Tuesday, August 17, 2010

As Within, So Without

Everything in my home is in complete disarray right now. We are restructuring, reorganizing, getting rid of the many things that don't serve us any longer and making room for the new. This is, of course, exactly what's going on within me as well. I am restructuring. I am receiving, sometimes more than I feel I can even handle in this instant, so, so much information and channeled wisdom that wants to flow into books, and teachings, and writings, and words. And I struggle to keep up with it all, as I go about my day and the things I need to do in the here and now as all of this comes crashing into me, wanting to be birthed into this world and brought forward, This too describes the energy of today and of the lately that we've all been experiencing on one level or another. All of us may not understand this flow or the whys or hows, but we sense something big is happening through us and all around us, and we are so very correct to assume so. This 'flow' of energy is intense, to say the least, and there are many ways in which we can experience it and be effected by it. For two days strait, I felt this all-encompassing vertigo, and I swear I was going to just fall over from it. It took my bearings and made me feel very 'swoony' and much like I was just floating away. I've experienced this before, though not quite to this extent, and I was grateful to be at a point in my journey where I understand these symptoms as spiritual, because otherwise, I might have really felt spooked by what was happening to me. And so, it is my intention to let others know about the energy shifts that are coming through, the messages that are being heard from Mother Earth, and the symptoms they may be experiencing as they too become shifted. This journey is a crazy thing and it's no doubt harder when we feel like we're the ones that are crazy or that we are having serious health issues, or that we're simply very confused, alone or afraid. And it is the fear that I hope to minimize as I walk you through what I'm experiencing, what I've learned, and what hopefully in turn will help you along your way.
Be aware, for all intuitive abilities now are heightening and most likely what you're thinking might be or what you're wondering about is what is. Tap into these thoughts and feelings as knowings and begin to trust in yourself and in what you're receiving. The time for doubt is falling away. Be prepared for everything to quicken; manifesting; time; ability to process info and create what you want to create; magnetizing the people, places, and things that you need in order to bring forward whatever project or endeavor you need to bring forth (or the Universe needs you to bring forth) at this time. Be aware of your ability to multi-task like never before as the energy pours through and finds its way back out in multiple projects and projections. Notice the need to restructure re-integrate, re-organize, pull back, pull out, plug in, as you are being recalibrated for your mission. Follow your instincts and allow yourself to go against the grain for this is the order of the times as our allegiance to our true selves becomes priority. Stay alert, aware, plugged in, and versatile as your purpose unfolds before your eyes, and be prepared for that purpose to change within an instant. We are being conditioned to stand at alert and remain totally unattached to any and all outcome. Of utmost importance is simply the need to hear and follow 'orders'. In a nutshell, tune in to what you're receiving, believe that it's real and true, surrender to it and to all that’s taking place within and around you, and hang on for the ride. That may not sound very magnificent but I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever that what's coming through is nothing short of miraculous! Oh, and one more thing.....you are so not alone, in any of this. We're all along for the ride, know it or not, like it or not, so lets take it to the limit!

Blessings to you all, dear souls!
Until next time,

. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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