Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 5, 2012~ Go Ask Alice, The Dream Board, The Ballerina, and The Sea

The energy forecast for today is….

Very Alice in Wonderland-ish.  There are large stripes floating diagonal in the air (black and white, dichotomy, polar opposites- and it seems that that is getting pulled out of our reality as we enter the fifth dimension and leave the third (dimension), which has been so totally based on those theories of good/bad, in/out, up/down, yes/no, right/wrong, heaven/hell- of opposition, separation, and polarity.  There are too many choices there.  When, and as, we enter the fifth dimension, the higher states of altered consciousness, we are elevated to a level of neutrality that makes it all flow with so much more ease. Imagine that.  Imagine leaving behind the guilt, the responsibility (to our heritage and to our belief systems, not to mention society) to get it right or do the right thing. As if we don’t know what that right thing is or what it should be.  As if we need to be guilted into or pressured to make the right decisions, and in doing so, who is it right by anyway? Is it right by you? Or is it what makes it easier and comfortable for the many?  
It is beyond questioning reality or societal rules or familia obligations at this point.  Right now it is about allowing for the paint to fly off of the walls, for the tile to come up off the floors, for the rain to pour backwards and the sky to fall so that we can rearrange our priorities ( and our perception of reality).  What IS is entirely up to our own individual observation and clarity. The clarity is obtained by wiping away the film of what we’ve prescribed to. Release the chains. Set down the need to please or perform. The gig is up. You no longer have to play the puppet on a stage of illusion. It is time to illuminate and snap the strings that have bound you to that reality and break free.  Freedom is not your right it is a necessity if you are to move forward, if you are to break higher ground. You no longer need to step on your tip toes to see what’s beyond this barrier or time. Step up to the higher plane and see for yourself. 
It is different here. It is safer. It is salient. it is streamed with a distinct elemental Is-ness that can’t help but be tasted by your long-wanting-to-be-quenched soul. Taste it here. Taste the glee. That’s what it’s like to be free of the constraints and the ‘have-to’s’.  that’s what it’s like to smile for no reason, to feel random joy, to move to the music of your own rhythm, to swim in the seas of your dreams. It’s like Candy Land, all cosmic and magical. Wouldn’t you agree. I know you’ve visited here before, if only in your dreams.  When you arrive, you will sense the familiar of it, you will sigh a deep sigh of remembrance and relief. Stretch your arms and awaken to the dream. It is real.

Next up, a checker board floating in space. It would seem that the options you have in life, the choices, are black and white.  But it is not really an analytical or a mental exercise to live in the New Land, which features the three F’s. And they are Freedom, Forgiveness, and Flexibility. Ingesting these virtues into the cavity of your being, into your experience of reality, what type of palpability would choice-making take on? Perhaps there is no one or right way, or one wrong.  Perhaps it could be that there are many ways that a souls could go and to get to the one that brings the most peace, one would simply feel into the flow. You are being asked to consider this possibility. You are being asked to move freely across the board, to fly from left to right, to jump diagonal, to break the so-called rules and believe. Believe in your own internal guidance which will exuberantly guide you to the next best thing.  You don’t have to think out your every move, or decide on such things in which your attention has been based. You only need to feel into your heart and request direction for where and what and how, in this moment, you need be. The move after that, and the next, will depend on what unfolds from the one now.  Don’t get ahead of yourself, it will confuse your direction. Your soul swims in the moment of now, as should you. You get lost and flooded when you try to be in charge of too many moments, when you try to master every move in the game. 
So, in this wonderland game, go ask Alice.  She is your super-conscious.  She is the one who escaped this reality and resides in the next. The plethora of propaganda that the world has conformed to need not reach you in this place.  There is a wall of superiority in this forever land which reaches beyond the reality of the last.  Go there and experience the taste of the Pandora, the box of the unknown. This is the world of the other ninety percent of your brain. Imagine what lies there.  And imagination is the key. Imagination is a gateway. Childish wonder should not be lost as it is the entry level to the great open sea. The Sea is the world of your emotions and your emotions are the key.  Once you learn to allow them to guide you, you will enter the land of the Be.  Being is our natural state and it’s what comes next, when we clear all of the other stuff out of the way, the unnatural constrictions and dogmas that we’ve played patriot to, the paradox of the free.

And then we have the slipper of a ballerina, dancing across the checker board or the chess.  It is with lightness and grace that the ballerina moves. It takes discipline to dance the dance. To dance the dance, to perform the art of living, we are asked to be light on our feet. We are asked to be filled with grace. We must enact discipline and poise and stay true to our heart, stay the course of a higher way. It takes balance to be here, to create the flow, to be in the Know.  But all of the hours and lifetimes we’ve put into practicing this art are paying off. We’ve created the poise to position ourselves in alignment with the Great Tree of Life.  The Tree of Life is the symbol of synergy. It represents the ever-lasting and the fruition of Being. It is the portal of the sacred.  And as you dance the dance across the cosmic board game of life, you will find that you were destined to play this part, to be this You, to breathe this Life, to bask in the glory of the Everything and the All you have always dreamed of and were meant to Be. Now is the time to enter the dimension of Graceland. Stay there and allow the waters of this sea to reach your head.  Let them flow through you and wash away any currents of distraction or dis-settlement, and disturbances or dis-ease.  You are meant to live a life of pleasure, of enchantment, a life of utter and extraordinary peace.

So put on those ballerina slippers and watch the merriment unfold.  Stretch beyond this reality into the next and let your real story be told. Let yourself be carried by the wind of what Is as you reach for higher ground. You are more than you’ve created in your mind, in that measly ten percent that's kept your truest potential at bay. Slip into the ninety, into the land of Alice, into the wonderland and play. Play the game with new rules, with no rules. Play the game and you’ll see, that the game is your game, is the game in which you believe. Perhaps nothing you’ve realitied is real and the dream is undreamed. Stretch and be stretched today like play dough, like silly putty, and unwind the wings of possibility. For the land of your greatness is alive in the Sea. Dream the Being-ness into potentiality, dream the dream, freedom ring.

Blessings and Grace, sweet souls, Blessings and Grace!

In light and love, and in illumination of you,

  Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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