Monday, November 8, 2010

Heart-Based Vision

Compassion is a heart-based virtue. It means to come from our hearts and to live from that place.  The compassion we hold for ourselves and for the world around us allows us to see things from a different lens, from a more complete perspective.  And as our view is broadened, to include a wider scope of what Is, we allow ourselves to love in a greater way.  We allow for our grander version of our love-filled selves to shine through, knowing that it is not about protection, as we’ve held for so long, but rather it is everything to do with perseption.

It is our view.  And in releasing the particles of our critical nature, our eyes open to a truth we previously didn’t perceive.  We are expanded in a new way, and the light of day shines upon us as it never has before. Our inhibitions go unspoken as they melt away, and everything that really meant something before, that we held so fast to, no longer means anything at all. We see differently here, in this heart-based vortex, and suddenly we are different too.

In compassion, we remove the blinders, the barriers, the n-truths, and we slip into the great wide-open.  We step in purpose, as we see our power in affecting another, in bringing love to their world, their moment, their day.  And we see how that is the essence of our grandest purpose.   The light-shining, love-filled beings that we are, emanating our truth through our capacity to see on a whole new level, on a divine level, and create change and wholeness and new life in ways we had never dreamed of.

We become unstoppable, unmovable, and filled with grace as our heart-based actions replace our fear-filled minds.  And the substitution for what Is is wholly based on a constitution of what is Love, as it becomes clear that there is no other thing. 

Through this, we begin to make higher choices, conscious choices, that sustain and support our goodness, our vibrancy, and our wealth of being.  Through this, we transcend that which has held us separate and that which has held us down.

In this revelation of our Oneness, of our All facing and feeling the joy and the pain, we encompass a wholeness we had not yet known.  And it is a staple to the environment of our new way of being.  We see others experiencing their journeys in this human form and we see that we are that soul too.  We are no different, we are them, we are All.   And through their eyes we see, when we open to the greater vision of truth and expand beyond the restraint of the tapestry that has been woven as a protective measure and means of constriction from the flow.

Flowing through you is the light, and flowing from you it shall be, as you beckon the call of everlasting wisdom of compassion.  It softens and warms and illuminates and opens the gateway of grace.  And in compassion, there is an outpouring of gratitude for All of Life, an appreciation for this experience exactly as it is, and for the wonder of nature and all that it brings forth.

Compassion seeks not to change, but rather to embrace.  It wraps its loving arms around all that it encounters and washes it with tenderness and complete acceptance.  It is grateful for the window of wisdom that comes from the broad-range view of the heart-based perspective.  And it has the power to make all things new.

All trepidation is lost in the eyes of this window, as through this lens all things are seen as new, in their fullest potential, in their essence of pure perfection. And in this state of grace, there is an outpouring of peace as one becomes One with everything and comes to understand at a deep core level that it never has been and never will be another way.

Flow from your heart of compassion and walk in grace as you come into the light of your being and radiate the truth of who you are.

Of love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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