Friday, January 7, 2011

Full Naked Glory~ Standing In Our Greatness

Being authentic means being exposed and being able to stand in it - full power.  Naked Glory.  Shaking off fears, phobias, and fantasies of being driven back into our darkness because our raw, naked Truth is too much to behold.

And the ego will fight tooth and nail, sourcing demons of times passed filled with rejection and pain, as we begin to unfold in our wholeness.  Intentions will lead the way as we’ve been pushed to the edge of our cliffs of inhibition.  No more wiggle room to vacillate between the merits of being safely hidden and busting out into full realization of being alive.

The lessons have been absorbed and now they call for action as the beast of your truth becomes mighty and demands that full consciousness be spread throughout the kingdom of your being.

Any and all un-alignments will be raked through the bright light of recognition, clarifying what Is and what you’ve told yourself it might be.  Denial is overturned and we no longer have that ground to stand on as we sink into the new soil of awareness.  This change and shift in foundation feels scary and resurfaces primordial wounds and trepidation as we’re asked to forgo the ground and balance our weight on a cloud.

Irritation boils to the surface as we’re faced with the overturning of the bubbling beliefs that have kept our personal worlds in check.  Like a fledgling who has outgrown the nest, we must exit and say goodbye to our comfort zones and test our wings on the promise of joy and great fulfillment that expansion brings.

And as we open, we are blessed with the gift of a greater view.  Each time we take a step in the direction of our truth, we receive another glimpse of the possibilities that await us as we break free of the smoldering blanket of sleep.  We’ve been steeped in vast illusion- in a consciousness based on self-preservation and faulty beliefs. It feels like we’re awakening from a bad dream and we want to shake it, forget it, repress- but the memory and the melodrama of it lingers so that this time we don’t fall back into the slumber; so that this time we remain awake.

Create the space for release as the filament floats to the field of reflection and introspection. Large-standing change has been ordered and the shakedown of everything that’s created inhibition in moving forward has commenced.  The gateway to paradise has been guarded with gargoyles that have enlisted our fears and initiated the creation of a mounting psychological damn (ego interference).  But the levy has broken and now the waters flood forward and pollutants are flushed to the surface in order that we may purify and cleanse.

In cleansing is subtle discomfort.  But as we facilitate the breath to expedite the process and relax more fully into the consciousness we have claimed through our apprenticeship in self-mastery, we can step confidently into the light of our Being-ness and release the need to hide behind cracked masks and inner turmoil.  We can open to our greatness that lies within the cradles hands of potential, standing in our glory as we set aside the critical mass of resistance.

It is time for integration.  Time to walk the talk, to Be who we Are, and to step out onto the ice, even if filled with trepidation that it might crack beneath our feet.  Override doubt and align with the knowing that we do in fact have everything it takes to become completely connected with our highest potential, with our blessed inner-self, which will carry us forward in the direction of pure potentiality and peace.

And as we take flight, we will be showered with magical moments and wonder in turn, as the Universe bridges the gap between our truest heart’s desire and the manifestation of wildest dreams.  As we let go of what we’ve held tight to and step down from the platform of not-our-truth, the space created becomes filled with the unimaginable and the truest meaning of effortless co-creation becomes told.  We hold on out of fear of unknown, but as we release, we are shown that what’s been waiting for us all along and calls to us now to receive is completely within our reach( and that means setting down everything within our grasp -everything within our reality, and encompassing non-attachment and neutrality).  Then we can open our uncluttered arms (recently unburdened) to the everything that was previously unseen.

The seemingly unattainable is just a breath away.  Exhale the stale air and breathe deeply into a new reality that is yours for the taking when you step past the guard and breathe free. Deep breathes, strong inner knowing, and unlimited dreams to behold. This is the promise.  This is the product of the cleanse and the trademark of authenticity. Allow all to unfold as we follow our paths onward, creating evermore consciously in awareness of what strengthens us, mindful of what it means to be free.  

Your evolution speaks. Listen to the calling and reach beyond where you've been so that you can embrace your fullest capacity.  You are greatness. Glory to you on high!

May your most blessed wishes come true!

 In peace and Love

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

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