Friday, March 30, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 30th~ Pulsing Freedom, Create at Will!

The energy forecast for today...

There is a fountain of rainbow light coming out forth from the top of our heads.  This symbolizes creating from the heart energy, creating as if we are gods. And we are, aren't we?  So why not? Why not create, with intention, as if we are gods who have no restrictions, limitations, of reasons to do any other than create, at will, our desires and most coveted manifestations? So ask yourself today, 'why not?' and 'what's stopping you?' but don't get stuck in those deliberations, go beyond them and carry forward the remarkable free flowing rainbow energy to create at will. Wonder at what is possible. Be free in your endeavors. Listen with your heart, over your mind, and flow. Don't think, just flow. Free flow, anybody? Hell yes! I'll take some free flowing powerful rock star energy and create in the God-ness that I Am and all that I've dreamed for, all that is in the name of my dreams, of my heart, of my deepest longings, of my truest essence.

A powerful day to you! Shine forth and live it not like any other but like it's the first day of the rest of your lives. It is, after all, perhaps the first day that you dared live like this. Go forth. Create. Care free bringing forth and painting your canvas. Be true to you. Bring forth the energy of the rainbow, of all systems and chakras aligned and radiate your truth, all systems go!

To your wonder and power and the grace of the flow that comes forth through you and out into the world as your beautiful presence of I Am peace!

May this day be remarkable!
May this day set the pace for the rest of this powerful year and the incoming month.

Love and goodness,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 29th~Clearing Out the Pipes and Radiating You; The Chakra Connection

The energy forecast for today…

They are showing me the chakra body, the rainbow bridge, and surrounding that is a tube.  There is, in fact, a tube in which the chakras reside. This tube extends the length of your body and then outward toward heaven and toward Earth, reaching in both directions to anchor you into the Source of energy that drives you.  Today, the tube appears empty as it reaches outward from the head and from your root. Though there are external chakras, or chakras that are beyond your physical body, above and below, these chakras do not appear in this image, which tells me that we are focused on the seven basic chakras today and upon both how well they are functioning and what we can do to improve their flow.

The chakra flow is influenced by Everything you do.  It is affected by what you take in and what you put out.  It’s affected by what you eat, how much rest you get, what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what you do, and what you say. What you do on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level effects the state of your chakra system. Simultaneously, what is happening within your chakras has an influence on your entire energy system and determines much of what you feel and do.

So, today, we are reminded to become intentionally conscious about how we are caring for ourselves, how we are living our lives, and what we are putting out into the world and taking in. We are asked to take a good look at what choices we are making, and beyond that, take action towards making a shift toward better alignment and greater balance so that we can be more optimal.

Take inventory of your lives and be honest about what you can no longer afford to let slide. Take action toward supporting greater health, on all levels, and the bi-product of a vibrant chakra system will support your forward movement. The chakras are integral to our well-being. And there is much we can do to influence their state of being. 

We are responsible for our lives and leaving that responsibility up to someone or something else no longer serves us. The level of your total well-being will be reflected in your life through your state of circumstances in which you currently find yourself. Avoid blaming others, or Life, for what is transpiring (or isn’t) and make the changes that will create the harmony within your being. You know what you need to do. The changes you need to make happen, the areas you need to move on have been in orbit in your awareness, and your reality, for some time. Stop putting it off and just do. Even one change today will move you further into alignment and out of the resistance field of your ‘wanting to stay stuck in the familiar and same’ ego, which will give you the momentum you need to move forward in the other areas too.

There is a blue field of energy surrounding the upper body and radiating up beyond the head which represents the ethereal field. You have much assistance in creating abundance of change. It is difficult, at times, to know what is yours to do and what to surrender to Source.  The art of co-creating is about learning to do what you can and doing your best through living in integrity with your highest values and aspirations and then giving the rest to God. You don’t have to do it all, but you have to do something.  After all, we are here to experience and experience comes through doing and being here on Earth, not just waiting around for something to happen. But there is a nuance to learning or figuring out just when to do and just when to be (or surrender), and that nuance is learned in time. Play around with that this week and over the next couple of days so that you can become an active and more efficient co-creator in your life.

Know that you are greatly supported at this time especially in your endeavors, and take advantage of that support system by calling on your guides and angels and putting them to work for you.  Ask for guidance, ask for support, ask to be basked in their love and joy so that you can feel the wonder of who you are and Remember the power within.  Ask for direction in clearing and aligning your chakra body and in getting into a more powerful stance to direct your life.  Ask for clues and synchronicities to abound so that you can be certain of which way to go. And then be willing to be still and pay attention so that these signs and symbols are not lost on you as they pour in.  Ask to be shown which parts are for you to control or take action on and which are for Creator to take care of. Be purposeful about what you desire and take it seriously enough, take yourself seriously enough, to know that what you desire and what you detest Matters, and know that you can make a difference in your life, even if you havn’t felt like you’ve been very effective before.

The energy of right now supports change and growth.  This is when the angels really come out to play in great numbers- in the moments of birth, rebirth, and death. There’s no denying there is great change going on, within your being and within your lives. These portals, or windows, of opportunity are here for you to take advantage of, so ride on the wave of momentum and allow it to accelerate your chances of creating what you desire.

Part of creating what we desire is getting clear about what stands in the way.  The tube that surrounds the charkas is highlighted today because it is the focus of the energetic work that is going on.  And though you are asked to take stock of what needs to be corrected and take action to create change, much of the work is being done for you so that you can move into alignment with where you desire to be (soul). So give thanks and allow for the reconstruction to occur. If you sense underlying chaos coming to the surface or feel tired, take care of yourself, knowing that much work is being done. It is normal to feel irritable during these times of great change.  You are being moved, and change can be unsettling to all aspects of your being.

Perhaps that is why a teddy bear also appears in the energy vibration of today, as we are told to take comfort in whatever form that appears. Be gentle with you and with others, knowing that they too are under construction. The energy today is less dynamic outwardly, but still very powerful on the inner plane. Remain clear about what you desire and resist the urge or the impulse to doubt yourself or your dreams as that energy only seems to get in the way of making manifest what you came here to do and be.

Practice breathing into the tube that surrounds the rainbow bridge, breathing in and out as you imagine the breathe going up and down the vertical path of your evolution, of your energy body. Breathing in the life force and breathing into alignment, restoring and replenishing, as you care for your Self in an intentional and deliberate way. The breath is a powerful force, and it’s one thing that you can do (through focus and conscious breathing) to take action toward creating the harmony within that you desire.  Remember that we breath shallow when we are afraid to embrace life and feel deeply what resides within. Breathe into those fears today, breathe into life.  It’s yours.  Live it. Breathe it.  Become it.  And that diving into your life in a focused and intentional way will show through outwardly in your circumstances as they begin to reflect that transformation within.

