Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.31, 2012~ Rainbow Balancing, The Pyramid Points Up, And Enchanted is Comming Your Way

The energy forecast for today is…

The unicorn and the pyramid. Both of these symbols represent so many things that lead us into what I really wanted to talk about today, which is a little known secret about 2012, that I have received.  Each month of this year will focus on a different energy center and it’s aspects that need be embraced and/or healed.    So each month’s total energy will revolve around a certain theme and that theme will be based, in part, on the ‘chakra of the month’ which will color the flavor of what, for your growth (and always for your growth) needs to be seen.

Last month, or January, was all about base chakra issues.  There was a lot that came up for so many having to do with survival, with needs being met/unmet, with money, with home, with health and with overall feelings about what keep one feeling/not feeling safe.  There was a lot that had to do with understanding what our needs really are about and needing to look at new ways of understanding or defining them and coming to terms with the wounds that had been set in place based on those needs-not-being-met.  There was a lot that came up for review having to do with being lovable/not lovable, worthy/not worthy and therefore able/or not to receive.  And we looked, or course, at all of the ways that we See ourselves beneath the surface as we faced the deep.  

The first chakra is a place where we learn to root.  And if our roots aren’t healthy then we have a tough time making our way in the world because we have nothing solid from which to pull from as a base.  January gave us a chance to go into a deeper state of ‘up-rooting’ and it allowed for a new paradigm of rebooting as we began to see that what was doesn’t have to define us in the way we ‘think’ it does, and that we can root in our essence rather than be ruled by the messages that were written on our inner chalkboards throughout the times that these wounds of our past were seemingly written in ink.

And as January came to a close, we got a peek into what February would hold. The second chakra that this second month of the year engages is so much about relationships, with others and with self.  So as January dealt with identity, February shows us how the identity that we are rooted in projects out onto our interactions and interrelations and how it either connects or disconnects us from others and our selves.  This month a la manana also has much to do with pleasure.  So it will be time to delve into the sensual, as we begin to taste the pleasures of life in a deeper and more profound way.  We will also be shown, or course, why and how we are restricted (key word for the month. Every time you hear the word restriction, drink) from pleasure and joy and we will be excavating the pain of that delayed gratification that no doubt was elicited long ago and continues to play out to this day.  We will be presented with plenty of opportunities to play, to expand in relationship and community, to indulge, to express, and to come into our own with really Being in the world through our ability to expand beyond what is safe, what is secure, and what has been.

March will take us further along this upward spiral of chakra bliss as we take a good hard look at what keeps us centered and alternately off-balance; what divides us; what makes us turn into control-junkies; and what brings us peace. This third month of the year will also liberate us to be more connected with a deeper sense of a knowing that our will truly is God’s will (and vice versa) and that knowing and living this essential truth is key.

And each month will recap on the last and lead us into the next.  So as February enters the scene, there will be a ‘review’ of what you may have missed or still need to learn pertaining to the ‘I’ statements of January and a role-call of what you really want to associate as your most basic needs and therefor, your identity.  And as Feb. comes to a fade, there will be the glimpses into the month that follows that will take you into that belly of yours for some probably-not-so-brief interludes with what it means to be in alignment (and what keeps you off the mark) with what truly steers the wheel.

So what does this have to do with a unicorn or a pyramid?  Here’s where it gets deep (grin).   The unicorn represents, along with the fantasy aspect, a connection to the unseen.  There’s a mystical and a magical theme to this animal and it carries the crown of the horn which is the antennae to that land of make-believe. Unicorns are also associated with rainbows (which represent the chakras and the balancing of all of the colors or aspects of who we are). And rainbows are notoriously associated with dreams.  So, the horned horse has to do with our bridging our nature with the unseen, or the otherworldly, with the forces beyond, and finding our way back to make-believe.  This is about reclaiming and resuming our child-like nature from whence we can become the kings we were meant to be.  It’s the child at heart that rules the Earth, right?  So, in a way, it’s our signal to stop being so serious, and so grown up, and to open to the unknown and the beyond and just let the rest be.

The chakra work that I see unfolding over the next several months is very much in line with not needing to be so serious and exact, not needing to be the drudgery that we’re used to if we’ve traveled this path for any length of time, but more so, the ‘work’ ahead is about letting what needs to be revealed be revealed. It’s about letting rather than being lectured to, and about reforming through renewal and forgiveness (or finally letting go) rather than being beaten into submission and rehashing the same old scene.  Overall, it’s a much gentler approach, yet the message is clear- get it and go on or keep holding on to what you think it needs to be and get stuck (key word, think). 

The chakra work ahead is about accesing all of the natural states that we were meant to enjoy.  It’s about going higher and farther and well beyond where we’ve been.  It’s about moving into ourselves in a way that calls for not exclusively excavation, but recalibration because we are being asked to get comfortable in these skins of ours and move in-Fully-and without hesitation, with no more holding back (by holding onto), and no more reservation about what will happen if we do, based on our overview of what’s been.  Release the past and fall in.  It’s into the vast that we are being pushed towards and it’s here that we get the rainbows, here that we get to touch and smell and taste, here that we get to really know what it is to LOVE-and above, and here that we get to stay. (if we so choose, that is.)

And it’s all about the choosing, so that’s where the pyramid comes in.  The pyramid is all about restructuring, so burning down the house and starting over. Evicting the former tenant, becoming the new landlord, and moving in.  And with any new residences, you would want to make sure that the foundation is solid and that the foundation is secure.  Not much doubt about that with the pyramid- that’s about as solid of a foundation as you can get.   And the peak of the pyramid leads you strait to the point of focus, which is where you want to be facing as you dance through this next phase of your life, with your toes on fire and your face lit up by the light that shines down upon you to guide your way.  Can’t think of a better place to set up shop than a pyramid.  It’s exact.  It’s in perfect alignment.  It’s a temple erected in monument of What’s Great. And within is a house of knowledge, of ancient wisdom, and of sacred things.  As to is the case with your within, and this is the within that you are being directed to see.

So January prepared us to revise our root structure, revisit old wounds that keep us stuck in the past, and to reexamine where we truly want to dig in and stake our claim.  This was an excellent month for recreating our base and getting solid in who we are and coming to peace with who we are not and realizing that without embracing it all we don't get to that wholeness, which is the point of the game.  The first layer of the pyramid has been laid.  You may have a few more bricks and mortar to throw on the pile as we enter the month two, but you will quickly be swept away into the teamwork elements that are in order to erect the most solid of sights and will be shown (without fail) what kind of team player you have the propensity to be. 

