Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rite of Passage~Initiation into Truth

Where you put your attention is where your creativity flows.  If you are focusing on, or following the stream of thoughts that don’t serve you, you are sending you power in that direction.  By giving your power away to lower thoughts, you become servant to them.  You become lost in the train of them.  When you become lost, you are not present.  When you are not present, you are not consciously aware.  And when you are not consciously aware, you are not operating from your highest self.

Here’s how you can flip this.  As the thoughts arise, and you are triggered into reaction, stay present- don’t run away with them.  Prepare yourself for this by knowing that triggers abound right now.  In other words- expect them-and when they show up, do it differently.  Be in the moment with it and let it offer you a teaching.  What is it wanting to show you about this element of you, this belief system you’ve carried as yours for oh too long now? Truth is wanting to shine the light on it in a way that’s never been done before. 

Up till now, it’s been like having a nightmare, where you are rattled by something and left with this uneasy lack of understanding of what you’ve experienced but are haunted by.  Up until now, your triggers, or belief systems, and ways of being that are rooted in something other than your truth have surfaced time and again for the same purpose as now-to be excavated.  But this time there is this undeniable aspect of light shining in on them, exposing them for that they truly are, and loosening their grip over you, so you can, at very long last, move forward.

This is surely cause for celebration as we embark on this grand movement toward conscious freedom.  For as in comparing the dream state to the wake, all things are different in the light of day.

So now is your time to do it another way.  In breaking a habitual way of being, it will take some effort and some awareness.  You will have to become intentional in your response to life, to your triggers, to you self.  You will have to moderate your tendencies.  You will have to become responsible for you.

This, my loved ones, is a rite of passage~ an initiation into Truth. And, as with any rite of passage or great transition, you are needing to undergo a purification in preparation for embarking on the next level of sacredness in your life.

So, as you are purifying and allowing your way to become new, you will be reminded of certain life tools that will come in handy.  As you come to terms with and are en-lightened by old beliefs, you will find that you might need a little assistance in disposing of all the residual build up and debris that’s accumulated over the years as ‘off’ thoughts took up space in your being.  Here, you will come to understand the ‘co’ in conscious co-creating. Know that we weren’t meant to do it alone.  Yes, we need to do our part, but there are things that we can’t do, and aren’t meant to.  And this is a journey WITH the Divine, so we must allow the Divine to do it’s share.

When we realize that we are ready to put down the heavy burden of the baggage we’ve been carrying, we can simply give it over in whichever direction feels right.  You can give it over to Mother Earth, and let your debris become fertilizer as you let her support you, as mothers do, on your forward movement.  You can give it to the angels, and watch them take hold of your worries or tribulations and, on wings, carry it all away.  You can give it directly to God, consecrating your relationship with the Creator of All that Is through the process of surrender, knowing He wants what’s best for you and He will, in any moment, carry what’s become too heavy for you to bare.

It is us that get in the way of the giving. Like a child, we feel so resistant to asking for help. We’re wanting to do it all ourselves.  And you may find that even when you do surrender, you will catch yourself still holding on tight, or grabbing it back a short time later.  It’s our nature to be independent and it’s a re-learning to do it in tandem, But that is the point of the journey- to reunite with Divinity. And the point is not just to know the Divine, but to work intimately in your life WITH the Divine, to create your world with the Divine, and to envelop the Divine as your truth.  And so, this is the lesson at hand.

Happy Initiation!


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