Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 13th~ The Underlying Snake

The energy forecast for today…

There is a snake.  It is traveling beneath the layers of our mind, beneath consciousness.  It projects the feeling of anticipation, of knowing that something is up, or on its way.  This is the sensation that we are online with our intuitive understanding, with our senses that tell us that great change is on the way.  It can be deceptive and alluring all at once because we are basing our feelings on our gut.  We are basing our understanding of what Is on the unseen.  This is great news, as it is leading us back to an understanding of our elders, of the societies and the civilizations before us that based Everything on this knowing, on this sense.  We are being guided back to a time of trusting in this intuition, and in this voice that tells us what is on the way.

The purpose of the voice is to connect us with the reality of what is unfolding.  When we are better prepared to connect, to become one with or merge with what is underway, we can come from a conscious place as the reality ‘hits’ us rather than from a place of reaction.  This allows us to encapsulate the experience, to embrace it, no matter what it might unfold as or appear to be.

When we are left with a sense of excitement for what is to come, it is no different than the energy of anxiety or fear, in that it holds the same capacity of frequency. Anxiety and fear are merely a determination, or a label of the energy, based on our interpretation of what we’re experiencing. So, as we are in the state of experiencing, or sensing, excitement or anticipation for what’s to come, with a knowing that something big is on the way but no real modifier of whether that something is either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ we are placed in a state of being able to receive, preparing or in wait for what will be, based on what we’re feeling is coming in. This allows us to equalibriate to the coming change or shift of vibration, or balance into the ratio of what’s on the way before it comes.

When we don’t know what’s coming, yet sense that there is big change on the way, it’s like smelling the rain in the air and preparing accordingly.  We need not label or categorize what is unfolding, yet we find comfort in the perception that we are aware that that something is headed our way and that we will not be caught off guard. This helps us to feel more aligned and connected with life and not just some bi-product of circumstances. By connecting with our knowing of what is coming, we are connecting to a deeper consciousness and therefor aligning ourselves (consciously) with the All.

Everything could be interpreted as good and bad, right and wrong, yet all of it simply Is. The snake crawling beneath the surface today reminds us that it is good to be in touch with what is going on beneath the surface, but that we should be careful not to get to overly identified with it, especially since all of our faculties ( in that underworld, or intuitive way of knowing) are not yet working.

Change is an inevitable and immutable fact of life and reality. The snake (the great symbol for rebirth) reminds us that life is continually being born, dying, and then renewing itself.  The more we allow ourselves to attune to and fold into this process, and further more, allow and accept the inevitable winds of change that are moving us further in the direction of our evolution, the more natural and flowing our lives will be.

We are being catapulted into a season of change that is far beyond what have experienced so far in our multiple life/death cycles of rebirth within this body.  We are being purified and elevated to a higher level of consciousness that precedes, or takes precedence over, what we have known thus far.  And in this interchange, through the process of alchemy, we are being realigned with our truth.

Many of us have held so tight to our ‘not truth’ that it has become our norm. We are being shaken out of our comfort zones because they are inappropriate and destructive, they are sabotaging our best efforts to engage with our higher selves.  What we knew to be true, what we’ve followed as the wisdom that has guided us, has for most, been a doctrine of fear-based mentalities that has shielded us from our greatest power and the source of our true nature.

As the snake travels north, up through the centers of your being on a path to seek Source, you will find all of the elements of your ‘not true’ will be burned or cleansed with the flames of transformation so as to pave the way for the stillness and purity of space; the space that holds the ‘Isness’ of the you that you wish to achieve. What this looks like on the inner and outer layers of your life will vary based on the karma and dharma you have carried in with you. Trust that all that is falling away, or coming into view, is for your greatest good, and the transitionary phase that you are entering will be of greater ease. Trusting is part of the intuitive sense that you are garnering at this time. As you give way to these higher senses, you will find that it is in a knowing that you are guided, and that this Knowing goes beyond your current or previous capabilities of sensing. So you are being 'moved' to a higher level of awareness that presides in principals that are not grounded in your former modes of being. Thus is the elemental trust in the unfolding of the plan, or the Knowing that all is divine and is being carried out exactly as divine sees fit (which is always perfection, whether it appears that way to our limited perceptions of it or not). Remember that we cannot know All, and that Life is a great mystery. We are here to enjoy the ride, not force it. The more we allow for the unfolding of our evolutionary blueprints, the more enticing all of life will be.

Above the ground of the snake, as it remains in the vision beneath the ground  (the unknown or subconscious), are hieroglyphs which tell us to seek the ways of the ancients in order to find our way back to our souls.  And from the toes, all the way up through the body, is an inferno of flames, a cyclical vortex of flame that is reigniting us with the fires of the holy spirit, in purification and rediment for the change that is about to come. It appears as the symbol for western medicine, with the snake traveling in coiled fashion up and around the spine with the flames of change surrounding it.  This symbol, the symbol of healing, represents the healing, or metamorphosis we are undergoing as we take leave of the dis-ease that we have succumbered and elevate to a cleaner state of being. The snake prepares to rise, and with it will come the consciousness of what is needing to be transended and transmuted within our being and our reality. This process no longer need be the painstaking regiment or ritual that it used to be.  Allow for love and grace to transverse all and allow for what needs be pillared to parish and what needs be seeded to be provided with a nourishing space to grow.

This is a day of great change, as we enter into the contract of what we have been, in actuality, preparing for for a very long time. We sense what is on the horizon because we recognize what is nearing as something we have held within our hearts throughout time. We stand before the transition into the next stage of our evolution, and what that looks like remains to be seen. But we are reaching a turning point of faith where the 'what' is no longer as significant as the Way, and our hearts are readying to receive without the hesitation and restriction of needing to have it be any certain way other than what it Is. Our excitement outweighs our dread or fear of what is unfolding because we sense, on some level, that although change can be frightening and mak take some getting used to, change is good.

Over the next few days or week, you will gain stronger insight into the elements of change that are unfolding in your world, on a personal and collective level.  As the pre-spring season prepares to unfold, you will be guided through your own garden of seeds in sprout, and be witness to the blessings of what you have sowed.  Give thanks for the arrival of the manifestation of your choices. Believe that you have chosen well, as all things that are happening are absolutely happening For us, there is no need for dissolution of what is breathing life into our world.  All is as it should be, and to believe in that is to find the grace and the strength and the fortitude to not only withstand but to radiate within the winds of change, as modeled by all of nature, and as aspired to by all of man. 

Here stands the moment we have envisioned in our dreams.  This is a great time to dream your dream a little further and nurture it with your growing esteem for what is possible and with your insight into the elements of excitement being charged for the unfolding things preparing to enter your reality and preparing to guide you further on the path of make beleive.

Love and grace and all good things!

Miracles to you,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

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