Allow for that unicorn to remain in the out-the corner-or your–eye vision and keep in sight the miracles, and the mystical elements of all of the under-the-surface and behind-the-scenes aspects that are in play.  You may witness them as synchronicity or serendipity, or perhaps they’ll just restore you’re belief in the need to put greater stock into the power of play.  Good ol’ fashion play, remember that?  The child at heart does.  And that’s what you’re being called back to this month, so prepare for some good times to roll out your way.

Into the months we're led as we find our way to the bottom and back up to the top, creating balance, restoring newness, and trailblazing the way.

Be still as the unfolding finds you and you will know rather than seek out the answers to the riddles ahead.

Make believe again,
Believe in you!

Forever blessed and full of abundance, as long as we know in our hearts for it to be true!

Grace and goodness,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

The Energy Forecast for Jan.30, 2012~Wetlands and Marshes, The Places In-Between

The energy forecast for today is…

Wetlands.  We are neither here nor there and we are feeling it. The ground we stand on now is no longer solid,  at least not in the sense we are used to anyway.  We have been converted into ‘other beings’ in that the past and the present don’t hold the same space or conviction that they used to.  it’s like traveling on a high mountain peak and with each step you take, the ground you just stepped on breaks behind you. So the past, and everything it holds with it, is literally disintegrating as it crumbles beneath our feet.  And the future is that vast open sky above, so near yet so far as you can almost touch the clouds from this far up perch on the peak. So, there is this feeling, as the ground beneath us crumbles, as who we’ve been and what we’ve built our base upon erodes away and the dreams we reach for are in reach yet still elusive, that we are in some ways slipping into something that’s not quite so formidable as we may have hoped.  And at times, like today, the sense that we are between worlds and are floating and to some degree missing our bearings can be unsettling or can set you free (or perhaps both, all at once as we teeter in paradox and portals of possibility).

So, wow then, where does this take us and what does this mean? Well, the short and the long of it is that there appears to be somewhat of a bungi chord effect as we exit the old and enter the new, so it may at times ( like right now, possibly) feel like you are getting pulled into some past stuff that you thought you’d left behind ya and it may in fact feel veeeeeeeeeery thick! Know that this is not yours, solidarily speaking, it is a little bit of everyone’s, it is collective, and it is like taffy, pulling us back in for one more lick.  So if it feels sticky and if you’re getting stuck in the mud of it, you’re not alone, you’re not going under (there are enough of us out there to hold the light for you to reconfigure your calibration and find your way out of the muck). And at times like these, it’s important to send out that proverbial rope to be rescued. Now if you don’t believe in the power of the collective to handle this task, call on someone/something you do. All kinds of saints and angels and guardians are out there just waiting on the call, just dying to be put to work- so give ‘em a job already, and put the ‘do it myself’ shirt back in the closet. Call on whatever/ whoever it takes to get you out of the marsh and know that help is invariably on the way.  You’ll feel better mighty quick when you resort to these tactics rather than just let yourself slip away.

But perhaps, you’re on the other side of the coin, feeling the effects of what’s superimposed and supernatural, as all things get brighter, more serendipitous, and even strange. There’s a high horse over here to ride, and if you giddy’up you’re in for an adventure, yet the reins of this wild one only take you as far as your game. Riddle talk, I know ( it’s not me ;p) but allow me to explain.  We are shifting to higher degrees of understanding and into experiences that until even yesterday we couldn’t quite contain within our scope of reality. And that’s just it.  As we expand and are en-lightened with ever-increasing awareness and advancement, we are broadening our range.  So we are able to see in new ways, in Technicolor, in miracle-wonder, in 'other-over-our-selves’ so that we see beyond the ‘I’ to the ‘we’ and know it’s not ‘all about me’.  We are able to acclimate to what’s been possibly going down all along, only now we are able to breathe in at this altitude and so we are able to take in the view.  Basically, you are stretching into new territory and the panoramic is great to say the least. Heaven on Earth, anyone?

But we’re only getting a taste of the sweet later as we’re still spitting out the bitter of what’s been. And in this in-between of the wetland wonder, we’re bumbling around a bit, trying to figure out if we’re still captured or we’re free.  It may feel like the ground we stand on has shifted or is in perpetual shift, which makes for unsteady standing to say the least. And on unsteady ground, with uncertain footing, we may wonder about center, not knowing how far our balance will reach. 

Take heart, it’s all an illusion. Its happening, but it’s not real. So, don’t take it all so serious, and by all means, don’t take it personal. It’s just happening, and not just to you, so no matter how you feel….breathe!

*A note on the slideshow of what’s been that may be playing out for ya. Perhaps it’s there to show you what you need to forgive. What if it’s there to show you what still just needs to go. So, instead of trying to block it out or dumb it down, or avoid it, maybe try giving it a hug. Try embracing it and letting it show you what it needs to say.  And it’s not about what you’re doing wrong, it’s what you’re holding onto. So let go of the shame and be opened to what’s needing to be re-framed.  If you’ve got a repetitive theme it’s a whole lot of pent up scenarios that have been piled high, one upon the other, that don’t have to spell out your name. So if you have regrets or resentment, if you have un-forgiveness or really deep pain- rather than run from it open the door and let it go, it’s coming up because it no longer needs to stay. So forgive these trespasses upon yourself or any other and Be and let be.

So, get those boots on if ya feel you're sinking a bit until you can feel yourself leveling out. Balance what you're thinking and feeling with what you're wanting, and know that it really all can be one and the same. Your ego is working for you, if you let it.  It wants to help you move ahead.  So listen to the messages and let them lead you where you need to go next. Let go of all of the held-onto stuff, and maybe you'll find that you're floating more than sinking, and that really, none of this was in vein.
To the best of the best, may we see the good from the rest and not get bogged by what we think is happening but get buoyed by what Is.
Loving blessings,

In goodness and grace,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 29th, 2012~The Lily Pad of Reprieve

The energy forecast for today is…

A lily pad.  We can get so busy hoping around from here to there that we forget to pause.  The lily pad is our stop over, a place to get our barings before we go on, before we continue.  If you have been pushing yourself too hard, this is the place to ask ‘what for?’  What are you trying to prove and to whom?  This is a place to stop and evaluate.  What are you pushing for?  And when you get the answer to that, question 'who says?’.  Question that voice you’re answering to in your head.  When you get yourself all riled up in a million directions what element of you are you serving and what/who would you rather serve instead?

