The energy forecast for today is…
The unicorn and the pyramid. Both of these symbols represent so many things that lead us into what I really wanted to talk about today, which is a little known secret about 2012, that I have received. Each month of this year will focus on a different energy center and it’s aspects that need be embraced and/or healed. So each month’s total energy will revolve around a certain theme and that theme will be based, in part, on the ‘chakra of the month’ which will color the flavor of what, for your growth (and always for your growth) needs to be seen.
Last month, or January, was all about base chakra issues. There was a lot that came up for so many having to do with survival, with needs being met/unmet, with money, with home, with health and with overall feelings about what keep one feeling/not feeling safe. There was a lot that had to do with understanding what our needs really are about and needing to look at new ways of understanding or defining them and coming to terms with the wounds that had been set in place based on those needs-not-being-met. There was a lot that came up for review having to do with being lovable/not lovable, worthy/not worthy and therefore able/or not to receive. And we looked, or course, at all of the ways that we See ourselves beneath the surface as we faced the deep.
The first chakra is a place where we learn to root. And if our roots aren’t healthy then we have a tough time making our way in the world because we have nothing solid from which to pull from as a base. January gave us a chance to go into a deeper state of ‘up-rooting’ and it allowed for a new paradigm of rebooting as we began to see that what was doesn’t have to define us in the way we ‘think’ it does, and that we can root in our essence rather than be ruled by the messages that were written on our inner chalkboards throughout the times that these wounds of our past were seemingly written in ink.
And as January came to a close, we got a peek into what February would hold. The second chakra that this second month of the year engages is so much about relationships, with others and with self. So as January dealt with identity, February shows us how the identity that we are rooted in projects out onto our interactions and interrelations and how it either connects or disconnects us from others and our selves. This month a la manana also has much to do with pleasure. So it will be time to delve into the sensual, as we begin to taste the pleasures of life in a deeper and more profound way. We will also be shown, or course, why and how we are restricted (key word for the month. Every time you hear the word restriction, drink) from pleasure and joy and we will be excavating the pain of that delayed gratification that no doubt was elicited long ago and continues to play out to this day. We will be presented with plenty of opportunities to play, to expand in relationship and community, to indulge, to express, and to come into our own with really Being in the world through our ability to expand beyond what is safe, what is secure, and what has been.
March will take us further along this upward spiral of chakra bliss as we take a good hard look at what keeps us centered and alternately off-balance; what divides us; what makes us turn into control-junkies; and what brings us peace. This third month of the year will also liberate us to be more connected with a deeper sense of a knowing that our will truly is God’s will (and vice versa) and that knowing and living this essential truth is key.
And each month will recap on the last and lead us into the next. So as February enters the scene, there will be a ‘review’ of what you may have missed or still need to learn pertaining to the ‘I’ statements of January and a role-call of what you really want to associate as your most basic needs and therefor, your identity. And as Feb. comes to a fade, there will be the glimpses into the month that follows that will take you into that belly of yours for some probably-not-so-brief interludes with what it means to be in alignment (and what keeps you off the mark) with what truly steers the wheel.
So what does this have to do with a unicorn or a pyramid? Here’s where it gets deep (grin). The unicorn represents, along with the fantasy aspect, a connection to the unseen. There’s a mystical and a magical theme to this animal and it carries the crown of the horn which is the antennae to that land of make-believe. Unicorns are also associated with rainbows (which represent the chakras and the balancing of all of the colors or aspects of who we are). And rainbows are notoriously associated with dreams. So, the horned horse has to do with our bridging our nature with the unseen, or the otherworldly, with the forces beyond, and finding our way back to make-believe. This is about reclaiming and resuming our child-like nature from whence we can become the kings we were meant to be. It’s the child at heart that rules the Earth, right? So, in a way, it’s our signal to stop being so serious, and so grown up, and to open to the unknown and the beyond and just let the rest be.
The chakra work that I see unfolding over the next several months is very much in line with not needing to be so serious and exact, not needing to be the drudgery that we’re used to if we’ve traveled this path for any length of time, but more so, the ‘work’ ahead is about letting what needs to be revealed be revealed. It’s about letting rather than being lectured to, and about reforming through renewal and forgiveness (or finally letting go) rather than being beaten into submission and rehashing the same old scene. Overall, it’s a much gentler approach, yet the message is clear- get it and go on or keep holding on to what you think it needs to be and get stuck (key word, think).
The chakra work ahead is about accesing all of the natural states that we were meant to enjoy. It’s about going higher and farther and well beyond where we’ve been. It’s about moving into ourselves in a way that calls for not exclusively excavation, but recalibration because we are being asked to get comfortable in these skins of ours and move in-Fully-and without hesitation, with no more holding back (by holding onto), and no more reservation about what will happen if we do, based on our overview of what’s been. Release the past and fall in. It’s into the vast that we are being pushed towards and it’s here that we get the rainbows, here that we get to touch and smell and taste, here that we get to really know what it is to LOVE-and above, and here that we get to stay. (if we so choose, that is.)
And it’s all about the choosing, so that’s where the pyramid comes in. The pyramid is all about restructuring, so burning down the house and starting over. Evicting the former tenant, becoming the new landlord, and moving in. And with any new residences, you would want to make sure that the foundation is solid and that the foundation is secure. Not much doubt about that with the pyramid- that’s about as solid of a foundation as you can get. And the peak of the pyramid leads you strait to the point of focus, which is where you want to be facing as you dance through this next phase of your life, with your toes on fire and your face lit up by the light that shines down upon you to guide your way. Can’t think of a better place to set up shop than a pyramid. It’s exact. It’s in perfect alignment. It’s a temple erected in monument of What’s Great. And within is a house of knowledge, of ancient wisdom, and of sacred things. As to is the case with your within, and this is the within that you are being directed to see.
So January prepared us to revise our root structure, revisit old wounds that keep us stuck in the past, and to reexamine where we truly want to dig in and stake our claim. This was an excellent month for recreating our base and getting solid in who we are and coming to peace with who we are not and realizing that without embracing it all we don't get to that wholeness, which is the point of the game. The first layer of the pyramid has been laid. You may have a few more bricks and mortar to throw on the pile as we enter the month two, but you will quickly be swept away into the teamwork elements that are in order to erect the most solid of sights and will be shown (without fail) what kind of team player you have the propensity to be.
Allow for that unicorn to remain in the out-the corner-or your–eye vision and keep in sight the miracles, and the mystical elements of all of the under-the-surface and behind-the-scenes aspects that are in play. You may witness them as synchronicity or serendipity, or perhaps they’ll just restore you’re belief in the need to put greater stock into the power of play. Good ol’ fashion play, remember that? The child at heart does. And that’s what you’re being called back to this month, so prepare for some good times to roll out your way.
Into the months we're led as we find our way to the bottom and back up to the top, creating balance, restoring newness, and trailblazing the way.
Be still as the unfolding finds you and you will know rather than seek out the answers to the riddles ahead.
Make believe again,
Believe in you!
Forever blessed and full of abundance, as long as we know in our hearts for it to be true!
Grace and goodness,
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.
Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.