Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 26th, 2012~ The End of the Ice Age; Melting Away the Old Through Forgiveness, 'Cause There's Got To Be A Better Way

The energy forecast for today is a dinosaur.  This is about doing it the same old way.  This is about refusing to move out of the past and its restrictions, its limited and horribly oppressive way of thinking.  If we continue to delve into and inhabit the past, how are we ever going to move forward?  How can we advance, as a society, as a people, as individuals, as a whole, if we are about-face and pining or perusing the carnage of what was or what has appeared to be?  We won’t.  We don’t.  We just keep getting more of the same.

The same is not the name of the game.  The same doesn’t keep it simple, it makes it complicated.  If what was worked then we wouldn’t feel like we have to do it again.  There are four ‘R’s’ that I’m going to tell you about that keep us stuck in ‘same’.  And really they are about shame.  The four ‘R’s’ are rejection, resentment, regret, and resistance.   And the base element that holds them all together is called restriction, so let’s say that’s the fifth 'R' is the one that encircles all of the rest and keeps them in the game.  Why do we restrict ourselves so?  Because we get caught in judgment which is the kingdom of living in the past.  If we are not analyzing or judging that which has been, we are summing up that which will be or Is.  But in judgment, we are only categorizing based on what we’ve experienced, so always, in all ways, judgment keep you locked into the previous, the days gone by, the what was, and the what’s been. How restricting is that in and of itself?

In order to move past judgment we have to forgive.  And what does it mean to forgive?  The best working definition of forgiveness that I’ve found so far is to not need whatever’s happened, or anything, or anyone to be any other way that it was or is.   So it’s about coming to peace with our experiences, with our feelings, with our outcomes.  It’s about putting peace higher than our need to be right, to seek justice, or to relive.  We pay a high price to live in the battleground of what’s been before, with all of its should’s, could-have’s, and wish-it-woulds. That place is so frozen, so canned, that it infringes on our potential to move forward and dispels the truth of what IS.

This is the Ice Age, which has frozen everything in place.  We lock ourselves into these places of our experiences thinking it dictates that rest of the way.  We think that we must refer (there’s another 'R' for ya) to what has been, doning our archiology or historian hats in order to exact the way.  But the way isn’t derived from the past, the way is derived from what Is.  The past doesn’t define or create so long as we see through to a way that’s evolved and new.  The past is limited to what it WAS and therefore can’t be the way through.  So that way of thinking is old (literally), and we’ve pretty clearly established, yes, that it doesn’t serve you, not to say that you won’t defer to it again. But that’s another lesson.  Old habits die hard when we’re hanging onto them, when we believe in them, and when we subscribe to them being the truth.

Let’s debunk a little bit, for the sake of making it new, and look at some false truths.  We think that if we reflect ( ah, yet another ‘R’) on the past, then we will get a roadmap for how to proceed.  We think it’s fossil fuel.  We think it’s the way forward, the way to progress, but in reality it gets in the way.  This fuel that we’re pulling from is pollution.  It’s killing the environment of our dreams.  It’s prehistoric.  And it’s detrimental, to our heath, to our well-being, to our ability to play. 

And we’re here to do that, you know.  We weren’t put here on this Earth to be slaves.  We carry this cross and we wear this crown of thorns as we crawl across the ground in route to crucifixion.  But I ask you, who is that serving anyway?  Even Jesus questions God’s plan as he hung there on the cross wondering if it couldn’t/shouldn’t be another way.  He questioned and was disconnected from his father, and in that moment he asked ‘my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’  Maybe even Jesus got a little too caught up in his ego ( I know, it's so sacrilig!) and wanting to save the world all on his own, and when God yanked that plan out from under him it rattled him to know that his plan wasn’t gonna go into play.  And maybe God was saying, “Yeah, ya know, that’s not the message I want to send to them about what it means to be in the energy of the Christ, and being Christed (or living from Christ Consciousness (ie. Your heart) isn’t about doing it all your way.”   So to all of us messiahs out there who are trying to change/save the world (or our own world) and make things happen through our own limited perception, we have that Christ-on-the-cross moment where our hand is being slapped and our perspective is being skewed and we’re being asked to repent, and see it another way.

The opposite of the word repent, by definition, is paranoia.  I find that fascinating, as it’s so the place that we go to when we get lost in the four R’s.  So then, to repent means, literally, to open up to the miracles and to See it a different way.  And look at what happened when Jesus finally opened up and gave in.  He was saved.  He was seated at the right hand of God, of salvation, and then he was resurrected within a couple of days.  He was reborn, in the newness (and this is key) of what it means to Be.  He ‘got’ that it wasn’t About him saving the day, it was about him doing it hand in hand with God- in consciously co-creating the way forward, and that that was the Christed way.  The Christed way is about SEEING through the eyes of God, through the heart, so that you can move all of the other stuff out of the way.  So the restriction, and the worry, and the roadblocks that want to keep you ‘same’ are needing to get runover by a truck right now so that they can die and be risen, so that they can see a better day.

Same equals shame when you’re living from the four ‘R’s and we don’t want to pull from that sludge when we’re trying to create a new platform which has the potential to be our runway to take flight and move forward in our Game. Try on some new R’s for size, like rebirth (or letting go of what was, letting it die so the new can come into form). Or how about resurrection- to take on new life through the Seeing of miracles, to be born anew, fresh and washed clean of the old, of the sin ( which only means to disconnect.  And it’s important to realize that every time we cycle into the old R’s there is disconnection, and this is what sets us into the spin-cycle and further and further away from the tunnel of truth that funnels down All of the possibilities and not just the limited perspective of our pasts and of our heads).  An here’s one more 'R' for you today to try on for size, let’s make it rejoice.  Wow, that’s a mighty powerful one, now isn’t it?  What if you just scoot all those other 'R’s' out of the way and make room for Joy?  Rejoice is to celebrate, to give thanks, to be in gratitude, to give joy in the Name of that which is Great.  Far better operating instructions in those R’s, if ya ask me. So, how ‘bout trying them on for a day, especially since, as the energy report would indicate, you are most likely thick in dinosaur bones and trying to dig yourself free.

Freedom isn’t in the fight and the flight of the 'R’s' of restriction, it’s in the breathing room that we give ourselves when we move into a space of new vision, of heart vision, of SEEING, that there is another way, and that it’s God’s way (or however you want to word that), and seeing that beyond your scope or point of view requires that in a new way you Believe.

I know I got a little (or a lot) Biblical on you today, but there are so many hidden and poignant messages there that can be so easily lost or misconstrued, and we can really use those messages today.  So, on that note, here’s one more that I'll throw out at you, especially in the name of the end days that the evangelicals are pronouncing are written in the sign of the times of these days, and that one more thing I want to talk about is being Saved.

Here we’ve moved beyond the R’s to an 'S' and now we’ll break down the definition of what 'saved' truly means.  To be saved is the same as what we we were talkin’ before, to be saved is to see it another way.  To put down that which you are so attached to (to your story and to your beliefs and to your beloved 'R’s') and to open up to the Grace of what remains to be seen.  Let go of the great known ( the past is known, the familiar, the comfortable, the done before) and break out into the Great Unknown so that you can Be beyond where you’ve been.

Shalom, my friends, be at peace. Find your center, find your grace and move on up from that place. Allow the ice to melt, avert your gaze to the energy of what currently in this now moment is, and let the bygone moments of before pass you longer needing them to stay in place for reference, for referral, for refining...just coming to peace with what's now, what's before you, and what's been. You deserve the peace and the stillness. You deserve the better way.

And so it is.

Love and Grace,
Here's to fresh perspective!
Here's to being Saved!


 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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