The chakra bridge (from head to root) becomes a rainbow circle to show you that each affects the all. When one chakra is blocked, it changes the energy of the rest. When a chakra becomes balanced, it radiates out to the all, shining it’s life force out in every direction, creating harmony for the all.  The state of your chakras affects your aura and all of the many ethereal bodies which surround you, which in turn affects your everything that you experience. The higher chakras, beyond and below the body, cannot be activated until the main chakras within are in alignment and cleansed. And accessing your higher chakras connects you with the true power of who and what you are. The power of the chakras and their effect on your overall well-being cannot be underestimated. Create harmony by connecting with these powerful energy centers and listening to what they desire to come more into balance and flow. There is much wisdom to be gained by communicating with your higher Self in this way and this internal communication is a powerful tool to use in moving forward.

Be the power within by sourcing it and take advantage of the powerful forces that surround you today in implementing the change and the action and the radiance that you desire. You are the power.  You are the force. Be on purpose and let that light shine through, allowing it to guide you in clearing a path to your destiny. It’s there.  Its’ waiting.  Break through.

Be loving.
Be grace.
Be You. It's what you came for.

In remembrance of all that is good and in honor of the power to be,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 28th~The High Heart, Mother Mary, and Unconditional Joy

The energy forecast for today…

The high heart, enveloped in a radiant glow of light which represents purity. In this image, it’s anchored over or floating above the head. This is about coming from a higher place, choosing (intentionally) how you are going to live, choosing to be pure- in your intentions, in your actions, in your will. No more rolling over and playing dead.  No more giving it a go and giving up.  What do you stand for?  I mean really? What are your ideals. What are you in the name of, in your life, what does it mean to Be you, to carry out the terms of your service in this form that you have chosen this time around?  It’s time to get serious, and on purpose, about what you came to do and why you’re here. The energy of today is about clearing and aligning intentionally.

All grievances block the Light. If you are holding onto the past, assigning blame, labeling and judging (yourself or another, as well as relationships and ventures in which you’ve found yourself or haven’t) realize that that energy, over time, becomes abusive.  It holds you in a state of shame, or wrongness, and disallows you to be free.  It captures you in the energy of remorse, of what was or should have been, and it’s all based on the illusion of doubt in all being divinely played.

Mother Mary comes in strong today, her outreaching hand cutting through the thickness of grievances and illusions in order to be and remain clear and pure of heart.

The higher heart is about higher integrity and holding self to higher standards of what you intend to align with. You have to choose peace in order to have, and even want, joy. As long as you are siding with your grievances, those deliciously tempting contemplations that deliver you into the arms of evil (or seperation from Self and God), you are choosing ‘not peace', and you are delivering yourself from Joy.  Joy is your birthright, it’s your natural state of being.  So every time you side with what is not joy, you are out of alignment with your Self.

There’s a lot of talk about aspiring to unconditional love, but what about unconditional joy? What about folding back into a state of being that allows for a natural flow?  Unconditional joy requires, and actually is, an attunement in grace.  Make it your intention to pull from and move into a higher way of being over what wants to dominate (inner chatter), and for no reason at all.  You don’t have to align with any dissonance or discord.  Just acknowledge it and release. Be in joy just because of choosing it, or aligning with it rather than for a reason, rather than as a result. There is no cause for joy, it's a state of being, as is love, as is peace, and it doesn't require that something takes place in order for it to be other than that something being allowing the state of being to be. Be in joy just because. Yet understand that if there are grievances within your heart, there is a part of you that wants to be heard.

Part of your self feels wronged, which is why grievances pursue justice and persist.  They want to be acknowledged (heard), and witnessed.  But just as in relationship, when you’re disappointed, disillusioned, dis-graced (or brought out of center), you have to move on (forgive or make right) in order to full-fill, in order to top self off with love rather than fear or pain.

There’s an energy of believing that you’ll never have the thing you desire if you haven’t had it or it hasn’t been there for you thus far. If you’ve been deprived of happiness, dreams, or joy, if you haven’t been satisfied (satiated) with what you’re living, there’s a desire there that’s strong (and saddened) at the realization of not being filled, fulfilled, played out. There’s an energy to what you’ve created within your heart, within your mind’s imagination, within that something you desire.  And if it hasn’t been allowed to manifest or come to fruition, there is a loss, and a longing, for what hasn’t been that actually exists somewhere within you but hasn’t come to life.

You have to go beyond belief of ‘not having’ (which brings up all of that unworthy energy), to someday will.  Just because you haven’t doesn’t mean you won’t.  And what needs to shift in order to manifest isn’t simply or only the situation which you are in, but the belief (that it can) which creates an opening.  And in order to make way for the opening you have to let go of what’s been. Otherwise it remains in the energy field (as grievances) and blocks the Light (what you desire or wish to align with, and already do align with on a soul level) from coming in.

Believe in the dream.  Vision it.  Aspire to it.  Let it take you higher.  Let it be your flow and the diffusing agent of what’s been so you can move higher into the high heart of imagining peace, love and joy. And those aren’t just words, those are actual states of being form which you can create purposefully from in your everyday state if you are conscious and intentional about aligning with them over lower states of being. Choose higher, will yourself to go into higher ways of being, and make it so.

Be intentional about where you spend your time and energy today. As with the Mother Mary energy (the mother energy) whose hand guides the flow, directs it, be gentle but firm with your self about where you focus your self and what you will allow in and out, what you will allow yourself to be effected by and where you channel your flow. 

Mother Mary’s heart is aglow, reminding us to lead with our hearts, to be pure of heart.  Halo over her head represents the grace-full state, the surrender with which she is guided.  Mary said yes to God’s plan for her without hesitation, without stipulation.  It is your job now (or your choice) to say yes, unequivocally, and fold into the hand of God or continually drag your feet deliberating in doubt. Let your halo, your rising sun, your Light radiating from your being, wash away the pain and the fear so that you are no longer blocking what is rightfully coming to you.

There is a lot of barbaric energy today.  It’s primal.  So let bursts of rage, irritation, frustration be utilized and directed into a power and force to get things done.  Use this energy to direct your flow, channeling it into creating purposefully rather than misdirecting it (or letting it direct you) into destabilizing anxiety or irriation.  Be on the mark, focused, centered, deliberate and determined today and the energy (though iradic but strong) can be used greatly to your advantage.  It is a powerful day of creation.  Create with intent.

Yesterday was a void day, a day in between.  Void days are days in between time and space, days after endings and before beginnings where everything discombobulates and comes together. On days like this (yesterday’s void day) just allow and let be, even though it can be a little (and sometimes a lot) uncomfortable as you open to being re-fitted and adjusted for the next thing.  If you are aware of this energy, it can be very productive as you lay in wait for what’s on the way and allow for what’s been to further wash away.  The day after a void day (today) can be extremely rejuvenating- like you’ve been given new life (and you have, as you’ve been rebirthed once again).  It is a day to charge forth and create and it is also a day to make it so (whatever you’ve been dreaming of or desiring). It’s a green light day, a day to make it go. You may also experience the birthing of what you’ve desired as manifestations come to life after the gestation phase you’ve just exited. Expect miracles, milestones, and the majestic.  Bathe in the flow.  Be on purpose.  And know what ya know.  Remember to bask in the halo, give over what you don’t know (all uncertainties and doubts ).  You are the CEO. You are the executive director of You in this life.  You have accountants (angels) and advisors (guides) who can handle all of the mundane aspects of running your company (life). Give those aspects (the details) over to the ones who know what to do with them and focus on what you know…the visions within your heart.  Search the chambers of your heart for what you truly desire if you don’t know already, then aim high and let the arrow of your intention (and your energy) flow.