Avoid the distraction of the triggers that may lie underneath and be aware of the fact that they may be what’s got you spread out so thin.  Become clear that triggers can become an excuse not to do ‘the work’ of healing and of moving ahead.  The trigger can keep you stuck in the mud or frozen and that's not really what the trigger intends.  The trigger spot is familiar and it is easy to go down that road once again (to get locked into the emotions or the thoughts that may be swirling, but the trigger's job is to show you where you need to grow, not how terrible you are or you've been).  Moving on into unchartered territory takes courage and directive.  Be aware of the pit-stops that present in the form of distraction to keep you from finding your way.

When you are triggered, See it, see what needs to be seen.  But rather than get lost in it and swept away, enact your inner authority and be proactive by paying attention to what you can do to tweek it and do it another way.  These things are coming into plain sight for us so that we can be made aware of what needs to change.  Rather than falling into self-loathing for continuing to trip over that same log or finding your way to despair because you haven't figured out how to change, ask how you can upgrade, how you can innovate, how you can adjust the settings so that you aren’t repeating the pattern again.

Realize that there is power in a trigger, which most often induces strong emotions as it is eliciting your core pain.  When we feel powerless in some area of our life, it’s power we seek.  So we’ll fade off into a fantasy world where we believe we can assume that power, since we don't feel like we can do it in real life.  And it's easier to go to that place where we feel like we can defend ourselves and fight our battles, but we do more harm this way in the end. Even if only momentarily, and even if only in our heads, when we conjure up these states of being and sever ourselves from the solution, we are disconnecting from life, and in a sense, we are playing dead.  We cut off or become frozen and from this stance we seek revenge, seethe, or spindle downward, all the while trying to get ahead.  The lesson though, is to do it in reality.  We need to grow out of the passive-aggressive states, and self-sabotaging behavior that cripples us further and keeps us lodged in what’s been.  We need to be a problem solver, not problematic.  And getting frozen by a trigger and getting lost in that state of not-now-ness takes us further away from our goals and keeps us locked in our heads.

So while stopping for a breath in this lily-pad moment, remember not to nurse the trigger.  You are feeding it at the expense of your self.  Don’t take the bait that wants to lure you away from your presence and your innate power.  Remain the bass at the bottom of the stream that simply watches it all float by without it needing to mean anything.  Yes, there is a reason that these core things are coming up for you, but getting lost in them doesn’t get you any closer to where you’re trying to go, it takes you further out of alignment and off base.  Readjust your focus and take to heart what’s being shown, but don’t get thrown off course in the process because that’s when the process really steps on your toes.  Remember, you write the script, so don’t let the script write you.

When we are watered down and drowning in trigger mode, we are not who or what or where we need to be.  We are less effective there, we are less by the nature of believing in the less-ness that the trigger insists we are.  In order to go beyond, we have to believe that we are more than that, more than what we’ve believed in, more than we’ve been chalked up to, and more than those not-so sweet sugar plum fairies are telling us that are dancing in our heads.  Whatever anyone else has sized you up to doesn’t equate to who and what you are.  And whatever shortcomings you believe yourself to have don’t need to be outweighed by any proof of yourself being better served up on the platter of repentance with a garnish of overextending in every way.

The only one you have to prove yourself to is you. And the gentlest way to do that is to wrap yourself in compassion and believe, dear sweet soul, that you are already enough, and that despite what anyone’s told you, you’ve always been.

So slow down for a while, or at least, if you feel compelled to go full throttle again, become aware of your motives to go forth at full speed.  Don’t put your eggs in a million baskets in order to be seen.  If you didn’t’ get the message long ago then project it back to yourself now.  You are worthy.  You are wonderful.  You are enough. You are complete.  Know these words on a deep level.  Accept and welcome them into your heart.  And if at that point, you wish to go forward and leap to the next thing and the next, do it out of self love.  Do it with the intention of gifting yourself.  Do it for the greater good.  But don’t do it to please. Find the anchor of being good enough, and go beyond to the extraordinary.  Being true to yourself is more valuable than what you will ever seek to prove to another or to debunk a belief you’ve bought into.  So question your motives and be mindful of your intentions.  For even the best intentions can be laced with the need to please and when we’re pleasing in the name of seeking love or believing that if we don’t please that love will be withheld, we’re chasing our own tail into a rabbit hole that leads us strait into the arms of misery, and leads us further away form our selves and our dreams.

Namaste dear ones. Now see your own light too!
Blessings of love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.28th, 2012~ Purple Rain

The energy forecast for today is rain and rainbows.  There’s this cleansing element of rain puring down, and the visual I’m getting is the way rain appears when you look out the car window, on a really foggy day…with a purple haze and a surrealness about it, that makes the rain and the drops and the way that it hits the window and the way that it draws you in to witness it all seem like a moment in time where our gaze is fixed in the direction of a glimpse of where nature meets the soul to merge in a miracle and playing witness is what makes you whole again.

Do you know what I’m alluding to here?  Have you witnessed these magical, mystical moments in your life in ways that you probably couldn’t quite understand what you were experiencing, but on a soul level, on a heart level, you knew that within that instant you were changed?  I’m sure you have and if you haven’t you will, for these are the magical markers along the way.  These are the kismet times when we are cleansed, when we are restored, through the essence of life, through the open arms of nature, through the desire of our hearts to let go and let god-ness (goodness) in.

These are the moments when God/Creation clicks the reset button and we are forever changed.  By the grace of God, we are remade.  So in the season of rebirth and resurrection, in these times when the foam is rising to the top so that the fat can be skimmed and we are looking to the ways that we can assist this process further, that we can get on with it already and get good, it is indeed a blessing to know and to open up to these moments where other than simply witness, and maybe open, nothing else of us is required in exchange.  And the exchange is the cleanse that takes us deepest into our hearts to feel something there, to say goodbye, to say hello, to be humbled by the gifts of our lives, by the beauty of the world, by the simple abundance of nature, and the miracle of rain.

And if we look for these moments, for the purple rain, then we will see them everywhere as they are speckled throughout our each and every day.  Hallelujah for that, and what better way to refocus our gaze, and pull away from the worry, from all of the perceived restrictions and problems (and I say perceived for a very deliberate reason) because, ya know, we choose for it to be that way.  It is how we see it, and if we choose and intend to catapult ourselves forward, by lifting our gaze, then life itself (not just the scenery) begins to change.

Sometimes when we look out the window and see the rain falling or sense that it’s coming, we hesitate to embrace this gift from the sky for fear that it might get in the way.  But it’s nourishing to let these rains fall, to be cleansed and to be carried, and its important to allow ourselves to be restored that way.  Even the flowers need the rain.  It can’ t be all sunlight all the time, they would wither and die without the balance of the wet to the dry, the water to the light, the ultimate yin to the yang.

