The energy forecast for today is rain and rainbows. There’s this cleansing element of rain puring down, and the visual I’m getting is the way rain appears when you look out the car window, on a really foggy day…with a purple haze and a surrealness about it, that makes the rain and the drops and the way that it hits the window and the way that it draws you in to witness it all seem like a moment in time where our gaze is fixed in the direction of a glimpse of where nature meets the soul to merge in a miracle and playing witness is what makes you whole again.
Do you know what I’m alluding to here? Have you witnessed these magical, mystical moments in your life in ways that you probably couldn’t quite understand what you were experiencing, but on a soul level, on a heart level, you knew that within that instant you were changed? I’m sure you have and if you haven’t you will, for these are the magical markers along the way. These are the kismet times when we are cleansed, when we are restored, through the essence of life, through the open arms of nature, through the desire of our hearts to let go and let god-ness (goodness) in.
These are the moments when God/Creation clicks the reset button and we are forever changed. By the grace of God, we are remade. So in the season of rebirth and resurrection, in these times when the foam is rising to the top so that the fat can be skimmed and we are looking to the ways that we can assist this process further, that we can get on with it already and get good, it is indeed a blessing to know and to open up to these moments where other than simply witness, and maybe open, nothing else of us is required in exchange. And the exchange is the cleanse that takes us deepest into our hearts to feel something there, to say goodbye, to say hello, to be humbled by the gifts of our lives, by the beauty of the world, by the simple abundance of nature, and the miracle of rain.
And if we look for these moments, for the purple rain, then we will see them everywhere as they are speckled throughout our each and every day. Hallelujah for that, and what better way to refocus our gaze, and pull away from the worry, from all of the perceived restrictions and problems (and I say perceived for a very deliberate reason) because, ya know, we choose for it to be that way. It is how we see it, and if we choose and intend to catapult ourselves forward, by lifting our gaze, then life itself (not just the scenery) begins to change.
Sometimes when we look out the window and see the rain falling or sense that it’s coming, we hesitate to embrace this gift from the sky for fear that it might get in the way. But it’s nourishing to let these rains fall, to be cleansed and to be carried, and its important to allow ourselves to be restored that way. Even the flowers need the rain. It can’ t be all sunlight all the time, they would wither and die without the balance of the wet to the dry, the water to the light, the ultimate yin to the yang.
And wither we do too when we try to stand too tall in the garden of life, grinning out at the world in our glory, forsaken our need to be watered, to cleanse our purge, and trying to do life in an unnatural way. We thrive through balance and nature knows a thing or two about that, so it behooves us to follow its lead and be quenched again. The unnatural is when we are forcing our will, leaning too much to one side of the fence, trying to go high without allowing for the low notes to be played. And perhaps the low isn’t even the counterforce of the high, perhaps it’s just the middle that sometimes needs to be played. The middle where we stop for a little while and breathe and take in the clouds and the trees. The middle where we remember to be present, to experience the miracles, to be grateful for our many blessings, and to breathe. Perhaps it's where we just slow down and Be.
To me, this middle isn’t somber, it’s a breeding ground for inspiration and creativity. The purging of the rain, especially when it’s purple is anything but somber or mundane. It’s the essence of life and a highlight of our existance, where we are graced with the beauty of the simple, and we are, by the merci of God and the moment, cut off from the profane. These are the picture book moments that it’s important to capture. These are the moments that we need highlight in that book called life. These are the moments that define us in ways that we can’t quite explain ( and we don’t ever have to), These are the cherished moments of purple rain.
Within this rain is the rainbow, is the hope and the underlying love and the joy restored, is the faith again to believe…in the simple wonder of life and all that it offers us without the desire for anything in return, and all the ways that it continues to support us in being.
So welcome the rain. Welcome the goodness. Open to the moments of being graced and changed. Let go of your needing it to be any other way than it is. I beg of you, let go, if even just for right now, of the reins. You are the light that radiates the wonder of this blessed rainbow. And you are inevitably the receiver of goodness so long as you allow for the sacred moments and let yourself see the purple and feel the cleansing of the gift within each drop of rain whose reflection is here to show you the way to the pure, and the simple, the abundance, and the rays of grace that sustain.
Blessings to all you beautiful souls!
Blessings of love!
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
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