Numerological, it’s a ten day, a God day.  You’re on the money, you’re exact, you’re in alignment, you are Divine.  Take advantage of this alignment, create with the grace of Mother Mary, and the ease of the one who knows. You are divine already. Today’s the day to Act like it and let everything else (that isn’t God) go.


May you see and feel and rise to Being the light within you as you begin to open to the majesty of your life.

In loving grace,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Seeing 'I' through the 'We' and Finding Your Way Back to Me

Seeing ‘I’ through ‘We’, through pleasing, is how we loose ourselves in the world.  Longing for belonging crates a shaft in our aura, creates a window that lets out our soul, lets in a draft and leaks away all of our power.  It creates subservience that dominates our will.  And when a life lived in the name of creating sustenance from the vein of acceptance is all said and done, the one who mattered most feels like they have all but dried up and gone. It's hard, after all, to accept yourself when you know you're giving yourself away.

Eventually, you have to step up to the plate and step into the role of authority in your life- authority for and to you.  This is called owning. You have to make your decisions and carve out your choices based on your own authentic truth.  And when you don’t know what that truth is or can’t see it because it’s so muddled by everyone else’s, it’s time to pull back and ask for reform. You have to reform your method of operation so that it reflects your values rather than recreating the feedback of habitual patterns. You have to own your choices by becoming conscious of them and then disciplined enough to align them with what matters most to you in order to create your truth.

There comes a time when you realize no matter how long you’ve been marching in those boots or how solidified you’ve been in marching to the beat of everyone else’s drum, that the marching must come to a halt. And rather than marching on, faithfully like a good little soldier, you have to become selective about the source of your marching orders.

Go inward. Seek the wisdom of your soul.  Disable all of the chords and connections to everyone out there whom you’ve put in charge of your direct flow.  You are not a little child who needs to be told what to do.  It is not everyone else’s job to guide you, to make your choices, to direct your life.  It’s yours. Honor that.  Respect it. So many of us are still waiting for permission to take our lives by the reins and live them and we don’t even know why we’ve given them up.  You are giving away your God-given power though to everyone/thing else every time you pass on making choices. When you base your lives on what others think, feel, and do, you are out-sourcing your power and you can very well feel that diminished sense of self right there in your belly (third chakra). Chances are, you are aware that you’re living in this co-dependent state, but more than likely you’re not really sure why you’re still doing it or how to switch it into a more empowered way of being

Let’s take a look at where and when it begins. There’s a lot of directive in the flow of the development of the charkas and the distortions that happen throughout our development most certainly direct our flow (or not flow) through the rest of the stages of our lives.  In fact, what happened then is directly effecting you now, and will continue to effect you and guide your choices until you can bring awareness (consciousness and light) to it and begin to dispel the myths you’ve been living under.

In the first chakra, the root, where we create a sense of our identity, it is all about gratification and self-sustenance. We seek to get our needs met from another because, in infantile stages, it can be no other way.  We are reliant and dependent on other to meet our needs and to ‘tell’ us who we are based on their reflection and response to us. And here, when we don’t get our needs met or don’t get the message that we matter, we begin to develop layers of the all-immobilizing shame, which tells us that we did not get needs met or don’t matter because we are wrong, or not good enough. And here, we begin the foundation for continuing to create imbalance based on the belief that is formed, not only that we are not good enough for the love of others, but that we are not good enough to receive the love of God. Here, we become separate, we sever our connection to Source, in shame, and without that connection in tact, we are forever searching for another power outlet.

In the second chakra, we begin to develop more intimate relationships and shape our view of what relationships mean.  If we are inhibited or restricted in this stage of our development, if we are unable to bond or connect in the ways that we need of lack the intimacy that’s necessary for our understanding of healthy exchange of self, we can become thwarted and are ever seeking communion, connection, and fusion.  We then deepen our already existing shame-based perceptions about being good enough to be received. And we continue to seek gratification and connection in unhealthy and imbalanced ways as our search becomes a seeking that is ungratifiable because no one or thing can fill us in the way that the Light can, and when we turn away from the light, we are chased by a sense of ensuing darkness.

So by the time we begin developing the third chakra, we have already been unplugged.  Our unbiblical chord that streams to Source is severed in first chakra time due to feelings of not being worthy of the Light.  In second chakra time, though we try to plug into others, conditions are distorted or thwarted which further offsets our understanding of who we are and how free we feel to embrace life (or our right to live it- otherwise known as empowerment).

In third chakra (the highlighted chakra for this month), as we attempt to individuate, we struggle because we have lost the connection to our Source and our Selves.  We have forgotten our power (our divinity) and have lost connection to it’s truest source. And when we try to manipulate or control our world in order to make sense of it and find or establish our authority, we end up feeling frustrated or coming up short because ‘out there’ isn’t where the power lies. Since we have early on lost connection with our selves and faith in who we are and have come to believe that we are not only separate but unworthy of the love we so desperately need to receive, we begin a perpetual search for the ‘filler’ that will replace the ‘hole’ whose only antidote is wholeness and a return to the original power source of the divine.

As some point, we must learn that we can’t remain in wounded child stance forever.  We eventually and ultimately have to assume the role of actualized adult.  The ascension process isn’t only about spirituality, it’s about maturity. This means that we own our lives, and not only take responsibility for our actions but also for the underlying belief systems that create and make them so.  This means that we enact our will and use it to direct our lives (intentionally) through discipline and perseverance rather than tantrumming and throwing fits or remaining a victim to chance and fate.  This means that we set our focus on accomplishing what we desire by plugging back in to our internal source of power and stop giving it away to circumstance and innocent bystanders.

If you’ve grown tired of the same old scenarios, power plays, and mellow dramas, then it’s time to redirect your attention, reconfigure your stance and fuel from within.

Alike and equal are not the same thing.  We don’t have to conform to the norm in order to be ok.  We don’t have to ‘be’ what we think we’re wanted to be in oder to be enough, to be loved, in order to be equivalent of love, in order to equal love.

We already Are equal- we are One.  We are enough.  We are abundant in who we are, as we are- without giving into a collective idea about who or what we need to be.  Knowing this helps us to individuate in a way where we can find ourselves and go beyond the conformity that we’ve bound ourselves to and into the divinity of our purest expression.  Knowing this releases us from the need to be something we’re not.  Living this restores our breath to full capacity and our hearts to the rhythmic beat of self-love.  Being this- being true- emulates the largeness that we’ve always longed for.