And wither we do too when we try to stand too tall in the garden of life, grinning out at the world in our glory, forsaken our need to be watered, to cleanse our purge, and trying to do life in an unnatural way.  We thrive through balance and nature knows a thing or two about that, so it behooves us to follow its lead and be quenched again. The unnatural is when we are forcing our will, leaning too much to one side of the fence, trying to go high without allowing for the low notes to be played.  And perhaps the low isn’t even the counterforce of the high, perhaps it’s just the middle that sometimes needs to be played. The middle where we stop for a little while and breathe and take in the clouds and the trees. The middle where we remember to be present, to experience the miracles, to be grateful for our many blessings, and to breathe. Perhaps it's where we just slow down and Be.

To me, this middle isn’t somber, it’s a breeding ground for inspiration and creativity. The purging of the rain, especially when it’s purple is anything but somber or mundane.  It’s the essence of life and a highlight of our existance, where we are graced with the beauty of the simple, and we are, by the merci of God and the moment, cut off from the profane. These are the picture book moments that it’s important to capture. These are the moments that we need highlight in that book called life.  These are the moments that define us in ways that we can’t quite explain ( and we don’t ever have to), These are the cherished moments of purple rain.

Within this rain is the rainbow, is the hope and the underlying love and the joy restored, is the faith again to believe…in the simple wonder of life and all that it offers us without the desire for anything in return, and all the ways that it continues to support us in being. 

So welcome the rain. Welcome the goodness. Open to the moments of being graced and changed. Let go of your needing it to be any other way than it is. I beg of you, let go, if even just for right now, of the reins.  You are the light that radiates the wonder of this blessed rainbow.  And you are inevitably the receiver of goodness so long as you allow for the sacred moments and let yourself see the purple and feel the cleansing of the gift within each drop of rain whose reflection is here to show you the way to the pure, and the simple, the abundance, and the rays of grace that sustain.

Blessings to all you beautiful souls!
Blessings of love!

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 27th, 2012~ In the Eye of Godzilla, The Galactic Center, and The Recipe For Free

*Warning this is a book, or possibly a chapter of one in the making. (In other words it's really long, but well worth the read!) Reading the following could result in awakened truths, new-found strength and potential, and greater resolve to dig into the trenches and restore your faith in coming to peace with the deep.

The energy forecast for today is…

go toward that which you flee. In other words, to the best of your ability ( and we’ll get into that further here), run, head on in the direction of that beast that you are terrified to face that is making a guest appearance and is really wanting to be revealed.

The vision I’m getting is a scene from an old Godzilla movie, where they’re zoomed in on the eye of the beast.  It’s that eye that is central here, for you today.  There were little armies of guys who were being lured in to tie up this ginormous beast, and next to the eye of it, they are microscopic (and that’s only the eye, not the entire thing!)  Yet these little army men were brave and took to the task of saving the day so that to their people some peace they could bring.

That’s what we’re talking about here.  As long as you’re running and screaming in the streets (another great vintage visual from the Godzilla flick), there is absolutely no peace.  The funny thing about running from the things we fear in life is that we fool ourselves into believing that by not facing this thing that we flee we will maintain some measure of ease.  And I suppose that’s true to some degree.  We avert the anxiety of stepping into unchartered territories and using our voice, becoming a hero, reclaiming our lives, standing up for what we believe, and seeing the unseen.  But we also abandon, in those moments of flee, the truer message underneath.  We leave that soldier stranded, the one who wants to go in and save the day.  We leave a piece of ourselves behind by turning away from the key.  For, in each of these ‘teachable’ moments, where we can learn to be more, to be brave, to follow our hearts and see how that feels, we get our feet wet, we get a little more comfortable with wearing those shoes (or army boots), we open up to more of a chance of repeat.

We run from that which we resist because we’re afraid of what we might see.  We don’t really want to look into the eye of the beast, because it is there, in the soul of ‘the monster’ that we will see the truth.  From the truth we want to hide, because too often, truth reckons accountability.  If we know that we are betraying ourselves, that we are settling for less, that we are our own reason for running scared and empty-handedly avoiding our dreams in the streets- then we have to (on some level) come to terms with that.  We have to then See (become conscious) of why we’re doing it and, therefore, what we believe.  And that’s all some heavy stuff to contend with.  It’s much easier to run away and scream.

And that’s just what you may be doing right now anyhow.  The other part of the vision appears to be the Galactic Center, and still resembles very much the Godzilla eye, both representing facing an overwhelm or a disbelief, and an overflow or overabundance of everything (namely what is, will be, has been, and the all and the everything that's been unseen).   No wonder peolpe are freaking out!

There may be some truths coming to the surface for you, or coming into better view that can, on some levels, be horrifying (to say the least).  When we are faced with our truths, especially the ones we’ve gotten really good at hiding from, they can be very hard to swallow and believe.  You may find yourself a little in shock as the truth comes into focus, as the real of reality comes crashing down, or becomes so obvious that you can’t pretend you didn’t see.

It’s ironic that such a big aspect of why we run, why we fear doing that thing that will set us free has to do with judgment.  We fear what others might think if we step into the shoes of the one who speaks his truth, of the one who surrenders to their highest calling, of the one who is brave enough to be free enough to Be.  Yet this judgment encapsulates us in a prison within ourselves and for too long it’s one where there is no warden in which to appeal.  We fear being exposed and revealed to such an extent that we freeze off from ourselves, from our needs, from our deepest longings of being received.  We sabotage our best efforts in an attempt to keep it all even keel.  Then one day, we realize that we can't live in the bubble of the illusion anymore as our wounds come to the table and as we come to terms with the fact that it's no longer viable to freeze or flee. It all comes crashing down on us as the beast enters the village seemingly out of nowhere and we are left to contend with levels of grief and rage and fear and agony that we aren’t even sure we are capable of surviving if we commit ourselves to holding the space to feel.

( A little more human nature)...The judgment is a double sided sword that is ultimately our own undoing, as we grow steeped in the shame of the image we project onto ourselves and we try desperately to hide what we seek to conceal.  Yet we judge as well, our inability to go beyond the barricade of the barriers and our resistance to step out of the wound and heal.  We denigrate ourselves for not being able to be more, to be better, to overcome, and to repeal the sentence that we have set for ourselves whence we were tried, convicted and sentenced to the hell of our underworlds where we remain, or where the wounds remain untouched, until someday there is the element of grace that shines down and rescues us from being slaves to the fear that the unleashing of our deepest selves will be the thing that undoes us and shows us through the miracle of love that it is in opening to those places that we are wholeheartedly redeemed.

