Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Detour Is a Blessing :There Are No Mistakes and No Wrong Ways

As we grow further along on our paths and the still small voice within becomes larger and louder, there will be times when we follow that inner wisdom and honor our truth. And, as we are still finding our way, there will be times when we override that inner voice, superced the imposed images of the mind, and look the other way.

There is a saying- “Don’t put a question mark where God put a period’.  Converting God into our higher selves or internal wisdom, we can see where we choose to question that solid ‘yes’ or ‘no’ that’s coming from within and opt instead for the quota of the mind that tends (at this point anyway) to see things a different way.  In those times, we are led away from our hearts and further into our heads, where rational and reason appear to save the day.  The mind can be so convincing and with determination and conviction, often has us ‘talked into’ doing something that makes us feel like we’re entirely off track.

We may ask ourselves why we chose the wrong road in those times, why we made bad choices, or why we ignored the wisdom of our hearts yet again.  And as we’ve grown and expanded into so much more than we were, we may feel especially frustrated with our perceived failure to comply with what seemingly serves our highest good.

It is in those moments that we can choose to exercise even more compassion for ourselves as we grow and learn and evolve.   And it is in these moments that we can choose to see our errors as examples of our Truth turned around and as our teachers.  For if we continually choose another road than the one we desire, then there’s a nugget of importance at the heart of the choice that need not be overlooked.

We may ask ourselves ‘What is it that’s still serving me in making a choice that goes against my highest good?  What incentive is causing me to override my instinct in those moments of doubt?  What part of me needs resolve in order to match up with my truth?’

So often this underlying agenda is hidden from view.  And as a seed embedded deeply in our unconscious will continue to affect our choices until it is brought to the light for review and made clear.  We will continue to replay out the same scenario, the same unconsciousness, until at last we fish for the lesson and separate our selves from the cause.  We must ask that the root be brought to our attention in order that we may be set free.  And then we must determine the cost of serving our lower agendas and the detriment to our further evolution into our selves.

If you want to be in your integrity and choose higher and honor yourself, but you have a had time saying ‘no’, more than likely you’re invested in protecting yourself form the rejection or wrath of others and the need to belong and be loved is outweighing the pull for self love and supporting your truth. Remember that you no longer need to live in a state of survival, that you are now ready and desiring to shine and thrive. This takes moving beyond the acceptance and approval of others and paying into what brings you most into alignment with your truth.

Be gentle with yourself as you move forward and become more mindful of the aspects at play.  As you evolve, the divide will grow between the old way and the new, between the higher and the lower, between consciousness and the mind.  And at times when you sense conflict, there will be war within as one aspect becomes stronger and the other vies for strength. The more clear you become on the dynamics of your inner forces, on what drives you on an unconscious level, and begin to dismantle limiting and outdated beliefs, the more into alignment you will become with your higher self. 

So ‘going down the wrong road’, ‘being off track’, or ‘making bad choices’ aren’t necessarily what they seem.  These supposed ‘off’ times are a great window into what’s driving our choices and an opportunity to see more clearly what still stands in your way.  By opening to the lessons of these moments when we seem to be out of the flow, we can find ourselves further along on our paths rather than swimming in remorse or regret or longing to be on track.

We set ourselves free when we allow ourselves to see what’s being presented to us as a gift and a signpost pointing us the right way.  Because even the sign that says ‘Dead End’ gives us direction.  And as we grow and become more aware of every sign along the way and less afraid that we are getting it wrong, the more sure we become that each step takes us where we mean to go one way of another.  Some steps may take us through a roundabout or a loophole, but each step is movement and each step brings awareness when we choose to open to the lessons and divine wisdom it has to offer by looking below the surface of what seems to be so. 

There are no mistakes, only misperceptions.  See it a different way and watch your world become wide open.  As we begin to see the Divine in everything, trust that everything has a purpose, and know that we are fully capable of finding our way- the way becomes known and so much less time is lost on retracing steps and deciphering the way to go.

If you would like help in decoding your inner beliefs and removing the blocks that are in your way, I would be happy to guide you further along on your path. Click here to set up an appointment now.

Wishing you beauty and grace on your journey and the love that lights the way.

In blessing,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  


  1. I do find a lot of truth in this, but I still must argue our original discussion on FB.

    A person who is choosing to do nothing but wait to win the lottery is not on a healthy path.

    Or perhaps it is a case of semantics. I see it as making the wrong choice and following the wrong path, but perhaps you see it as just my (and their) perceptions being wrong and that they will either wake up or will continue on this quest for winning the lottery and not doing anything productive until they do.

    For me, it comes down to, the universe (God) is telling me to mind my own business. LOL
    I can't help her find her way (make right choices, get a JOB woman, life is NOT free) and I can't lead the horse to water.

    So following your line of thought, her misperception really isn't something I'm supposed to worry about, and the universe (God) will handle it.

    By our ability to communicate with semantics out of the way, path could equal perceptions and we actually are saying the same things except yours is more pointed about whose business it is (or isn't in my case) and I should just concentrate on my path (perceptions) and make my own choices leave others to their own...

    Would you agree perhaps to this change of definitions?

    *hugs* and Blessings

  2. Kris,
    I agree to a lot of what you said. Consciousness is an individual thing. Some may never see their way to higher choices or even desire to look at what inhibits them from making them. For someone waiting on the lotto to fill their cup, they are wanting to receive and not wanting to 'do the work' that it takes to get where they need to go. That is a choice. Is it a higher choice? - Who's to say. I advocate for becoming conscious and taking responsibility for our lives and I encourage examining the beliefs that limit our ability to take responsibility for our lives and our choices, but I also understand and have compassion for those who can't/don't/won't find their way there.

    My message was more about non-judgment and lack of labels on our own personal paths though. Not getting hung up on our own personal mess-ups or misalignment to the point of being regretful or falling into doubt about making progress. I think when we focus on being out of the flow as being wrong we fail to learn from what is taking us out of the flow. Hopefully from this we learn how to stay in the flow more often and how to make better choices. It is all so much about making choices, but we have to learn from what's taking us out of alignment in order to be more conscious in choosing.

    Much love,

  3. I wholly agree with that.
    I have no regrets. Eveything I chose, I chose with the best of my abilities, with the knowledge I had at the time and it has brought me to where I am today, and ... I like where I am and who I am now. ;)

    It's so invigorating and liberating to not look back and say "I wish" or "why didn't I"

    Don't get me wrong, I would have chosen different at different parts of my life, had I known differently, but the whole point is, I didn't know differently and now that I do, I am presented with different choices that allow me to continue along my chosen path to enlightenment.

    It's so exciting!!

    Hey, looked over more of your blog. I may be commenting on other topics later.. Hope you don't mind!!

    So awesome to meet you! I Love how you think and I really enjoy how well you express your thoughts!!

    *hugs* and Blessings
