The energy forecast for today is…
A lily pad. We can get so busy hoping around from here to there that we forget to pause. The lily pad is our stop over, a place to get our barings before we go on, before we continue. If you have been pushing yourself too hard, this is the place to ask ‘what for?’ What are you trying to prove and to whom? This is a place to stop and evaluate. What are you pushing for? And when you get the answer to that, question 'who says?’. Question that voice you’re answering to in your head. When you get yourself all riled up in a million directions what element of you are you serving and what/who would you rather serve instead?
Avoid the distraction of the triggers that may lie underneath and be aware of the fact that they may be what’s got you spread out so thin. Become clear that triggers can become an excuse not to do ‘the work’ of healing and of moving ahead. The trigger can keep you stuck in the mud or frozen and that's not really what the trigger intends. The trigger spot is familiar and it is easy to go down that road once again (to get locked into the emotions or the thoughts that may be swirling, but the trigger's job is to show you where you need to grow, not how terrible you are or you've been). Moving on into unchartered territory takes courage and directive. Be aware of the pit-stops that present in the form of distraction to keep you from finding your way.
When you are triggered, See it, see what needs to be seen. But rather than get lost in it and swept away, enact your inner authority and be proactive by paying attention to what you can do to tweek it and do it another way. These things are coming into plain sight for us so that we can be made aware of what needs to change. Rather than falling into self-loathing for continuing to trip over that same log or finding your way to despair because you haven't figured out how to change, ask how you can upgrade, how you can innovate, how you can adjust the settings so that you aren’t repeating the pattern again.
Realize that there is power in a trigger, which most often induces strong emotions as it is eliciting your core pain. When we feel powerless in some area of our life, it’s power we seek. So we’ll fade off into a fantasy world where we believe we can assume that power, since we don't feel like we can do it in real life. And it's easier to go to that place where we feel like we can defend ourselves and fight our battles, but we do more harm this way in the end. Even if only momentarily, and even if only in our heads, when we conjure up these states of being and sever ourselves from the solution, we are disconnecting from life, and in a sense, we are playing dead. We cut off or become frozen and from this stance we seek revenge, seethe, or spindle downward, all the while trying to get ahead. The lesson though, is to do it in reality. We need to grow out of the passive-aggressive states, and self-sabotaging behavior that cripples us further and keeps us lodged in what’s been. We need to be a problem solver, not problematic. And getting frozen by a trigger and getting lost in that state of not-now-ness takes us further away from our goals and keeps us locked in our heads.
So while stopping for a breath in this lily-pad moment, remember not to nurse the trigger. You are feeding it at the expense of your self. Don’t take the bait that wants to lure you away from your presence and your innate power. Remain the bass at the bottom of the stream that simply watches it all float by without it needing to mean anything. Yes, there is a reason that these core things are coming up for you, but getting lost in them doesn’t get you any closer to where you’re trying to go, it takes you further out of alignment and off base. Readjust your focus and take to heart what’s being shown, but don’t get thrown off course in the process because that’s when the process really steps on your toes. Remember, you write the script, so don’t let the script write you.
When we are watered down and drowning in trigger mode, we are not who or what or where we need to be. We are less effective there, we are less by the nature of believing in the less-ness that the trigger insists we are. In order to go beyond, we have to believe that we are more than that, more than what we’ve believed in, more than we’ve been chalked up to, and more than those not-so sweet sugar plum fairies are telling us that are dancing in our heads. Whatever anyone else has sized you up to doesn’t equate to who and what you are. And whatever shortcomings you believe yourself to have don’t need to be outweighed by any proof of yourself being better served up on the platter of repentance with a garnish of overextending in every way.
The only one you have to prove yourself to is you. And the gentlest way to do that is to wrap yourself in compassion and believe, dear sweet soul, that you are already enough, and that despite what anyone’s told you, you’ve always been.
So slow down for a while, or at least, if you feel compelled to go full throttle again, become aware of your motives to go forth at full speed. Don’t put your eggs in a million baskets in order to be seen. If you didn’t’ get the message long ago then project it back to yourself now. You are worthy. You are wonderful. You are enough. You are complete. Know these words on a deep level. Accept and welcome them into your heart. And if at that point, you wish to go forward and leap to the next thing and the next, do it out of self love. Do it with the intention of gifting yourself. Do it for the greater good. But don’t do it to please. Find the anchor of being good enough, and go beyond to the extraordinary. Being true to yourself is more valuable than what you will ever seek to prove to another or to debunk a belief you’ve bought into. So question your motives and be mindful of your intentions. For even the best intentions can be laced with the need to please and when we’re pleasing in the name of seeking love or believing that if we don’t please that love will be withheld, we’re chasing our own tail into a rabbit hole that leads us strait into the arms of misery, and leads us further away form our selves and our dreams.
Namaste dear ones. Now see your own light too!
Blessings of love,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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