Monday, January 9, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.9, 2012~ Zeroing In On The Core

The energy forecast for today...

is a series of circles, one surrounding the other.  The one in the center is the one you want to focus on.  This is about centering.  This is about staying true to your core values, to your heart, to your highest self. This is about staying true to you.  In the center, at the heart of this diagram, is you and God. This is the most important and paramount relationship you will ever have. This can also be considered you and You, since you Are God ( but you new that already, right?).

So, your focal point should be how balanced your relationship in that area is.  If it is off kilter, everything else falls.  Have you noticed that in your life so far?  When you are not loving to you, your relationships fail, or your finances, or just your overall sense of well being.  If you are not good (God) with You, then there is imbalance.  The longer this imbalance ensues, the more off kilter the rest flows. Keep an eye on this relationship and be mindful of the energy and the time you spend on it.  First thing in the morning, check in with You and see what you need to invest in this direction.  Some days you need to throw a whole lot into that pot and focus on nothing else.  Other days, just checking in and connecting briefly will do.  Monitor your progress with this relationship as it is the crux of how well, or how not so well, everything else trickles out.

The circle that surrounds the core circle is your main relationships, your family, your significant other, your children- those closest to you.  This should be your next highest obligation and area of focus. Too often we tend to project too far outward, looking at or thinking about what our neighbors or our coworkers or the world in general thinks. We put their needs or opinions before the ones that truly matter.  There is a place for those that lie in the remaining circles, but its time to get your priorities strait.  Until you are balanced from an inside-out point of view, you will continue to have trouble in balancing the whole.

The third circle out is about community, about friends, about those in your less immediate circle. And the fourth circle is the world.  You contribute to these circles, and to the All, but how and what you contribute is dependent on how stable and well balanced the core circles are and the attention you've poured into them.  As you begin to align your focus inward to out, you radiate from your core the true essence of who you are.  You radiate outward the balance, the power, the beauty, and the purity of your Truth.  Life, in this stance, begins to take on a seemlessness that cannot be found when we are focused outward- in.  And everything from there begins to fall into place.

The next time you feel off kilter, take a look at your priorities and at your point of focus. Realign your breath and your attention with your heart and go inward. The sooner you put your relationship with the one who maters most on high, the sooner the balance and the peace that you seek will follow.

To balance, to you loving You, and to re-organizing priorities!

All in love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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