Monday, January 23, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 23,22,21 2012 Rays of Hope, The Eye of the Tiger, and The Cleansing of the Purge

The energy forecast for today is…

a sunrise, offering the light and the dawn of the new horizon.  See the hope of the rays that come from the light of what wants to be born unto you.  You are the one that you have been waiting for, and aren’t you more than you could have ever dreamed?  If you are not feeling or agreeing with this statement right now, perhaps you are bombarded with the intensity of the download that is happening in such a huge degree. You are being radioed, programmed, enlivened, and fully engaged in a profound and unlimited upgrade that will deliver you to the place of arrival that you have been waiting for. 
What does this all mean?  In simple terms, you are being reawakened to your potential.  And in a nutshell, the potential you’re being awakened to is profound. This awakening though, in this moment, is much like being awakened in the middle of the night or after a very deep slumber.  It will/may leave you disoriented and groggy.  It may leave you wanting to go back to sleep. For the slumber that you’ve been in is your old way of being and the you that you grew to know.  You’re waking up to the You that has been waiting in the rafters may be a bit to digest. And any time that the light comes flooding in to cleanse us and awaken us to the next level of our potential, it pushes to the surface all that wishes to be cleansed and all of the old dynamics, paradigms, and belief systems that are ready to end. So there is some reckoning with the old, with the deep, with the not-withstanding that may seem to present an obstacle in letting go. Here’s a way forward that will further your momentum. If you want to resist, give in.  If you want to run away from something, run towards it.  If you want to shut down, open up.  If you want to go back asleep, do whatever it takes to wake up. This sets in motion a new momentum, a new way of doing things, a new energy that offsets the old. You are wanting to do it differently right now, to create change, so that you pave the way for the synergy within you to break on through.  This intensity of energy that you may/may not be feeling is flowing through you right now and can be directed for your highest good if you let it.  This energy is For you, and you can ride the wave and be delivered on the other side of the island that has kept you apart from these greater sides of you. Ans you can let it swallow you as well, if you fall into overwhelm or get undertaken by the doubt about what the energy and intensity is all for.  
Know that you are being shifted into alignment at the time of the present. Know that you have long awaited this time to be shaken awake.  Know that you have been called to the seat at the right hand of the Creator, so that you can take your place in the creation of the remainder of your days. What you desire will grow in dividends over the next few days if you allow for the belief that what you desire can and truly will become true. Do not create resistance by standing in the way of your dreams and remaining attached to the stories that have brought you the comfort of the known. You desire the unknown of the story you’re stepping into, though that stretches your comfort zone, it moves you beyond the place you’ve been and out of the box that keeps you from fullest expression- out of the box that keeps your dreams undone. So long as you keep telling the old story, the old story is all that will remain. In order for a new tale to unfold, a new tale must be told. Tell it from the rooftops right now.  Tell the tale of your dream.  Do not be limited by what has/hasn’t happened so far. Those details are no longer necessary in the biography of your life that is being revealed. Those aspects that you turn to, the ones that have shaped you, do not define you.  They are not, nor have they ever been Who you Are. Who you are is much deeper, and it is the deeper aspect that you seek.  For in the deep is your essence, but in the deep you must also come to terms with, and therefore seek, the pain of the wound that has kept you at a distance and has deferred you to the belief that you Are the sum of your experiences and that you are only as good as the reflection of what has been held in your perspective so far (old stories) or are only as much as what’s been mirrored back to you for you to see.  
 What is mirrored to you in your life, as all of your experiences unfold, as all of your relationships are engaged, is the wound that you at some point must heal.  So take the feedback that you have gotten or are getting from life and take heed. Look at the wound.  Go into it and bring the salve.  Go into it and hold the space with great compassion for it to heal.  Until you can forgive yourself for believing the stories that have created limitation, until you can forgive yourself for standing in your way, until you can forgive yourself completely and deeply, all of the reflections that mirror your wounds will remain.  Because no one out there has caused your pain.  Your pain is there, inherently for you to see, that this is your work in this lifetime, this is your thing that you came here to heal.  So get on with this work so that you can get to the good that’s beyond it. Take the light that is shining down upon you and the rays that reach beyond the brokenness that you perceive and let the hope of the new dawn set on your rising soul so that again in the magnificence of You you can believe.