We already belong, by way of being part of the All.  Nothing and no one can change that. It’s intrinsically part of our nature.  It’s who we are.  We are All children of God and we belong to One Another and nothing can take that away from us.  And though we need (biologically) to experience belonging as a member of the human family, in human form, beyond our spiritual legacy of connectivity, perhaps knowing (remembering) our belong as a species, as spirits, as God sparks, will help us soften in our evolution of finding our way back to ourselves.  And in doing so, we are assured the path back into the loving arms of the soul tribe that awaits us and to the heart of humanity that has always been (simply without all of the stipulations of it needing to be about meeting needs or being a certain way in order to be ok). Let go of the expectations (of yourself and one another).  It's time to reconnect to our own power grid within and live from that place, radiating outward, and make our way from there- as it was intended to be. And though we've forgotten our way, we're remembering our way back again, and we are growing stronger in the momentum of this rediscovery every day. Nourish it. Believe in the power of living from that place. And as you fold back into the power of you and uncover the strength and the beauty that lies there, and you begin to drink from the essence that is your uniqueness, you will find yourself wondering how it ever could have been any other way.

Silly creatures we are!

Find your way back to you today, and stay there for a while. Love it a little longer each time you return.

To the beauty of you and to your abundance in life!

In loving grace,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 18,19,20th ~The Scepter, The Sword, and The Sixth Sense

The scepter and the sword. The image from the period of time from 3/18-3/20.  This is a challenging time.  The energy can be interpreted in a way that is beneficial or seemingly detrimental. We are being turned upside down and inside out.  And as you may have guessed, it is very much on purpose. We are challenged now to override the voices in our heads that have kept us from rediscovering the hidden treasures within the underworld, to find a way to rise (no matter how seemingly futile of a task this may seem), and to put down the tendency (read: vice) to overcompensate with the comfort level of wading in the deep (staying stuck) rather than sloshing through the marshes and being willing to track the mud through the rest of our lives a little in order that we don’t remain asleep to what’s been driving us. So long as we remain unconscious ( and afraid of) what lies within our deep, we will continue to operate on auto. And I would say it’s a safe bet to say that that’s not really working for Anybody anymore ( and probably never has).

There’s this thing, though, where we like to pretend. We like to tell ourselves that maybe it will all be ok, or that those sneaky gut feelings we have don’t really matter, or those deep-seated feelings of ours (of guilt, or pain, or shame) will somehow go away without ever sinking into them. Thing is, none of that is true.  We have to go into the underbelly and BE with what’s inside. We have to BE with ourselves, and ALL that we are, not just what we try to fashion ourselves to be. That’s what loving ourselves wholly is about.  We can’t just abandon or turn on ourselves every time we don’t like what’s coming through. We have to be willing to be with the whole of who we are, not just the selective stuff. And though we are taught to look away from what may not be pretty, it’s in loving ourselves through what’s underneath that our deepest wounds are healed.  And this is how we soften, rather than be so hard on ourselves. This is how we make amends with our past or our ‘flaws’.  This is how we come to know ourselves more intimately and testify for the beauty of who we really are. And we do this by witnessing it, and holding the space for it, and loving it all the while, loving it ‘anyway’.

And as we begin to sit with ourselves in this way, we begin to uncover our deeper beauty and we begin to share our secrets with ourselves. We begin to confide and disclose our deepest longings and our deepest fears. And in sharing those we are able to bring them out of secrecy and out of the darkness, and we are able to see that we are worthy of love no matter what’s hiding in our closets or living in our hearts. And then we no longer have to live in shame for what we are concealing. Through softening, and opening to the place of holding space for our selves and creating relationship with all of our many parts, we are able to restore our claim in joy and begin to live from that place rather than from the place of hiding. And we can do that by letting go of the need to judge and label, ourselves, our experiences, and all that surrounds us.

What does this have to do with the scepter and the sword? The scepter is about reclaiming power, and using it. The sword is what we wield when we are in fear. The scepter teaches us to remember that we are powerful beings and reminds us to use that power, all of that powerful energy that is flooding through us right now, and create with it. When we create circumstances that are to our liking, that are more suitable and in alignment with our truth, that are more reflective of our essence, then we are no longer at the mercy of the sword which we utilize to slay all that we find is negative or encroaching on our space.

Perhaps the sword could be better utilized to cut through the layers of stuff that keeps us in our own way. The sword could be used in the name of truth, as an agent of change, though not a weapon of defense. When we come from a place of needing to defend, we come from a place of fear, a place of being the victim of circumstance. The notion here is to remember that life does not just fatefully unfold, and your job is not to simply respond to it or defend yourself against it.  That’s the old way.  The new (empowered) way is to realize that not only is this Your life, but You are creating it- and to then assume the stance of creating it consciously and With Power rather than from fear (or unconsciously).

Be proactive.  Be productive.  Be on purpose.  Use your time and your energy wisely.  Effect change, don’t just moderate from the sidelines. You are being given an opportunity to move forward and that does not mean a time lapse into whatever happens next. Or at least it doesn’t have to anyway. It means gather the strength, and the power (within you) and use it to create the life that you love.

Don’t be critical of yourself for the mistakes you have made. As you sit with your self more, you will begin to understand why you have made the choices that you have, and you will begin to grow compassion for who and ‘why’ you are. And this becomes molded into support for what you wish to fold into and become. By shining the light on your ‘darkness’ you are able to see that underneath it all already Is great power and strength.  It’s simply wrapped in fear, and maybe a little traumatized, and mostly it just needs to be witnessed (and held) and told that everything’s going to be ok.  And it is, really.  No matter what has happened, or what’s been said or done, or what you’ve got hiding in the deep, it’s all ok, right? And it’s going to be even better when all of these secrets’ find their way to the surface and you can live from inside out without the fear of being exposed.  Once it’s all on the table, there’s no need to conceal what might be revealed.  And that, right there, that need to be one step ahead of yourself, or the world, for fear that someone might see you for who you truly are (secrets and all) would be one heck of a burden to let go of.

Imagine that.  Work in the name of that. Lightening your load (enlightening) is what this work’s all about anyway. So let your self be with your Self and get to know you a little bit. The you that you’ve been running from would be happy to make your acquaintance. All you need to open up to you is a little reassurance that you’re not going to be turned away.  Make an effort, be kind, and the aspects of you that have been in hiding will be revealed. No more concealing. No more mistreating. No more stuffin’ it down, into the depths so that no one has to see it. You are here to be Seen. As long as your selectively slide-showing who you are, you’re only half alive. And you're spending waaaaaaay to much energy doing the coverup job- energy that could well be spent creating a life of please and ease rather than run away and hide.

The veils are thinning as we are opening to our higher level charkas, 6,7,8,9 and as they are opening our eyes to see far Beyond all that we have allowed ourselves or all that we have had ‘permission’ to See up until this point.  As we are connecting to higher aspects of ourselves, we are more able to receive the information that stands on the other side.  We are being given glimpses into realities that stand beyond  (or parallel) to the ones we are living (or the ones we’re aware of anyway).  We are being shown these ‘possibilities’ so that we can know what awaits us, and so that we can begin to open more fully to what is ours and to begin to radiate in that direction (if we so choose).

