Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Do You Know?

We all know that the act of surrender is pivotal on the journey. We know how this can align us with the peace and joy that we have searched for throughout our lives and that through surrender we can access flow. But sometimes, like right now, you may feel that going with the flow is counterproductive. As you sense the urgency to bring your gifts forward, you may be feeling that you’re missing seemingly critical details about the what, how, when, & where’s of quite how to do that. The frustration of not knowing can send you tail-spinning in the exact opposite direction of where you know you want to be headed.

Most of you have been on this journey long enough to Know that trying to figure it out is a recipe for disaster. So what can you do? Step away for a moment, from what you don’t know, and focus on what you do. What is it that you Know in your heart to be true. Do you know that you are Divine? Do you Know that the Universe is always conspiring to help you achieve whatever it is you can dream up? Do you know what it is to Be Love? What do you Know? What is your Truth? Come from that place. Realign and shift into the highest thought, or go beyond the thought and simply shift into a way of being.

You know all of this, in your heart you truly do. It’s Life Path 101. You’ve heard it many, many times along the way so far. But do you know how to operate from your center? If that is something you’re still struggling with then seek the tools to get there. This is the way forward and the place from which you will be navigating as you step into the life of your dreams. It is very important, in this time of your unfolding, that you become your own antennae. Do not seek beyond yourself for the answers. It is imperative that you listen to the source from within.

When you are unclear about how to move forward or about what it is you came to do, you must think of what it is that you want. Define your life in dreams and then Be that. Feel yourself in the shoes of that which you desire to be and do and act as if you already ARE that, as if your dreams have already come true, as if you have already become every aspect of the light you wish to shine and there is nothing left to do but be. You must align energetically with the energy of what you want to receive. Shift out of doubt through intention. Change the channel. If what you’re receiving in the way of guidance is static, or nothing at all, then readjust your vibration.

The life of your dreams will be received when you are in high frequency. Would it be any other way? Doesn’t it make sense that your highest aspirations would automatically vibrate at high frequencies? Your highest aspirations are YOU choosing higher. Align so that you can receive further operating instructions. And remember, you must BE what it is you wish to receive.

Always in light,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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