The beast is being summoned for a very precise and specific reason at this time.  For, in the eye of the beast is the piece and the part of you that most needs to be received.  You are being called to look into the eye, into the heart and the soul of your deepest self, and hold space for what has been most un-quenched and most unlovable.  And in the hour that you can hold the light for this part of your self to heal, and hold the love for the essence of this aspect to be revealed, you will again be reunited with the innocence that has been missed since this piece was concealed. 

Forgiveness is called for here.  We must forgive ourselves for refusing to love, for refusing to respond to the cries of this soul part, and for refusing to acknowledge, accept, and appeal to the wound that is now revealed.  We must let go of resentment towards others and forgive them for the parts we projected onto them as our dramas prevailed.  We, in an effort to keep the demons intact and locked away, have taken to the task of town cryer for the wrongs that have been done upon us rather than resolve the mirrors they reflect of the wrongs we have done upon ourselves.  We must forgive the regrets of all the days and duties gone by, and sit with compassion for the parts of us that just couldn’t be/do,whatever it was we longed for, and didn’t know why.  We must sit and hold love for our wounded watering-hole of rejection as we hold the space to see that it was us that needed most to receive us, and that any and all rejection that was ‘perceived’ was only pointing us back to this initial wound and the role of victim and wounded solder that we came to play.  We must accept that we have agreed to play this role this time, through certain vows or creeds, but we must also welcome that we can set that down now, forgiving past pains, and be made new in the image that our truest self of selves reveals.

We are the creators of our realities and it’s time to take a more active and productive role with ourselves and our lives.  If we want to elude the disasters and the pain of the past then we must face the demons we’ve concealed.  You can’t go over or under, you have to go through.  You have to get dirty.  You have to get your hands, and your hearts, and those places on your cheeks where the tears stream, wet.  And in this, you will be realigning with your core.  In realigning, it’s like being readjusted, you are setting the bones of who you are strait.  The bones in our body will heal over an injury or a wound, but left to themselves and untreated or neglected, they will often regrow or heal over in a way that won’t properly and completely heal.  The bones of our souls are the same.  We must go in and reset those bones, which can be painful, yes, but proactive and healing in that they are being aligned and corrected so that the flow may be known, so that we can live from a place of life-force over restriction, so that we may heal rather than continue to recycle upon recycle the pain.

So the question remains. How does one look the monster in the eye and survive? You simply decide that you will.  You dedicate, first, to opening up to See, clearly and fully, what is staring you in the face and determine not to run away.  But rather than getting lost and swallowed completely by the pain, you hold the space for it in compassion and dare yourself to go deeper.  You must dive in order to get to the heart of what has kept the demon and trickling down demonic behaviors of soul-sabotage and self-hatred alive.  And in the depths you are sure to find some certain and strong elements of self-loathing, deep-seated beliefs about being unlovable or unworthy (most often one and the same), and…sadly a need to seek justice through the ‘self-corrective’ behaviors of punishing the one who feels the shame.

But what makes you bigger, and big enough to face the monster (a.k.a. the pain) is that you decide and summon the strength to not become frozen by this profound, overwhelming, and quite possibly horrifying terrain.  Here is where the greatest courage lies, and it’s a little known secret (so if you’ve made it this far in this extra long post, you’ve rewarded yourself with the key!).  Many before you have gone up against the godzillas within, some do it in one fashion or another every day, as those parts of them that are ready to be revealed and reckoned with refuse to lay dormant and the way that they’ve done it thus far becomes obsolete so they’re no longer able to ‘sustain’ the survival mechanism that have been in place.  But how many are able to look at ‘the beast’ and go on with their day?  I’m not talking about denial, or running away.  I’m talking about facing these fears and this pain, and accepting that it’s there, but not letting it get in the way.

There is this energy now unfolding where all of our deep, dark secrets are coming to the surface to be seen.  It’s time to come clean.  And the Universe is taking no measure to pull back on pulling all of the stops until we move forward in wholeness and in peace.  But to do that we have to move rather than get frozen in the reflection of our pain.  We can’t let it wash us away.  We get stuck, too often, in shock, in terror, in overwhelm, in the thick of the pain.  That’s why nobody wants to go there.  They fear that if they do, if they let out the stopper, if they go to the deep, then they surely will never escape.  But we have to believe that we’re stronger than that, and the way forward is to exact and extract the pain, not get swallowed by it or altogether avoid the deep. 

Up and out and forward. Let it come, let it go, and then continue to move through your day.  And not everything will always get solved in one sitting.  So, here’s a thought, why not put a marker there, in that spot where the pain has bubbled up and oozed over, acknowledging that it’s a real thing, but taking the liberty to say that it’s something that doesn’t have to get ya, and that getting paralyzed by it isn’t the way to save the day.

We think that if we get caught up in the details and swim in the sea of this thing that’s screaming for redemption, then we are doing our part, but really, we are doing ourselves a disservice when we stop cold in our tracks and grow numb from lack of movement while life keeps on living and we let all of those moments that are happening (with or without us) get away.

So here are your marching orders.  You must go in and assess the ‘danger’.  Get in close enough to really See what you’re up against, to know the root of your pain.  Then determine that you are enough, (strong enough, brave enough, solid enough, powerful enough, worthy) to not get eaten alive by the dragon that must be slain (or tamed).  This is the bottleneck where we get swallowed whole too often, where we get stuck, where we get lost, where we become the excuse to not move forward and go into lock-down of become chaser and chased of the pain.  We want to chase the dreams.  Chase the dreams! (repeat that).  Anything that gets in the way of that must not break you down to the point that you stop moving, that you fall into paralysis, that you discontinue to breathe.  And that shallow-breathed place that we’ve all gone to when we succumb to the anxiety and the unraveling fear of being in the same room with our demons is the place I’m talking about going beyond.  It's the place that we fear most, but done right, it's the place that invariably holds to key to free. So, whatever you do, don't let yourself get stuck here.

We’ve done that already.  Time and time again.  Let’s try it a new way now.  By becoming the platoon sergeant in this army defending the threat on your homeland security, going into combat with this titanic and overgrown beast, you must have a mission statement and a strategy.  You must be fearless.  You must decide that, no matter what, you will come out alive.  And you must be determined and steadfast in your role as the one who's at the helm and in the lead.  You are in charge here.  Find your inner authority (not the Natzi or the judge or the one who has a death-grip on the wheel of life, but the one who will lead you into victory and off the battlefield in one piece). By acknowledging this piece of you (and albeit it Is a piece!  It may seem larger than life and it has no doubt trickled in and out and through your life in many, many ways, but it is only a piece wanting to find the whole), by acknowledgin it, by facing it and looking into the eye of the beast, you command your post by getting front and center in your life, by coming into consciousness, and by preparing yourself to receive the information that has remained unknown and forever (until now) locked in the deep.  And your only job right now is to look at it and say ‘I see ya” and then get back in the game. That's enough.  That's doable. Don't get lost in trying to analyze or resolve or figure it all out.  Don't go into the Mesiah mode of cleansing yourself from all of your sins, just hold the space, take a look, and for the first time, and for now, really determine to open yourself to stop running away from the myth of what is and SEE. That's actually movement. And in and of itself, it's healing. And if a part of you doubts what I'm saying, just dare yourself to take a chance and beleive.