Times like these, where the veil is thin, where higher perceptions and powers are coming on line, where we are envisioning (which feels like daydreaming, only you know that it’s real) our very near future selves and the sights that we set our hearts eyes on long, long ago, and feeling our way into a timeline that is then and now and later on…can be destabilizing, disconcerting, and enchanting all at once.  But this is part of the evolution into the grail, into the times that tell the tale of a land where All is One and where wonderment abounds, and it begins with the surreal elements of time and space and relativity being turned on its head. It begins with ‘reality’ being distorted so that you can begin to imagine beyond the scope of what’s been.

Reality is far greater than we have lent our imaginations thus far, the reality we’ve been dreaming of anyway. Begin to open up to this greater version of what is, broaden the scope of possibilities, and don’t fear this new sight, this sixth sensory development that’s enlightening your perspective. It's there to show you a new way, beyond where you've been. And in this new reality, you can rediscover your powerful nature that's always been.

To graceful abundance and a joyful evolution into the depths and the wonders of you!


Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

The Energy Forecast for 3/14-3/17~The Rising Snake

The energy forecast for 3/14-3/17…

The snake has risen and sits in the formation of the cobra about to strike.  This is about alignment.  This is about courage.  This is about connecting with your God-head, with your higher-self awareness, with your eighth chakra seat-of-the-soul wisdom and living from that place. When the snake rising through our energetic system, by way of the kundalini, all energy that is not in the name of truth, all that is in need of purification, is transmuted and burned away through the fires of alchemy, in the name of bringing us into alignment with our truth. The symbol of the cobra in striking stance was represented in ancient Egypt by the then God-heads, or pharaohs (Cleopatra), who considered themselves to be gods and desired that they be worshiped as such.  They were onto something, though, with their symbology and their understanding of what it meant to be in alignment with their highest truth as way of coming into their greatest power and strength.

The snake has risen as you have embarked on the spiritual journey of purification and have been releasing, left and right, that which no longer serves and that which has stood in the way of you being able to connect with your greater divinity. Over the last four days, time has stood still as we have all been purified (read: put through the blender) while the purification took place. A mixture of experiences, from profound feelings of peace, joy, and grace (often experienced during the purification as you are assisted in your desire to go higher and as your load is lightened considerably)- to grief, anger, confusion, despair, sadness, and rage (all also commonly felt while releasing that which you have been attached to and that which you have believed to be your identity is transformed and is revealed in more substantial ways so that it can be brought to the surface and brought to your attention).  Another common experience can be that of shock, as you see, seemingly for the first time, or at least for the first time with such clarity, the way that you have played small, given away your power, sacrificed your self, and settled for a life that was less than you desire or deserve.

All of this is normal and to be expected in the great times of change as we are rising above the ashes of what we have been and are coming on line with who we at the deepest levels truly are. Be gentle and forgiving with yourself as this is a process that can be very humbling and is also one that requires much discipline and stamina in order to stay out of victim- consciousness of fall too far into the layers of density that are rising to be purged. You will need to remember that this is a time of broadening the divide and that that divide, between what is higher and lower, darker and lighter, distortion and peace- begins (and ends) within you.

You deserve great honors and accolades for your commitment to this process and to the betterment of yourself and the world at large. This is not an easy process, as it requires honesty, integrity, wholeheartedness, and strength. But you are equipped with all that you need to make the transition during this time and there is no better time to make the transition than now.

In joy,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 13th~ The Underlying Snake

The energy forecast for today…

There is a snake.  It is traveling beneath the layers of our mind, beneath consciousness.  It projects the feeling of anticipation, of knowing that something is up, or on its way.  This is the sensation that we are online with our intuitive understanding, with our senses that tell us that great change is on the way.  It can be deceptive and alluring all at once because we are basing our feelings on our gut.  We are basing our understanding of what Is on the unseen.  This is great news, as it is leading us back to an understanding of our elders, of the societies and the civilizations before us that based Everything on this knowing, on this sense.  We are being guided back to a time of trusting in this intuition, and in this voice that tells us what is on the way.

The purpose of the voice is to connect us with the reality of what is unfolding.  When we are better prepared to connect, to become one with or merge with what is underway, we can come from a conscious place as the reality ‘hits’ us rather than from a place of reaction.  This allows us to encapsulate the experience, to embrace it, no matter what it might unfold as or appear to be.

When we are left with a sense of excitement for what is to come, it is no different than the energy of anxiety or fear, in that it holds the same capacity of frequency. Anxiety and fear are merely a determination, or a label of the energy, based on our interpretation of what we’re experiencing. So, as we are in the state of experiencing, or sensing, excitement or anticipation for what’s to come, with a knowing that something big is on the way but no real modifier of whether that something is either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ we are placed in a state of being able to receive, preparing or in wait for what will be, based on what we’re feeling is coming in. This allows us to equalibriate to the coming change or shift of vibration, or balance into the ratio of what’s on the way before it comes.

When we don’t know what’s coming, yet sense that there is big change on the way, it’s like smelling the rain in the air and preparing accordingly.  We need not label or categorize what is unfolding, yet we find comfort in the perception that we are aware that that something is headed our way and that we will not be caught off guard. This helps us to feel more aligned and connected with life and not just some bi-product of circumstances. By connecting with our knowing of what is coming, we are connecting to a deeper consciousness and therefor aligning ourselves (consciously) with the All.

Everything could be interpreted as good and bad, right and wrong, yet all of it simply Is. The snake crawling beneath the surface today reminds us that it is good to be in touch with what is going on beneath the surface, but that we should be careful not to get to overly identified with it, especially since all of our faculties ( in that underworld, or intuitive way of knowing) are not yet working.

Change is an inevitable and immutable fact of life and reality. The snake (the great symbol for rebirth) reminds us that life is continually being born, dying, and then renewing itself.  The more we allow ourselves to attune to and fold into this process, and further more, allow and accept the inevitable winds of change that are moving us further in the direction of our evolution, the more natural and flowing our lives will be.

We are being catapulted into a season of change that is far beyond what have experienced so far in our multiple life/death cycles of rebirth within this body.  We are being purified and elevated to a higher level of consciousness that precedes, or takes precedence over, what we have known thus far.  And in this interchange, through the process of alchemy, we are being realigned with our truth.

Many of us have held so tight to our ‘not truth’ that it has become our norm. We are being shaken out of our comfort zones because they are inappropriate and destructive, they are sabotaging our best efforts to engage with our higher selves.  What we knew to be true, what we’ve followed as the wisdom that has guided us, has for most, been a doctrine of fear-based mentalities that has shielded us from our greatest power and the source of our true nature.

