Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Energy Pallet for The Time Frame of 3/4-3/8/2012~Cosmic Revolution Within

The Energy Pallet for the Period of 3/4-3/8: Transmutation and Creation

Day one, 3/4, there is a pie-grid.  Looks like it divides into six, then, eight, then twelve equal pieces. This also seems to represent the face of a clock, being divided into parts, and the face of the wheel of roulette. This is not about division, so much as it is about the aspects of who we are/were, hence the different amounts that the pie grid/wheel is divided into. This is about elements of our genetic makeup as well as our cellular, and spiritual makeup, and it speaks to the attention being drawn to these aspects of us as they are being changed. We are being changed on a very deep and profound level and we are shown the face of the clock, grid, roulette table as a means of understanding that we are divided, in a sense, and that though each of those elements is uniquely important in and of itself, there is need for harmony so that our creation and our manifestation within this reality, within our reality is no longer random.

The next image, on the following day (3/5), was that of the face of the clock/pie grid/ roulette melted. It is as if this grid is completely wiped clean, melted, dissolved.  This is about letting go of what was, of who we are, on a very deep level on an intrinsic level, at the core of our being ( as the core aspects of who we’ve been have been based on what we’ve connected to and believed in).  This is about a fresh start, this is about connecting to another level of who we are by redirecting the face, the outer, the conscious, the apparent, and connecting deeper to the vast space within that is able to conjure up our deeper knowing, our remembered embodiment of our greatness, and the elements of our higher-beingness that will direct us into the creation of a totally different way of being that is beyond what we have known.

The image beyond that, day three (3/6) was that of a volcano, or an eruption. This is about the inner explosion that is commencing within us, and within all of creation as we meld into a larger aspect that is the reflection of the key core element of who we truly are.  This volcanic image inspires us to go with the flow of destruction as it paves the way for creation and to just sit back and let it all be, let it happen, let it transform and transmute. This is a powerful time of disillusionment as we shift into an entirely different reality and paradigm.  It can be mind-bending and heart-wrenching, yet it can also be profoundly transcendental.   
What to do during one of these melting, erupting stages (as we see here, the lava has gone beyond melt, beyond tilt, to full blown eruption).  Do not fear. That’s probably the worst thing you could do, though it will be tempting, as that’s been a consensus reaction to change and to altered realities, altered or inferred ways of being, ways of things being as we know them to be.  Here’s where trust comes in.  trust is (by nature) the opposite of fear) and it’s what’s required here.  What’s required is a complete lean all the way back into the arms of creation as it alters what need be tweaked in order that we are aligned with our highest aspect of creation.  This means that we just sit back and let it happen.  Whatever It is, we trust that it is happening for our greatest and highest good.  In order to do this, we must align with allowing and non-attachment.  We must Let Go of how we think it needs to be, or who we thing We need to be, of what we think Needs to happen, and just let it flow.  Let it flow and let it Go.

If you want to be more ‘in the loop’ of what’s happening to your ‘system’, your being, your conscious reality, to all of Creation, then you need to let go of the tethers. They’re holding you down. They’re anchoring you beneath the awareness that is available to you at this time.  And this higher level awareness is sinking into our flesh and bones as it washes over us, in an effortless flow of recalibrating through the art of cell-division and reprogramming that will change the face of not only the way things are, but the way they were.

On day six, the image of an antique bicycle, with specific emphasis on the handle bars.  we are being shown that the old is not to be forgotten, that there is value, and direction, it the ancient, and that we should pique the archives in order that we may garner the wisdom of what's been.  This is being shown to us as much of the old is being destroyed. We are being guided to take value, to take heart, in what is of value of what we've known ( collectively) and to know that it is not wise to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'.  Here, we are being shown that there is great wisdom in the ways of our elders and to search within for the pathways to this wisdom, to not let it be lost on us, and to engage the operating system of those who have gone before as a way of going forward.
Some may find it helpful to study the ways of the ancients, i whatever form they are shown.  Others will be able to simply go within to 'collect' the wisdom and bring it forward as a way of being, so that they can optimize the lessons of those who have shown the way and know that there is much to be learned from ( especially the spiritual mysteries, and sects of uncovered knowledge, mostly that which goes across time and place- as in Egypt, India, China- where symbolism and 'religion' are parallel at the core). Connect with the value of the ancient and the 'antique belief systems that will serve you in going forward, and know also that much of what was learned about by the ancients will now be rought forth.

