Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tips and Tools

As I volley back and forth in my thoughts these days, in a time that is somehow as trying as any other, I find myself reaching again, and again, pulling myself up from the trenches and resisting the urge to play into the dramas in my head. I center, but find myself floating to the top once again, dwelling in my head rather than my heart. And I’m wondering what it is that I’m finding so irresistible in the muck. Is it the familiarity of the long played out scenarios that, no doubt, stand in my way but deceptively tell a tale all to easy to believe, no matter how many times it’s been told or what version of the story is unraveling.
Is it the easiness of hiding behind what no longer fits as it allows me to duck out of sight from my greatness and the unknown that beckons me to rise?

I spiral and I come up for air. I ask for greater assistance, for many, many angels to come to my side, and I know that I am more than this, more than I’ve ever been. But still I continue to dip in the depths. Perhaps I’m dredging what needs to be dredged, but it doesn’t feel like it, and it doesn’t feel like I’m doing my part of holding up the consciousness that I intend to hold for myself and for humanity.

So, in these times, I reach for some relief. Here are some tips to float above the lower stuff and find your way back to center.

1) Instead of ’what if’, I say ‘WHATEVER!’ Yes, I get an attitude with my ego self. Don’t put up with whatever’s being flung in your direction. When the thoughts start streaming and it’s not in a good way, shut it up and shut it down. You don’t have to put up with it. Take a stand and cop a ‘tude.

2) ‘Really?’- question your reality, or at least the one plotting away and writing itself out on the page of your mind. Ask yourself, ‘Really? Is this really what’s going on? Is this really where that person I'm arguing with in my head is coming from? Is this really how I feel?’ Don’t let your thoughts feel?’ Don’t let your thoughts determine your reality, you’ll only be living on half-truths.

3) Distraction, ahhhh, precious distraction. Like we don’t have enough to do, we don’t need to be caught up in our heads a million miles away on a path of destruction. Get present. Clean out a drawer. Redecorate your living room. Get down on the floor and play with your cat or your kids. Get busy and do something, anything, to keep you from reeling. It's not real.

4) Practice an act of kindness. Do something heart-based for yourself or another. You know what you’re doing in that head of yours is far from kind. Don’t let yourself behave that way or believe that way. Kill it with kindness instead.

5) Open up the window of your mind and get some fresh air, a new perspective. Engross yourself in a summer novel, a good movie, or a talk radio show. Change the channel and get out of your head for a while. You don’t have to figure it out. Really.

6) Shift your imagination into gear to promote fabulous rather than fear, frustration, failure, or whatever it is you’re skimming the water of or drowning in. Create something new. Plant a garden. Take some pictures. Plan a wonderful surprise for somebody you love. Have fun on that hamster wheel in your brain and let the juices flow on the up beat.

7) Make a plan of action to implement a ‘Love Calendar’, each day, loving you in a new way. You deserve it. Fall in love with you again. Let it be your summer romance. Get crazy about you and out of the crazy-making mindset.

8) Find a cause and volunteer. It’s really not all about you. If you want to focus on suffering, there are plenty of causes out there to spear head or lend your time to. We really do have too much time on our hands to think about things. Imagine a third-world life and what you could do to improve on their living conditions. If you don’t feel like you can help yourself, help someone else. You’ll see your perspective and your vibration shift in an instant.

9) Make your dollar stretch. If you decide to uplift by treating yourself, purchase something that will go the distance and something that will get you through the next time you’re needing a lift. Oils are incredible, so are flower remedies and candles. Mind altering and mood-altering are good. Anything to help you shift without having to pay a consequence for it later.

10) Create a sacred space just for you. A beautiful new friend of mine recently introduced me to the concept of ‘The Womb’- a little hideaway, maybe a closet or a corner of a room, that you can submerge yourself into when you need to reconnect with yourself and disconnect from the world. Make it divine, dressed with sentiment and sacred. Make it yours, one-hundred percent, and go there regularly. Sometimes all you need to align is a little time away. Take it.

11) And finally, rewind. Start over, even if you’re at the end of your day, and do it differently, do it your way, the way you really want, and see how that feels. No one said you can’t rewrite the script. Get that body-pillow-sized eraser out and change it. Press delete. Turn the page. Wave your wand, and make it better, no make it the best, most grandest design of anything you could ever imagine. Why not? Who’s to say what’s really real anyway, right? And to those who say you can’t do that…you know you can always question their reality with a ‘Really?!?!?!?!?’ Or toss it aside with a simple and solid ‘WHATEVER!!!’

Be good to you, always. And know that you are You, despite what you are telling yourself, and no matter what, I love you anyway ☺

Blessings to all of you sweet souls on your journey.

In grace and gratitude,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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