Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.10, 2012~ The Octopus, Living Gratitude, Base Camp, and The Hall of Mirrors

The energy forecast for today…

Is several sets of images. 

There are a set of stairs. In this time of higher vision when we are grasping glimpses of what Is, and what could be, it can be easy to get ahead of ourselves.  It can be all too easy to fall into the trap of lusting after what we desire, especially when we are getting the feeling that it is on its way or that those shoes we’ve been eying in the window definitely fit or are real close to already being on our feet.  Even though our intuition is getting keener and we are becoming more connected with the manifestations of ours that are on the way, we are being asked to step down from this perch of higher vision a bit so that we do not get lost in the clouds. 
It is important to stay grounded in the Now of this moment and not go chasing our dreams and alluding what we’ve already got on our plate and what’s right at our feet.  It’s enough to know that it’s on its way, whatever ‘it’ is that we are having the sense is moving closer and into the range of being. We don’t have to grab on in order for it to become real. We have reached a point where ‘seeing’ is believing.  We know that these things that we’ve hoped and dreamed for are on the way and we don’t have to scoot them onto the stage just yet.  More importantly, we have to stay in the here and now and allow for them to find their way, in the divine time that they're moving in, and allow for the perfection of their movement to be. When we get lost in chasing them or trying to 'make happen', we loose presence, and that's not part of the game that we're reinventing for ourselves. That's the old way, and we don't have to play that way anymore. That way is over for us, if we allow it to be, and if we allow for the way to be shown. Breath and let be.  Breath and let be. And stay present, so that you can be here when that thing you're waiting for arrives. You wouldn't want to miss that would ya, and you wouldn't want to miss out on everything that's already there for you already too, so as crazy-making as it may feel to wait some times, stay put and let be.

In climbing Mount Everest, there are places called base camps. The climbers must stop at these camps as they go higher and higher in order to acclimate to the rising elevations.  If they don’t give themselves a chance to adjust along the way and try to do it all in one shot, they face certain death. We need to stop at base camps along the way to our dreams so that we can give our rising vibrations a chance to settle into our bones. We get excited about the climb and about mingling in the clouds as we get better and better glimpses of our visions, but we need to remember to catch our breath. We can’t wait to arrive at the top, but in order to get there safely, we have to pace ourselves and allow for these lay-overs along the way.  If we move too quickly up the mountain, we won’t reach our destination because we can’t put one foot in front of the other when we don’t feel safe. 
When we are walking in the direction of our dreams we will encounter our deepest fears and these will be the things that stop us in our tracks. It’s not enough to step over them indiscreetly.  We have to go into these fears that are our wounds and apply the compassion and the love that is the salve of true healing.  We have to spend some time in these places, with our wounds, with ourselves, with our fears, or we will find that we slip further back. When we try to go too quickly and evolve further than or take on more than we are ready for we cannot be successful because these fears, improperly tended to will get in the way.  But when we take the precaution of climbing responsibly by stopping at the ‘base camp’ once we have reached a certain elevation and before traveling further on in the direction of our dreams, we have given ourselves a chance to digest our further movement into wholeness and into the arms of what we desire.
 By giving ourselves a chance to take a breath and ‘be’ with our fears and digest the change in elevation, we are holding the compassionate space to move forward as we are ready rather than getting ahead of ourselves through our need to make it happen fast. Be wise in your rise and allow for the acclimation to take place, knowing that in these stop-over places, you are not standing still, you are simply preparing for the next step. Preparedness will ensure better footing as you climb. You want to reach the top (and you will) but do it in a way that feels safe for you soul by giving it a chance to make the right moves and avoid the pitfalls of rising too quick.

You just may be stopped over in one of these base camps right now. You will know it as such if you are feeling a little restless or bored or longing for the next thing.  You will know you are there if you are in a place of trying to control or manipulate your surroundings or having a hard time waiting for things to find their way to fruition. We are used to exerting control in our lives. We try to control our environment, to control the outcomes, to manipulate what we want to happen. And we do this in order to feel safe.  Uncertainty is unnerving to our human nature.  We want what we want and we want it now, and we absolutely want it our way. Even when we know (or sense) that what we desire is on the way, we have trouble settling into and trusting in it if it hasn’t shown up in the clear and been made certain (by our own or old standards anyway).

What if the only certainty were change.  What if we could find a way to relax into the unknown, knowing that the Universe had our backs and that all things are happening exactly as they need be? What if we could let go and stop holding onto the need to control and and the need to will into being all that we feel needs to be in place in order to ensure that we are safe?  It would be quite a different existence for us then, wouldn’t it?  Yes, it most certainly would indeed.  And it’s a world worth trying for.  For in this way of being, there is not the pressure to perform, to fix, to resolve, to verify, to ensure, or to change. There is simply the art of relaxing into what Is, and What Is already knows what to do.  Let What Is do the heavy lifting and all the hard work for a change. It’s not worth the wear and the tear and the worry that all of the pressure cooker creates when we’re trying so hard to make everything just so. This you know. Now live it.