Day five, today (3/8) we are shown two cells, floating freely, post mitosis or cell division. They appear to be free-radical, they appear to be orbiting nothing, randomly floating, randomly existing as their own unique beings within the body. There is great wisdom within the cells. We are called to reconnect back to them and their innate wisdom in this time as we become something entirely different than what we’ve were before. We are evolving into a purer form.  We are being released form the stagnation and the astigmatisms of what has been evolving and devolving over a long, long period of time.
There is great cause for joy and celebration now, as we inch ever closer to the cosmic realigning of our being into a perfect form- more capable and ready to be connected to the All, to the Oneness, as the lower denser aspects of us are shrunk away.

What to expect during this time flux…it would be natural and normal to experience large influxes of emotion at either end of the spectrum as vibrations are shifting and realigning (at warp speed!), as set and stuck energies and systems are exploded and disconnected from synapses and you are left in somewhat of an abyss, or floating pattern as things find their way into newer alignments that are more in line with what you are being molded into or after. ( Big bang).You are being upgraded into a higher-level form species of being.  You are being radioed and reactivated as we speak. You will feel this, if you tune in, and you can even see it if you meditate on the internal process of overriding a system that has taken centuries to get set in and sink deeper into seperationism. You can See the emptying and the realigning taking place as we are being broken down and built up on a cellular level, most intentionally, and seemingly beyond our will, as we are not consciously Doing anything, we are simply being worked on, manipulated, and overhauled- collectively, cosmically, in the name of The All for The One.

You may experience profound joy as you are reconnected back to source through a purer ‘umbilical chord’ that is not impeded by the restrictive thought patterns of before. You will feel lighter as your system undergoes a cosmic cleansing that is designed to ‘simplify’ and orchestrate a finer operating system within your being.  Space is being made by and far within you, and if you ‘peek’ inside, you will see that there is more and more room being made as what needs cleared away is eliminated and purified (perhaps through this transmuting lava that appeared in the images of the past two days, or the fires of the Kundalini at play). 
There is a higher level of functioning that is taking place that will create new ways of doing things, new ways of knowing, of being, that are much simpler (and more efficient) than what we’ve known 'till now. This higher operating system is inherent within the intelligence of the genes, or cells that are being presented and ‘implanted’( though they appear to be simply evolving) within our beings.  This means that this new cell intelligence will simply lead us into an easier and more graceful way of being without having to ‘learn’ or come upon the knowledge ourselves. We will simply be able to act from this intelligence, as a higher way of being, which will bridge the gap between where we’re going and where we’ve been and will pave the way for cosmic time.

Karmic evolution has ended so the linier path that we have partaken in will no longer be in effect, for the most part, hence the distortion of space and time.  We will now be traveling on cosmic time-line which goes not only forward but back, but all around and in between, so as to access all aspects of Everything you wish to experience at any given time.

None of this is new, really, it’s just something that’s been buried and hidden for a time. We are now reawakening to this higher sense or way of being so that we can catapult creation into a gateway of evolution that will open the door way for the end times. The end times are the means to the beginning, to the new, to the revolutionary renaissance that has been prophesized. Within these times are the radiant ways of being that we have daydreamed of for as long as we can remember, for to some extent, they have remained alive within us, we have known them to be true, no matter what we were told or made to believe, and conditions are changing so that they can now materialize.

To cosmic evolution and the revolution within!

In peace and love,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely

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