Monday, January 16, 2012

THe Energy Forecast for Jan.16, 2012~ $$$ Money $$$

The energy forecast for today is…

Money. it looks like abundance, but it doesn’t feel that way. When you think of an abundance of money, money-just-falling-from-the-sky kind of money, how does it make you feel? Is it a toss of excitement and anxiety? Most of us have ‘issues’ revolving around that thing called money. What most of us don’t realize is that this has to do with difficulties in receiving. I’m not talking about your inability to manifest or attract money into your lives receiving.  I’m talking about your inability to receive in general is what causes the lack that you are perceiving as financial scarcity.  That’s just on of the ways that is shows up, this reflection from the Universe of our inability to open wide and let it in. I’m sure you could name other areas too that you are feeling the pinch, but today’s message and meaning is about money, so let’s go there for now and see where it takes us. Isn’t it time to clean up that area of your capacity for living so that you can let go of the sense of restriction that’s probably haunted you for most of your existence? When we feel abundant, when we feel taken care of and provided for, we can move onto focusing on other areas of our lives that need attention, like play, purpose, and extending our potentiality into the realms and resources that we’re really here to toil in. This is about surviving versus thriving.  We don’t need a ton of money to survive, though our society (and therefore, most likely our own mindset) tell us that we do. We don’t need to be rich to feel like we are blessed or that our life is rich. That is a mindset too. In order to get to the place where money is no longer an issue or an encumbrance, we have to get to the place that we’re swimming in faith. Not drowning and hoping for a miracle, but doing laps and getting lost in the stuff we enjoy doing while knowing that our prosperity and our financial security will be provided for.

So your work for today is to take a look at the wounds within you surrounding survival, surrounding finances, surrounding faith. So much of this is deeply intertwined, so to heal one is to heal the other. When we do not feel like we can trust in a God or in our Higher Selves to take care of the stuff that is beyond our means or beyond our reason, we do not feel that it is within our grasp to survive.  When survival is always in question, it leaves little room for the thrive. We have to move out of the first chakra need to get needs met and the pain of not having them met for so long or so far in order to travel on up into the other energy centers of pleasure and play. That is what we’re here for after all.  We’re here to enjoy the good stuff. But in order to relax into life, we have to set down our conviction that we are not worthy, that we are not capable, that money is evil, or that richness will always be an arms-length or a million miles away.

Shift into a new mindset through taking some time with your money wounds, with your survival issues, with your insecurities, with your doubt and unrest today. By loving these places within you and offering them reassurance, by offering them a new perspective that relies on faith, by seeing that living on a shoestring brings you the benefit of living wisely, you shave away the scabs and the culmination of what you’ve believed in that has gotten you to this place.
Shifting your beliefs takes you to a new place.  It offers you a window into another world where scarcity is scarce. You are blessed. You are abundant. And life may not offer you everything you want but it Always offers you everything you need.  Believe this. It will take you into a realm of possibilities that offers you solace and rest. Rest for the weary is warranted.  And a life spent in turmoil over needs met is one sure way to get worn down. As long as you are carrying the chip on your shoulders of never having enough you trump the probability of what wants ( and what Is) flowing your way.  You are in proverbial denial when you walk around saying ‘why not me’, ‘when will I ever have enough’, ‘why can’t I get ahead?’. The answer to all of these questions is to get out of your head.  Sink into your heart and love those spaces whole that have carried the burden of always coming up short, always seeking for more, and never feeling good enough. You are the more, you are the plenty, you are more than (with those not-rose-colored glasses of perspective) you can see.

Allow for the healing in this area of your life today as the doors to abundance come flying open and the riches you desire find the loophole to come your way. Remember, it’s not about the dollar amount or the mother-load, it’s about the perspective. Shift that and the shift will take care of the rest.

You are rich. You are taken care of.  You are abundantly blessed.
Know this and the rest of what you desire will follow.
Believe this and the peace will flow.

To abundance and grace,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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