No more game-stoppers.  No more getting stuck.  No more forfeiting to the fight and loosing your way through the night of your demons while exiling your dreams.  You have dreams to live, and breath to breathe, and even though the ‘posing threat’ of invasion may loom ahead or in the ever present as all of the everything from all of our depths and dimensions is brought to the surface, the point of it all is for it to be seen.  

See it, check.  Moving on with said plan and momentum, check.  Getting lost or barraged or bombarded by the pain, no longer the game.  Evoke your lieutenant or your captain.  Be resolute in your mission to salve and balm your many unsought and rediscovered selves with compassion and then get on with your day.  In one day’s time, in one moment’s is the continual flow of potential, and possibility, and momentum that is flow.  And you serve no one, most especially yourself, by checking out of that reality and into the wreckage without the intention to survey the damage, hold the light for healing, and proceed.

Do it new.  You owe it to you. Time for action. Time for precision. Time to set yourself free.  Got the key?  Then carry on, soldier.  Go get your enemy, love it a little bit (or a whole lot) and be resolute to keep on keepin' on when it comes to living your dreams.

Best of luck and wishes to you and you survey and surmount the deep!
You'll see it all different tomorrow, and will live to tell the tale of your parts and pieces that you can gather to your heart and add to your list of credentials for dream weaving as an every-flourishing and spectacular human being. And these are the pieces that in gazing upon and no longer abandoning, you have set free.

Blessings and light, dear ones, blessings and light and new found capability.


Hand holding in excavating of soul parts and pieces, and empowerment coaching for all of you deep-sea divers found here 

Get ready for an action packed forecast for tomorrow, as I join you again for my birthday!

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 26th, 2012~ The End of the Ice Age; Melting Away the Old Through Forgiveness, 'Cause There's Got To Be A Better Way

The energy forecast for today is a dinosaur.  This is about doing it the same old way.  This is about refusing to move out of the past and its restrictions, its limited and horribly oppressive way of thinking.  If we continue to delve into and inhabit the past, how are we ever going to move forward?  How can we advance, as a society, as a people, as individuals, as a whole, if we are about-face and pining or perusing the carnage of what was or what has appeared to be?  We won’t.  We don’t.  We just keep getting more of the same.

The same is not the name of the game.  The same doesn’t keep it simple, it makes it complicated.  If what was worked then we wouldn’t feel like we have to do it again.  There are four ‘R’s’ that I’m going to tell you about that keep us stuck in ‘same’.  And really they are about shame.  The four ‘R’s’ are rejection, resentment, regret, and resistance.   And the base element that holds them all together is called restriction, so let’s say that’s the fifth 'R' is the one that encircles all of the rest and keeps them in the game.  Why do we restrict ourselves so?  Because we get caught in judgment which is the kingdom of living in the past.  If we are not analyzing or judging that which has been, we are summing up that which will be or Is.  But in judgment, we are only categorizing based on what we’ve experienced, so always, in all ways, judgment keep you locked into the previous, the days gone by, the what was, and the what’s been. How restricting is that in and of itself?

In order to move past judgment we have to forgive.  And what does it mean to forgive?  The best working definition of forgiveness that I’ve found so far is to not need whatever’s happened, or anything, or anyone to be any other way that it was or is.   So it’s about coming to peace with our experiences, with our feelings, with our outcomes.  It’s about putting peace higher than our need to be right, to seek justice, or to relive.  We pay a high price to live in the battleground of what’s been before, with all of its should’s, could-have’s, and wish-it-woulds. That place is so frozen, so canned, that it infringes on our potential to move forward and dispels the truth of what IS.

This is the Ice Age, which has frozen everything in place.  We lock ourselves into these places of our experiences thinking it dictates that rest of the way.  We think that we must refer (there’s another 'R' for ya) to what has been, doning our archiology or historian hats in order to exact the way.  But the way isn’t derived from the past, the way is derived from what Is.  The past doesn’t define or create so long as we see through to a way that’s evolved and new.  The past is limited to what it WAS and therefore can’t be the way through.  So that way of thinking is old (literally), and we’ve pretty clearly established, yes, that it doesn’t serve you, not to say that you won’t defer to it again. But that’s another lesson.  Old habits die hard when we’re hanging onto them, when we believe in them, and when we subscribe to them being the truth.

Let’s debunk a little bit, for the sake of making it new, and look at some false truths.  We think that if we reflect ( ah, yet another ‘R’) on the past, then we will get a roadmap for how to proceed.  We think it’s fossil fuel.  We think it’s the way forward, the way to progress, but in reality it gets in the way.  This fuel that we’re pulling from is pollution.  It’s killing the environment of our dreams.  It’s prehistoric.  And it’s detrimental, to our heath, to our well-being, to our ability to play. 

And we’re here to do that, you know.  We weren’t put here on this Earth to be slaves.  We carry this cross and we wear this crown of thorns as we crawl across the ground in route to crucifixion.  But I ask you, who is that serving anyway?  Even Jesus questions God’s plan as he hung there on the cross wondering if it couldn’t/shouldn’t be another way.  He questioned and was disconnected from his father, and in that moment he asked ‘my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’  Maybe even Jesus got a little too caught up in his ego ( I know, it's so sacrilig!) and wanting to save the world all on his own, and when God yanked that plan out from under him it rattled him to know that his plan wasn’t gonna go into play.  And maybe God was saying, “Yeah, ya know, that’s not the message I want to send to them about what it means to be in the energy of the Christ, and being Christed (or living from Christ Consciousness (ie. Your heart) isn’t about doing it all your way.”   So to all of us messiahs out there who are trying to change/save the world (or our own world) and make things happen through our own limited perception, we have that Christ-on-the-cross moment where our hand is being slapped and our perspective is being skewed and we’re being asked to repent, and see it another way.

