Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Burnin' Through the Midnight Oil

Burning through the midnight oil, burnin’ through or transmuting the thick, dark, old whatever’s been in your way kind of stuff- are ya feelin’ it?

Here are some conscious choices and ways that you can expedite this wave of healing and make it a li-ttle bit smoother.

1. Water. Water. Water. And more water. This is the stuff that’s gonna help you cleanse. Picture the water flowing through and cleansing everything in it’s path that needs to go. Watch in your mind’s eye as it washes through, picking up and carrying off all of the unwanted gunk that’s been blocking or restricting your flow. Just keep guzzling-and let it go to work for ya. It knows what to do.

2. Induldge! Yes-I’m talkin’ about fat. You’re workin’ hard with all this transmutation that’s going on. Shifting is no joke. Think of it like inner cardio-you’re burning some serious calories on a soul level. Give the process some fuel. A little fat helps ease the effects of all that intensity sometimes and can stave off exhaustion as you burn, burn, burn.

3. Perspective. I know it’s easy to dread the dredge, but what if what was being excavated was actually really cool? What if you’re really just clearing the way for that long lost renaissance artist in you to bust loose. Or how bout that mischievous child within who’s full of brilliant ways to stir up some fun is simply finding her way through ? Believe it to be whatever you want it to be and make room for your imagination to take you to a whole other level with all of this ascending.

4. Ground it out. All of this energy needs a place to flow. It can get stuck in your body and sometimes needs a little direction to assist its current curant. Picture it rolling off your fingertips and down through the soles of your feet. Visualization is extremely powerful, my friend, and so are you. Command that this energy transmutes quickly and with grace and ease. Command it flows on out into the earth when you’re feeling its stucknes. Or intend it be channeled into something productive, like this blog, or get creative with soul collage, or anything that tickles your fancy. This is all about your truth coming out-so let it! Let it show you what it wants to say and let yourself peak into the wonders of what it’s been hiding all this time.

5. Get out of the way. Not knowing or no longer being in touch with what it is you came to do (especially if you were previously feeling pretty on target) is excellent right now. Yes, even though you may be feeling completely lost, you are indeed spot on. Not knowing removes you from being your won obstacle while you’re being present with opportunities that may well far surpass your own invested perception of what you’re here for.
“ It is in the unity consciousness of no boundaries that all miracles of healing are possible. But first a death must occur before we see the possibilities.”- Sandra Ingerman

6. Die the spiritual death.. Our intentions are so powerful right now. So if we intend to create abundance in our lives, it will be, but also will be the transmuting of anything that stands in the way of that. We may be feeling like whatever we desire is just out of reach and at the same time may be totally unaware of the vital process of cleansing that’s under way-purifying us for the gift of fruition. Letting go of outcomes, desires, needs, and wants clears the way for what wants to come to come without any interference. And when there’s interference, there’s fire. Hence the burning and intensity that’s comin’ your way as the phoenix does what she does best and transmutes and transforms, rebirthing a new you.

Salute’. Here’s to you and your brilliance! Shine on, bright one, shine on!

Until next time,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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