The energy forecast for today…
The theme of unity continues in the images below that we receive today. This year, the entering of the Aquarian Age is very much about community and coming together in Oneness. It is about setting aside our differences, our darknesses, and creating for the good of the All.
This is depicted in the first wisdom symbol of a gathering of beings, standing in circle. Together they hold a parachute that rises as they raise their arms, and lowers as they step back. This is about raising consciousness, together as a collective. This is very much about becoming part of something for the greater good; about participation, about realizing that, in fact, your vote counts. Your vote, your voice, your actions, your involvement- all of them are needed now and all of them contribute to raising the consciousness of the Everything. Join together with like-minded souls for the rememberance of who you are and the reawakening of your soul. In group, we are valued and honored. We are part of something. We are given the chance to see how much we matter. We are given the chance to belong. And we are given the opportunity to share ourselves on a much deeper level. We are given the chance to contribute, to partake, to work towards common goals. This symbol speaks to us of the need and importance of reaching beyond ourselves and becoming connected, intimately and purposefully, with our brothers. It talks of reviving and reestablishing the circle that was so central to cultures so long ago. And above all, it reminds us that our actions and our contributions matter, great and small, in a very big way.
The next symbol is a turtle. Here we are reminded to pace ourselves, to go slow, to proceed with care. This speaks of mindfulness. Mindfulness is the art of slowing down so that we can become conscious, so that we can become present, so that we can become intentional in our lives and in our ways of being. The turtle may seem to take forever to get where it’s going, but it gets where it needs to go in exactly the right time. There’s not a lot of needing to retrace its steps either, as it has full view ahead. When we slow down and consider our choices and our actions and reflect on our lives in a loving and unbiased way, we too are given clear view of our challenges an opportunities. In this, we are given the advantage of better understanding, and more purposefully traveling, the road ahead. In the case of this symbol, the turtle really does win the race.
Next, dropping in, is a parachuter falling from the sky. The parachute represents angelic guidance and leaning on the higher aspects of ourselves and on Creator to ‘break our fall’. The parachuter has no idea where he will land exactly. He only knows that there’s a good chance he will land safely. He has faith in the parachute to guide his fall and to carry him where he needs to go. It is this way when we trust in God, when we trust in our Selves, and when we understand that we are being guided (always) and that we can rely on this powerful support as we’re falling from the plane of our former existence and finding new footing on more solid ground.
Note the grace that the parachuter seems to exude as he floats down from the sky. This is an imperative element of our journey, one we should not overlook, and one we should invoke as often as we can. Slowly, slowly, he drifts. A second reminder to be here Now, not running in a million directions, not racing in your mind. Simply allowing for life to unfold, for your path to be shown. Simply knowing that you are supported, every inch of the way.
Final symbol for the day is a tree, a giant and gregarious Oak. It represents the Tree of Life. It represents our cycling through the evolutionary stages of our being. It is solid, and strong, and unwavering. It is mighty, and beautiful, and perfection. It Is without question of what it is. It does not question. Why should you? Be strong and stable like the tree. Be resilant and focused. Be disciplined and unwavering in your resolve to stay rooted, to reach for the sky, to stand proud in your essence, and to stand up in your role as a mighty and blessed divine child of God. Allow for the seasons. Allow for evolution. Allow for your leaves to fall and your branches to be stripped away. Allow for growth. Allow for new roots to dig deeper and for new aspects of you to seed. Every tree has a story, as do you. Let yours be told. Let your wisdom be known. Become that which you’ve been waiting for. Gestation behind you, it is time to rise and take shape. It is time for the tree of who you are to be life.
Be Still. Be True to who you Are. Be Love.
In grace,
P.S. Don't forget to sign up for your own personal yearly, monthly, or weekly forecast at
You can find out how to get out of your own way and get into alignment with who you truly are. Let me help you move forward faster. In honor of who you are, it is ever a privilege to assist and guide you on your path. And always, the most important part of that is reminding you that you are, most definitely, the Light. Shine on this year, Bright One. Shine bright!
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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