Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Energy Forecast for Jan.15, 2012~Peas and Carrots, The Up-Side of Being Human, A Thing Called Hope, and Wings and Capes

The energy forecast for today is…

Peas and carrots. Who wants to eat them?  I mean, wouldn’t you rather have some ice-cream or cake instead?  Ask any little one and they would opt for the latter.  But isn’t that the way we lean in life?  We want the good stuff, we crave the desert, but we’ve got to eat the nutritious stuff in order to grow strong and stay healthy.  If it were up to little ones, they would fill up on sweets alone.  If it were up to us we would too.  But that’s why it’s a good thing we’ve all got someone to look after us, someone who knows best, even when we think we know better ourselves.
In life, the growth and the learning curves that we turn through are the peas and carrots.  They are those vitamin-filled nutrients that grow us and make us strong.  We like to think that we don’t need these things that seem to make life complicated or challenging, these things that are sometimes hard to swallow.  We like to think that we have eaten enough of those tired old vegetables and are more than ready for the treats.  But Creator knows differently.  Creator knows (and we know too, when we get there) that without the ‘nutrition’ of the journey, without the stuff that builds our bones and sustains our being, we wouldn’t have or be what’s necessary in order to thrive when we get to the goodies.

Next up, an angel watching over you.  The angel is guiding you through the journey of life, helping you to swallow the vegetables without choking, loving you into wholeness, and adoring you no matter what.  She is here as a reminder that we are always watched over and protected, that we are in all ways loved, and that we never have to go it alone.  Feel the light that shines upon you as she surrounds you with grace.  Feel it in your heart and believe in the blessings she bestows.  You are never far from the wings of the ones that want to wrap them around you.  You are forever surrounded and supported and all you have to do is just be you.
There are no stipulations or requirements to be watched over in love.  It’s just one of the perks of being human, of traipsing through this thing called life, and of being a child of God.  Not such a bad gig if you look at it that way, is it?  Having an angel on hand is a mighty good thing.  And better yet, we each have our own personal beloved being, specifically employed for our own innate and individual needs. How’s that for amazing?
Plug into your angel today and get deeper in touch with the winged one watching over you.  Each angel is as individual as you are and they are filled with loving goodness and words of comfort and wisdom, all on hand for your evolution from boundlessness and back again. Perhaps you’ve been an angel at some point too or are one now and didn’t know it.  This is just one of the little things that you could find out from your own personal protector.  Strike up a dialog, scoot in a little closer, and see what comes next.

A simple flower appears to remind you that spring time is on the way.  You are in bloom, even in the evening of this winter.  The day will dawn that your blossoming will become apparent to you.  You blossom inside already, no matter how it might seem. The flower is a sign of hope and resilience.  Keep the faith, my Loves, and know that this time of growing is graced.

And finally, there is a super-hero with a cape.  You’re here to save the day.  See it that way.  We’ve all got our own super-powers and it’s time for those to be revealed.  Spend some time getting to know what your miraculous gifts are so that you know better how to share them with the world.  Perhaps you’ve got the ability to scale the walls that have been damning up your potential.  Perhaps you can fly, higher than you ever thought or dreamed.  Maybe you have the ability to become invincible to the negativity of others.  Or, who knows, you could possess the super strength to lift and remove any obstacle in your way. Sky's the limit. Don the cape.  You’re more than you know. How much more remains to be seen.

Enjoy your vegetables.  Connect with your angels.  Discover your super-powers.  And hang on to that thing called faith.

 ~With you always...
Blessings and love,

Copyright © 2010 Rhonda Simpson~Conscious Co-Creating. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely.

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