Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Energy Forecast for March 29th~Clearing Out the Pipes and Radiating You; The Chakra Connection

The energy forecast for today…

They are showing me the chakra body, the rainbow bridge, and surrounding that is a tube.  There is, in fact, a tube in which the chakras reside. This tube extends the length of your body and then outward toward heaven and toward Earth, reaching in both directions to anchor you into the Source of energy that drives you.  Today, the tube appears empty as it reaches outward from the head and from your root. Though there are external chakras, or chakras that are beyond your physical body, above and below, these chakras do not appear in this image, which tells me that we are focused on the seven basic chakras today and upon both how well they are functioning and what we can do to improve their flow.

The chakra flow is influenced by Everything you do.  It is affected by what you take in and what you put out.  It’s affected by what you eat, how much rest you get, what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what you do, and what you say. What you do on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level effects the state of your chakra system. Simultaneously, what is happening within your chakras has an influence on your entire energy system and determines much of what you feel and do.

So, today, we are reminded to become intentionally conscious about how we are caring for ourselves, how we are living our lives, and what we are putting out into the world and taking in. We are asked to take a good look at what choices we are making, and beyond that, take action towards making a shift toward better alignment and greater balance so that we can be more optimal.

Take inventory of your lives and be honest about what you can no longer afford to let slide. Take action toward supporting greater health, on all levels, and the bi-product of a vibrant chakra system will support your forward movement. The chakras are integral to our well-being. And there is much we can do to influence their state of being. 

We are responsible for our lives and leaving that responsibility up to someone or something else no longer serves us. The level of your total well-being will be reflected in your life through your state of circumstances in which you currently find yourself. Avoid blaming others, or Life, for what is transpiring (or isn’t) and make the changes that will create the harmony within your being. You know what you need to do. The changes you need to make happen, the areas you need to move on have been in orbit in your awareness, and your reality, for some time. Stop putting it off and just do. Even one change today will move you further into alignment and out of the resistance field of your ‘wanting to stay stuck in the familiar and same’ ego, which will give you the momentum you need to move forward in the other areas too.

There is a blue field of energy surrounding the upper body and radiating up beyond the head which represents the ethereal field. You have much assistance in creating abundance of change. It is difficult, at times, to know what is yours to do and what to surrender to Source.  The art of co-creating is about learning to do what you can and doing your best through living in integrity with your highest values and aspirations and then giving the rest to God. You don’t have to do it all, but you have to do something.  After all, we are here to experience and experience comes through doing and being here on Earth, not just waiting around for something to happen. But there is a nuance to learning or figuring out just when to do and just when to be (or surrender), and that nuance is learned in time. Play around with that this week and over the next couple of days so that you can become an active and more efficient co-creator in your life.

Know that you are greatly supported at this time especially in your endeavors, and take advantage of that support system by calling on your guides and angels and putting them to work for you.  Ask for guidance, ask for support, ask to be basked in their love and joy so that you can feel the wonder of who you are and Remember the power within.  Ask for direction in clearing and aligning your chakra body and in getting into a more powerful stance to direct your life.  Ask for clues and synchronicities to abound so that you can be certain of which way to go. And then be willing to be still and pay attention so that these signs and symbols are not lost on you as they pour in.  Ask to be shown which parts are for you to control or take action on and which are for Creator to take care of. Be purposeful about what you desire and take it seriously enough, take yourself seriously enough, to know that what you desire and what you detest Matters, and know that you can make a difference in your life, even if you havn’t felt like you’ve been very effective before.

The energy of right now supports change and growth.  This is when the angels really come out to play in great numbers- in the moments of birth, rebirth, and death. There’s no denying there is great change going on, within your being and within your lives. These portals, or windows, of opportunity are here for you to take advantage of, so ride on the wave of momentum and allow it to accelerate your chances of creating what you desire.

Part of creating what we desire is getting clear about what stands in the way.  The tube that surrounds the charkas is highlighted today because it is the focus of the energetic work that is going on.  And though you are asked to take stock of what needs to be corrected and take action to create change, much of the work is being done for you so that you can move into alignment with where you desire to be (soul). So give thanks and allow for the reconstruction to occur. If you sense underlying chaos coming to the surface or feel tired, take care of yourself, knowing that much work is being done. It is normal to feel irritable during these times of great change.  You are being moved, and change can be unsettling to all aspects of your being.

Perhaps that is why a teddy bear also appears in the energy vibration of today, as we are told to take comfort in whatever form that appears. Be gentle with you and with others, knowing that they too are under construction. The energy today is less dynamic outwardly, but still very powerful on the inner plane. Remain clear about what you desire and resist the urge or the impulse to doubt yourself or your dreams as that energy only seems to get in the way of making manifest what you came here to do and be.

Practice breathing into the tube that surrounds the rainbow bridge, breathing in and out as you imagine the breathe going up and down the vertical path of your evolution, of your energy body. Breathing in the life force and breathing into alignment, restoring and replenishing, as you care for your Self in an intentional and deliberate way. The breath is a powerful force, and it’s one thing that you can do (through focus and conscious breathing) to take action toward creating the harmony within that you desire.  Remember that we breath shallow when we are afraid to embrace life and feel deeply what resides within. Breathe into those fears today, breathe into life.  It’s yours.  Live it. Breathe it.  Become it.  And that diving into your life in a focused and intentional way will show through outwardly in your circumstances as they begin to reflect that transformation within.

The chakra bridge (from head to root) becomes a rainbow circle to show you that each affects the all. When one chakra is blocked, it changes the energy of the rest. When a chakra becomes balanced, it radiates out to the all, shining it’s life force out in every direction, creating harmony for the all.  The state of your chakras affects your aura and all of the many ethereal bodies which surround you, which in turn affects your everything that you experience. The higher chakras, beyond and below the body, cannot be activated until the main chakras within are in alignment and cleansed. And accessing your higher chakras connects you with the true power of who and what you are. The power of the chakras and their effect on your overall well-being cannot be underestimated. Create harmony by connecting with these powerful energy centers and listening to what they desire to come more into balance and flow. There is much wisdom to be gained by communicating with your higher Self in this way and this internal communication is a powerful tool to use in moving forward.

Be the power within by sourcing it and take advantage of the powerful forces that surround you today in implementing the change and the action and the radiance that you desire. You are the power.  You are the force. Be on purpose and let that light shine through, allowing it to guide you in clearing a path to your destiny. It’s there.  Its’ waiting.  Break through.

Be loving.
Be grace.
Be You. It's what you came for.

In remembrance of all that is good and in honor of the power to be,

Copyright © 2012 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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