The energy forecast for today…
is that of the Algonquin. Today's image came to me as a word rather than a vision. Algonquin represents a language shared by may native Americans. The word itself is derived form a word that means ‘we are all cousins’ or one tribe. This denotes oneness, and the fact that we are all ‘cousins’, that we are all undeniably One. Noteworthy also is the fact that the Algonquin religion was called ‘the right path’. Doesn’t that ring a bell somewhere inside, as we are all attempting, and ever ambitiously redirecting ourselves to travel the ‘right path’. The energy of today supports your further and forward movement into alignment with the oneness and most especially into areas of community, where you are being asked to channel your gifts and your light. Community is the coming together of many souls, and whether several or a few, it is the bridging of light, the merging of essence that creates a goodness that can only be described as what we are here for and what we are meant to do. We were meant to travel in packs, to live in them, to learn in tandem, to share our resources and our skills with one another, to support the one and to support the All. We are finding our way back to that now in this time of deliverance, as we make our way out of the woodwork of separation and mix and mingle our spirits with others whose vibes we find resonant. Find your tribe and thrive. This is the core message of the symbol. The religion to practice within this circle of community is mindfulness and right action. This is about giving from your heart and living from your soul. It is about finding the balance within and creating it in the out and the all around. You have much to offer and it is a time to give. In community, you are offered the vessel to give back, to go forth, and to shine your spirit self on a group of souls that are there to give as well but also to receive. This is the flow that you know within you must exist. The struggle and the suffering of doing it the hard way (separation) and going it alone (stupidity) are over and the time of communion is here. Take stock in your heart and open to the community(s) that call to you now. You have a place there, and it’s time to join in.
the other symbol for the day is a monkey hanging from a vine. This is about hanging loose, this is about allowing the rhythm of life to move you in the effortless way that it does when we let it. This is about being free, and funky, and flexible. Monkeys who are rigid don’t swing very well from trees. Take heart and lighten up. Life was not meant to be taken so seriously. Really, it wasn’t. We just get caught up in trying to control and fix everything. It goes much smoother when we’re not hijacking the movement and trying to direct it the way we think it needs to go. Get your sense of humor on and laugh at the things that don’t go your way. Be amused by what is unfolding, perhaps as if you were looking at it for the first time. We don’t know the half of what we think we know, and we don’t even need to know the third of what we do. It’s time to get out of those heads of ours, stop milking them for life’s instructions and get jiggy with some vines and play. Children learn from play. It is their work. Let’s rewrite things a bit and say that it is ours too. The most important things in life you learn in this way, and have a much better time doing it. So swing to the left and swing to the right and then hang out there somewhere in the middle. Get off the ground and climb some trees and see from a higher view. Be the monkey. Swing the vine. Shake it up a bit, then shake it back down. Doin’ it differently is what this time is all about. And in this time there really is no need for the reason or the rhyme.
And now we have a special message from our guest image…who just dropped by to announce that we are in fact on the right path and finding our way. The third image for the day is a path that curves to the right. (Love how these images really speak for themselves!) you should be able to feel this on some level, and if you can’t or are confused, then take this message to heart. You’re doing it, your finding your way, you are traveling on purpose, and in your travels are the mercies that are getting you into alignment with what it is you truly seek. Seek no more though, children, simply open to the path, let it carry you, and you focus only on moving those feet. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. Take this one and leave the next to fate. Leave the one that has passed and settle into this day, this Now, this moment. You can’t be everywhere at once. You only need be right here, right now. With the excitement and the anticipation of what’s to come and the unraveling of what’s been, it can be easy to get derailed from the now and find yourself pulled in the direction of the then or the when, but your energy, and your attention is needed here. This is how it all rolls forward, by you staying firmly planted in the ‘this’, in the what is, in the moment of now. And that’s where it’s at, and always has been. So the sooner you get there, the more resonant your path will feel with your heart chime. And the more your heart chime is tuned, the more spring in your step, the more path seems right, the more life begets life, and the sooner you settle into the knowing that the What Is knows best.
Happy trails…do the Algonquin thing. Find your cousins. Find faith that you are on the right path. Swing a little everyday and be the love that you came here to be already. No more getting too lost in the shadows that you can’t find your way back. No more separating out due to stigmas over relationship pain. Heal that stuff in you or just set it aside long enough to see that it’s not worth fighting over. And you are fighting for it every time you give into it, support it, or lessen yourself because of those beliefs. It’s time to shed the sh**. Pray for guidance, seek support, do what it takes to get to the other side of what’s been troubling you. You’re worth it. You’re beautiful. And despite whatever you’ve been told or what may seem like the contrary, you’re free. Exercise that liberty and make some powerful choices in the name of love and community. Come together, as cousins should. Your tribe is waiting. Open up and See.
If you would like to sign up for your own personal energy forecast, or would like to work on clearing some of the blockages or beliefs that stand in your way, visit me at today.
I'll post yesterdays forecast next, for review ( it will be posted separately since this one was a little long). Remember that the forecasts are guideposts that can be used and integrated at any time, though they represent the energy or the wisdom offered for each day, the wisdom is timeless and will reach you when you are most ready to receive. So the forecasts are hearty enough to extend our for several days. Yesterday's is worth review, as it offered us a chance to examine what's still stagnating in our pool of consciousness, so have a look see, and see how and if it effected you.
Blessings and grace!
In Love,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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