Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 18 & 17~ The Singing of the Unsung Song, and Running Intentionally in Circles

The energy forecast for today is…

a labyrinth.  We are finding our way to our core.  We are walking the circle and winding ever closer to the truth of who we are.  Labyrinths are about mindfulness.  They are about meditation.  So this is a time to be mindful, to meditate, to take some time and find stillness and contemplation about where you are going and where you are been.  We do this by ejecting out of where we are.  This is not about ejecting from presence, because presence is the aim.  And to reach that aim, when we find that we are thick in the mudd of the ‘how to’s’ of our lives, we must find a window and get some air.  We must move out of the way and to the side of what it is we’re trying to ‘figure out’ and let the way be shown.  When we don’t know, that’s a good thing.  It means that we are being blocked from the resolution, or rather, we are blocking it and being asked (through frustration, through hitting our head against the wall, through the realization that we don’t have all the answers)- we are being asked to get out of the way so that the way can be shown.

When we eject form the situation by distracting ourselves with something mindful and meditative, we reach a state of presence where we are able to receive (at last) the key to whatever door we are trying to unlock, and the truth that is waiting to be revealed.  We are removed from the situation long enough to see beyond the details and into the solution. We are setting our ego selves aside in this and are coming from a place of spirit, from a place of higher knowing, where all that remains to be seen can be shown.

Take some time with you today and do that which is mindful.  Do that which is meditative.  A labyrinth without the mindful is just walking in circles.  Make the task be to loose yourself in a way that you forget what you are after and seek to complete what is at hand.  Pursue that which takes you there, to that place, where you are no longer chasing the solution or the remedy to what ails you, away from what’s got you worried or down.  Take some time for your spirit and your soul and rejuvenate by allowing yourself to be bathed in the light of the All-Knowing and the Everlasting.  Your problems will not last forever, but you will. And you have.  Trust in your ability to swim when all else around you says drown. What is before you is for you.  It stands to teach you something, to offer you new direction, to tame your wild-eyed perspective of what seems to be and settle it into what Is.

Stop running in circles aimlessly and be intentional.  Create purpose in your movement, in your evolution, by evolving and intending that you are mindful and deliberate in your actions and in your way of being.  You did not come here to continually hit the rewind button or jump into fast forward.  Slow it down a bit and push play.  So much is happening all around you that is ushering you into the goodness of life.  Taste it. Recognize it for what it truly is, and welcome it into your day, because you don’t need to do it the hard way anymore.  The time for struggle is behind you.  So once you get on board and put into action all that you have known, all that you have learned, all that you have experienced (throughout all lifetimes) that ever-flow that is going to quench your sails will meet you half way and it will propel you into the game that you really came to play.  You know, the one where you win, where you are supported, where miracles abound, where blessings reign.

Circle round and find your core. The radiance and the right stuff that you are made of is waiting there. And it’s a much better way of existence to live from that place than to keep on keeping score and get caught up in the insane.

The energy for yesterday was…

a songbird, sitting on a fence.  The bird is singing of a new day dawning.  It sings because it wants to.  It sings because it can.  And so can you. 
How long and how much have you held back or held in your voice.  How much have you allowed yourself to short-circuit your expression.  And yes, it’s you who has done that to yourself.   Own that, because that’s half of the equation. Then live that and see how it makes you feel.  Notice when you are muted, when you are silenced, when you fail to say what you need to say.  See where and how you restrict yourself from living fully through loving wholely, and you will know that there’s a better way.

The better way is a song that can only be sung by a heart that has found repair. Love yourself into this newness, into the healing, into the perimeters of that dawning new day.  No one can do it for you.  This you must do for yourself.  And you wouldn’t want someone to save you from the clutches of yourself anyway.  You can continue to hold onto the resentment or the blame, but ultimately, at some point, we all have to own it and know that we can sit on the fence for a lifetime or we can simply jump down and play.

Your soul song is waiting.  It wants to be heard.  It knows no other way.  So silencing the sing that must be sung is a prison sentence and holding onto all or the reasons why we believe we can’t or mustn’t sing only serves to get in the way.  It’s too much work to resist and the pain that evolves from that wound never takes away the need to express or the regret of not doing so, it only keeps that silenced soul song frozen in time, awaiting that much anticipated day; that day when you open that cage and melt the frost, and step over your fear that when you finally open your mouth to sing and open your heart to full expression, it won’t be a song worth singing, it won't be an expression worthy of praise.

The bird doesn’t sing because it has to. It doesn't sing hoping to be worthy or looking for praise. A bird doesn't worry about how it's song will sound. It doesn't pick its voice. It doesn’t practice its song day after day. It just perches where it’s perched and sings what must be sung, and trusts that there is no other way.  What if it were that way for you?  What if there were no other way but full expression?  What if life without song was insane?  It is, you know.  Haven’t you reached that verdict yet?  If not, then your misery will direct the way.

Sing a new song and let your unsung song be released out into the land of the All and the plenty who anxiously await this day. Have you ever been touched by what someone else has done or said?  That’s soul song.  And your song for them will do the same.  Let that song of yours be heard by all of the hearts and all of the everyone you were meant to touch, you were meant to inspire, you were meant to open in this way.  Saving the song for another day just postpones your fulfillment, and theirs. Today’s the day.  Declare the dawn.  Sing the song unsung.  And let your soul come out to play.

Tune your chords and sing. Walk that circle and find center. Center and sing. Sing and circle.  And most importantly, just open to what you're here for, in a new and entirely inspired way.

Blessings and Light, Bright Souls, Blessings and Light.  It's all around, just take it in. Breathe it.  Live it.  Be it.  And Be that beautiful You!

In grace and love,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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