The daily forecasts are not as forthright. It would appear that I am being taken somewhere else with this, perhaps to a weekly forecast, perhaps...who knows where. For now, I will attempt a bi-weekly and see where that heads.
When I taped in today, there was the image of a peacock and a chicken. The peacock was shown for the beautiful foliage of feathers and its array and spectrum of color, but then the focus was narrowed down to and zoomed into it’s eye. So, we are looking at the eye of the beholder with beauty and we are being asked to again consider our current perspective (or how we see things). What do you have your eye on these days? It is in your current point of focus (meaning, is it in alignment with what is appearing and manifest already within your reality), or is it that elusive something off there in the distance?
It’s ok to dream and to envision and to wish for that which we want to allure and draw forth into our lives, but when our focus shifts solely to that ‘thing’ somewhere out that there that has not come to pass, it puts us in a place of longing, a place of restlessness, a place of discontent, and a place where we only seem to seek. Where is your current focus and what do you need to do to shift into a place of presence so that you can enjoy and appreciate what you already have and who and what you already are? What you have (presently) in your life is a reflection of what is culminating in your head. That’s not to say that what you desire is not on its way or not in the process of becoming manifest. It is to say that we need be grateful and feel filled up with the blessings that we already have. How can we be thankful for what is if we are always searching and longing and looking for what is not yet? How can we slow down and be present in order to truly appreciate and reap the benefit of what we have and of what we are blessed with when we are constantly chasing what we are want to get?
You are blessed with the abundance that goes beyond your point of vision. This is what the array of the beautiful feathers of the peacock is telling you. Even when you cannot see the beauty in your life, it is there. Take some time to take stock of what you have been blessed with, and what you may be missing (or are loosing sight of that is already there). Take a moment to give praise for all that is showing up for you that may not be in the ‘seen’ but is on its way none the less. Until you can behold the beauty of what is, you cannot hold the space for what you long for in the distance. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It’s what’s right there. It’s what is seen, by way of what is not taken for granted and what is given thanks for. And in gratitude’s multiplication factor there is a simple saying that can be said. ‘Thank you. More please.’ So each time you give thanks, and give thanks for it all, often, throughout your day. Then ask for more, because the Universe is abundant, and in asking for more while giving thanks for what you already have, you are acknowledging this fact and activating the abundance through the open arms of receiving what wants to come to you and what is reassured of your readiness through your giving thanks for your daily bread.
The chicken is about the pecking order. Where do you fall in the line of the pecking? Would you consider yourself at the top or the bottom of the list? This is about the time you take and make for yourself. This is about the worthiness with which you consider yourself in receiving. This is about what you feel you deserve and what that’s based on. And this is about the belief systems that need to be pulled in order for you to see that you don’t have to settle for the scraps in life- that it’s time now to receive the plenty, and the abundance that is there for you and that is only in escrow (or in the waiting) because you hold it at bay due to the faulty beliefs in your head.
So, in order for you to lay that golden egg of yours, (you know that blessed gift that you’ve got inside of you that you’re destined to give to the world)- you’ve got to get on with the roosting now that must take place in order for that egg to be layed. Find your place in the niche of life and know that you are no less worthy than the thoughts you pay yourself, or the attention you give to those thoughts that get in your way. You are at the top of the pecking or the bottom, depending on where your thoughts are for that day. Shift your perspective, graze the top feeders, or the quality mentality that will sustain your vision and fortify the eggs that you lay. You are as good as your thoughts and as solid as your belief systems. Side with the ones that support you, with the ones that are loving, with the ones that say you are worth your grain. You don’t have to listen to that which wants to hold you down or hold you back.
The great divide is upon you, and for the Bible slingers this would mean that the end times are here in the Revelation's sense of things becoming very apparently different, of things quickening into a heaven or hell on Earth and a heaven and hell in your heart. You can choose, in every moment. You have that power. You can choose the heaven of the heart-based world that you wish to bring about, or you can choose the hell of the thought-based world that you wish to leave behind. Every moment. Every choice. Every one of us has that prerogative, and has the momentum to define a new course.
You are smarter than the average chicken. You have consciousness and you have the sight to create and obtain the substance of what you’re really after, and of what you really deserve. Don’t settle for less. Don’t settle for thoughts or beliefs that tell you differently. Take a stand. Set some boundaries (within and around yourself). Create the post that fulfills the reality that’s been dreaming its way into your heart and now desires to be born into your world. Get those golden eggs a’layin by feeding them the top of the line feed (higher thoughts) and know that creating the space for these dreams to be born is no more in vein than the dreams being born into your consciousness in the first place. You were meant to foster these dreams into the world. You are worthy. They are bestowed upon you with the utmost faith of the Creator that You, and you alone, are the exact one that must carry them forth, and that you alone were created to do that exact thing.
To the brightest and most beautiful feathers already within your reality ( and on their way. To the most golden eggs in the process of being layed. To the dreams and the visions within you that are growing into manifest reality as you dare to beleive in the heart and soul of who you are. And to the progress you make toward and within this reality every day.
Blessing sof light, dear souls, great blessings and dreams!
For your own personal energy forecast or assistance in moving your dreams ahead, contact me at the site, and I'll be happy to help you in any way.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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