The opposite of the word repent, by definition, is paranoia.  I find that fascinating, as it’s so the place that we go to when we get lost in the four R’s.  So then, to repent means, literally, to open up to the miracles and to See it a different way.  And look at what happened when Jesus finally opened up and gave in.  He was saved.  He was seated at the right hand of God, of salvation, and then he was resurrected within a couple of days.  He was reborn, in the newness (and this is key) of what it means to Be.  He ‘got’ that it wasn’t About him saving the day, it was about him doing it hand in hand with God- in consciously co-creating the way forward, and that that was the Christed way.  The Christed way is about SEEING through the eyes of God, through the heart, so that you can move all of the other stuff out of the way.  So the restriction, and the worry, and the roadblocks that want to keep you ‘same’ are needing to get runover by a truck right now so that they can die and be risen, so that they can see a better day.

Same equals shame when you’re living from the four ‘R’s and we don’t want to pull from that sludge when we’re trying to create a new platform which has the potential to be our runway to take flight and move forward in our Game. Try on some new R’s for size, like rebirth (or letting go of what was, letting it die so the new can come into form). Or how about resurrection- to take on new life through the Seeing of miracles, to be born anew, fresh and washed clean of the old, of the sin ( which only means to disconnect.  And it’s important to realize that every time we cycle into the old R’s there is disconnection, and this is what sets us into the spin-cycle and further and further away from the tunnel of truth that funnels down All of the possibilities and not just the limited perspective of our pasts and of our heads).  An here’s one more 'R' for you today to try on for size, let’s make it rejoice.  Wow, that’s a mighty powerful one, now isn’t it?  What if you just scoot all those other 'R’s' out of the way and make room for Joy?  Rejoice is to celebrate, to give thanks, to be in gratitude, to give joy in the Name of that which is Great.  Far better operating instructions in those R’s, if ya ask me. So, how ‘bout trying them on for a day, especially since, as the energy report would indicate, you are most likely thick in dinosaur bones and trying to dig yourself free.

Freedom isn’t in the fight and the flight of the 'R’s' of restriction, it’s in the breathing room that we give ourselves when we move into a space of new vision, of heart vision, of SEEING, that there is another way, and that it’s God’s way (or however you want to word that), and seeing that beyond your scope or point of view requires that in a new way you Believe.

I know I got a little (or a lot) Biblical on you today, but there are so many hidden and poignant messages there that can be so easily lost or misconstrued, and we can really use those messages today.  So, on that note, here’s one more that I'll throw out at you, especially in the name of the end days that the evangelicals are pronouncing are written in the sign of the times of these days, and that one more thing I want to talk about is being Saved.

Here we’ve moved beyond the R’s to an 'S' and now we’ll break down the definition of what 'saved' truly means.  To be saved is the same as what we we were talkin’ before, to be saved is to see it another way.  To put down that which you are so attached to (to your story and to your beliefs and to your beloved 'R’s') and to open up to the Grace of what remains to be seen.  Let go of the great known ( the past is known, the familiar, the comfortable, the done before) and break out into the Great Unknown so that you can Be beyond where you’ve been.

Shalom, my friends, be at peace. Find your center, find your grace and move on up from that place. Allow the ice to melt, avert your gaze to the energy of what currently in this now moment is, and let the bygone moments of before pass you by...no longer needing them to stay in place for reference, for referral, for refining...just coming to peace with what's now, what's before you, and what's been. You deserve the peace and the stillness. You deserve the better way.

And so it is.

Love and Grace,
Here's to fresh perspective!
Here's to being Saved!


 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan. 23,22,21 2012 Rays of Hope, The Eye of the Tiger, and The Cleansing of the Purge

The energy forecast for today is…

a sunrise, offering the light and the dawn of the new horizon.  See the hope of the rays that come from the light of what wants to be born unto you.  You are the one that you have been waiting for, and aren’t you more than you could have ever dreamed?  If you are not feeling or agreeing with this statement right now, perhaps you are bombarded with the intensity of the download that is happening in such a huge degree. You are being radioed, programmed, enlivened, and fully engaged in a profound and unlimited upgrade that will deliver you to the place of arrival that you have been waiting for. 
What does this all mean?  In simple terms, you are being reawakened to your potential.  And in a nutshell, the potential you’re being awakened to is profound. This awakening though, in this moment, is much like being awakened in the middle of the night or after a very deep slumber.  It will/may leave you disoriented and groggy.  It may leave you wanting to go back to sleep. For the slumber that you’ve been in is your old way of being and the you that you grew to know.  You’re waking up to the You that has been waiting in the rafters may be a bit to digest. And any time that the light comes flooding in to cleanse us and awaken us to the next level of our potential, it pushes to the surface all that wishes to be cleansed and all of the old dynamics, paradigms, and belief systems that are ready to end. So there is some reckoning with the old, with the deep, with the not-withstanding that may seem to present an obstacle in letting go. Here’s a way forward that will further your momentum. If you want to resist, give in.  If you want to run away from something, run towards it.  If you want to shut down, open up.  If you want to go back asleep, do whatever it takes to wake up. This sets in motion a new momentum, a new way of doing things, a new energy that offsets the old. You are wanting to do it differently right now, to create change, so that you pave the way for the synergy within you to break on through.  This intensity of energy that you may/may not be feeling is flowing through you right now and can be directed for your highest good if you let it.  This energy is For you, and you can ride the wave and be delivered on the other side of the island that has kept you apart from these greater sides of you. Ans you can let it swallow you as well, if you fall into overwhelm or get undertaken by the doubt about what the energy and intensity is all for.  
Know that you are being shifted into alignment at the time of the present. Know that you have long awaited this time to be shaken awake.  Know that you have been called to the seat at the right hand of the Creator, so that you can take your place in the creation of the remainder of your days. What you desire will grow in dividends over the next few days if you allow for the belief that what you desire can and truly will become true. Do not create resistance by standing in the way of your dreams and remaining attached to the stories that have brought you the comfort of the known. You desire the unknown of the story you’re stepping into, though that stretches your comfort zone, it moves you beyond the place you’ve been and out of the box that keeps you from fullest expression- out of the box that keeps your dreams undone. So long as you keep telling the old story, the old story is all that will remain. In order for a new tale to unfold, a new tale must be told. Tell it from the rooftops right now.  Tell the tale of your dream.  Do not be limited by what has/hasn’t happened so far. Those details are no longer necessary in the biography of your life that is being revealed. Those aspects that you turn to, the ones that have shaped you, do not define you.  They are not, nor have they ever been Who you Are. Who you are is much deeper, and it is the deeper aspect that you seek.  For in the deep is your essence, but in the deep you must also come to terms with, and therefore seek, the pain of the wound that has kept you at a distance and has deferred you to the belief that you Are the sum of your experiences and that you are only as good as the reflection of what has been held in your perspective so far (old stories) or are only as much as what’s been mirrored back to you for you to see.  
 What is mirrored to you in your life, as all of your experiences unfold, as all of your relationships are engaged, is the wound that you at some point must heal.  So take the feedback that you have gotten or are getting from life and take heed. Look at the wound.  Go into it and bring the salve.  Go into it and hold the space with great compassion for it to heal.  Until you can forgive yourself for believing the stories that have created limitation, until you can forgive yourself for standing in your way, until you can forgive yourself completely and deeply, all of the reflections that mirror your wounds will remain.  Because no one out there has caused your pain.  Your pain is there, inherently for you to see, that this is your work in this lifetime, this is your thing that you came here to heal.  So get on with this work so that you can get to the good that’s beyond it. Take the light that is shining down upon you and the rays that reach beyond the brokenness that you perceive and let the hope of the new dawn set on your rising soul so that again in the magnificence of You you can believe.

