our lives when we approach it with the simplicity of fullness as a gift and we know ourselves to be fullness rather than half empty.

To the life well lived, completely, and to the fullest capacity. This is the place to stretch, and unfold, and BE. This is your world, creating itself through you.  Let yourself experience every ounce of it. Drink it. Know it.  Breathe it. Be all of you in every moment. It's such a beautiful opportunity to explore your essence on the playground of life. See if you're not finding your world balancing itself inside-out as you give yourself over to it. It's a new way of being.  It's a being full of possiblity.

Honoring you,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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