As the snake travels north, up through the centers of your being on a path to seek Source, you will find all of the elements of your ‘not true’ will be burned or cleansed with the flames of transformation so as to pave the way for the stillness and purity of space; the space that holds the ‘Isness’ of the you that you wish to achieve. What this looks like on the inner and outer layers of your life will vary based on the karma and dharma you have carried in with you. Trust that all that is falling away, or coming into view, is for your greatest good, and the transitionary phase that you are entering will be of greater ease. Trusting is part of the intuitive sense that you are garnering at this time. As you give way to these higher senses, you will find that it is in a knowing that you are guided, and that this Knowing goes beyond your current or previous capabilities of sensing. So you are being 'moved' to a higher level of awareness that presides in principals that are not grounded in your former modes of being. Thus is the elemental trust in the unfolding of the plan, or the Knowing that all is divine and is being carried out exactly as divine sees fit (which is always perfection, whether it appears that way to our limited perceptions of it or not). Remember that we cannot know All, and that Life is a great mystery. We are here to enjoy the ride, not force it. The more we allow for the unfolding of our evolutionary blueprints, the more enticing all of life will be.

Above the ground of the snake, as it remains in the vision beneath the ground  (the unknown or subconscious), are hieroglyphs which tell us to seek the ways of the ancients in order to find our way back to our souls.  And from the toes, all the way up through the body, is an inferno of flames, a cyclical vortex of flame that is reigniting us with the fires of the holy spirit, in purification and rediment for the change that is about to come. It appears as the symbol for western medicine, with the snake traveling in coiled fashion up and around the spine with the flames of change surrounding it.  This symbol, the symbol of healing, represents the healing, or metamorphosis we are undergoing as we take leave of the dis-ease that we have succumbered and elevate to a cleaner state of being. The snake prepares to rise, and with it will come the consciousness of what is needing to be transended and transmuted within our being and our reality. This process no longer need be the painstaking regiment or ritual that it used to be.  Allow for love and grace to transverse all and allow for what needs be pillared to parish and what needs be seeded to be provided with a nourishing space to grow.

This is a day of great change, as we enter into the contract of what we have been, in actuality, preparing for for a very long time. We sense what is on the horizon because we recognize what is nearing as something we have held within our hearts throughout time. We stand before the transition into the next stage of our evolution, and what that looks like remains to be seen. But we are reaching a turning point of faith where the 'what' is no longer as significant as the Way, and our hearts are readying to receive without the hesitation and restriction of needing to have it be any certain way other than what it Is. Our excitement outweighs our dread or fear of what is unfolding because we sense, on some level, that although change can be frightening and mak take some getting used to, change is good.

Over the next few days or week, you will gain stronger insight into the elements of change that are unfolding in your world, on a personal and collective level.  As the pre-spring season prepares to unfold, you will be guided through your own garden of seeds in sprout, and be witness to the blessings of what you have sowed.  Give thanks for the arrival of the manifestation of your choices. Believe that you have chosen well, as all things that are happening are absolutely happening For us, there is no need for dissolution of what is breathing life into our world.  All is as it should be, and to believe in that is to find the grace and the strength and the fortitude to not only withstand but to radiate within the winds of change, as modeled by all of nature, and as aspired to by all of man. 

Here stands the moment we have envisioned in our dreams.  This is a great time to dream your dream a little further and nurture it with your growing esteem for what is possible and with your insight into the elements of excitement being charged for the unfolding things preparing to enter your reality and preparing to guide you further on the path of make beleive.

Love and grace and all good things!

Miracles to you,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Energy Pallet for The Time Frame of 3/4-3/8/2012~Cosmic Revolution Within

The Energy Pallet for the Period of 3/4-3/8: Transmutation and Creation

Day one, 3/4, there is a pie-grid.  Looks like it divides into six, then, eight, then twelve equal pieces. This also seems to represent the face of a clock, being divided into parts, and the face of the wheel of roulette. This is not about division, so much as it is about the aspects of who we are/were, hence the different amounts that the pie grid/wheel is divided into. This is about elements of our genetic makeup as well as our cellular, and spiritual makeup, and it speaks to the attention being drawn to these aspects of us as they are being changed. We are being changed on a very deep and profound level and we are shown the face of the clock, grid, roulette table as a means of understanding that we are divided, in a sense, and that though each of those elements is uniquely important in and of itself, there is need for harmony so that our creation and our manifestation within this reality, within our reality is no longer random.

The next image, on the following day (3/5), was that of the face of the clock/pie grid/ roulette melted. It is as if this grid is completely wiped clean, melted, dissolved.  This is about letting go of what was, of who we are, on a very deep level on an intrinsic level, at the core of our being ( as the core aspects of who we’ve been have been based on what we’ve connected to and believed in).  This is about a fresh start, this is about connecting to another level of who we are by redirecting the face, the outer, the conscious, the apparent, and connecting deeper to the vast space within that is able to conjure up our deeper knowing, our remembered embodiment of our greatness, and the elements of our higher-beingness that will direct us into the creation of a totally different way of being that is beyond what we have known.

The image beyond that, day three (3/6) was that of a volcano, or an eruption. This is about the inner explosion that is commencing within us, and within all of creation as we meld into a larger aspect that is the reflection of the key core element of who we truly are.  This volcanic image inspires us to go with the flow of destruction as it paves the way for creation and to just sit back and let it all be, let it happen, let it transform and transmute. This is a powerful time of disillusionment as we shift into an entirely different reality and paradigm.  It can be mind-bending and heart-wrenching, yet it can also be profoundly transcendental.   
What to do during one of these melting, erupting stages (as we see here, the lava has gone beyond melt, beyond tilt, to full blown eruption).  Do not fear. That’s probably the worst thing you could do, though it will be tempting, as that’s been a consensus reaction to change and to altered realities, altered or inferred ways of being, ways of things being as we know them to be.  Here’s where trust comes in.  trust is (by nature) the opposite of fear) and it’s what’s required here.  What’s required is a complete lean all the way back into the arms of creation as it alters what need be tweaked in order that we are aligned with our highest aspect of creation.  This means that we just sit back and let it happen.  Whatever It is, we trust that it is happening for our greatest and highest good.  In order to do this, we must align with allowing and non-attachment.  We must Let Go of how we think it needs to be, or who we thing We need to be, of what we think Needs to happen, and just let it flow.  Let it flow and let it Go.

If you want to be more ‘in the loop’ of what’s happening to your ‘system’, your being, your conscious reality, to all of Creation, then you need to let go of the tethers. They’re holding you down. They’re anchoring you beneath the awareness that is available to you at this time.  And this higher level awareness is sinking into our flesh and bones as it washes over us, in an effortless flow of recalibrating through the art of cell-division and reprogramming that will change the face of not only the way things are, but the way they were.

