Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dark Night Anyone?

Is this a dark night of the soul or twilight?

This is more of a dark spell than a dark night.  More like a shadow crossing over us as we transcend.  It doesn’t feel so much like being totally submerged as it does being dunked.  Ya, we’re feeling it, deeply, but we’re remembering quicker to turn on the Light and not let the effects of what we’re experiencing take root.  We’re choosing higher, so we’re falling lighter.  And it doesn’t even feel so much like we’ve fallen (except when it does), but more like we’re no longer directly standing in the sun.

What we’re facing is stifling though, and confusing, as we thought that we were only now reaching upward.  Suddenly everything we’ve carried for so long, and all that we thought we’d reconciled is on the table, once again, and it’s taken us under and to depths we didn’t know still existed. The loneliness, the abandonment, the shame, the grief, the rejection- all of the ancient stuff.  And it’s not only our own, it’s collective. It’s primordial. And it’s all coming up for review so that this time we can finally walk away free, no longer allowing it to anchor in our core and dominate our way of being.

It’s as if we’re getting ready to board a flight to our final destination and we’re running back for one final embrace, one last glance at what we’ve been and at what has owned us.  And as we run into the arms of this old-familiar, we realize that that’s not where we belong and we turn and head the other way.  We turn into a higher being as we turn on the Light and let the thoughts escape us, let the pain erode, and don’t get trapped by what we’ve known, forsaking ourselves once again.

Once we’re able to shed some light on the twilight’s agenda, we are grateful for the chance to reflect, however momentarily painful, as it gave us momentum for lift off and a vivid perspective of what we no longer desire to be.  And somehow we know this is a brief layover.  We know, on some level, this is merely a hiccup. But the turbulence of the last week has rocked us, nonetheless, to the core (and very purposely) so it could loosen up the remains of what needs to go and lighten our load.

It’s more unbearable when you’ve become more connected to the Light to scour the darkness.  It’s more difficult to dive under when you’ve soared to higher highs.  But this diving is part of the integration of heart and mind, soul and will.  And so as we evolve into heart-based beings, we are pulling up the resistance within our cores so that it can be transmuted and so that we can become more fully aligned.

The heart and the core (the chakra of will) need to be aligned in order to keep the peace.  It takes discipline to remain above the throws of the self that seeks to keep us down.  It takes a strong root in your power center to establish the strength of mind, of will, to remain vigilant in your practice of I Am-ness.

And as we are aligning, we’re getting a good taste of what we’ve been up against most directly and what we can choose to continue to partake in when we choose not to rise above.  The dark night is very much about trust, or lack thereof. And so, in this time, issues of the heart abound. We are releasing a millennium of hard-earned love, love lost, love unconditional, love unknown - all in one fell swoop, as we are offered the window of transmuting it in this mini portal of transcendence.

But we must keep in mind that though this feels like a dark night, we are not slipping behind. We are going forward. This is our twilight.  This is our just-before.

The pervasive question of the dark night is ‘how long?’ ‘How long will this last?’ “How long will I have to continue in this place of being, this place of darkness?’ The inevitable answer is- as long as you let it.  The time is now for you to find balance between creating and allowing.  Ask yourself if you need this experience any longer for your growth or if you’ve fallen for the same old tricks of what’s been.  We have to come from a place of knowing the I Am, which means not allowing ourselves to fall prey to words, thoughts, or situations that tell us differently.

What are the lies that you’ve been telling yourself? Those are the beliefs that need to go in order for you to live from a place of integrity. When you are not living from a place of integrity, you are living a half-truth. You are living in oppression of self and operating from illusion. As you consciously release these blocks, it frees you up to be clear and solid and live from that place instead. It allows you to become more aware.  Self-respect is the fruit of discipline, and a sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to one self.  When we continue to play into the hands of what no longer serves us, we give up our peace of mind and relinquish our freedom.  We are saying to the Universe ‘I have no bearings, I simply react and respond to what is bubbling within me rather than holding tight to my knowing of what IS’.

These are the spiritual and fundamental options we are facing at this time. Align with your truth and your troubles will fade away. Find your lifeline.  Find what brings you back to that place of knowing, that place of peace, and grab on.  And each time you begin to slip into the depths reach for that rope instead.

This is about being solid in our center.  And this is why our center is the current point of focus.  The center, your core, has to do with power and trust.  And power and trust are the main components of the dark night.  If you are feeling like the depths have taken you to a place too unbearable and you feel like you can’t go on, you are right indeed.  You no longer can go on in that way.  It’s like trying to breathe under water, which is why you feel like you’re drowning.  Your truth has been too watered down by the familiars. The triggers are having their way with you and you’re realizing through the pain of the experience that living through that lens is death.

Will this be your last death before you’re reborn?  Will you reach for the light and reclaim your strength?  Will you choose compassion of self over self-berating?  Will you allow your process to unfold and your self to move forward of will you continue to dance around the truth with only momentary glimpses of illumination? The choice is yours.  How do you wish to experience it?  Dare to do it differently and the dark night will become the dawn of You Being. This is your twilight. This is your time to prepare for flight. You don’t have to be perfect to fly, you only need to align with your truth and connect with your Source.  Your spirit will do the rest.

Believe in your greatness.
You are a divine being. Live divinely, and your life will unfold in peace.

Blessing you,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely


  1. Oh Rhonda. Your post came at the right time for me again. I read it then thought how does Rhonda know these things about me. I felt a little amazed, then I started smiling anf felt warm and comforted because I knew then that I will never be truly alone. Rhonda you are part of my life even though we have not met in a physcial sense. Thank you for letting me walk beside you.

  2. Amen, Rhonda.

    What I've been telling others who are going through this Awakening process is to HANG ON FOR THE ROLLERCOASTER RIDE! LOL

    And a rollercoaster ride it is... precisely because of what you're talking about here. Every time I "clear out" the dirt and shadow of one layer, I get the excitement of peeling away another layer and... bring some more things that need to be cleared away and transformed to light. As I've learned multiple energy modalities, I've learned easier and less "mucky" ways of doing it, but there's still muck to deal with... and there are still gray and dingy days that feel lonely, shadowy, and not-so-evolutionary.

    A great post; we all need to share this type of message with as many people as possible, so they understand that sometimes it's darkest JUST BEFORE DAWN... :-)


  3. Beautiful Jan, I am so glad to know that you are finding your Oneness with All That Is. Yes, love, we all face these things in our lives, and it is very mush a part of the 'Deal'. Peeling and healing is part of becoming whole. rest assured, that most often when you feel a certain way, others do to-as we are all part of the collective mind and way of being. This is a time of great purification and the more we can hold one another in light and love, the greater we will feel the shift.
    I am so honored to walk beside you, Jan. You are in all ways an amazingly beautiful light! Be who you are, dear one, for you are a gift to us all!


  4. Angela,
    It is a roller coaster indeed. I am so glad to see others holding the light for the All. The more that we can share our truth, including the not so cozy experiences, the more we can guide and comfort the many who are experiencing what they can't quite yet define. There is great comfort in knowing we are not alone on this ride, and the courage to admit that we are experiencing turbulence is such a blessing to those who fear the aspects they are experiencing and desire to hide as they don't seem to reflect the 'light' so many are radiating.It is human to experience what we perceive as shadow and darkness, and it is healing to embrace and love those parts of us that are ready to be healed.

    Much Love to you Angela, and thank you for all that you are offering to humanity during this time of shift.

    In grace,