The next symbols of wisdom are the octopus and the hall of mirrors. We travel down the hall of life trying to shut one door and to open another. We have got all eight tentacles out, in every direction, shutting what we want to leave behind and be done with and trying with all of our might to pry open what we think we’re ready for or what needs to go in its place. What we fail to see is what’s behind the scenes and within the deep.
If a door remains open, despite our efforts to make it close, there is still something there that needs to be looked into. Leave that door alone for a while and allow for whatever needs to be resolved or absolved to do its thing. There are lessons in these places and we need not run away too quick in search of the next thing as we chase after an agenda. If there are doors that aren’t yet as open as we’d like them to be and things that you desire haven’t shown up fully or with certainty for you yet, you don’t have to wait for the confirmation. Not everything appears to be what it is. In order for anything to happen, there are a number of variables that must take place. You are not privy to all of the ins and outs of the everything, and at this point, your really don’t need to be. The lesson is in trust, in you and in the Universe (same thing), and in allowing for the natural order of things to just happen. When there is a lag or down time between the seed and the growth, understand that you are simply (and with great necessity) at a base camp, acclimating, allowing for your vibration to catch up with your vision or your vision to catch up with your vibe. Let it be.  It’s nature, it’s flow, it’s the order of things, and the order of things doesn’t need you to make it so.

The hall of mirrors also mentions that it’s important to listen to what you speak. The wisdom and the advice that you offer to another is exactly what you yourself need to hear the most. The hall of life presents us with plenty of mirrors in which the truth is reflected back to ourselves. Be aware and express gratitude for these reflective devices, as too often we remain ambiguous to the wisdom that resides within us until it is reverberated back from the voice of another at just the right time it is ready to be heard. (You will know it when it does, because it will strike a deep chord within. And this chord could not be struck unless the wisdom already resided there, waiting to be heard.) And at that point, it can be ingested. And at that point there is shift and you will grow. (The paradox is that you will grow from what you already know. Here's where consciousness comes in though, for in order for it to penetrate, it has to reach a level that you are ready to integrate with. This is why we need each other so. We don't trust ourselves or our wisdom enough yet to grow on our own, so we need the reflection.)  Appreciate the hall of mirrors.  It's what makes your progress so.

While traveling down these halls and waiting at these base camps, take a moment (or many) to participate in active gratitude.  Bring your awareness to the multiple blessings that already grace your life at this time. We may not know it, but many times, while waiting at base camp, we are sitting on the miracle. We become so focused on chasing the dream and nailing down the details or searching for confirmation of what may be arriving into our lives that we fail to notice, appreciate, or enjoy all that we’ve already manifested into being and the beautiful life that has flowered into fruition within our gardens up to this point. All that has manifested up to this point supports all that is on its way. And though you may be feeling that your life is coming up empty because the evidence of what you wait for to arrive has not appeared, it is like a volcano preparing to bubble to the surface, as all of the underground foundations are laid. Don't doubt what is happening behind the scenes or under the surface.  It is some seriously powerful stuff!  Without it there would not be the explosion into reality that comes next. You're sitting on the miracle about to erupt, believing that it may never be so. We question the miracles, but we fail to see that they are right under our noses (or in this case, right under our seats).

And when you get to the place where you become aware of what you’ve got to be grateful for,of what you can appreciate in your life, take it to the next level of Active gratitude by connecting with all of the people in your life that you hold gratitude for and showing your love for them. Take it to the next level and bless everything in your life as it is right now, at this moment, and rejoice for the joy it has brought your way.  Know that even that which you perceive has brought you misery or sorrow has done so in order that you could excavate out what no longer needs to remains and stands in the way of you reaching deeper so that you could get to the joy and the golden underneath. So rejoice. Celebrate.  All that you have and all that you are already is divine. A divine blessing and miracle indeed.  Take some time to think on this and appreciate. Growing your gratitude is the art of cultivating more goodness in your life. It is the art of receiving, believing, and saying grace.

There’s this saying that man can get to death by two ways.  One is through nature, the other is by grace.  In nature, man is prone to react, to chase after what eludes him ; to great suffering and habitual acts of insanity that take him in circular motions rather than further and further into his heart, or the place of grace.  In grace, there is the allowing for what is to simply be; and to live in that state, we only need step out of our own way. It’s interesting that when we say grace before meals it is our giving of gratitude. So getting to a place of grace is entered though grateful living, through active gratitude, because in gratitude is not a need for more but a salient satisfaction with what already happens to be.

Be grateful for each breath and for the miracles to be breathed into your life right this moment as we speak. Take your hands (all eight of them) off of the gears and relax into the flow of what wants to be. Enjoy the base camp.  Appreciate its purpose and find peace...in the now, right where you are, as you are, and know that all you have to do, ever, is beleive.

Kisses bright bearers of light!
Let go of the agenda and hold tight to the make beleive.

Blessings of joy!

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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