The energy of yesterday was a tiger.  The eye of the tiger becoming the focal point ( the eye repeating itself from the other day).  This is about perception, about zeroing in on key aspects of concern or focus. The tiger represents fierceness and focus, determination and strength, and the courage and power to do it your own way. 
It is time to honor the uniqueness of your individuality, your Is-ness, your stripes, so that you can at last be All of the possibilities that you have kept at bay.  It is time to come into your power, to own your courage and strength and to know that the best way to move forward is to do it in your own unique way.  A tiger moves with poise and agility toward its prey.  Go get your game on with what it is you desire with the knowing and the passion, the focus and the purpose that this is (and will remain) your lucky day.  So long as you believe in you ( and by you, I mean the you that is inherently awesome, and that includes every inch of every aspect you’ve always been), you will get to where you’re going with ease.  The You that you long for is the whole you, not just some certain parts of you that you think maybe you could be proud of or the parts that you might be some day.  You must wear all of your stripes with pride in order to enter wholeness.  And the entering of wholeness initiates the gateway to the portal of the dreams you have kept at bay.  Part of you may not enter under the golden arches.  It is the whole you, the you in its entirety that is called forth.  So go get those pieces that have been shucked aside, that have been lost along the way, that have been left uncovered, or left behind.  Wear those stripes proud, every one of them.  They are what make you complete, when you gather them whole.  They are what make you strong, when you wear them proud.  
See precision with the eye of the tiger as your focus becomes direct and disciplined. If you are called to look at and hone in on certain aspects of you, on certain wounds, then hone.  Reclaim that piece of you that needs claiming.  Just don’t get lost in the process so that you only see this one stripe that you’re zeroing in on instead of the whole tiger.  Be fierce in your determination to get to the other side good when you sink into the belly of the underworld and not get swallowed by what you feel.  Use your inherent poise and agility to get the lesson and reclaim the whole and not get toppled or fall siege to the fear of what lies within or the threat of what’s beneath. You are strong in the pursuit of wholeness.  You are powerful in your completeness. You are fierce in your focus when you bring in the determination to bring love to all of your pieces and parts.  And you are beautiful, every stripe, and every moment of you.  Now it's time for you to see it that way.

And tracking back, I would say that the day before that, the 21st, represented the waterfall.  Cleansing and purification, as the water of our emotions trickled up and out, and over every crevice to make sure that no crack was left unchecked, and no rock is left unturned. This was a HUGE weekend for releasing and being bombarded with our S.T.U.F.F.!!!!!!...and all for good cause, of course.  We are being asked to Let. Go. Of Everything that we are still holding onto that continues to stand in our way.  So even if you’ve worked on it, or peeled the layers, chances are, if it’s still hanging around, on any level of consciousness, and it no longer serves you, it’s gonna come around again, and again, until you make the exchange.
Think of it this way, if it doesn’t come into consciousness, it remains in the unseen.  If it remains in the unseen, it continues to monopolize you.  If it continues to monopolize you, then you continue to get sabotaged, despite your best efforts, at every turn as you make your way to the other side but keep getting dragged back into the mudd.
The good news is, we are able to jump the hurdles easier now, and faster.  So before, when it might have taken, say, three or four days or weeks to undo or work through something, and to finally release it- now it can happen in an hour or just one day.  AND, not only that, but we can let go of droves of this stuff as it appears on the radar, simply with the intention that we no longer want it to stand in our way. How's that for evolution?!
So we’ve got power on our side, and speed, and rapidly growing integrity, as we piece through our pieces and decide ever quicker what we want to continue to align with and what we no longer need to be so or be in the way.
Days like this are truly cause for celebration. When stuff comes up for release and stares you strait in the face; when you are overcome by a trigger or suffering from its pain- this means that you are given a window to Heal, and that in the wake of healing, to find greater joy, and yes, of that wonderful and well-sought- after thing called peace.  And you can reach that not by continuing to run away or leave the hidden left uncovered, but only by the courageous act of facing the deep.  So go on, take a little look under the blanket of what’s seemed so big.  Have a little look-see under the hood.  Chances are you’ll discover that it’s really not so bad, that you are ready for it to come out of hiding, and that once it does it brings with it the discovery of what you’ve missed. Because within the darkness lie not only the pain but also the treasures.  Within the wounds are the keys to your every wish.  Lying there uncovered are the trails to blaze and the territories uncharted, and you, in your new-found adventure boots, must traipse across the land of the great unknown in order to find the most basic elements of the you left uncovered that remains. NO pieces or parts left behind!
You’ll know what I’m talking about when ya get there. Just climb in.  Know you won’t get swallowed.  And know that once you take the leap, you’ll be forever changed (in a good way, of course!)
Just let the residual muck fly off of you as you chase your stories on down to their themes.  Bring in a healthy dose of love, then add some more, and soon you’ll sew up the seems. Operation undone has begun. Have faith that there is mercy, that there is purpose, and that you are most certainly on your way to the top of the mountain to claim your peace.  You’re just making sure that all of your steps are solid as you climb up the ladder, and days like today are just days of securing the footing of another wrung as you come undone so that you can at last find your way to whole.

 *From what I hear, we are in for a ride for the next few days, so hold on tight, or let go, depending.  I have faith in you.  You have faith in you too.  It's all an illusion anyway, right?  I'll see if I can't tap in more frequently for you from now on out to lead you to the maze.  Who knows where we're being led though, and I'm finding that it's so much better to be led than to insist on where the flow needs to go. And that there's much more finding of peace in that instead (instead of the resist and the righting and the rigid of what's said by the head).

Love to all you sweet ones!
Blessings of light, and newness ahead!

Everlasting enchantment to you,

 Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.