The energy of yesterday was a tiger.  The eye of the tiger becoming the focal point ( the eye repeating itself from the other day).  This is about perception, about zeroing in on key aspects of concern or focus. The tiger represents fierceness and focus, determination and strength, and the courage and power to do it your own way. 
It is time to honor the uniqueness of your individuality, your Is-ness, your stripes, so that you can at last be All of the possibilities that you have kept at bay.  It is time to come into your power, to own your courage and strength and to know that the best way to move forward is to do it in your own unique way.  A tiger moves with poise and agility toward its prey.  Go get your game on with what it is you desire with the knowing and the passion, the focus and the purpose that this is (and will remain) your lucky day.  So long as you believe in you ( and by you, I mean the you that is inherently awesome, and that includes every inch of every aspect you’ve always been), you will get to where you’re going with ease.  The You that you long for is the whole you, not just some certain parts of you that you think maybe you could be proud of or the parts that you might be some day.  You must wear all of your stripes with pride in order to enter wholeness.  And the entering of wholeness initiates the gateway to the portal of the dreams you have kept at bay.  Part of you may not enter under the golden arches.  It is the whole you, the you in its entirety that is called forth.  So go get those pieces that have been shucked aside, that have been lost along the way, that have been left uncovered, or left behind.  Wear those stripes proud, every one of them.  They are what make you complete, when you gather them whole.  They are what make you strong, when you wear them proud.  
See precision with the eye of the tiger as your focus becomes direct and disciplined. If you are called to look at and hone in on certain aspects of you, on certain wounds, then hone.  Reclaim that piece of you that needs claiming.  Just don’t get lost in the process so that you only see this one stripe that you’re zeroing in on instead of the whole tiger.  Be fierce in your determination to get to the other side good when you sink into the belly of the underworld and not get swallowed by what you feel.  Use your inherent poise and agility to get the lesson and reclaim the whole and not get toppled or fall siege to the fear of what lies within or the threat of what’s beneath. You are strong in the pursuit of wholeness.  You are powerful in your completeness. You are fierce in your focus when you bring in the determination to bring love to all of your pieces and parts.  And you are beautiful, every stripe, and every moment of you.  Now it's time for you to see it that way.

And tracking back, I would say that the day before that, the 21st, represented the waterfall.  Cleansing and purification, as the water of our emotions trickled up and out, and over every crevice to make sure that no crack was left unchecked, and no rock is left unturned. This was a HUGE weekend for releasing and being bombarded with our S.T.U.F.F.!!!!!!...and all for good cause, of course.  We are being asked to Let. Go. Of Everything that we are still holding onto that continues to stand in our way.  So even if you’ve worked on it, or peeled the layers, chances are, if it’s still hanging around, on any level of consciousness, and it no longer serves you, it’s gonna come around again, and again, until you make the exchange.
Think of it this way, if it doesn’t come into consciousness, it remains in the unseen.  If it remains in the unseen, it continues to monopolize you.  If it continues to monopolize you, then you continue to get sabotaged, despite your best efforts, at every turn as you make your way to the other side but keep getting dragged back into the mudd.
The good news is, we are able to jump the hurdles easier now, and faster.  So before, when it might have taken, say, three or four days or weeks to undo or work through something, and to finally release it- now it can happen in an hour or just one day.  AND, not only that, but we can let go of droves of this stuff as it appears on the radar, simply with the intention that we no longer want it to stand in our way. How's that for evolution?!
So we’ve got power on our side, and speed, and rapidly growing integrity, as we piece through our pieces and decide ever quicker what we want to continue to align with and what we no longer need to be so or be in the way.
Days like this are truly cause for celebration. When stuff comes up for release and stares you strait in the face; when you are overcome by a trigger or suffering from its pain- this means that you are given a window to Heal, and that in the wake of healing, to find greater joy, and yes, of that wonderful and well-sought- after thing called peace.  And you can reach that not by continuing to run away or leave the hidden left uncovered, but only by the courageous act of facing the deep.  So go on, take a little look under the blanket of what’s seemed so big.  Have a little look-see under the hood.  Chances are you’ll discover that it’s really not so bad, that you are ready for it to come out of hiding, and that once it does it brings with it the discovery of what you’ve missed. Because within the darkness lie not only the pain but also the treasures.  Within the wounds are the keys to your every wish.  Lying there uncovered are the trails to blaze and the territories uncharted, and you, in your new-found adventure boots, must traipse across the land of the great unknown in order to find the most basic elements of the you left uncovered that remains. NO pieces or parts left behind!
You’ll know what I’m talking about when ya get there. Just climb in.  Know you won’t get swallowed.  And know that once you take the leap, you’ll be forever changed (in a good way, of course!)
Just let the residual muck fly off of you as you chase your stories on down to their themes.  Bring in a healthy dose of love, then add some more, and soon you’ll sew up the seems. Operation undone has begun. Have faith that there is mercy, that there is purpose, and that you are most certainly on your way to the top of the mountain to claim your peace.  You’re just making sure that all of your steps are solid as you climb up the ladder, and days like today are just days of securing the footing of another wrung as you come undone so that you can at last find your way to whole.

 *From what I hear, we are in for a ride for the next few days, so hold on tight, or let go, depending.  I have faith in you.  You have faith in you too.  It's all an illusion anyway, right?  I'll see if I can't tap in more frequently for you from now on out to lead you to the maze.  Who knows where we're being led though, and I'm finding that it's so much better to be led than to insist on where the flow needs to go. And that there's much more finding of peace in that instead (instead of the resist and the righting and the rigid of what's said by the head).

Love to all you sweet ones!
Blessings of light, and newness ahead!

Everlasting enchantment to you,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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