Saturday, September 25, 2010

Detachment~Letting It All Go

As you move forward, you’ll find liberation in letting go of the need for things to be one way or another.  Though you may desire a certain outcome, God’s version of what that looks like for you could be completely different and WAY grander than you could have imagined for yourself.  And so, in your limited perspective, by clinging to your idea of what it is you want to transpire, you block the potential possibilities from flowing to you.

An excellent concept to incorporate into your toolbox of Being is asking for ‘This, or something better’. So that when you wish upon a star, or pray, or intend for something to be so, you allow for the fullness, the grandness, the blow-your-mind possibilities to flow. And you open yourself to greatness while at the same time release the need to be right or certain, or in control of what the outcome may be.

When it feels like a curve ball has been thrown your way; when it feels like you’ve been guided to one thing and then it’s yanked out from under you; when you feel like you need to take action, but you can’t get the pause button unstuck- this is detachment being taught. This is the Universe saying ‘Yeah, but’.  This is you being schooled in the potential of opening to greatness and grander possibilities.  And though you feel the drive and desire, the inspiration to do, it’s just the impetus for what is flowing into your world. You need to act from a place of clarity to have right action. When there is no clarity, surrender to silence until the wisdom unfolds. Follow the inner word.  Everything else is interference.

Your higher self desires that you become unlimited and therefore unattached to anything needing to be a certain way.  In order to do this, you have to surrender and know that everything is going to be ok. You have to allow and trust that that there are greater things at play.  And you have to open to this new way of Being- of being unstuck spiritually, contrary to what’s unfolding in your world.

This is a higher level of Knowing.  It’s one where you learn to listen to the wisdom within and override the discomfort of not getting your way now.  And even if you have to throw a fit along the way, that’s ok too, because you’re human, and you’re growing, and it’s tough to let go of what we’re used to and what you want.  Remember that it’s a process.  It’s gradual.  And as with becoming accustomed to anything different of new, you will have to find your way with it.

Understanding and awareness will expand the opening into this new paradigm and will give you a compass with which to explore.  When you know that what’s unfolding is a lesson in detachment you can begin to peek into what that way of being has to offer. Embrace the belief that the Universe loves you enough to teach you how to be greater in your experience by opening to your fullness. All of creation wants you to know that you are more than you could ever imagine, and the Creator wants to give you everything-not just the one thing you have asked for.  You are worth gold-not the bronze you believe yourself to be.  So just let go. Just let, and be ready to be gifted.

Let go of the frustrations of not having what you want right now.  Let go of the need for certainty of details.  Let go of limits, and open to the possibilities.  In detachment is everything.  In holding on is great suffering.  Let the Mother, the Universe, your own inner whisperings teach you.  And let your story be told from a higher perspective.

Be your Beauty.
Be your grace.
Be your everything.

Loving you,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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