Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.4, 2012~ The Old Mansion, New Life, and Miracle Grow

The energy forecast for today…

Is very simple. The image of symbol is an old mansion or rather large house that appears haunted. It looks ominous and abandoned and broken down. No one appears to live there or has for years. There are vines growing up the walls and all around, and the trees around it are barren. It has a dark appearance, somewhat grey. It is very old, as are the trees that surround it which are firmly rooted and large. The feeling of it is not in any way scary or daunting. It just simply is. It has an ancient feeling about it, as if a distant memory.

This is excellent news, as a house represents your psyche, or unconscious. This means that you no longer live there.  You are no longer ruled by a large part of your unconscious that had formerly had a very looming and daunting affect over you. You have moved out and moved on and that aspect of you lies dormant. This is cause for celebration!  This means that somehow, someway, you have managed to release a LARGE aspect of what has been inhibiting you and has stood in your way. (As you no longer inhabit the house it no longer inhibits you).Hooray!

So take a moment to look back on the place that you used to reside and say farewell and good riddens.  This is a marker in time for you and you have earned it. It is time to move forward now and find new residence in this new world that you have worked so hard to create for yourself. It is time to move forward and, at last, you have left those old walls and that looming fear of what those elements within the house stand for behind. Do you feel it? Can you sense the shift?

Get ready for change in a big way. As the old dies the new is inevitably born.  Take some time with you today to envision what that new will be like.  Breathe into it and exhale a deep sigh of relief for the work that you no longer have to tackle in order to move forward. Take a break from the need to change or fix anything for this now.  You have done quite enough, I would say. And from the looks of it, you are about to get real busy getting your groove on in some new digs.  so prepare by resting, relaxation, and play.

If you are feeling a little unrest or unease, perhaps it is due to the ‘in between’ or the ‘leaving behind something familiar and true’ that is part of this transition. You are between worlds, between selves, between time as you move away from what’s been and into what’s new. And leaving anything behind, no matter how detrimental it may have been to our well being, naturally induces a bit of longing (for what was) and grief. It’s easy to be sentimental looking back on where and who we’ve been, but focus your gaze on where you are and where you’re going instead.  There are big things ahead and the fun has just begun.

One more image for you and it is that of a flower. A very simple, five leafed flower, looks like a violet.  This is about blossoming and the promise of spring.  Now is a time to look forward to what will present in your life in just a few short months ahead. When the winter is cold and dark it may seem that the days of spring will never come and that the days of old will never end. But the promise of spring is eminent and it’s arrival is just enough away for you to prepare for what will unfold. Take heart, when in doubt, and know that the seeds of that which you wish to grow in your life hold the promise of bloom. Believe in the green thumb of manifesting that you have grown.  You are a powerful creator and your creations are really not at bay. They are preparing to sprout.  They are strengthening their root systems, they are getting ready to spring to life the moment they are meant to, and they are meant to very soon.

Release any doubt or resistance about where you are going, what you have planted, or where you have been. All is divine.  All is perfect. All is love. One final vision now of a heart wrapped in a bow, reminding you to give love to yourself as this is the most excellent fertilizer for you visions.  It is like miracle grow! 

So, love, love, love! Celebrate you and all that you have achieved! This is a great day in your forward movement, as it marks the end of an era. Note how the house was ancient and the trees were rooted deep. You have cleared and released at an extremely deep level some things that have been around and within you for a very, very long time. (And you may not have even realized that you did.)  It is getting that easy now, easier and easier to release.  If you are having trouble with certain issues or are feeling that you could use a little more assistance with the blockages that are in your way, contact me at and we can work at getting to the heart of the matter so that you can finally break through. Sometimes we need a little hand, and that's ok.  What matters most is that you find your way so that you no longer feel like you are floundering or like you've outgrown you home (the old mansion) but have nowhere to move.
Take time to rest, rejuvenate, remember who you ARE, and reinvent (redirecting that imagination of yours into the positivity of what you Truly desire).  You are Everything that you’ve ever hoped for…and so, so, sooooooooo very much more. I adore you. Now you adore you too. (It’s fertilizer, baby! Make it grow!)

Love and Grace...and lots of ease. Let's ease on into this new year and make it count (without all that extra intensive emotional Olympics and spiritual acrobatics of last year, if we can help it anyway).

Blessings of light!
Be true to you!

  Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

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