Friday, January 13, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Yesterday, Jan.12, 2012~ The Backstage Clown and The Circus Behind The Scenes

The energy forecast for yesterday was…

a clown backstage or a circus behind the scenes. The optical illusions of our beliefs and mindsets get in our way.  They play tricks on us and keep us in the blinders of the true reality we seek. Today we are offered a glimpse into just what those belief systems are that are holding us down/back, and how they operate. If you pay attention, you will notice what you lean on or lean towards when you are faced with a life-changer.  Life-changers are triggers.  Triggers are windows into doing it new. Instead, more often, we do it the same, with intensity. We blindly operate on auto, reacting, and overacting, acting none the less, on the stage of our inner dramas that play out in our minds and then unfold on the stages of our lives. 
Triggers are very sensitive things, as we have been sensitized to certain situations, behaviors, or events.  When they roll out, soon to follow, more often, are our signature responses to them. We react because on some level, our unconscious response wins out. This means that the unconscious part of us that is affected by these themes is unresolved or unhealed. Every time we are triggered again by these certain things that get under our skin, we are given the chance to pull off the bandaid, put on a new salve, expose the wounded part of our selves and heal the deeper layers. Every time we react less to the triggers, we move closer to our desired goal of healing them. Non-reaction is retracted venom. Non-reaction is realizing that these things that upset you so really can’t hurt you.  It is moving beyond the thing that causes dis-ease or dis-stress and settling into a place and a knowing that you are ok, no matter what, despite what is going on around you or within you, it’s all alright, it’s all good, and it’s all in the name of love (as loving your parts and pieces whole is your work and your work is excavated any and every time a trigger does its job and brings that work to light).

The other aspect of the ‘behind the scenes of your circus’ is noticing where you run and where you hide.  As we are transforming, we may find ourselves grasping (out of habit) for why we feel discomfort when those growing pains set in. Leaving behind the old ways of doing and being can leave you feeling empty for a bit, but that’s the point.  You are emptying out so that you can be filled with the love and the light that supports you, that supports your shine.  You are making room for the good stuff.  Yet when we are being cleaned out and renovated we may wonder about longings or lingers during the process. 
If you find yourself longing for things to be different, for deeper love, for success, for movement, for things to be new- go deeper, go within, look to you. You will feel discomfort and unrest when you are needing to shift or when shift is underway. Tendency will be to look out into the world for your need-meeting, for your everything, but the answers do and always reside within you. If you are needing transformation and you know that you can no longer live out the way it’s been lived, become clear and create the space for it to be so. If you have no idea how to get there, surrender, open to the space of becoming through the power of the Creator, and let the power of creation do the rest. It’s enough to get there and get clear. When you know that you don’t want to do or be a certain way, and you are truly done with it then you don’t need to Know how to get there. You only need to know that you are through.  If you are truly done with it then there will be closure.  There will be movement.  Things will become new.( If you're not truly done with it, then you will go the rounds a few more times until you get there, but eventually, when you are ready for the shift, the shift will come through.)
When we are in this place of momentum, when energy is wanting to shift and we find ourselves longing for things to be new, we will opt for projecting (blaming others for why or what we are or are not feeling). We will opt for grasping for soothers (or things we think will bring peace). We will opt for misery (sinking into the lack rather than rising to the option of change). But these are only transitory behaviors. These are only ways that we’ve done it so far.  There are new ways and we have access to them now.  Follow your heart into the new horizons and see how things can be in the eyes of truth. Ride the momentum that takes you through anger or frustration or brings about long lost tears to the newness that brakes the dawn on the other side. 
These are breakthrough moments that can easily be seen as breakdowns. But breakdowns are cathartic when they help you break through. Breakdowns are essential when they topple the walls of what we’ve been and how we’ve done things and show us that with that way of doing things we are through. When you’ve reached the breaking point, let it all fall to pieces and see what comes next.  Chances are the rain has brought about rainbows and the storm leaves calm in its wake.

The clown behind the stage takes off its mask and goes home. He no longer needs to wear the makeup or perform. Your masks are unveiling their principle and their purpose. The need for makeup or performance is falling away. Now is the time to see through the illusions and the attachments to what is fake. Perhaps until now and for this long, the circus of your mind has served its purpose.  It has distracted you from what you were not ready to contend with (and in that way protected).  It has kept you entertained (though undoubtedly distracted). And it has gotten you to this point. It’s getting close to time to leave the circus now and to wave goodbye to the clown. 
You are growing and more mature each day, more ready and able to face your fears and the world that's been at bay. What we fear in that deep-down dark place inside of us seems so much bigger than something we can defeat. But that is because it has been child’s play. Those dark places inside of us were formulated when we were small, in the minds and eyes of a child, so no wonder they seem so ferocious and deep. But now that you have grown (you are older now), you have the consciousness to know that the monsters inside of you aren’t real. Take a little trip to your underworld and you will find that what lies within those crevices is really only skin deep. And as you do, your costumes will begin to find new homes, your masks will find their places on the shelves, your circus will move on to another town, and you essential truth and abundant being will come out in full glory to play.

Be the bliss.  Be the glory.  See things for what they truly are. The illusions are falling away.  Let this fall be your circus.  Let the behind the scenes come into focus.  It is here to teach you, about yourself, about your process, about where from you are ready to grow. Do it different now, in your grown up way. The times of being a child in the ways of not knowing and not growing are behind you (if you allow them to be).  The times of being a child of God with a passion for life and a purpose revealed are within the wisdom behind the stage.

May the blessings of light grace your soul as you walk on into the absolute of your kingdom come. It has been a long time of waiting. Allow now for the waiting (and the witholding) to be done)

Sweet dreams all,
Magical moments in time,
Here's to blessing and bringing into wholeness all that lies in the underworld.
Here's to the momentum of your soul!


Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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