Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On Becomming

Ask and you shall receive- and you do- instantly! You may not understand what it is you’re receiving, yet just by asking, you’ve allowed yourself to expand. Allowing is a big part of the deal. Allow for whatever may be coming to you, and remain open to insight and answers. The way is flowing to you, but you have to allow it in. Be open to receiving what it is you need to Be as you are guided into alignment with your desire.
Affirm “I AM” ( a great mother, a fabulous writer, whatever it is that you desire to be.)
Ask for guidance, for help, for all that you need to become what it is you seek to be. We were never meant to do it alone, and there is so much assistance just waiting to be of service. Open to the etheric realm and watch the miracles in your life begin to unfold.
Attain. Allow yourself to expand into this bigger version of you, knowing that you can be that, that whatever you imagine couldn’t be imaginable if you weren’t capable of Being it. Let yourself become with out the need or the knee-jerk reaction to hold back. Realize that when you ask for something, if you are not currently totally aligned with what it is you desire, the Universe will bring to you what you need to become aligned.
SO when you ask, be prepared for what’s coming into your life to ‘open’ you to what it is that you want to receive. Be present. Be open. Be thankful. All is in perfect order. Simply let yourself be guided and know that everything that presents itself is leading you one step closer to the destination of your dreams.

In honor of you, let the creation begin!

Loving you,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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