Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.7. 2012~The Carnival

The energy forecast for today…

is a carnival.  In an earlier post, maybe about a year ago, I wrote about a carnival as being the objects that come up for us when we are working through our stuff. It was nothing like the carnival that I’m seeing here. This carnival represents lightness and play, enjoyment, adventure and fun.  This is your life.  This is what is available to you.  Do you feel that way?  Do you feel like you have those experiences available to you at this time? If not, that does not mean that they are not there. It only means that there may be a few things that need to be sorted through or removed in order to feel your way there.

We have suffered long enough. Agreed? Now it’s time to enjoy the landmark of how far we’ve come. It’s time to put the life on the wire and bring it into its full order of potential. We have played small.  We have held back.  We have gone under ground and undercover.  Now it is time to come out and play, to explore the new, and explore the You that you have been excavating.  This is about pleasure.  It’s about setting aside all of those triggery issues that tend to tie us down long enough to see that there is a whole wide world out there just waiting for us to discover it.  There’s a whole wide world in here too, right here inside you, that wants to be connected with the life force that you have been plugging into the monumental task of healing and revealing just what needs to be moved out of the way so that you could finally get to this thing called life.

Those parts of you that are waiting to be discovered aren’t all of your long, lost uglies that you’ve been running from, not all of them anyway.  The  parts we’re talking about here are the parts that want to take risks, run in fields, have the wind blowing in their hair, sail across the world, start a new endeavor, learn a new language, make a new friend, take up painting, or dance in the middle of the street.  These are the parts of you that have been suppressed for a long, long time, while we’ve been working so hard at being grown ups and doing all of the things that grown ups do.  But don’t grown ups need to play? Don’t they need adventure? Don’t they need to get crazy a little bit (and not the crazy we’ve been going for a while with all of this stuff we’ve been trying to dislodge from our deep). But the crazy that’s revolution, that’s rebellion, that’s cutting loose.

The carnival features the Ferris Wheel (going higher and allowing for the lows, knowing we’ll be rising again). The Merry-go-Round (riding the wave as we go round and round this mobile). The roller coaster (obvious, but beyond that, knowing the climb is worth the thrill of the ride that ensues.). Clowns (reminding us to laugh- at life, at our selves, and at the world in general). Cotton candy (the sweetness of life, tasting the goodness). And tickets to the rides (we’ve got a whole role of them.  It’s time to get in line and enjoy the rides, to step up for the thrills, and open to good times).

Don’t cut yourself off from pleasure.  You deserve the excitement.  You deserve the memory making, the moments of joy, the adventure of discovery, the satisfaction of a new thing learned.

If you’re not enjoying life at this point, or you’re just not feeling this energy today, you are not in a league of your own or off track. Where you are is exactly where you need to be.  You’re just being called to feel into the fun, to notice that it is available to you, to open up to new experiences and enjoy. Pay attention to the clues that are calling to you.  Take life a little less serious for a bit.  Take time to play. Balance it all out with pleasure.  And be good to you. You deserve everything you desire. You don’t have to be perfect to receive it. Make an appointment with you and a date with pleasure today. This is the stuff life is made of. Dredging the dungeons of our abyss move over, we’re adding a healthy heaping dose of good times in the name of self love.

To happy times, new memories made, and even sprinkling in a few thrills!

Go lightly, bring in the love, and be fully present for you.

Blessings of abundance,

   Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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