Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Romancing You~Chivalry Never Dies

Loving you-why is that so hard to do? Needing a little nudge in that direction? Here are some tips.

1) Chivalry.  Be your own Knight in shining armor. Push the activate button, the one that stands up for you when you’re inner critic’s being cruel, something like “Don’t you talk to (insert name) like that!” or “STOP!”.  Say to yourself,  “I’ll protect you”, and mean it.  Notice how that wins you over too, how brave, and strong, and bold that you is that’s loving you enough to stand in your defense, the one that’s loving your through respect.

2) Create. Yes, Create.  Creating is an act of love.  When you take the time to be creative, you are gifting yourself.  You are saying “Yes, I deserve to play.”(cuz all creativity’s a form of play, right?). “Yes, I’m worthy of letting this creation flow through me and I’m not going to stand in my way.”  No matter how big or small, just do it. You’ll feel the shift if you act on this one.
And while you’re at it, create the space for a relationship with you, and let your creativity (yes, we all have it) be the vessel.

3) Serenade your soul. Sing, or dance-or why not both. You can’t not feel good when you’re belting it out or shaking your thing.  Even when you sing a sad song, there’s something soothing about it that sets you free. It is said that song and dance are the highest praise to God. Perhaps that’s because in them we’re announcing, and anointing, our essential joyful Self.

4) Write a love letter in celebration of you.  List in it all the reasons you find you irresistible.  Feeling stuck? Write about the things others have shared that they love about you. Still feeling unloveable? Then write about the future you, or the past you (if you can find good stuff to reflect on there-remember this is a positive thing).  It’s all the same-all the same you needing and requiring love.  If it’s easier, pledge to love yourself more in the Letter de Amore, and write out a list of the ways that you will.
Seal the note with a kiss and the care that you would in a love note to someone you truly adored. Place it somewhere to be discovered later, And when you open and read it, feel the love pouring over you.

5) Take yourself on a date. Even if it’s just to the store for some Ben and Jerry’s (yes, chocolate is a love elixir). But, dare yourself-push yourself even, if you have to-to venture out into something that really calls to your heart. If this were your dream date, where would you want to go? Improvise, if you have to, and let that creativity flow in to imagining and making it happen.  You wouldn’t want to chintz you on your first date would you? That’s not setting a very good impression or president. You want to win you over, right, so put in the effort-you’re worth every bit of it.

6) Fantasize.  What would the you truly in love with you do? Channel the energy of when you have felt madly in love, blissed out, and lost in the magic of it all. And how would the you soaking up those self-love rays feel? Silly, I know, to imagine, but just role with me here, and let yourself feel it..  Ahhh, yes, there it is-the fantasy love affair between one soul and itself.  Imagine the passion, the inspiration, the unstoppable mind-frame.  Imagine you on top of the world- your world- number-one-ing it on a daily basis. You’re a match made in heaven. No one knows you like you do, how could anyone else love you as well? Now if you could just get over those little love spats that have been playing out in your head…

7) Take the plunge-make an oath.  For better or for worse.  In sickness and in health.  Through thick and thin.  Till death do you part.  Unconditional, pure love flowing to you, faithful and committed. You there for you for the long haul; through bad hair days, through stubborn resistance, through all the little quirks; through it all, though and through.  Try it for a month, a week, a day, and see where it gets ya.  Remember that all successful relationships are built on trust, so trust yourself to see this through in whatever capacity you’re ready to open up to.

8) Compliments, compliments.  Everybody likes compliments. Take the time throughout the day to notice the good about you. Be generous with your praise,-after all, you’ve got a little making up to do for all those seasons of self-berating. Try something like “Hey, good job only eating three cookies, I know you really wanted four. You’re so mindful of your desire to be more health conscious”. It’s ok to stretch the truth a bit.  Exaggeration’s ok too. -“Wow, you look HOT in that dress. You’re lookin’ hotter than ever”. Go ahead, lay it on thick.  You know you love it, or at least the you soaking it up does anyway.  The you dolling it out may be a little rusty in the self-love schmooze, but you’ll ge the hang of it.

9) Smile.  No one can resist a big bright smile.  And when you do grin it up, something shifts in you –there’s an actual chemical altering.  A smile is a gift.  Give it to you.  Smile at yourself in the mirror.  It may make you laugh, but hey, that’s even better.(Talk about chemicals-you can’t not feel good when you giggle.) Now try smiling on the inside, like this; Picture the Big You, the Higher Self you-that big almighty sunshine in the sky of you-shining down on the you-you ( the one you know pretty well already), There.  How does that feel,- the Higher You shining down on the everyday you with a big ‘ol cheesy grin, in total acceptance, in grace, just loving you-like a mother to a child.  Feel the hug of the smile as the warmth fills your being.  Good stuff, huh?

10) Shower you in gifts, It can be so simple.  Make a little daisy chain.  Draw a picture (stick figure you, radiating light).  Wrap up your favorite book and give it to you to re-read.  (See how the creativity just keeps creeping into the picture?  It really is a source in itself.)  How about a gift a day for a week.  Special little notes in your lunch box, newly framed pictures of you at your happiest- Put your heart into it and knock your own socks off.  See how much you mean to you? Now prove it.

This all may sound a little corny, but if you think about it, all romance is a little cheesy, or not, depending on how you look at it.  So, what’s in it for you? Well, you reap the rewards of a more satisfied, peaceful, and harmonized you. You can expect less co-dependence, less listless unmotivated energy (as you’re focusing it positively on YOU), and a lot less longing and discontentment.

In the long run, and pretty much in the short run too, romancing you-the gift of you to you-just keeps on giving.

To the art of self-love!!

Be blessed with the gift of YOU.


. Copyright © 2009-12 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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