Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Stop that Thought

Every thought has a 'stop' button. Really, it does. It may not seem so, when you're in it, when you're aboard that runaway train of thinking that's taking you far away from your Truth. But everything has an end...even thoughts. And when you find yourself caught up in the reel, and not knowing what to do, feeling trapped and alone and helplessly demised by what's buzzin in your head and ringing through your being- STOP. Get off the train. And refuse to go any further. Refuse to participate. REFRAIN and ABSTAIN. And know that IT is not YOU and YOU are not IT. There is that element of separation and it is at these times that it should be engaged. It is at these times that you should be enraged-not at yourself or anyone else-but at the THOUGHT- at the hold it has over you- at the LOSS of your FREEDOM that's taking place-the LOSS of POWER that's happening- right now -within you, as you give it over to the thought.
Reclaim this moment.
Honor yourself by reflecting on whether this is healthy being or whether you're just caught up in an old pattern that's cycling through once again.
Engage in dignity.
Relinquish oppression.
Stop.- Get busy and get out of your head.
...Your heart is waiting.


. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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