On day six, the image of an antique bicycle, with specific emphasis on the handle bars.  we are being shown that the old is not to be forgotten, that there is value, and direction, it the ancient, and that we should pique the archives in order that we may garner the wisdom of what's been.  This is being shown to us as much of the old is being destroyed. We are being guided to take value, to take heart, in what is of value of what we've known ( collectively) and to know that it is not wise to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'.  Here, we are being shown that there is great wisdom in the ways of our elders and to search within for the pathways to this wisdom, to not let it be lost on us, and to engage the operating system of those who have gone before as a way of going forward.
Some may find it helpful to study the ways of the ancients, i whatever form they are shown.  Others will be able to simply go within to 'collect' the wisdom and bring it forward as a way of being, so that they can optimize the lessons of those who have shown the way and know that there is much to be learned from ( especially the spiritual mysteries, and sects of uncovered knowledge, mostly that which goes across time and place- as in Egypt, India, China- where symbolism and 'religion' are parallel at the core). Connect with the value of the ancient and the 'antique belief systems that will serve you in going forward, and know also that much of what was learned about by the ancients will now be rought forth.

Day five, today (3/8) we are shown two cells, floating freely, post mitosis or cell division. They appear to be free-radical, they appear to be orbiting nothing, randomly floating, randomly existing as their own unique beings within the body. There is great wisdom within the cells. We are called to reconnect back to them and their innate wisdom in this time as we become something entirely different than what we’ve were before. We are evolving into a purer form.  We are being released form the stagnation and the astigmatisms of what has been evolving and devolving over a long, long period of time.
There is great cause for joy and celebration now, as we inch ever closer to the cosmic realigning of our being into a perfect form- more capable and ready to be connected to the All, to the Oneness, as the lower denser aspects of us are shrunk away.

What to expect during this time flux…it would be natural and normal to experience large influxes of emotion at either end of the spectrum as vibrations are shifting and realigning (at warp speed!), as set and stuck energies and systems are exploded and disconnected from synapses and you are left in somewhat of an abyss, or floating pattern as things find their way into newer alignments that are more in line with what you are being molded into or after. ( Big bang).You are being upgraded into a higher-level form species of being.  You are being radioed and reactivated as we speak. You will feel this, if you tune in, and you can even see it if you meditate on the internal process of overriding a system that has taken centuries to get set in and sink deeper into seperationism. You can See the emptying and the realigning taking place as we are being broken down and built up on a cellular level, most intentionally, and seemingly beyond our will, as we are not consciously Doing anything, we are simply being worked on, manipulated, and overhauled- collectively, cosmically, in the name of The All for The One.

You may experience profound joy as you are reconnected back to source through a purer ‘umbilical chord’ that is not impeded by the restrictive thought patterns of before. You will feel lighter as your system undergoes a cosmic cleansing that is designed to ‘simplify’ and orchestrate a finer operating system within your being.  Space is being made by and far within you, and if you ‘peek’ inside, you will see that there is more and more room being made as what needs cleared away is eliminated and purified (perhaps through this transmuting lava that appeared in the images of the past two days, or the fires of the Kundalini at play). 
There is a higher level of functioning that is taking place that will create new ways of doing things, new ways of knowing, of being, that are much simpler (and more efficient) than what we’ve known 'till now. This higher operating system is inherent within the intelligence of the genes, or cells that are being presented and ‘implanted’( though they appear to be simply evolving) within our beings.  This means that this new cell intelligence will simply lead us into an easier and more graceful way of being without having to ‘learn’ or come upon the knowledge ourselves. We will simply be able to act from this intelligence, as a higher way of being, which will bridge the gap between where we’re going and where we’ve been and will pave the way for cosmic time.

Karmic evolution has ended so the linier path that we have partaken in will no longer be in effect, for the most part, hence the distortion of space and time.  We will now be traveling on cosmic time-line which goes not only forward but back, but all around and in between, so as to access all aspects of Everything you wish to experience at any given time.

None of this is new, really, it’s just something that’s been buried and hidden for a time. We are now reawakening to this higher sense or way of being so that we can catapult creation into a gateway of evolution that will open the door way for the end times. The end times are the means to the beginning, to the new, to the revolutionary renaissance that has been prophesized. Within these times are the radiant ways of being that we have daydreamed of for as long as we can remember, for to some extent, they have remained alive within us, we have known them to be true, no matter what we were told or made to believe, and conditions are changing so that they can now materialize.

To cosmic evolution and the revolution within!

In peace and love,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Feb. 29th thru March 3~ The Merkeba, The Grid, and The Key

Atop the cone that we visited in the last energy update, was a Star Tetrahedron.  The Star Tetrahedron is a very powerful symbol. I witnessed The Star as the energy ‘image’ that appeared on 2/29. Though there was mush else to report on that day, The Star report has been delayed until now, so this will be a bit of a catch up for what has appeared since and an overview of what it means.

The Star appeared on 2/29, and on 3/1 the Star of David was visible within the astrological line up of the chart for that day.  This is very significant and meaningful, and it is important to note that The Star is also coming back for a cameo appearance at the end of the month, 3/31 to be exact.  I’m not sure if this has happened before, but the fact that it’s happening now and the fact that it’s happening at exactly the first and the last day of this obviously powerful month is significant and preminisent of big and life-changing things to come, all within this window of the third month of this year.

The Star of David is another name for the Star Tetrahedron. The tetrahedron symbolizes harmony and equilibrium.  Also known through the wisdom of Ancient Egypt as the Merkaba (or vehicle of light), The Star is an amazing and powerful tool, especially during these current times of shifts and transitions.  It bridges spirit and man, physical and ethereal, and guides us into greater consciousness of what still stands in our way (through pattern and belief) by mirroring back to us our truly divine nature.  The two tetrahedrons within each other represent the two poles of creation in complete equilibrium (showing the way to balance, which is extremely necessary at this time, by far, a big part of what we need to 'succeed').

Here we are given the map to symbiotic relationship of the inner/outer male and female (which holds such rich keys for healing on so many levels). The Star bridges the opposites of positive and negative, manifest and unmanifest, and brings us out of polarity and duality, by showing the harmony inherent in all things.  By meditating on the Merkaba we are able to merge with Source, the Divine, All That Is, and bring that All That Is forward, into being, into our lives, and through our own Selves as we merge more fully with spirit and incarnate further into our bodies through the art of embodiment (or bringing heaven to earth).

This means that we are being given the divine map or blueprint for how to merge heaven and earth.  And in this time where creation, or our ability to create at will is unprecedented, it would greatly behoove us to be able to be in alignment with our highest so that what we ‘bring’ forth into creation, what we create as matter, is the truest form of what we desire. The truer meaning and significance of this seems to be though, the ability to bridge our I AMness with our human form and BE in our highest as a way of operating and moving forward. We are being guided to look to the heavens, to See with God’s eyes, to be in alignment with Source, and beyond that, to trust in and be committed in faith to what that Source has in store, and to do that above all things. So the only real ‘activity’ we should be commencing at this time is to attune to our Greatness through the looking glass of God and fall in line with what that source of information is guiding us towards.

