Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dive into You

You are continually expanding. You ARE expansion.  You are constantly creating new and more through your thoughts and desires. What holds you back from merging with what it is that you have requested is resistance in the form of blockages, or fear. These blockages lie within the vortex of your being. They are the places that have held tight to a belief, a feeling, a thought, and have grown rigid and hardened in defense of a perceived threat. These are the places we must soften if we are to move forward. And in order to move forward now, you must embrace every ounce of who you are. 

Expansion is what we are born into.  It is the Universal way.  What is being asked of you now is that you open to the expansion within your being and within your universe.  Resisting expansion, creates discomfort, creates failure to thrive. When you are out of alignment with this shift, when much of you has expanded and parts of you are still left behind, there is inner conflict until you finish what you’ve started. You must submerge into the unknown and the deeply hidden parts of you and explore what the depths are still telling as their story in order to restore the balance within your mind, within your world, within your heart.  To do this, you must come face to face with the forbidden.

Some aspects of what lies in the shadow may seem elusive, as the depths of the depths are cryptic in nature. Within what needs to be released is the core of our being.  It is the precious golden nectar, the deliciousness of who we are. And so, if you’ve been wondering where your joy has gone, look to the depths. The heart of your soul, the essence of it, is locked within, encrusted by the deepest parts of you.  The most harrowing beliefs, in an effort to keep you safe, have imprisoned the greatness of your being.  The self grabbed on to something someone said or held on tight to a way of knowing that cemented and became a way of being that kept you from the bliss of wholeness, from access to all of your parts, as some have been deemed off-limits. Many of the beliefs center around a need for belonging, safety, love, and the fear of losing them. These beliefs have served as our chains. They have served us by keeping us ‘safe’ but now we must break free and find our way without being bound, without the need for ‘safety’. It is time to move forward with ease.

Have you not known your essence? Have you felt it has always somehow escaped you?  It is not forsaken; it is tucked away within those depths waiting to be discovered.  The final layers are preparing to be peeled as you commence on the most heroic journey within and excavate the essence of your soul. The pieces that have been locked away are the pieces you have always longed for. They are the pieces that were ‘momentarily’ severed in order to keep the peace within your tribes, in order to receive love, in order to survive. But we wish now to go beyond survival mode and to embrace the state of thriving.

Know that what you are preparing to peel now has very much been on purpose. Those ancient walls within the personal temple of your being were constructed to fortress your sacredness and to defend it at any cost.  As you approach this vortex, remember that it is every bit about compassion. Compassion for the you that has been imprisoned by the walls; compassion for the you that has felt the need to defend; compassion for the walls themselves as they’ve sought to nobly ensure your safety.

And you must ask yourself, at this point in the road, are you ready to walk in the word without these constraints. This may seem like an obvious question, but do you feel connected enough with your power and strength to disarm the defenses of a well-worn protective mechanism that has served you for oh so long.  Because until you know for sure, that you can maneuver safely without the armor, you will continually to unconsciously reinforce it.  This is why it must be brought to the light.  This is why it must be examined and known.  We must face our greatest fears, some of which may not even make any sense to us, under the light of illumination, and bring them into the arms of love.

Most of the belief systems that anchor our fears were instilled when we were very young.  Others we’ve carried in from the past.  We have carried the burden of them, how ever useful they have been, by way of our safety. When we get to the point that we know that the burden outweighs the gain, we know we have reached the doorway to our truth and that is has become time to enter.  Call on the grace and the unconditional love of your being to support you in this endeavor.  These are the sacred tools that will fortify you and lead you through the maze of illusions so anciently erected.  And these are the tools that ultimately will lead you to victory and peace.

As you prepare to face what has served as your demons, know that they are not a reflection of true darkness. What is at the depths has purposely scared you so that it could remain in place.  It was the job of the ‘demon’ to defend your light and, in hindsight; it would be fare to say that it has done a very effective job indeed.
You have remained on the other side of that veil within you.  You have avoided it at all costs.  Fear has kept it in place and has been the artillery of that aspect of you that has fought to defend your safety. 

Do not wince at the notion of diving to your depths, for locked within is the magical child waiting to be set free.  You are older now. You are stronger. You are wiser.  You are worthy of emanating your light in a powerful way and you have arrived at the moment that will most certainly define you.  Go get your goodness.  It is laying in wait, every last drop.  Do not fear what you will encounter on your journey to the depths.  Whatever pain arises is ready to be transformed and set free.  You need not identify with what is disclosed.  Just view and release.  Notice and peel.  Your pain need no longer define you.  It is your preciousness now that awaits you, and it need no longer be elusive.

You are greatly supported on this powerful journey into wholeness and completion.  Although you are the key player and the ultimate hero within the story that is ever unfolding, there is no shame in gathering support for this excavation.  There is no wrong in seeking direction.  There is no weakness in asking for help.

Know that there are many tools available to you at this time to monopolize during the throws of this great adventure, just as there are many souls waiting and worthy to assist you through the depths.  Allow yourself to open to the assistance of both the ethereal and those here within the earth plane, as the greatest importance is that you break free, not that you did it alone. Know that it is with deep honor that one should have the blessing of  supporting you into the threshold of You. And your allowance of such is a true gift.

There is so much joy on the other side of the veil in which you’ve been shrouded from your truth.  Let it be now that you transcend.  Let it be now that you are free.  If you know in your heart that you have arrived at this moment in time, the moment of your awakening, then begin.  Step forward into you now, into your precious renewal and claim the presence of your being.  It is time dear ones, go forth. Your presence is needed here in the now.  Connect with your highest truth and conquer and embrace all that remains in the way of you remembering your glory and the greatest blessing of you.

Be love and be blessed.

In Grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

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