Tuesday, August 17, 2010


As women, we tend to get out of rhythm with that which is sacred. We loose touch with the knowing that is the wisdom of all of the women before us, and the stars and the moon before them. We tend not to notice when it is time to find our way home until we’ve gone too far away to find our way back. We mount the busy schedules of our lives rather than ride the whispering spirit of the wind. We forget about the seasons as they try to remind and direct us. We forsake our knowing as we get wrapped up in logic, or worse, in doubt. Sometimes, it takes the shock of the full moon to reawaken us to our cycles-to the facts of the ebb and the flow of the SHE of this world and beyond. We think we know. We like to believe anyway, that there’s a truth to it all- to all we’ve opened our eyes to. Sometimes, it’s as subtle as a gesture from the one we love, calling us back to a quieter mind. Sometimes, it’s more than that- more than we ever realized was within our grasp. And then, sometimes, we’re so wound, so rattled; that we forget that it all had a meaning, a purpose…until the dust settles. Settles enough that residue of worry about whatever we were busied with has subsided and again we can keep pace with our hearts as they beat an even drum. And the truth of it all, beating inside of us is unchanging-is as steady as an inner rhythm. And sometimes, it’s just waiting for us to catch up with ourselves.

Love and blessings,

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