The divine blueprint of The Star, or Merkaba, is a testament to how to Be through what we do.  This is about discipline.  This is about greater alignment than ever before ( or what we remember anyway on a conscious level). This is about bringing divinity into matter through sourcing our inner knowing and bringing more of who we truly are into our beingness. What does that mean?  That means that we are further letting go of what is not us.  We are further moving away from what is not truth. We are creating through the impetus of joy rather than recreating the drama and pain of our past. The Way is mapped in peace and purpose.  If you beleive you are finding peace by dwelling in your past or holding tight to your old ways then there is no need to look further towards a way of redemption. ( But be real) Question your motives.  Question your outcomes. Question what you truly sense and feel. Redemption is a change of view. Your perspective must shift into allowing and grace over struggling and striving. This is done by letting go.  This is achieved through aligning with Source through the You-ness of You in the highest form.

The Crystalline Key

On 3/1, I received the vision of a crystal going through, or entering, the center of the Merkeba.  This symbolized being given the key, or the ability to now unlock the grid. The grid is another way of saying that you’re on the map to evolution. You are plugged in to a higher knowing, to consciousness on a higher and more divine level.  To do this you must be able to access certain elements of who you are and of the Divine. The crystal is like a tuning fork, giving you the frequencies and attuning you to the cellular memory that remembers what it is to be connected to Source on a much deeper level.  We have remained disconnected for so long.  We have been separate and shut out. It is time to reclaim the key and turn that lock that has kept us in wandering, that has kept us unaware of our truest and highest nature and order.

Now is the time to return. Now is the time to reclaim our kingdom and remember our souls and our missions and become again like a child of God.  To become a child of God, to be reborn, we must be again in the fluid nature, the manifest being of flow, that is no longer hindered or impaired by an underlying bidding of internal war and a nature that is flocked with fear. There is no fear in the sprit. There is no fear in our higher form. To retain memory of the Higher Self at this level, to bring it into body enough that we could live from this place not only simplifies the process of ascension, it creates the pathway to Become the greatness that we have always been and remain to be, without the need to continually resolve and recycle our karmic activity.

The crystal radiates the rainbow of all creation, the color grid that is reflected in our energy centers, and the key to a balanced and sustained life. With the key in place, anchored into The Star Merkeba, we are shown that we are being called forward and simultaneously called back into our divine heritage and beckoned to release the need for it to be any other way. Look for the miracles.  Notice and anticipate the messages of the unfolding, as the crystal also beckons the beings of light, the angelic beings. You will be guided further and assisted greater from this point forth so that you can make your ‘deadline’ so that you can jump on board’ and become better acquainted with what life ‘should’ be, or what it is on the other side of the veil without all of the turbulence and the travail of our lower way of being, or seeing through a lens that's been limiting our means of believing in a higher way of being .

The Golden Rod

On 3/2, the vision was a rod going through the center of the Tetrahedron.  This is the rod of light that actually goes through the Merkeba (which is situated near the perineum of all beings, and is an energy opening) and rises up along our spines, resurfacing again out the energy center of the Crown Chakra. The rod of light is a symbol of alignment.  It means that it is time to bring all of your centers online and get as further into alignment as you can possibly be.  You are being called forward, to awaken, into the right hand of God, into your Divinity.  You are being shown the ‘workings’ of things, so that you may know the way.   You do, on an instinctual level.  You know what all of these signs and symbols mean.  That is why we are being given the symbology and the visions at this time, so that we can remember what to do and reawaken. The Rod of Light is what also bridges us with Heaven and Earth, and through the connection of the Chakras below and above our bodies, we can begin to form greater union with the Above and the Below, which anchors us even greater in our ability to bridge spirit and matter  (which, my dear beings, is a big part of what we’re here to do.  Not to mention, it will make life a hell of a lot easier!)

The Flow

The vision for today 3/3 is lava.  It is a flowing mass coming in through the cone of the Crown Chakra through your head.  This is about receiving (coming into alignment with) more of our selves.  We are shown Self as fluid, as liquid, as lava, in order to understand ourselves on a different, and actually more profound, level.  We are being shown that there is a balance between spirit and form, and that not all is as it’s perceived.  The flow that we are receiving is rich with nourishment and information that will infiltrated our systems and allow for greater movement in the direction of upward-held eyes, in improved focus on the Divine, in less tendencies toward the drama and the stage of life with it’s repetitive and dreary plays, and it will support us in our ability to Flow as an intentional ethereal being (in form that is).

The lava flows both directions.  It flows through us and to us and it also flows upward and out.  It is flowing both ways to show that we are part of creation not simply the matter or the result of Creation, but within the realm and intrinsically connected to the order of Creation itself.  We Are Creator and the Created.  We are facilitator and the facilitated.  We are the rhythm and the rhyme, the Musician and the Music.  And all of this simply Is.  The Flow (shown to us today in the form of lava) teaches us that we are indispensable and that what is being revealed to us at this time is unprecedented in that we are being so greatly assisted, on all levels, to awaken to our divinity, that all the ‘rules’ have been suspended, and the optimal focus is to get us to get our game on, so that we are most congruent with our truest and deepest selves for the days ahead.

The lava is also representative of the volcano and of the creator/destructress goddess Pele.  Many institutions and structures are being destroyed right now- within our own being.  All of the old forms of communication, limiting behaviors/beliefs, and destructive patterns, pledges, and commitments are being toppled so that we can build anew.  We must make way for the new to come by letting go of the old. Pele, and the lava, reminds us that destruction and creation are congruent and symbiotic, and are the order of balance, the way of life. We must remain willing to let go, to soften, to cleanse, and to allow parish that which must die in us in order that we may be reborn in the image of a greater likeness to our truest form.

How do we stay out of the way so that the flow can flow unimpeded? Remember that this month is about remembering joy. The way to joy is allowing, allowing for life, allowing for the flow, allowing without the need to judge or restrict or control.  Allowing is moving out of the way. It is letting go of the tendency or the need to judge, to analyze, to interpret, to perceive. When you allow for the flow to go where it needs to go, to nourish and to enrich, then you will feel the opening within you, you will feel the grace pouring in. You will feel the baptism of spirit as you are moved to a new level of truth, and of love, and of life well lived from the platform of sanctifiable mastery.

So, it’s time, dear ones.  It’s all systems go.  Or at least it’s all systems in check, so that in the days and weeks and moths ahead, our truth is what we know. There’s no more time to play, in the sense of not knowing or pretending who we are.  The order of things is being yanked and this means the game has changed. You were warned that things would shift, and you’ve been on alert that everything would change.  You are being shifted inside out right now, and the way that goes for you is dependent on which side you find it more important to sway.  Stay in the light.  Stay focused, unequivocally, on the Divine.  Let the You in, more and more, in every minute, and the shift will be sublime on more levels than you can muster the images, but be steadfast in your dedication to the unfolding of your joy- make that your new master- and the days ahead will be the markers of a changeover that will rock your world (in a good(God) way, of course).

Be the You that you came to be!

In love and grace, and great anticipation for the Flow of The Way to find its form in us,


  Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely